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Old 05-08-2011, 08:34 PM   #1
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Default fox racing hats Diabetic Foot Care - Prevent Diabe

Your socks should fit snugly ######## Oakley Sunglasses Golf Clothing, Golf Shoes a, but comfortably. The material should not produce any uncomfortable sensations. For more serious cases of foot deformities, patients are advised to wear wider-sized socks.
Do you have a diabetic foot care kit? Diabetics often have serious problems with their feet. This is partially because you can lose sensation in the nerves around this area (diabetic foot neuropathy). You may be unaware of blisters, cracks and wounds that develop. If unattended, small wounds like these can exacerbate into severe complications such as gangrenes and ulcers. Needless to say, you should keep a kit of diabetic foot care products specially designed to help prevent any of these complications.
Sometimes an anti-fungal foot cream is called for to fend off fungi and bacteria. It can help relieve symptoms like itching and burning, while fortifying your skin with moisture to protect your feet against microorganisms.
You may want to include a magnifying glass and a mirror to examine your feet. Carefully examine your feet nightly for cuts, bruises or other signs of injury. Any injuries that do not heal quickly require immediate medical attention. Do not put off what can quickly become a very serious health issue.
Fungal nail treatments - People with diabetes are at risk of contracting nail fungus or onychomycosis, a condition characterized by discolored, disfigured, thickened and split toenails and fingernails. There are various treatments for onychomycosis including topical anti-fungals and oral medications. For more severe cases, surgery may be needed.
Diabetic socks are made with comfort and protection in mind. Design is secondary. Though manufacturers do make colored diabetic socks, white socks (not related to any baseball team) are highly recommended by podiatrists and foot doctors. It is easier to detect draining that can cause discoloration with lighter-colored socks.
Just because you can get the pants buttoned doesn't mean that they fit. You will only look like a sausage if you go out of the house.The Solution:
If you currently buy shirts that are very loose fitting, go down a size. You will be amazed at the amount of compliments you receive and inquiries asking if you have lost weight. With pants, make sure that you can get your fingers comfortably in between you and your waist band. This may require you to go up a size or even two. Have no fear, you aren't getting larger, you are now wearing pants that fit.Image Killer #3
Pleated/Cuffed Pants
Many men are guilty of these fashion no no's. Most men have a desire to look their best. If your best means you want to look heavier than you are then wear the pleats. But, if you want to appear slimmer and taller then it may be time to ditch the pleats. The goal is to create a nice straight line from the waist down to your shoes.
Pumice stone - This may come in handy for treating excessive formations of calluses. Never use sharp implements such as a knife or razor blade to trim calluses, blisters or sores. A pumice stone used carefully and gently can remove layers of hardened skin. For better results, use your pumice stone in combination with moisturizing soap or cream to help hydrate the tissues of hardened areas.
Diabetic foot cream - Healthy and soft skin resists infection in your feet. Dry skin, on the other hand, leads to cracks that make your feet more vulnerable to infection. A good diabetic cream may help moisturize areas that are especially dry. A word of caution when using these creams: avoid putting cream or oil between your toes. This often leads to infection and complications.
To learn more about treating diabetes and controlling your blood sugar click on the link below.
Use your diabetic foot care kit regularly and always wear proper socks and shoes. Your feet will thank you.
If the answer to these questions are yes fox racing hats, then more than likely the clothes in that store are not for you. Paying attention to these two simple rules will surely point you in the right direction.Image Killer #2
Ill Fitting Clothing
When I tell you that your clothes should fit you, most of you may be thinking "Duh". But, give me a chance to explain. A lot of men are wearing clothing that is too large for them or too small for them. A common misconception is that if you are a larger man you should buy larger shirts to minimize your weight. This couldn't be further from the truth. What happens is that in an attempt to camouflage your weight you only make yourself look heavier and larger than you are. On the flip side, some of you buy clothes that are smaller than you actually are.
Though not part of your actual kit, good diabetic foot care includes the right socks and shoes. Going barefoot is not a good idea. You don't need added risk of injuries or wounds to your poor diabetic feet.
Good-fitting shoes - Many online as well as local vendors sell specially fitted shoes for diabetics. A good pair of shoes for a diabetic has a high and wide toebox and removable insoles that can accommodate orthotics. A proper shoe puts less pressure in areas that commonly cause foot problems such as calluses, blisters and wounds. Again, design and style are secondary. Make sure your shoes are comfortable and give good support to your feet.
Diabetic socks - These look pretty much like regular socks. These socks have several characteristics, however, that separate them from generic socks. Diabetic socks prevent moisture and build-up of microorganisms that cause infections. They are made from materials such as nylon, acrylic, cotton and elastic fibers that provide ample cushioning while keeping your feet cool and dry. Diabetic socks have non-binding tops that also help improve blood circulation in your feet.
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Old 05-08-2011, 08:43 PM   #2
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  □记者 周斌 实习生 程冰冰 董珊珊 郭艺凡 文图


  8年前的一次意外,妻子几乎丧失了自理能力。下肢失去知觉,丧失排泄功能,可能永久瘫痪,面对这突如其 来的灾难,身为工程师的丈夫像对待婴儿般悉心呵护着妻子。按摩、排便、洗尿湿的裤子,2000多个日日夜夜 ,丈夫的付出终于换来了“奇迹”。



