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Old 07-23-2011, 07:01 AM   #1
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Default 雅格客破解联盟 杀人嫌犯逃亡17年后变成年薪30万白领w

  昨天上午,在南京江宁区看守所,记者见到了熊某。对于自己被抓,熊某称应该是迟早的事情。最对不起的就 是自己的儿子和父亲。

  2009年春节前,死者赵某的老婆再次到派出所询问案件进展,面对所长吴克有,赵某妻子泪流满面,称1 7年来,自己一直生活在痛苦之中,凶手一天不归案,她一天不安心。“她说熊某家儿子都结婚了,马上都有孙子 了,凶手一家过得开开心心,自己一家却因为丈夫遇害,一天安稳日子没过。”吴克有说,赵某老婆的话对他触动 很大。“从去年春节后开始,我们就把熊某列为重点,想尽一切办法获取熊某信息,最终在今年春节后,我们通过 技术手段锁定熊某目前在重庆,并且化名林某。”
  由于当时搜查青龙山动静很大,附近许多村民都觉得熊某肯定还藏身在青龙山上。于是,关于青龙山上发现的 任何可疑线索,都汇集到警方专案组里。
  在重庆警方的大力支持下,最终,熊某的行踪浮出水面。3月10日,南京江宁警方派人前往重 庆抓捕熊某。



  熊某说,“我后来在重庆花钱办了一张身份证,这张证是真的,我小孩户口的问题解决了,我用它坐飞机、坐 火车都没事。”
  “包括山上发现有人吃过的水果,被打死的野兽等线索,都有热心村民举报过来,我们要一一去核实。大约在 案发2个月后,一条当时很重要的线索再次反馈上来,有村民在深山里发现一具尸体。”吴克有说,接到这个线索 ,民警迅速到了现场,发现死者身边放着一农药瓶,由于正值夏天,尸体已经高度腐烂。而通过认识熊某的村民辨 认,称这名死者很像熊某。
  “去年,我应聘了重庆一家大型建筑企业部门负责人,我们这个企业在南京也有项目的,当时企业和我签了3 年合同,年薪30万,并且满3年后,公司送我一套重庆市区的房子。”熊某说。



  “我们去了之后,经过再次了解,发现熊某目前是重庆一家大型企业的部门负责人,而且自己拥有一辆越野私 家车。”亲自去重庆抓捕熊某的上坊派出所孙副所长说,根据“林某”户口本上信息,他们首先到了其户口所在地 派出所,但当地派出所表示,“林某”只是户口在这里,真正居住地是在其他区。

  小山村发生杀人案,这在当时影响很恶劣。由于犯罪嫌疑人是本村村民,所以警方随即对熊某可能出没的地方 展开搜查,但连续几天工作,案件依然没有任何进展。

  据熊某介绍,十几年前,他到了重庆之后,用化名“林晓”,在一家工地上卖苦力讨生活。熊某说,因为自己 勤奋踏实,在工地上的人缘不错,工地食堂里做菜的阿婆就给他介绍了一个女朋友。这个女孩是重庆当地人,心地 善良又有一手做皮鞋的手艺,熊某说自己虽然心里牵挂着江宁老家的妻子儿子,但是他知道,自己这辈子再也不可 能回去和他们一起生活了,雅格客破解联盟
  “说实话,当时我害怕极了,不但怕她跟我离婚,而且更怕她向公安举报揭发我……说我是个骗子……”然而 ,让熊某没想到的是,妻子不但没有那么做,反而把他一把搂在怀里,两个人抱头痛哭……
  “逃亡这些年来,我天天想着家里人,我走的时候,儿子才6岁,我一天父亲责任也没有尽到,而我父亲也在 我逃亡期间去世了,就因为背负杀人案,我也没有尽到一点孝心。”熊某说,虽然他知道儿子结婚日期,老父亲什 么时候去世了,但担心回来被抓,他都没有尽到责任。“我这些年,最对不起的就是我儿子和父亲。逃亡17年来 ,我只回来过3次,并且每次都是偷偷回来的,只是到了江宁后,乘坐出租车在家附近看看,最后这次回来,我们 村子拆迁了,我乘车连家都没有看到。”在谈及死者赵某,熊某说,现在能做的只能尽量给他们家一些经济补偿, 争取能获得赵某家人谅解。

  听说熊某被抓,昨天上午,死者赵某的老婆和女儿也专门到派出所表示感谢。谈起往事,赵某的老婆再也控制 不住自己的眼泪。据其介绍,赵某去世时,两个女儿都很小。“这些年来,把两女儿拉扯成人,我不知道流了多少 眼泪。”赵某老婆说。

  熊某:觉得对不起赵某的家人,也对不起自己的两个家庭亲人,真后悔,我当年一时冲动毁了3个家庭。我也 知道,赵某家人不会原谅我,如果有可能,我可以给他们一些补偿,来减轻我的罪过。对于自己犯下的罪行,我相 信会有一个公正的判决。
  “我们边搜查熊某行踪,边在村周围展开调查走访,这个时候,几位村民同时向警方举报,称他们在案发第二 天,看到了熊某进了附近的青龙山。”吴克有告诉记者,窃听器手机窃听器 13岁男孩父亲病故母亲失踪 独自照顾,青龙山延绵数十里,里面很适合人藏身,为了能找出熊某,警方决定对青龙山实施大搜查。
  搜捕青龙山可不是一件小事,这需要大量人手。于是警方发动当地村干部,加上民警和保安,组成了由200 多人参加的围山搜捕小组,对青龙山可能藏身的地段,实行“大扫荡”。但让警方失望的是,200多人吃住在青 龙山上,接连搜捕了10多天,也没有发现熊某的踪迹,考虑到熊某可能逃跑了,警方才放弃继续搜 山的方案,qq空间破解

  于是,南京警方在重庆警方的密切配合下,很快找到了“林某”的现住地。3月15日上午,“林某”开车到 单位上班,就在到单位门口准备下车时,南京警察走了过去。“我们开口问他叫什么名字,窃听器货到付款 英国别墅遇滑坡离悬崖不足1米成当地一景(图)www.yj6678.com,他先说叫林某,后来他可能听出我们是南京来的了,于是立马改口说,你们是南京的警察吧,我知道了,我认了 。”孙副所长说。“他自己现在是一口重庆话,不过他对南京话还是很熟悉的,后来他说,在我们开口问他姓名时 ,他发现我们说的是南京话,一下子就明白了。”

  在采访期间,记者意外发现,熊某在重庆隐居时,和当地一名女子用化名林某的身份证领取了结婚证,今年, 他在重庆的女儿也已经11岁了。

  17年前,医院机器人会出汗流泪 吃错药也会死亡(图),因为一点小事争吵,QQ黑客基地,他回家拿刀出来,将邻居捅死开始逃亡。父亲去世、儿子结婚生子他都没敢回家。在此期间他考取了国家一级建 筑师证书,以年薪30万被重庆一家大型集团聘为部门负责人,并且在重庆结婚生子。日前,南京江宁警方抓获了 该市在逃时间最长的杀人嫌疑人熊某。
  “1993年8月19日晚上,我们接到上坊中下村村民报案,说村里一个人被人杀死了。”吴克有说,接到 报案后,警方随即赶到现场,调查显示,当天晚上8点多,死者赵某晚饭后到村里小店门口玩,遇到了在家喝酒出 来的熊某。“赵某带着手电筒出来的,后来准备回家时,发现手电筒不亮了,原来手电筒内一节电池被谁恶作剧装 反了。赵某怀疑是熊某干的,于是两人就发生了不愉快,熊某随后离开了。”吴克有说,大约过了10分钟,熊某 回来了,此时赵某依然在小店门口和村民聊天,熊某到了赵某面前,掏出带来的刀就向赵某连捅几下。捅人后,熊 某就跑了,赵某被村民们送到医院抢救无效死亡。
  熊某:知道,我重庆老婆知道我所有情况,也跟我来过江宁,不过我们只是晚上在我老家附近看了一下就走了 。对于重庆的女儿,她没有来过南京,也不知道我是杀人犯,孩子小,希望孩子长大后,知道我的事情能原谅我这 个爸爸。

  在随后的继续调查中,熊某好像从人间蒸发了,专案组再也没有发现熊某的任何线索,但在此期间,虽然上坊 派出所所长换了5任,但每到过年过节,以及熊某家有大事时,警方都会派人到村里守候,只是每次熊某都没出现 。

  熊某:开始几年,我其实是在全国各地逃亡的,生活很辛苦。天天过着提心吊胆的日子,直到后来我认识了我 现在的老婆,生活才安稳下来。说实在的,手机卡窃听器,老家的老婆孩子因为受到我的牵连,日子也不好过。我对不起他们,所以说我被抓后,最感觉对不起的就是老家 的儿子,对于重庆的老婆和女儿,毕竟我一直在她们身边的,内疚稍微少点。
  在看守所里,面对众多采访记者,熊某始终很平静。“现在我被抓了,也算是解脱了,心里没有负担了,只求 法院能给我公平的判决。”在和记者谈话时,熊某始终说的是重庆话。

  熊某:我们关系确实不错,当天上午我们还在一起喝酒的,晚上我亲戚家小孩满月请客我又喝了不少酒。当天 晚上,我们村里许多人都在小店门口玩,赵某电筒打不开,他怀疑是我搞的恶作剧,我们先打了起来。我回家拿了 杀猪刀就出来了,然后捅了他几刀,我只是想给他点教训,哪知道他死了,我真的怎么也没有想到… …

  无论是婚前还是婚后,熊某始终没有敢把自己是个命案逃犯,在南京还有妻子儿子的事实告诉对 方。然而,手机定位软件破解版,纸终究包不住火,女儿出生后,美1套房产栖息上千条蛇 多次大幅降价仍难脱手,按理说要上户口了。不过因为用的一直是假身份证,熊某对此事始终是一拖再拖,最终在妻子的一 再追问下,手机gps定位找人 婴儿出生体重仅500克 整个身体比成人,他才把事情全都说了出来。

  “我当时就在想,如果没有落脚的地方,赚再多的钱也没有用,只有有了身份、有了家,才能过上正常的生活 。”为了自己这个所谓的“理想”,熊某决定“奋发图强”,原本只有高中学历的他在工地打工之余,靠着自学, 考到了建筑工程师资格证和造价工程师资格证,后来又考到了国家一级建筑师职称。在和那个重庆女孩相处了3年 之后,破解软件下载 女子携带1350张假发票获刑2年www.yj6678.com,熊某与之结婚又组成了一个家庭,1999年两人还生下了一个可爱的女儿。



