---- If your application needs a very long time for a great deal of information processing, this time period lengthy enough to ensure that Windows doesn't detect person actions through the activation of a screen saver, as soon as the screen saver starts , your program is essentially slower, and this will greatly impact the normal operation from the system. Is there a method to make the information processing program for the long time prior to producing off the screen safety? The answer is sure. Windows just before beginning the display saver will activate the software to send the present WM_SYSCOMMAND concept, which wParam parameter specifies the type of system instructions to become executed, during this case, the value SC_SCREENSAVE. The trouble is how to capture the news system it? In C + + Builder might be utilized Tapplication OnMessage event handler class to handle the news. Any software acquired following the Windows concept will trigger Tapplication OnMessage class activities, by defining the event handler, you'll be able to send for the application captures all Windows messages (not surprisingly not included inside the system using the SendMessage function to send the message) .
---- OnMessage events are outlined as follows:
typedef void__fastcall (__closure
* TMessageEvent) (tagMSG & Msg, bool & Handled);
__property TMessageEvent OnMessage =
read = FOnMessage, write = FOnMessage;
---- OnMessage which TMessageEvent type is the sort of event that defines the technique of processing a message, Msg parameters are given information and facts about Windows messages Its structure is as follows:
typedef struct tagMSG
HWND hwnd;
UINT message;
WPARAM wParam;
LPARAM lParam;
DWORD time;
POINT pt ;
---- Handled parameter determines how the message for further processing, if a message is acquired soon after the Handled parameter is set to true, then the message will not be further treatment, in this case is to remove the display saver activated.
---- Start C + + Builder, create a project file, the header files to increase within the Private section of the member perform CaptureMessage statement:
class TForm1: public Tform
void __fastcall CaptureMessage (tagMSG & Msg, bool & Handled);
__fastcall TForm1 (Tcomponent * Owner);
---- in. cpp file to add CaptureMessage definition:
void __fastcall TForm1:: CaptureMessage (tagMSG & Msg, bool & Handled)
if (Msg.message = = WM_SYSCOMMAND & & Msg.wParam = = SC_SCREENSAVE)
Handled = true; / / stop the screen saver starts
Handled = false; / / to the message The default processing
---- then purpose as outlined CaptureMessage OnMessage an occasion processor, the main form add the following code inside the OnCreate occasion handler :
void __fastcall TForm1:: FormCreate (Tobject * Sender)
Application-> OnMessage = CaptureMessage;
---- Press F9 to compile and run the system, you may advance the screen saver wait time set to a value as small as conceivable to test the operation from the system. You will find within the plan is running, the display saver will not be activated,
Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise, close running programs and then wait for a while, the display saver would normally appear. The above code in C + + Builder3, win98 environment to run through the