  对于这起发生在17年前的杀人案,一直关注此案的江宁公安分局上坊派出所所长吴克有记忆依然很清楚,当 年吴克有在分局刑警大队工作。
  作者:江公宣 王业全/来源:南京晨报
  “我们当时都松了一口气,觉得这肯定是熊某杀人后,跑到深山里躲藏,然后畏罪自杀了,一切都符合逻辑。 ”吴克有说,由于当时技术条件有限,查验DNA需要送到公安部去检测,而且还要等2个月才能出结果。“我们 把死者材料送到了公安部,就等着公安部结果出来后,把案件结了,手机破解软件。大家怎么也没有想到,公安部结果出来后让他们很失望,死者并不是熊某。而在随后的调查中,也证实死者是附 近一个村的失踪人员,因家庭纠纷想不开自杀的。”
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Old 07-23-2011, 07:03 AM   #4
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Old 07-23-2011, 07:03 AM   #5
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39474911 2010 年 11 月 08 日 19:59 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Zhuanzhai
10-10-10 23:30 published in: \
recent news that some mobile phone exporters in Shenzhen is only a dollar a stand-alone profit. So, everyone's eyes might see a picture of the so-called sweatshops. The phone's components imports to China cost as much as $ 99, the Chinese people working so hard, hard busy half-day, leaving a lot of pollution, waste a lot of resources, and finally to derive $ 1. Americans took the $ 99 Xiao Hehe. However, if we understand \Here are some analysis.

we assume that the ultimate owner of the mobile phone factory hands from buyers to get the 600, can profit of only six million, then the cost is as high as 594 yuan. Then further analyze the cost, at what? Some people say that this is a foreign \But the total cost of the three Daosi Cheng, Let us assume half that paid to the component supplier 300, and 294 yuan it? This is called the normal cost, the boss needs to pay their workers a number of dollars, number of dollars needed to pay the rent, you need to pay the electric bill a number of dollars, to pay some tax dollars, to pay agency commission of certain element, you need to pay several million logistics costs, need to pay several million parts supplier ... ... This constitutes the largest part of the cost of handsets.

we go further back, which cost several hundred dollars is not no reason gone out? Obviously not, it represents only the yuan from the hands of some people transferred to other hands. Both sides are Chinese. Parts supplier to provide parts, there is no doubt that they need to manage their own rent artificial water storage and logistics, etc.; Electricity Board to supply, we need power grid construction,victoria secret bikinis, power station construction, and even coal mining; logistics companies logistics to provide a guaranteed ,Bikinis 2010, we need vehicles, need drivers need to pay for high-speed road; then the next step, but also roads, steel and concrete needs, you need to ... ... It can be seen on the surface only a dollar, bones need is a whole State of the raw materials, energy, industrial, infrastructure, logistics network, supporting industries, the market system's strong support.

One might ask, the raw materials, energy, infrastructure, logistics network, supporting industries, the market system composed of a large system, in the end what means it? ? ? What is the meaning, it can not, I just want to say, all of the industrialized countries, have these, and such as India, black Africa, Vietnam, the Caribbean group of countries, Bangladesh, etc., etc., do not have these. This is why although they have cheaper labor than China, but did not become a major exporter of the root cause lies.

said that the Chinese, and then look back to India. India has a small group of so-called high-end industrial and high-end crowd. They write software in the office, speak English, highly educated, over Western-style life. But the industry is almost entirely without matching support, in other words, just as a wild floating in a beautiful castle in the air above. In the other side of a small number of high-end, extreme poverty is not a large class of the original state by the work of a large agricultural population to survive. They live in Gandhi advocated by the \Low-year-old. From a purely physical measure, the gap between India and China even more than the gap between China and the United States. Most importantly, India's high-end industries and rural and minority populations are isolated from high-end, as two of the world irrelevant. India's farmers can not work to software companies, we are unable to make a living as a driver by pulling the software, the software can not be supporting small business. The Chinese, from the lowest end to the most high-end, the integration of the whole, many farmers are not highly educated, working from the start, and gradually turned into the middle technical personnel, or sales staff, and their own business. There are companies, from small distributors to start, the current international patent applications has risen to the world's second (more than add up all enterprises across India more than doubled), annual sales of tens of billions of dollars. And they as a whole, to feed the world's largest telecommunications companies, power companies, oil companies ... ...

at least from the educated Indian intellectual elite appears that China does have so much to the envy of places in India , then is what factors prevented India's China? Many factors are said to be racial, national character factors, climatic factors and so on. I want to say, this attribution is the most lazy-turnaround, but also the most likely shallow and misleading. Differences in human nature is very small, but in a different environment, especially the institutional environment,cheap bikinis, will make different reactions.

we assume that originally such a low-end factories to India, its ballot system and the parliamentary system, what will make the response to this? I think there will be indignant that a number of politicians, gave a speech to the people, the criminal complaint export industries, \... comprador, traitors, neo-colonialism ... ... \It energetically applauded, tears in the eyes of flowers, shouting slogans, from the bottom of my heart feel happy. People say that this is the real conscience of the people, not only singing the praises of the people. As his political opponents, will play with some of the people do not understand the complex formulas and charts to explain the set of his theory of comparative advantage, \, but the people hate this chamber for the transfer to take that this is a powerful expert fool people, angry and drove him to step down to ... ... In the end the people won. Anything that might upset people to mind the labor-intensive enterprises have been driven away. Absolutely green state approved only advanced high-end enterprise. But in fact, is consistent with this standard to India over backward to take care of the fact that the industry difficult to find. I would say, the Indians, after all, is not easy. They finally found a ---- software industry. But the small size of the software industry, and India can only be slaving away billions of dollars in exports. The reason must be exported, because the software that India is virtually no demand for high-level stuff. This is billions of dollars, can only feed a few thousand people. The remaining one billion people, can only continue in abject poverty in the groping. Indians are not bad for the poor, Mother Teresa in India, a poor economist, a Nobel Peace Prize winner. They are working hard to try to better the poor. But their efforts only made the final decent poor people to die (Mother Teresa of Calcutta to pray every day for the homeless corpses), or raise a cow, a cup of milk a day (India had a \Let every Indian and milk to drink.)

, of course, India, after all, stronger than the black African countries, they found a child this way the software industry. Then they go all the way down the road, is not the same can become very strong? ? ? Objectively speaking, the software had brought India a number of related industries, such as consulting, legal,ed hardy swimwear, financial, training, industry and so on. However, all the software in India is entirely dependent on the developed countries, and independent of their own national needs. By contrast, the development of China's software industry, although not intentionally, but software sales have more than India. Because of the huge manufacturing industry in China to produce its own internal needs. And according to this trend continues, China's software industry to achieve in the world, nor is it can not be expected. If an entire economic system, compared to a basket of flowers, then China at a glance that the most important of which is obscure several skeletons, first woven together in this framework, it will be attached to other components on their will out of the market generated spontaneous intrinsic motivation. India, only to see the most beautiful and the flower baskets flowers,cheap bikini, he took the basket itself is nothing to do with this little flower, I hope one day to a basket of flowers out of thin air to the changes. This is the difference between China and India, I think.
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Old 07-23-2011, 07:14 AM   #6
Posts: n/a

A very good introductory information, Hu sorted out, reproduced for everyone to share.
Whether you are new to carefully read through strongly recommended...

Official information from Canon, the author: Takahashi Liangfu

Author: worked in advertising photography studios, publishing houses, is a freelance photographer. The magazine as the center, active in the advertising, stage, food and other broad areas of photography. From the perspective of the general enthusiast article written widely welcomed. Published more than on the camera and photography books.

since the inception of digital SLR cameras, the photography industry has undergone tremendous changes. We can use a digital SLR film cameras can not do a lot of jobs that, this is an undeniable fact. Shooting itself this easier. Many digital SLR camera inherits the basic structure of film SLR camera, the operation also has a lot in common. For Canon EOS series used to use the film SLR camera users, the master operating Canon digital SLR camera does not take too long. For those who have been able to grasp the small digital camera for people who just have to learn digital SLR cameras and knowledge of the unique mode of operation, so that they want freedom to shoot the photos is also not difficult. It can be said, anyone can easily learn to use digital SLR cameras. Able to immediately confirm the shooting finished, the user's photographic technology will progress rapidly, even in a short time into the intermediate level. Moreover, the characteristics of digital SLR cameras is the ability to change the maximum lens, which makes the broader world of photography. The EOS DIGITAL series cameras can use lenses and other accessories are very rich, so learning to use the series SLR photography is no better choice. People with a variety of handy paragraph 60 above the body and the lens will be provided for the user's photographic career, strong support. If the book is placed in hand, watching science, I believe everyone in a very short period of time is not lost to professional photographers capture the photo.


the first page: http://bbs.lcwang.com/read.php?tid = 3393
01 digital SLR cameras in mind all the charm
02 Name
03 shooting some preparatory work before the
04 to try to shoot the first digital SLR camera
05 structural principle of the principle structure of the lens
camera holding Machine 08 Learn the basics of composition
09 people make a good photo - Portrait

the second page: http://bbs .lcwang.com / read.php? tid = 3393 & page = 2
10 so that even more distinctive landscape - zoom in landscape mode
11 small objects - Macro mode
12 shooting fast-moving objects - sports mode
13 shooting night scenes and characters simultaneously - Night Portrait mode
14 does not use flash photography - flash off mode
various thematic subject of the film learn to grasp the opportunity
15 digital SLR cameras structural principle
16 AE Av,belstaff motorcycle jackets, Tv, P mode
17 understand Aperture
19 shutter speed control and automatic focus function to understand the focus

third page: http://bbs .lcwang.com / read.php? tid = 3393 & page = 3
20 What is the understanding of white balance, ISO sensitivity
22 flexible use of exposure compensation
24 bracketing the use of metering mode to understand the difference between
25 Clean image sensor
26 using flash photography
27 photos style
29 on the light in the composition of knowledge to build on the fourth page

: http://bbs.lcwang.com/read.php?tid=3393&page=4
feature flexible use of real-time display the charm of

digital SLR camera digital SLR camera's unique charm lies in its The system can perfect scalability and quality overwhelming. Let the digital SLR camera by compact digital cameras compared to understand the characteristics of digital SLR cameras.

picture in stark contrast to the expressiveness of

■ digital SLR camera

■ compact digital camera image sensor

The size of the device is completely different

■ 35mm film

■ full frame image sensor

■ APS-C size image sensor

■ compact digital camera image sensor

image sensor area of effect on the impact of virtual digital SLR
cameras and small digital camera comparison, not only the appearance of differentiated, more importantly, the basic structure of its internal that there are fundamental differences. The main difference is for receiving light, the image of the image sensor size difference. 1/2.5 inch-type typically used with image sensors compared to compact digital cameras, digital SLR cameras generally use the APS-C size image sensor has approximately 13 times the area. Therefore, the electronic performance also has many advantages. Icon photo imaging visual effects background, the main difference lies in the different blur effects, and can be replaced lens digital SLR camera at this point compared with the small digital camera also has a very distinct advantage. Image sensor size blur effects caused by the lens focal length difference and have great relationships. The smaller image sensor size, the shorter the lens focal length (wide-angle inclined), which makes it difficult to obtain a satisfactory background blur effects. When shooting with digital SLR cameras, it will feel different with the usual picture, which is different from the image sensor size is a direct link.

lens can be replaced to a large number of lens digital SLR camera

bring endless possibilities of digital
originated in the film SLR cameras, SLR cameras, it also has to meet a variety of interchangeable lenses by shooting needs. The small digital camera, lens and body as a whole could not have interchangeable lenses. Regardless of how high magnification zoom lens, always has its limits, especially its wide-angle capability is weak. Digital SLR cameras can use lenses from ultra wide -angle to super telephoto lens a variety of lenses, the number of genuine Canon lens for more than 60 models. Number of lens aperture according to their brightness and was detailed breakdown of different characteristics. To take full advantage of these lenses, digital SLR camera is the real charm. When you want to slightly enlarge some subject or want to shoot the whole scene, just replace the lens can easily get the desired effect, it can be said that the advantages of digital SLR camera, one of the largest.

■ digital SLR camera

■ compact digital camera

left are the use of digital SLR cameras and compact digital cameras from the same location subject received the same photo shoot. And construction is not good at wide-angle shot compact digital cameras, compared to the use of ultra wide-angle lens digital SLR camera to a wider range.

will not miss the opportunity to

quick shutter response to capture transient dynamic
compared with small digital cameras, digital SLR cameras, one advantage is that the action short delay the process. Compact digital camera is usually observed through the back of the LCD monitor after shooting , strictly speaking, the picture is not taken to the moment you press the shutter button the screen, but slightly behind the picture, it is because the LCD monitor observed on the screen device is converted into electronic signals generated, so will have lag. The digital SLR camera is the optical viewfinder to observe the actual image, so the electronics will not have the time difference, the current observed image and the subject is no difference in the actual action. And regardless of the shutter and other mechanical structure or the speed of autofocus, digital SLR cameras have an absolute advantage of the speed with instant shutter will not miss opportunities for high performance. Even a small digital camera is difficult to shoot scenes or figures sports moment expressions, digital SLR cameras can easily capture. At the same time, because better performance image processing, digital SLR cameras shooting interval is shorter, to a certain period of time take more pictures, so the subject can be shot on high-speed movement to improve the best photos probability. As noted above, the digital SLR camera features and performance in a variety of small digital cameras with the differences, the design features to ensure not miss the opportunity to capture moments.

■ digital SLR camera

■ compact digital camera

small digital camera by looking at the back of the LCD monitor for shooting,belstaff shop, the picture can not be with synchronized movement of the subject, the composition can not obtain the desired effect. In the digital SLR camera using the optical viewfinder the image above or the timely observation of the facial expression recognition.
Remember the name of the camera at the beginning of each part using a digital SLR camera to shoot, let us first understand the various parts of the name of the camera. Correctly grasp the camera name and function of each part, the first step to improve their standards.
Preparation before shooting the camera in the grasp of each part of the name, finally can begin to prepare for the actual shooting. Should check that some of the features of the camera while adjusting the various parts to ensure the comfort of use.

Check the camera packaging kit

check the package contents are complete,
take good care of the product warranty card in the purchase of the camera although
Anyone want to start immediately after use, but the first confirmation should be carefully packaged and organize content. Connect the camera and external equipment, cables, cameras and lenses are particularly prone to a variety of warranty card is lost, it is best to check back into the box after a good memory. CD-ROM software after installation is complete with the warranty card should be kept together. Camera ( lens) of the warranty card is only one copy each should pay attention to keep it up.

ready battery into the battery charger

optimistic about the correct direction within the battery into the charger. Confirmed into place to ensure good contact contacts.


to install the battery charger connected to the power cord, plug the power cord into the power outlet.


charging time charging the battery because of the different types vary, please refer to the appropriate instructions. Green indicator light indicates charging completed. Insert the battery into the camera

turn on the camera battery compartment cover, insert a charged battery. Insert the contacts should be facing inside the camera, inserted after the confirmation in the right direction.

tips must know tips
battery without the battery, let alone digital SLR camera to shoot, and not even moving about impossible. Therefore,belstaff jackets sale, the digital SLR camera, the battery is one of the most important accessories. Although the use of the battery does not require any special technology, it is recommended or should always use cloth to clean the battery contacts or the battery case to check whether there is damage. In addition, battery performance will vary with temperature, when the temperature is too low can not play its proper performance. In the winter or when shooting low-temperature region, if carrying a spare battery should be taken to avoid direct contact with the outside world of its low-temperature environment. Even though some batteries and special batteries similar shape, but it is also prohibited. Non-specific cells in the most severe cases can cause damage to the camera body, buy a spare battery must choose the correct model of the original product purchased.

install Remove the lens cap lens

remove the body cap and lens cover, ready to install the lens. Installation process should be taken to avoid dust from entering inside the camera.


lens mount lens embedded in the white flag and white flag body alignment, slowly but steadily to the lens mount on the fuselage. Installation should be taken to avoid the lens tilt.

rotating camera lens into the body lock

after rotating the lens clockwise to lock. Rotate the lens until you hear the voice of a fixed pin in place.

Tips Precautions when replacing the lens

outdoor replacement lens, should enable the body to replace the lens down

is one of the characteristics of digital SLR cameras, but because the lens is replaced, the machine exposed inside the body,belstaff jackets, so the operation is outside the entry of dust can not be avoided. Even if the camera with the dust removal function, they should be down body lens mount, rapid completion of the replacement lens operation.

EF lenses and EF-S lenses installed
marked difference
EF lenses and EF-S lenses in a slightly different structure, in order to avoid mistakenly installed in the EF-S lenses do not match the camera body, set up a special white flag. EF-S lenses should be aligned with the white logo machine body side firmly installed. Also note, EF-S lenses can not be used in addition to other APS-C size Canon EOS series digital cameras. The Canon EF lenses can be used for all EOS series digital cameras.

install EF lenses aligned

red flag card installed into the EF-S lenses


white logo card into the camera's initial setup

powered battery and lens installed, you can turn on the camera was. Position and shape of the power switch varies by model, should be carefully confirmed.

set start date and time the camera should first set the current date and time. Correctly enter the current date, time, which makes the photos after finishing work has become very easy. Press the MENU button

to display the menu

completion date and time settings, press the MENU button to display the setup menu. All set operations are carried out through the screen.

Set Language

set the language to Chinese. Acquired when the camera is set to the default language of English, so should \ After all the show selected will be changed to Simplified Chinese text are displayed.

insert a memory card format

turn off the power before inserting a memory card, you should first turn off the camera. Note the location and shape of the power switch varies by camera model.

the memory card into the memory card slot (note the direction)

the camera's memory card in the correct direction for insertion. The memory card affixed with the label side facing you into the camera.

off the memory card slot cover, turn the power

the card is fully inserted into the memory card slot, close the cover. Taken to ensure that the cover closed. Press the MENU button

to display the menu

the power switch to activate the camera, press the MENU button to display the menu. In the initial screen, select the feature set using the four-way controller project.

from the menu, select \ Down selection box when using the cross key.

Select \ In the formatting process, must not pull out the memory card.

formatting is complete when the progress bar disappears, return to the menu screen, the formatting is complete. The time required for formatting the memory card capacity and because of the different types of slightly different.

tips are very delicate
memory card camera used to record images of the memory card, no matter how small its volume, in fact, are very sophisticated electronic products. Because of small size, need to pay more attention to avoid forgetting his trouser pockets tragedy directly thrown into the washing machine. Also note, the memory card and use of electrical connection between the camera, the data processing lamp is lit, no matter what the situation arise, do not open the memory card slot cover or pull out the memory card. This may not only lose the stored image data, and may even cause damage to the memory card , so be very careful when using a memory card.

preparation before shooting 4
mastered the camera in various parts of the name, finally can begin to prepare for the actual shooting. Should check that some of the features of the camera while adjusting the various parts to ensure the comfort of use.

viewfinder diopter adjustment viewfinder

camera observed the time of purchase have not been diopter adjustment, the situation may be due to differences in the user's vision which led to the viewfinder shows blurred. Should be adjusted according to their own vision.

be adjusted with the knob

while watching the viewfinder, rotate the knob to find the location of the clearest display.

be able to see the bottom of the viewfinder information display is clearly visible as a standard to be adjusted. Vision when the eye fatigue may change, so adjust the method of operation should be borne in mind at any time to adjust.

install the strap through the strap and the strap loop body

the front of the strap from the strap ring on the outside penetration and out, and then through to four fixed fixed ring.

relax some strap lock, so strap from the top of the penetration

the strap lock strap is slightly relaxed, leaving some room for the strap end top strap lock from the inside penetration. the inside of the strap lock

retrace slightly out of locking the strap through the strap section, piercing the strap lock off the back under the back side.

taut strap

complete length of the adjustment, tighten the straps, with four fixed ring fixed triple straps. End of the operation .

ready it!

so that all preparatory work is done filming. Raise their standards and there is no shortcut, just as complete as the preparation of the above, fully understand the function and configuration of the camera, a solid grasp of the correct use is important. In the next lesson, we will actually use the camera functions at the same time, a variety of basic photography skills to illustrate this. First, let's try to shoot 1
Once you master the basics, you will find a digital SLR camera is not so difficult as imagined. As long as the correct focus and press the shutter button, a new world will be displayed in front of you.

try to shoot automatic mode

the shooting mode is set to \ automatic mode. The so-called automatic mode, all functions is automatically set by the camera's shooting mode is very easy to use.

the lens focus mode is set to \ This auto focus can play a role. Remove the lens cap

Remove the front lens cover, complete the shooting for. Lens cover is a spring, press the ends of the locking part can remove the lens cap.

the camera at the subject

observed by right eye viewfinder, aim hope the film subjects. Look in the viewfinder, should not be far away from the viewfinder, the viewfinder should be made to observe the eyes snapping.

half-press the shutter button to focus

basic object when you want to shoot into the viewfinder, the lightly pressing the shutter button to start automatically focusing function to focus.

in focus on the subject

can see hope in the subject while shooting, the camera issue, \

Press the shutter button to shoot!

in a state of half-pressing the shutter to adjust the composition,belstaff leather, and then press the shutter button. Point shooting is complete!

after the completion of shooting, the LCD monitor will display the image just captured. Preview image in the display disappears after a period of time, when image data has been recorded to the memory card.

Tips dark scene, the flash will automatically flash

When the subject is dark, the built-in flash will automatically pop up and flash. Even in outdoor conditions, or in the backlight if the brightness is insufficient, sometimes automatic flash, which is normal.

first to try to shoot 2
Once you master the basics, you will find a digital SLR camera is not as difficult as imagined. As long as the correct focus and press the shutter button, a new world will be displayed in front of you.

view photos taken

press the playback button to play back

playback recording is complete press the button to watch the film image. Playback image will first show the latest photos.

using four-way controller, before and after photos show

If you want to confirm before an image, use the four-way controller left and right keys switch. Select the image to the left before,belstaff blouson, right after the image selection.

Zoom and move the display position

want to display the captured image to enlarge, you can press the zoom button on the magnifying glass symbol to zoom. Amplified by four-way controller or the position of multi-function control button (varies by model) to move.

when you want to delete the photo to delete photos, you can display the photos in the state hit the delete button, and then choose to use four-way controller, etc. \ Press the SET button to confirm the deletion.

tips can also use the speed control dial or the main dial to select the other images before and after operation
location or move to enlarge the operation method varies by model. In the back of the fuselage model with speed control dial can be used to switch the dial to playback images. Other models with multi-function control buttons you can use the multi-function control knob to move the enlarged position, but it also has the characteristics of action can be oblique. Second, the shutter button can also be used in the image above the main dial to switch, you can set to 10 units, etc. to jump. Please read the instructions of the models, master the methods of operation.
■ with the main dial to switch the image

■ image with the Quick Control Dial switch

Tips for people to appreciate
can also use the TV for playback when

photos taken in order to appreciate, not only through the back of the LCD monitor for the camera, you can also use the home TV set. Use of television, then together we can enjoy photos with family, relatives and friends to share joy. Connect the TV and the camera should be used with the video cable to plug into the TV or other video device input terminals connected with the camera. When using the TV viewing photos, and using the camera on the back of the LCD monitor during playback, as part of the same photos can be enlarged or screen scrolling.
The structure of digital SLR cameras and photographic principles
Principle photography
Principles of data recording data records
process: the image sensor → → image processor card. Until the stage to the image processor used to complete imaging, data storage memory card to play the role only.

the image sensor converts light signals to generate a fundamental part of the required image data. But at this stage not complete imaging.

image processor

image sensors based on the data transmission to generate digital images. In this section a variety of image processing.

bear the memory card save the image data generated by the task processor. In this section is not associated with the imaging operation .

What recording quality?
the so-called quality refers to the image processor image data generated by the size and quality.

transmitted to the image sensor data, as specified in the form for processing, access to comply with requirements of the quality.
image processor for image data obtained from the sensor without processing, and storage records directly to save the form. After the computer need to be adjusted for quality.

the image data compression to save for a certain size of the storage record form. Processed by the image processor, do not use the computer for processing.

Example: EOS 450D recording quality (the number of 12.2 million effective pixels)
recording quality mode records the number of pixels Use
JPEG Large / Fine 4272 × 2848 pixels A3 + print
JPEG Large / Normal; 4272 × 2848 pixels A3 + print
JPEG Large / Fine 3088 × 2056 pixels; A4 print
JPEG Large / Normal 3088 × 2056 pixels A4 print
JPEG Large / Fine; 2256 × 1504 pixels L size prints
JPEG Large / Normal 2256 × 1504 pixels L size prints
RAW 4272 × 2848 pixel post-processing
RAW + JPEG Large / Fine 4272 × 2848 pixel post-processing
※ (the type of image quality recording mode and record the number of pixels varies by model)
principle structure of the lens effect of the lens is for digital SLR cameras, as its very important for film cameras. It not only bears the work of collecting the light to form images, but also bear the focus and so on.
Lens with image stabilization feature is the lens anti-shake function can be generated based on hand-shake compensation exercise by moving part of the optical lens, thereby eliminating the jitter triggered the screen shots. The agency can prevent hand-shake to get sharper images, and because of the optical system, real-time mobile, it also has a viewfinder image can improve the stability and performance advantages of auto focus.

built-in image stabilization lens body is marked with Image Stabilizer (Image Stabilizer) abbreviation IS. The lens of \

What is EF-S lenses
EF-S lenses are designed for use APS-C size image sensors of digital cameras designed special lenses. Image circle (the lens image size) is smaller than the normal lens, the lens has to reduce the volume of advantages. EF-S in \

EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM

EF-S lenses including wide-angle zoom lens EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM, standard zoom lens EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM, EF-S 60mm macro lens; f/2.8 USM Macro and other merchandise.

tips lens hood function
installed on the front of the camera lens hood with the function block stray light. Although the surface of the lens coating to prevent reflection, but the best in strong backlight conditions to install hood to avoid light reflection chaos. Recommended installation is often the best.
camera holding Machine
holding machine with the correct posture will allow us not only to the successful completion of filming, but will greatly affect the quality of the pictures taken. To prevent hand-shake, the camera should be to master the correct method of holding machine.

support for the basic method

lateral support machine

held in the horizontal machine, boosting the bottom of the left lens from the camera to remain stable.
gently tighten the arms appear to prevent the camera shake.

Tips wrong

holding Machine as open arms like wings, the upper body in an unstable state. Do not just use your arms to support the camera, you should use the whole body to remain stable.

longitudinal vertical holding unit holding unit, the handle of the hand holding the camera can also be located at the top of the bottom. But when the hand holding the handle at the top of the arm is easier when you open, so special attention.

Tips wrong in holding Machine

opened his arms above This support unit is very unstable. It can be said with no difference between a single handset.

shot from low in the lower center of gravity when shooting left knee should be supported on the ground, with the right knee support arm, which prevents vertical hand-shake there.

real-time display mode shooting mode with Live View shooting, more prone to hand-shake. Should be clamping arms, supporting the camera from below, in order to maintain stability. Learn the basics of composition
If you already know the basic operation of the camera , you need to do is determined by observing the viewfinder picture composition. Composition in general there are so few key elements: the subject position, the screen anyway, the income range of the screen size.

decided to photograph the direction of frame composition and the broad sense of the screen when taking pictures
theory and composition to consider when Painting constitute exactly the same screen. The photographer can imagine the camera's viewfinder into the canvas, and how to balance a photo placed on the subject has become critical. Sometimes we like painting on canvas to put up, and sometimes cross over it, like, take pictures when we can also choose to shake-hands grip or vertical shot. Also, the subject placed in the position of the picture which is completely dependent on the photographer's own, should be based on the size of the subject to arrange the situation in and around the screen. In addition, the broad sense of the picture is also an important factor when the composition is to shoot into the picture as a whole or only part of the subject will be enlarged, different options will make the overall atmosphere in the photo is very different. Composition is not a specific value can be measured in some things, but the photographer according to its own \

horizontal photos to show the photo broad sense

landscape photography in accordance with the basic technique - shooting horizontal mapping method. Landscape photographs similar to human's natural field of vision, to give people a sense of stability . In this photo, near the boat and the background contrast, produced a pleasing tension.

vertical screen shot to show feeling of depth

interception with the vertical landscape shot, the picture tends to give people the feeling of loss of balance, but sometimes also have unique effect, give left a deep impression. In addition, the close-range and long-term sense of distance is more literally manifested in the formation of a feeling of depth in the picture
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Old 07-23-2011, 07:14 AM   #7
Posts: n/a

A very good introductory information, Hu sorted out, reproduced for everyone to share.
Whether you are new to carefully read through strongly recommended...

Official information from Canon, the author: Takahashi Liangfu

Author: worked in advertising photography studios, publishing houses, is a freelance photographer. The magazine as the center, active in the advertising, stage, food and other broad areas of photography. From the perspective of the general enthusiast article written widely welcomed. Published more than on the camera and photography books.

since the inception of digital SLR cameras, the photography industry has undergone tremendous changes. We can use a digital SLR film cameras can not do a lot of jobs that, this is an undeniable fact. Shooting itself this easier. Many digital SLR camera inherits the basic structure of film SLR camera, the operation also has a lot in common. For Canon EOS series used to use the film SLR camera users, the master operating Canon digital SLR camera does not take too long. For those who have been able to grasp the small digital camera for people who just have to learn digital SLR cameras and knowledge of the unique mode of operation, so that they want freedom to shoot the photos is also not difficult. It can be said, anyone can easily learn to use digital SLR cameras. Able to immediately confirm the shooting finished, the user's photographic technology will progress rapidly, even in a short time into the intermediate level. Moreover, the characteristics of digital SLR cameras is the ability to change the maximum lens, which makes the broader world of photography. The EOS DIGITAL series cameras can use lenses and other accessories are very rich, so learning to use the series SLR photography is no better choice. People with a variety of handy paragraph 60 above the body and the lens will be provided for the user's photographic career, strong support. If the book is placed in hand, watching science, I believe everyone in a very short period of time is not lost to professional photographers capture the photo.


the first page: http://bbs.lcwang.com/read.php?tid = 3393
01 digital SLR cameras in mind all the charm
02 Name
03 shooting some preparatory work before the
04 to try to shoot the first digital SLR camera
05 structural principle of the principle structure of the lens
camera holding Machine 08 Learn the basics of composition
09 people make a good photo - Portrait

the second page: http://bbs .lcwang.com / read.php? tid = 3393 & page = 2
10 so that even more distinctive landscape - zoom in landscape mode
11 small objects - Macro mode
12 shooting fast-moving objects - sports mode
13 shooting night scenes and characters simultaneously - Night Portrait mode
14 does not use flash photography - flash off mode
various thematic subject of the film learn to grasp the opportunity
15 digital SLR cameras structural principle
16 AE Av,belstaff motorcycle jackets, Tv, P mode
17 understand Aperture
19 shutter speed control and automatic focus function to understand the focus

third page: http://bbs .lcwang.com / read.php? tid = 3393 & page = 3
20 What is the understanding of white balance, ISO sensitivity
22 flexible use of exposure compensation
24 bracketing the use of metering mode to understand the difference between
25 Clean image sensor
26 using flash photography
27 photos style
29 on the light in the composition of knowledge to build on the fourth page

: http://bbs.lcwang.com/read.php?tid=3393&page=4
feature flexible use of real-time display the charm of

digital SLR camera digital SLR camera's unique charm lies in its The system can perfect scalability and quality overwhelming. Let the digital SLR camera by compact digital cameras compared to understand the characteristics of digital SLR cameras.

picture in stark contrast to the expressiveness of

■ digital SLR camera

■ compact digital camera image sensor

The size of the device is completely different

■ 35mm film

■ full frame image sensor

■ APS-C size image sensor

■ compact digital camera image sensor

image sensor area of effect on the impact of virtual digital SLR
cameras and small digital camera comparison, not only the appearance of differentiated, more importantly, the basic structure of its internal that there are fundamental differences. The main difference is for receiving light, the image of the image sensor size difference. 1/2.5 inch-type typically used with image sensors compared to compact digital cameras, digital SLR cameras generally use the APS-C size image sensor has approximately 13 times the area. Therefore, the electronic performance also has many advantages. Icon photo imaging visual effects background, the main difference lies in the different blur effects, and can be replaced lens digital SLR camera at this point compared with the small digital camera also has a very distinct advantage. Image sensor size blur effects caused by the lens focal length difference and have great relationships. The smaller image sensor size, the shorter the lens focal length (wide-angle inclined), which makes it difficult to obtain a satisfactory background blur effects. When shooting with digital SLR cameras, it will feel different with the usual picture, which is different from the image sensor size is a direct link.

lens can be replaced to a large number of lens digital SLR camera

bring endless possibilities of digital
originated in the film SLR cameras, SLR cameras, it also has to meet a variety of interchangeable lenses by shooting needs. The small digital camera, lens and body as a whole could not have interchangeable lenses. Regardless of how high magnification zoom lens, always has its limits, especially its wide-angle capability is weak. Digital SLR cameras can use lenses from ultra wide -angle to super telephoto lens a variety of lenses, the number of genuine Canon lens for more than 60 models. Number of lens aperture according to their brightness and was detailed breakdown of different characteristics. To take full advantage of these lenses, digital SLR camera is the real charm. When you want to slightly enlarge some subject or want to shoot the whole scene, just replace the lens can easily get the desired effect, it can be said that the advantages of digital SLR camera, one of the largest.

■ digital SLR camera

■ compact digital camera

left are the use of digital SLR cameras and compact digital cameras from the same location subject received the same photo shoot. And construction is not good at wide-angle shot compact digital cameras, compared to the use of ultra wide-angle lens digital SLR camera to a wider range.

will not miss the opportunity to

quick shutter response to capture transient dynamic
compared with small digital cameras, digital SLR cameras, one advantage is that the action short delay the process. Compact digital camera is usually observed through the back of the LCD monitor after shooting , strictly speaking, the picture is not taken to the moment you press the shutter button the screen, but slightly behind the picture, it is because the LCD monitor observed on the screen device is converted into electronic signals generated, so will have lag. The digital SLR camera is the optical viewfinder to observe the actual image, so the electronics will not have the time difference, the current observed image and the subject is no difference in the actual action. And regardless of the shutter and other mechanical structure or the speed of autofocus, digital SLR cameras have an absolute advantage of the speed with instant shutter will not miss opportunities for high performance. Even a small digital camera is difficult to shoot scenes or figures sports moment expressions, digital SLR cameras can easily capture. At the same time, because better performance image processing, digital SLR cameras shooting interval is shorter, to a certain period of time take more pictures, so the subject can be shot on high-speed movement to improve the best photos probability. As noted above, the digital SLR camera features and performance in a variety of small digital cameras with the differences, the design features to ensure not miss the opportunity to capture moments.

■ digital SLR camera

■ compact digital camera

small digital camera by looking at the back of the LCD monitor for shooting,belstaff shop, the picture can not be with synchronized movement of the subject, the composition can not obtain the desired effect. In the digital SLR camera using the optical viewfinder the image above or the timely observation of the facial expression recognition.
Remember the name of the camera at the beginning of each part using a digital SLR camera to shoot, let us first understand the various parts of the name of the camera. Correctly grasp the camera name and function of each part, the first step to improve their standards.
Preparation before shooting the camera in the grasp of each part of the name, finally can begin to prepare for the actual shooting. Should check that some of the features of the camera while adjusting the various parts to ensure the comfort of use.

Check the camera packaging kit

check the package contents are complete,
take good care of the product warranty card in the purchase of the camera although
Anyone want to start immediately after use, but the first confirmation should be carefully packaged and organize content. Connect the camera and external equipment, cables, cameras and lenses are particularly prone to a variety of warranty card is lost, it is best to check back into the box after a good memory. CD-ROM software after installation is complete with the warranty card should be kept together. Camera ( lens) of the warranty card is only one copy each should pay attention to keep it up.

ready battery into the battery charger

optimistic about the correct direction within the battery into the charger. Confirmed into place to ensure good contact contacts.


to install the battery charger connected to the power cord, plug the power cord into the power outlet.


charging time charging the battery because of the different types vary, please refer to the appropriate instructions. Green indicator light indicates charging completed. Insert the battery into the camera

turn on the camera battery compartment cover, insert a charged battery. Insert the contacts should be facing inside the camera, inserted after the confirmation in the right direction.

tips must know tips
battery without the battery, let alone digital SLR camera to shoot, and not even moving about impossible. Therefore,belstaff jackets sale, the digital SLR camera, the battery is one of the most important accessories. Although the use of the battery does not require any special technology, it is recommended or should always use cloth to clean the battery contacts or the battery case to check whether there is damage. In addition, battery performance will vary with temperature, when the temperature is too low can not play its proper performance. In the winter or when shooting low-temperature region, if carrying a spare battery should be taken to avoid direct contact with the outside world of its low-temperature environment. Even though some batteries and special batteries similar shape, but it is also prohibited. Non-specific cells in the most severe cases can cause damage to the camera body, buy a spare battery must choose the correct model of the original product purchased.

install Remove the lens cap lens

remove the body cap and lens cover, ready to install the lens. Installation process should be taken to avoid dust from entering inside the camera.


lens mount lens embedded in the white flag and white flag body alignment, slowly but steadily to the lens mount on the fuselage. Installation should be taken to avoid the lens tilt.

rotating camera lens into the body lock

after rotating the lens clockwise to lock. Rotate the lens until you hear the voice of a fixed pin in place.

Tips Precautions when replacing the lens

outdoor replacement lens, should enable the body to replace the lens down

is one of the characteristics of digital SLR cameras, but because the lens is replaced, the machine exposed inside the body,belstaff jackets, so the operation is outside the entry of dust can not be avoided. Even if the camera with the dust removal function, they should be down body lens mount, rapid completion of the replacement lens operation.

EF lenses and EF-S lenses installed
marked difference
EF lenses and EF-S lenses in a slightly different structure, in order to avoid mistakenly installed in the EF-S lenses do not match the camera body, set up a special white flag. EF-S lenses should be aligned with the white logo machine body side firmly installed. Also note, EF-S lenses can not be used in addition to other APS-C size Canon EOS series digital cameras. The Canon EF lenses can be used for all EOS series digital cameras.

install EF lenses aligned

red flag card installed into the EF-S lenses


white logo card into the camera's initial setup

powered battery and lens installed, you can turn on the camera was. Position and shape of the power switch varies by model, should be carefully confirmed.

set start date and time the camera should first set the current date and time. Correctly enter the current date, time, which makes the photos after finishing work has become very easy. Press the MENU button

to display the menu

completion date and time settings, press the MENU button to display the setup menu. All set operations are carried out through the screen.

Set Language

set the language to Chinese. Acquired when the camera is set to the default language of English, so should \ After all the show selected will be changed to Simplified Chinese text are displayed.

insert a memory card format

turn off the power before inserting a memory card, you should first turn off the camera. Note the location and shape of the power switch varies by camera model.

the memory card into the memory card slot (note the direction)

the camera's memory card in the correct direction for insertion. The memory card affixed with the label side facing you into the camera.

off the memory card slot cover, turn the power

the card is fully inserted into the memory card slot, close the cover. Taken to ensure that the cover closed. Press the MENU button

to display the menu

the power switch to activate the camera, press the MENU button to display the menu. In the initial screen, select the feature set using the four-way controller project.

from the menu, select \ Down selection box when using the cross key.

Select \ In the formatting process, must not pull out the memory card.

formatting is complete when the progress bar disappears, return to the menu screen, the formatting is complete. The time required for formatting the memory card capacity and because of the different types of slightly different.

tips are very delicate
memory card camera used to record images of the memory card, no matter how small its volume, in fact, are very sophisticated electronic products. Because of small size, need to pay more attention to avoid forgetting his trouser pockets tragedy directly thrown into the washing machine. Also note, the memory card and use of electrical connection between the camera, the data processing lamp is lit, no matter what the situation arise, do not open the memory card slot cover or pull out the memory card. This may not only lose the stored image data, and may even cause damage to the memory card , so be very careful when using a memory card.

preparation before shooting 4
mastered the camera in various parts of the name, finally can begin to prepare for the actual shooting. Should check that some of the features of the camera while adjusting the various parts to ensure the comfort of use.

viewfinder diopter adjustment viewfinder

camera observed the time of purchase have not been diopter adjustment, the situation may be due to differences in the user's vision which led to the viewfinder shows blurred. Should be adjusted according to their own vision.

be adjusted with the knob

while watching the viewfinder, rotate the knob to find the location of the clearest display.

be able to see the bottom of the viewfinder information display is clearly visible as a standard to be adjusted. Vision when the eye fatigue may change, so adjust the method of operation should be borne in mind at any time to adjust.

install the strap through the strap and the strap loop body

the front of the strap from the strap ring on the outside penetration and out, and then through to four fixed fixed ring.

relax some strap lock, so strap from the top of the penetration

the strap lock strap is slightly relaxed, leaving some room for the strap end top strap lock from the inside penetration. the inside of the strap lock

retrace slightly out of locking the strap through the strap section, piercing the strap lock off the back under the back side.

taut strap

complete length of the adjustment, tighten the straps, with four fixed ring fixed triple straps. End of the operation .

ready it!

so that all preparatory work is done filming. Raise their standards and there is no shortcut, just as complete as the preparation of the above, fully understand the function and configuration of the camera, a solid grasp of the correct use is important. In the next lesson, we will actually use the camera functions at the same time, a variety of basic photography skills to illustrate this. First, let's try to shoot 1
Once you master the basics, you will find a digital SLR camera is not so difficult as imagined. As long as the correct focus and press the shutter button, a new world will be displayed in front of you.

try to shoot automatic mode

the shooting mode is set to \ automatic mode. The so-called automatic mode, all functions is automatically set by the camera's shooting mode is very easy to use.

the lens focus mode is set to \ This auto focus can play a role. Remove the lens cap

Remove the front lens cover, complete the shooting for. Lens cover is a spring, press the ends of the locking part can remove the lens cap.

the camera at the subject

observed by right eye viewfinder, aim hope the film subjects. Look in the viewfinder, should not be far away from the viewfinder, the viewfinder should be made to observe the eyes snapping.

half-press the shutter button to focus

basic object when you want to shoot into the viewfinder, the lightly pressing the shutter button to start automatically focusing function to focus.

in focus on the subject

can see hope in the subject while shooting, the camera issue, \

Press the shutter button to shoot!

in a state of half-pressing the shutter to adjust the composition,belstaff leather, and then press the shutter button. Point shooting is complete!

after the completion of shooting, the LCD monitor will display the image just captured. Preview image in the display disappears after a period of time, when image data has been recorded to the memory card.

Tips dark scene, the flash will automatically flash

When the subject is dark, the built-in flash will automatically pop up and flash. Even in outdoor conditions, or in the backlight if the brightness is insufficient, sometimes automatic flash, which is normal.

first to try to shoot 2
Once you master the basics, you will find a digital SLR camera is not as difficult as imagined. As long as the correct focus and press the shutter button, a new world will be displayed in front of you.

view photos taken

press the playback button to play back

playback recording is complete press the button to watch the film image. Playback image will first show the latest photos.

using four-way controller, before and after photos show

If you want to confirm before an image, use the four-way controller left and right keys switch. Select the image to the left before,belstaff blouson, right after the image selection.

Zoom and move the display position

want to display the captured image to enlarge, you can press the zoom button on the magnifying glass symbol to zoom. Amplified by four-way controller or the position of multi-function control button (varies by model) to move.

when you want to delete the photo to delete photos, you can display the photos in the state hit the delete button, and then choose to use four-way controller, etc. \ Press the SET button to confirm the deletion.

tips can also use the speed control dial or the main dial to select the other images before and after operation
location or move to enlarge the operation method varies by model. In the back of the fuselage model with speed control dial can be used to switch the dial to playback images. Other models with multi-function control buttons you can use the multi-function control knob to move the enlarged position, but it also has the characteristics of action can be oblique. Second, the shutter button can also be used in the image above the main dial to switch, you can set to 10 units, etc. to jump. Please read the instructions of the models, master the methods of operation.
■ with the main dial to switch the image

■ image with the Quick Control Dial switch

Tips for people to appreciate
can also use the TV for playback when

photos taken in order to appreciate, not only through the back of the LCD monitor for the camera, you can also use the home TV set. Use of television, then together we can enjoy photos with family, relatives and friends to share joy. Connect the TV and the camera should be used with the video cable to plug into the TV or other video device input terminals connected with the camera. When using the TV viewing photos, and using the camera on the back of the LCD monitor during playback, as part of the same photos can be enlarged or screen scrolling.
The structure of digital SLR cameras and photographic principles
Principle photography
Principles of data recording data records
process: the image sensor → → image processor card. Until the stage to the image processor used to complete imaging, data storage memory card to play the role only.

the image sensor converts light signals to generate a fundamental part of the required image data. But at this stage not complete imaging.

image processor

image sensors based on the data transmission to generate digital images. In this section a variety of image processing.

bear the memory card save the image data generated by the task processor. In this section is not associated with the imaging operation .

What recording quality?
the so-called quality refers to the image processor image data generated by the size and quality.

transmitted to the image sensor data, as specified in the form for processing, access to comply with requirements of the quality.
image processor for image data obtained from the sensor without processing, and storage records directly to save the form. After the computer need to be adjusted for quality.

the image data compression to save for a certain size of the storage record form. Processed by the image processor, do not use the computer for processing.

Example: EOS 450D recording quality (the number of 12.2 million effective pixels)
recording quality mode records the number of pixels Use
JPEG Large / Fine 4272 × 2848 pixels A3 + print
JPEG Large / Normal; 4272 × 2848 pixels A3 + print
JPEG Large / Fine 3088 × 2056 pixels; A4 print
JPEG Large / Normal 3088 × 2056 pixels A4 print
JPEG Large / Fine; 2256 × 1504 pixels L size prints
JPEG Large / Normal 2256 × 1504 pixels L size prints
RAW 4272 × 2848 pixel post-processing
RAW + JPEG Large / Fine 4272 × 2848 pixel post-processing
※ (the type of image quality recording mode and record the number of pixels varies by model)
principle structure of the lens effect of the lens is for digital SLR cameras, as its very important for film cameras. It not only bears the work of collecting the light to form images, but also bear the focus and so on.
Lens with image stabilization feature is the lens anti-shake function can be generated based on hand-shake compensation exercise by moving part of the optical lens, thereby eliminating the jitter triggered the screen shots. The agency can prevent hand-shake to get sharper images, and because of the optical system, real-time mobile, it also has a viewfinder image can improve the stability and performance advantages of auto focus.

built-in image stabilization lens body is marked with Image Stabilizer (Image Stabilizer) abbreviation IS. The lens of \

What is EF-S lenses
EF-S lenses are designed for use APS-C size image sensors of digital cameras designed special lenses. Image circle (the lens image size) is smaller than the normal lens, the lens has to reduce the volume of advantages. EF-S in \

EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM

EF-S lenses including wide-angle zoom lens EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM, standard zoom lens EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM, EF-S 60mm macro lens; f/2.8 USM Macro and other merchandise.

tips lens hood function
installed on the front of the camera lens hood with the function block stray light. Although the surface of the lens coating to prevent reflection, but the best in strong backlight conditions to install hood to avoid light reflection chaos. Recommended installation is often the best.
camera holding Machine
holding machine with the correct posture will allow us not only to the successful completion of filming, but will greatly affect the quality of the pictures taken. To prevent hand-shake, the camera should be to master the correct method of holding machine.

support for the basic method

lateral support machine

held in the horizontal machine, boosting the bottom of the left lens from the camera to remain stable.
gently tighten the arms appear to prevent the camera shake.

Tips wrong

holding Machine as open arms like wings, the upper body in an unstable state. Do not just use your arms to support the camera, you should use the whole body to remain stable.

longitudinal vertical holding unit holding unit, the handle of the hand holding the camera can also be located at the top of the bottom. But when the hand holding the handle at the top of the arm is easier when you open, so special attention.

Tips wrong in holding Machine

opened his arms above This support unit is very unstable. It can be said with no difference between a single handset.

shot from low in the lower center of gravity when shooting left knee should be supported on the ground, with the right knee support arm, which prevents vertical hand-shake there.

real-time display mode shooting mode with Live View shooting, more prone to hand-shake. Should be clamping arms, supporting the camera from below, in order to maintain stability. Learn the basics of composition
If you already know the basic operation of the camera , you need to do is determined by observing the viewfinder picture composition. Composition in general there are so few key elements: the subject position, the screen anyway, the income range of the screen size.

decided to photograph the direction of frame composition and the broad sense of the screen when taking pictures
theory and composition to consider when Painting constitute exactly the same screen. The photographer can imagine the camera's viewfinder into the canvas, and how to balance a photo placed on the subject has become critical. Sometimes we like painting on canvas to put up, and sometimes cross over it, like, take pictures when we can also choose to shake-hands grip or vertical shot. Also, the subject placed in the position of the picture which is completely dependent on the photographer's own, should be based on the size of the subject to arrange the situation in and around the screen. In addition, the broad sense of the picture is also an important factor when the composition is to shoot into the picture as a whole or only part of the subject will be enlarged, different options will make the overall atmosphere in the photo is very different. Composition is not a specific value can be measured in some things, but the photographer according to its own \

horizontal photos to show the photo broad sense

landscape photography in accordance with the basic technique - shooting horizontal mapping method. Landscape photographs similar to human's natural field of vision, to give people a sense of stability . In this photo, near the boat and the background contrast, produced a pleasing tension.

vertical screen shot to show feeling of depth

interception with the vertical landscape shot, the picture tends to give people the feeling of loss of balance, but sometimes also have unique effect, give left a deep impression. In addition, the close-range and long-term sense of distance is more literally manifested in the formation of a feeling of depth in the picture
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Old 07-23-2011, 07:15 AM   #8
Posts: n/a

A very good introductory information, Hu sorted out, reproduced for everyone to share.
Whether you are new to carefully read through strongly recommended...

Official information from Canon, the author: Takahashi Liangfu

Author: worked in advertising photography studios, publishing houses, is a freelance photographer. The magazine as the center, active in the advertising, stage, food and other broad areas of photography. From the perspective of the general enthusiast article written widely welcomed. Published more than on the camera and photography books.

since the inception of digital SLR cameras, the photography industry has undergone tremendous changes. We can use a digital SLR film cameras can not do a lot of jobs that, this is an undeniable fact. Shooting itself this easier. Many digital SLR camera inherits the basic structure of film SLR camera, the operation also has a lot in common. For Canon EOS series used to use the film SLR camera users, the master operating Canon digital SLR camera does not take too long. For those who have been able to grasp the small digital camera for people who just have to learn digital SLR cameras and knowledge of the unique mode of operation, so that they want freedom to shoot the photos is also not difficult. It can be said, anyone can easily learn to use digital SLR cameras. Able to immediately confirm the shooting finished, the user's photographic technology will progress rapidly, even in a short time into the intermediate level. Moreover, the characteristics of digital SLR cameras is the ability to change the maximum lens, which makes the broader world of photography. The EOS DIGITAL series cameras can use lenses and other accessories are very rich, so learning to use the series SLR photography is no better choice. People with a variety of handy paragraph 60 above the body and the lens will be provided for the user's photographic career, strong support. If the book is placed in hand, watching science, I believe everyone in a very short period of time is not lost to professional photographers capture the photo.


the first page: http://bbs.lcwang.com/read.php?tid = 3393
01 digital SLR cameras in mind all the charm
02 Name
03 shooting some preparatory work before the
04 to try to shoot the first digital SLR camera
05 structural principle of the principle structure of the lens
camera holding Machine 08 Learn the basics of composition
09 people make a good photo - Portrait

the second page: http://bbs .lcwang.com / read.php? tid = 3393 & page = 2
10 so that even more distinctive landscape - zoom in landscape mode
11 small objects - Macro mode
12 shooting fast-moving objects - sports mode
13 shooting night scenes and characters simultaneously - Night Portrait mode
14 does not use flash photography - flash off mode
various thematic subject of the film learn to grasp the opportunity
15 digital SLR cameras structural principle
16 AE Av,belstaff motorcycle jackets, Tv, P mode
17 understand Aperture
19 shutter speed control and automatic focus function to understand the focus

third page: http://bbs .lcwang.com / read.php? tid = 3393 & page = 3
20 What is the understanding of white balance, ISO sensitivity
22 flexible use of exposure compensation
24 bracketing the use of metering mode to understand the difference between
25 Clean image sensor
26 using flash photography
27 photos style
29 on the light in the composition of knowledge to build on the fourth page

: http://bbs.lcwang.com/read.php?tid=3393&page=4
feature flexible use of real-time display the charm of

digital SLR camera digital SLR camera's unique charm lies in its The system can perfect scalability and quality overwhelming. Let the digital SLR camera by compact digital cameras compared to understand the characteristics of digital SLR cameras.

picture in stark contrast to the expressiveness of

■ digital SLR camera

■ compact digital camera image sensor

The size of the device is completely different

■ 35mm film

■ full frame image sensor

■ APS-C size image sensor

■ compact digital camera image sensor

image sensor area of effect on the impact of virtual digital SLR
cameras and small digital camera comparison, not only the appearance of differentiated, more importantly, the basic structure of its internal that there are fundamental differences. The main difference is for receiving light, the image of the image sensor size difference. 1/2.5 inch-type typically used with image sensors compared to compact digital cameras, digital SLR cameras generally use the APS-C size image sensor has approximately 13 times the area. Therefore, the electronic performance also has many advantages. Icon photo imaging visual effects background, the main difference lies in the different blur effects, and can be replaced lens digital SLR camera at this point compared with the small digital camera also has a very distinct advantage. Image sensor size blur effects caused by the lens focal length difference and have great relationships. The smaller image sensor size, the shorter the lens focal length (wide-angle inclined), which makes it difficult to obtain a satisfactory background blur effects. When shooting with digital SLR cameras, it will feel different with the usual picture, which is different from the image sensor size is a direct link.

lens can be replaced to a large number of lens digital SLR camera

bring endless possibilities of digital
originated in the film SLR cameras, SLR cameras, it also has to meet a variety of interchangeable lenses by shooting needs. The small digital camera, lens and body as a whole could not have interchangeable lenses. Regardless of how high magnification zoom lens, always has its limits, especially its wide-angle capability is weak. Digital SLR cameras can use lenses from ultra wide -angle to super telephoto lens a variety of lenses, the number of genuine Canon lens for more than 60 models. Number of lens aperture according to their brightness and was detailed breakdown of different characteristics. To take full advantage of these lenses, digital SLR camera is the real charm. When you want to slightly enlarge some subject or want to shoot the whole scene, just replace the lens can easily get the desired effect, it can be said that the advantages of digital SLR camera, one of the largest.

■ digital SLR camera

■ compact digital camera

left are the use of digital SLR cameras and compact digital cameras from the same location subject received the same photo shoot. And construction is not good at wide-angle shot compact digital cameras, compared to the use of ultra wide-angle lens digital SLR camera to a wider range.

will not miss the opportunity to

quick shutter response to capture transient dynamic
compared with small digital cameras, digital SLR cameras, one advantage is that the action short delay the process. Compact digital camera is usually observed through the back of the LCD monitor after shooting , strictly speaking, the picture is not taken to the moment you press the shutter button the screen, but slightly behind the picture, it is because the LCD monitor observed on the screen device is converted into electronic signals generated, so will have lag. The digital SLR camera is the optical viewfinder to observe the actual image, so the electronics will not have the time difference, the current observed image and the subject is no difference in the actual action. And regardless of the shutter and other mechanical structure or the speed of autofocus, digital SLR cameras have an absolute advantage of the speed with instant shutter will not miss opportunities for high performance. Even a small digital camera is difficult to shoot scenes or figures sports moment expressions, digital SLR cameras can easily capture. At the same time, because better performance image processing, digital SLR cameras shooting interval is shorter, to a certain period of time take more pictures, so the subject can be shot on high-speed movement to improve the best photos probability. As noted above, the digital SLR camera features and performance in a variety of small digital cameras with the differences, the design features to ensure not miss the opportunity to capture moments.

■ digital SLR camera

■ compact digital camera

small digital camera by looking at the back of the LCD monitor for shooting,belstaff shop, the picture can not be with synchronized movement of the subject, the composition can not obtain the desired effect. In the digital SLR camera using the optical viewfinder the image above or the timely observation of the facial expression recognition.
Remember the name of the camera at the beginning of each part using a digital SLR camera to shoot, let us first understand the various parts of the name of the camera. Correctly grasp the camera name and function of each part, the first step to improve their standards.
Preparation before shooting the camera in the grasp of each part of the name, finally can begin to prepare for the actual shooting. Should check that some of the features of the camera while adjusting the various parts to ensure the comfort of use.

Check the camera packaging kit

check the package contents are complete,
take good care of the product warranty card in the purchase of the camera although
Anyone want to start immediately after use, but the first confirmation should be carefully packaged and organize content. Connect the camera and external equipment, cables, cameras and lenses are particularly prone to a variety of warranty card is lost, it is best to check back into the box after a good memory. CD-ROM software after installation is complete with the warranty card should be kept together. Camera ( lens) of the warranty card is only one copy each should pay attention to keep it up.

ready battery into the battery charger

optimistic about the correct direction within the battery into the charger. Confirmed into place to ensure good contact contacts.


to install the battery charger connected to the power cord, plug the power cord into the power outlet.


charging time charging the battery because of the different types vary, please refer to the appropriate instructions. Green indicator light indicates charging completed. Insert the battery into the camera

turn on the camera battery compartment cover, insert a charged battery. Insert the contacts should be facing inside the camera, inserted after the confirmation in the right direction.

tips must know tips
battery without the battery, let alone digital SLR camera to shoot, and not even moving about impossible. Therefore,belstaff jackets sale, the digital SLR camera, the battery is one of the most important accessories. Although the use of the battery does not require any special technology, it is recommended or should always use cloth to clean the battery contacts or the battery case to check whether there is damage. In addition, battery performance will vary with temperature, when the temperature is too low can not play its proper performance. In the winter or when shooting low-temperature region, if carrying a spare battery should be taken to avoid direct contact with the outside world of its low-temperature environment. Even though some batteries and special batteries similar shape, but it is also prohibited. Non-specific cells in the most severe cases can cause damage to the camera body, buy a spare battery must choose the correct model of the original product purchased.

install Remove the lens cap lens

remove the body cap and lens cover, ready to install the lens. Installation process should be taken to avoid dust from entering inside the camera.


lens mount lens embedded in the white flag and white flag body alignment, slowly but steadily to the lens mount on the fuselage. Installation should be taken to avoid the lens tilt.

rotating camera lens into the body lock

after rotating the lens clockwise to lock. Rotate the lens until you hear the voice of a fixed pin in place.

Tips Precautions when replacing the lens

outdoor replacement lens, should enable the body to replace the lens down

is one of the characteristics of digital SLR cameras, but because the lens is replaced, the machine exposed inside the body,belstaff jackets, so the operation is outside the entry of dust can not be avoided. Even if the camera with the dust removal function, they should be down body lens mount, rapid completion of the replacement lens operation.

EF lenses and EF-S lenses installed
marked difference
EF lenses and EF-S lenses in a slightly different structure, in order to avoid mistakenly installed in the EF-S lenses do not match the camera body, set up a special white flag. EF-S lenses should be aligned with the white logo machine body side firmly installed. Also note, EF-S lenses can not be used in addition to other APS-C size Canon EOS series digital cameras. The Canon EF lenses can be used for all EOS series digital cameras.

install EF lenses aligned

red flag card installed into the EF-S lenses


white logo card into the camera's initial setup

powered battery and lens installed, you can turn on the camera was. Position and shape of the power switch varies by model, should be carefully confirmed.

set start date and time the camera should first set the current date and time. Correctly enter the current date, time, which makes the photos after finishing work has become very easy. Press the MENU button

to display the menu

completion date and time settings, press the MENU button to display the setup menu. All set operations are carried out through the screen.

Set Language

set the language to Chinese. Acquired when the camera is set to the default language of English, so should \ After all the show selected will be changed to Simplified Chinese text are displayed.

insert a memory card format

turn off the power before inserting a memory card, you should first turn off the camera. Note the location and shape of the power switch varies by camera model.

the memory card into the memory card slot (note the direction)

the camera's memory card in the correct direction for insertion. The memory card affixed with the label side facing you into the camera.

off the memory card slot cover, turn the power

the card is fully inserted into the memory card slot, close the cover. Taken to ensure that the cover closed. Press the MENU button

to display the menu

the power switch to activate the camera, press the MENU button to display the menu. In the initial screen, select the feature set using the four-way controller project.

from the menu, select \ Down selection box when using the cross key.

Select \ In the formatting process, must not pull out the memory card.

formatting is complete when the progress bar disappears, return to the menu screen, the formatting is complete. The time required for formatting the memory card capacity and because of the different types of slightly different.

tips are very delicate
memory card camera used to record images of the memory card, no matter how small its volume, in fact, are very sophisticated electronic products. Because of small size, need to pay more attention to avoid forgetting his trouser pockets tragedy directly thrown into the washing machine. Also note, the memory card and use of electrical connection between the camera, the data processing lamp is lit, no matter what the situation arise, do not open the memory card slot cover or pull out the memory card. This may not only lose the stored image data, and may even cause damage to the memory card , so be very careful when using a memory card.

preparation before shooting 4
mastered the camera in various parts of the name, finally can begin to prepare for the actual shooting. Should check that some of the features of the camera while adjusting the various parts to ensure the comfort of use.

viewfinder diopter adjustment viewfinder

camera observed the time of purchase have not been diopter adjustment, the situation may be due to differences in the user's vision which led to the viewfinder shows blurred. Should be adjusted according to their own vision.

be adjusted with the knob

while watching the viewfinder, rotate the knob to find the location of the clearest display.

be able to see the bottom of the viewfinder information display is clearly visible as a standard to be adjusted. Vision when the eye fatigue may change, so adjust the method of operation should be borne in mind at any time to adjust.

install the strap through the strap and the strap loop body

the front of the strap from the strap ring on the outside penetration and out, and then through to four fixed fixed ring.

relax some strap lock, so strap from the top of the penetration

the strap lock strap is slightly relaxed, leaving some room for the strap end top strap lock from the inside penetration. the inside of the strap lock

retrace slightly out of locking the strap through the strap section, piercing the strap lock off the back under the back side.

taut strap

complete length of the adjustment, tighten the straps, with four fixed ring fixed triple straps. End of the operation .

ready it!

so that all preparatory work is done filming. Raise their standards and there is no shortcut, just as complete as the preparation of the above, fully understand the function and configuration of the camera, a solid grasp of the correct use is important. In the next lesson, we will actually use the camera functions at the same time, a variety of basic photography skills to illustrate this. First, let's try to shoot 1
Once you master the basics, you will find a digital SLR camera is not so difficult as imagined. As long as the correct focus and press the shutter button, a new world will be displayed in front of you.

try to shoot automatic mode

the shooting mode is set to \ automatic mode. The so-called automatic mode, all functions is automatically set by the camera's shooting mode is very easy to use.

the lens focus mode is set to \ This auto focus can play a role. Remove the lens cap

Remove the front lens cover, complete the shooting for. Lens cover is a spring, press the ends of the locking part can remove the lens cap.

the camera at the subject

observed by right eye viewfinder, aim hope the film subjects. Look in the viewfinder, should not be far away from the viewfinder, the viewfinder should be made to observe the eyes snapping.

half-press the shutter button to focus

basic object when you want to shoot into the viewfinder, the lightly pressing the shutter button to start automatically focusing function to focus.

in focus on the subject

can see hope in the subject while shooting, the camera issue, \

Press the shutter button to shoot!

in a state of half-pressing the shutter to adjust the composition,belstaff leather, and then press the shutter button. Point shooting is complete!

after the completion of shooting, the LCD monitor will display the image just captured. Preview image in the display disappears after a period of time, when image data has been recorded to the memory card.

Tips dark scene, the flash will automatically flash

When the subject is dark, the built-in flash will automatically pop up and flash. Even in outdoor conditions, or in the backlight if the brightness is insufficient, sometimes automatic flash, which is normal.

first to try to shoot 2
Once you master the basics, you will find a digital SLR camera is not as difficult as imagined. As long as the correct focus and press the shutter button, a new world will be displayed in front of you.

view photos taken

press the playback button to play back

playback recording is complete press the button to watch the film image. Playback image will first show the latest photos.

using four-way controller, before and after photos show

If you want to confirm before an image, use the four-way controller left and right keys switch. Select the image to the left before,belstaff blouson, right after the image selection.

Zoom and move the display position

want to display the captured image to enlarge, you can press the zoom button on the magnifying glass symbol to zoom. Amplified by four-way controller or the position of multi-function control button (varies by model) to move.

when you want to delete the photo to delete photos, you can display the photos in the state hit the delete button, and then choose to use four-way controller, etc. \ Press the SET button to confirm the deletion.

tips can also use the speed control dial or the main dial to select the other images before and after operation
location or move to enlarge the operation method varies by model. In the back of the fuselage model with speed control dial can be used to switch the dial to playback images. Other models with multi-function control buttons you can use the multi-function control knob to move the enlarged position, but it also has the characteristics of action can be oblique. Second, the shutter button can also be used in the image above the main dial to switch, you can set to 10 units, etc. to jump. Please read the instructions of the models, master the methods of operation.
■ with the main dial to switch the image

■ image with the Quick Control Dial switch

Tips for people to appreciate
can also use the TV for playback when

photos taken in order to appreciate, not only through the back of the LCD monitor for the camera, you can also use the home TV set. Use of television, then together we can enjoy photos with family, relatives and friends to share joy. Connect the TV and the camera should be used with the video cable to plug into the TV or other video device input terminals connected with the camera. When using the TV viewing photos, and using the camera on the back of the LCD monitor during playback, as part of the same photos can be enlarged or screen scrolling.
The structure of digital SLR cameras and photographic principles
Principle photography
Principles of data recording data records
process: the image sensor → → image processor card. Until the stage to the image processor used to complete imaging, data storage memory card to play the role only.

the image sensor converts light signals to generate a fundamental part of the required image data. But at this stage not complete imaging.

image processor

image sensors based on the data transmission to generate digital images. In this section a variety of image processing.

bear the memory card save the image data generated by the task processor. In this section is not associated with the imaging operation .

What recording quality?
the so-called quality refers to the image processor image data generated by the size and quality.

transmitted to the image sensor data, as specified in the form for processing, access to comply with requirements of the quality.
image processor for image data obtained from the sensor without processing, and storage records directly to save the form. After the computer need to be adjusted for quality.

the image data compression to save for a certain size of the storage record form. Processed by the image processor, do not use the computer for processing.

Example: EOS 450D recording quality (the number of 12.2 million effective pixels)
recording quality mode records the number of pixels Use
JPEG Large / Fine 4272 × 2848 pixels A3 + print
JPEG Large / Normal; 4272 × 2848 pixels A3 + print
JPEG Large / Fine 3088 × 2056 pixels; A4 print
JPEG Large / Normal 3088 × 2056 pixels A4 print
JPEG Large / Fine; 2256 × 1504 pixels L size prints
JPEG Large / Normal 2256 × 1504 pixels L size prints
RAW 4272 × 2848 pixel post-processing
RAW + JPEG Large / Fine 4272 × 2848 pixel post-processing
※ (the type of image quality recording mode and record the number of pixels varies by model)
principle structure of the lens effect of the lens is for digital SLR cameras, as its very important for film cameras. It not only bears the work of collecting the light to form images, but also bear the focus and so on.
Lens with image stabilization feature is the lens anti-shake function can be generated based on hand-shake compensation exercise by moving part of the optical lens, thereby eliminating the jitter triggered the screen shots. The agency can prevent hand-shake to get sharper images, and because of the optical system, real-time mobile, it also has a viewfinder image can improve the stability and performance advantages of auto focus.

built-in image stabilization lens body is marked with Image Stabilizer (Image Stabilizer) abbreviation IS. The lens of \

What is EF-S lenses
EF-S lenses are designed for use APS-C size image sensors of digital cameras designed special lenses. Image circle (the lens image size) is smaller than the normal lens, the lens has to reduce the volume of advantages. EF-S in \

EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM

EF-S lenses including wide-angle zoom lens EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM, standard zoom lens EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM, EF-S 60mm macro lens; f/2.8 USM Macro and other merchandise.

tips lens hood function
installed on the front of the camera lens hood with the function block stray light. Although the surface of the lens coating to prevent reflection, but the best in strong backlight conditions to install hood to avoid light reflection chaos. Recommended installation is often the best.
camera holding Machine
holding machine with the correct posture will allow us not only to the successful completion of filming, but will greatly affect the quality of the pictures taken. To prevent hand-shake, the camera should be to master the correct method of holding machine.

support for the basic method

lateral support machine

held in the horizontal machine, boosting the bottom of the left lens from the camera to remain stable.
gently tighten the arms appear to prevent the camera shake.

Tips wrong

holding Machine as open arms like wings, the upper body in an unstable state. Do not just use your arms to support the camera, you should use the whole body to remain stable.

longitudinal vertical holding unit holding unit, the handle of the hand holding the camera can also be located at the top of the bottom. But when the hand holding the handle at the top of the arm is easier when you open, so special attention.

Tips wrong in holding Machine

opened his arms above This support unit is very unstable. It can be said with no difference between a single handset.

shot from low in the lower center of gravity when shooting left knee should be supported on the ground, with the right knee support arm, which prevents vertical hand-shake there.

real-time display mode shooting mode with Live View shooting, more prone to hand-shake. Should be clamping arms, supporting the camera from below, in order to maintain stability. Learn the basics of composition
If you already know the basic operation of the camera , you need to do is determined by observing the viewfinder picture composition. Composition in general there are so few key elements: the subject position, the screen anyway, the income range of the screen size.

decided to photograph the direction of frame composition and the broad sense of the screen when taking pictures
theory and composition to consider when Painting constitute exactly the same screen. The photographer can imagine the camera's viewfinder into the canvas, and how to balance a photo placed on the subject has become critical. Sometimes we like painting on canvas to put up, and sometimes cross over it, like, take pictures when we can also choose to shake-hands grip or vertical shot. Also, the subject placed in the position of the picture which is completely dependent on the photographer's own, should be based on the size of the subject to arrange the situation in and around the screen. In addition, the broad sense of the picture is also an important factor when the composition is to shoot into the picture as a whole or only part of the subject will be enlarged, different options will make the overall atmosphere in the photo is very different. Composition is not a specific value can be measured in some things, but the photographer according to its own \

horizontal photos to show the photo broad sense

landscape photography in accordance with the basic technique - shooting horizontal mapping method. Landscape photographs similar to human's natural field of vision, to give people a sense of stability . In this photo, near the boat and the background contrast, produced a pleasing tension.

vertical screen shot to show feeling of depth

interception with the vertical landscape shot, the picture tends to give people the feeling of loss of balance, but sometimes also have unique effect, give left a deep impression. In addition, the close-range and long-term sense of distance is more literally manifested in the formation of a feeling of depth in the picture
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