  63岁的陈瑞莲手扶助行器坐在椅子上,听记者说要给她拍张照片,手撑扶杆“腾”地一下站了起来,那股精 气神儿犹如孩子一般,她的丈夫陈银海呵呵地笑了起来。

  4月21日上午,在开封尉氏县城一个满目果蔬青翠的小院里,记者拜访了这对幸福的老年夫妇。谁都想不到 ,8年来,太阳城网上娱乐,他们经历了怎样的灾难苦痛。

  陈银海是尉氏县供电局的电力工程师。2003年8月17日,陈银海和妻子陈瑞莲乘长途汽车去漯河舞阳高 中参加同学聚会,汽车突然剧烈地颠簸了一下,坐在后排的陈瑞莲被颠得腾空跃起,头狠狠地撞在车厢顶部,当身 体落到凳子上时她只感觉跟触电一样,全身发麻,之后下身就全然没有了知觉。

  在漯河市第一人民医院,经过了20多个小时的抢救,妻子的命保住了,但随之而来的消息让陈银海全家人愣 住了:陈瑞莲患了腰椎压缩性骨折――一种极难治疗且极难康复的病,很有可能一辈子下身都要瘫痪 。




  为了防止妻子生褥疮,陈银海经常帮她翻身,开始时两个小时就要翻一次;为不让妻子无法活动的腿部肌肉萎 缩,陈银海每隔半个小时就要给她进行按摩;他还专门买来书自学按摩方法,每天定期给老伴儿检查 身体。

  “俺爸给俺们姐弟俩树立了一个好榜样,他一出去跑医院家里就跟泄了气的皮球一样,俺爸经常给我们全家人 加油打气儿。”陈银海的儿子陈黎明说。

  “有一天我发现她的脚烧了好几个泡,但她一点感觉都没有,我当时的心都碎了。”为了让妻子能少受点罪, 陈银海把自己琢磨出来的按摩方法手把手教给儿女,让他们严格按照自己的方法去照顾陈瑞莲。

  陈瑞莲患病后失去了正常的排泄功能,陈银海亲手帮妻子掏大便。“俺老头儿不容易,啥脏活累活都干从来不 叫一声苦,委屈他了……”说到这事,陈瑞莲哽咽了,陈银海在旁边微笑着盯着她,满眼深情,默不 作声。



  “回到家之后,看着为了照顾我瘦了将近20斤的老头,太阳城官方网站,不管多晚都回来看我的儿子闺女,我心里可不是滋味,感觉自己连累了一家人。”为此陈瑞莲经常偷偷落泪,时 间一长,本来就患有角膜炎的她又患上了急性青光眼,陈银海赶紧给老伴儿做了青光眼手术。

  陈瑞莲经常一个星期还不排一次大便,新陈代谢几乎无法进行。为此陈银海专门到医院找专家商量,最后决定 给妻子做一个造瘘手术,在腹部插一根管子,通过管道进行定时小便,但是大便的问题依然没有解决,陈银海依然 坚持定期为妻子掏大便。

  两年过后到医院复查,医生诊断陈瑞莲患了膀胱结石,她只好再接受一次手术。身体和心理的痛苦已经让陈瑞 莲不堪重负。“回家之后没几天我在俺妈枕头下面发现一把剪刀,现在想想都觉得后怕。”儿子哽咽 着说。

  “从这件事以后,俺爸交代俺们回家多给妈讲讲生活、工作中的小笑话小故事,逗俺妈开心。”女儿笑着说, “俺爸想的这一招确实有效果,俺妈的心情好了很多。”



  陈银海说:“别人的病情是每天都有好转,我妻子的病情是按年计算的,一年才会有一点进步。 ”

  陈银海委托医院专门请了日本的专家,认真学习如何进行康复性功能训练。他日夜不停地为妻子做康复性训练 ,白天带她出去散心,晚上帮她按摩,让肌肉始终处于运动状态。

  付出终于有了回报。三年前的一天,陈瑞莲跟丈夫说想尝试着站起来走几步,陈银海和儿子俩人架着她的胳膊 慢慢地站起来,当她迈开腿走第一步时,陈银海跟儿子这两个男子汉的眼眶都湿润了。

  两年前的一天早上,陈银海发现妻子床上有一点湿湿的,才知道妻子会尿了,虽然只有一点点,但是这也让一 家人兴奋了大半天。

  之后陈瑞莲经常尿裤子,寒冬腊月陈银海经常一天要为妻子洗裤子二十多次。“我不能再让他为了我累出病, 就把裤裆剪开,这样就方便点儿,我想丢人就丢人吧,淘金盈官方网。”自此陈瑞莲就像孩子一样穿起了“开裆裤”。

  经过将近八年的努力,陈瑞莲现在已经基本可以自己解决大小便问题了,当年放进腹部的那根帮助排尿的管子 也在一年前取了出来。

  现在的陈瑞莲借助助行器每天锻炼五到六个小时,吃饭穿衣也可以自己动手。“你看我的衣服都是我自己穿的 ”,陈瑞莲指着自己身上的衣服自豪地向记者展示。

  当年为陈瑞莲做手术的主治医生得知她现在已经可以半自理时,惊讶地说:“不简单啊,像这种情况,如果不 是有家人的无微不至的照顾是绝对做不到的,也算是个奇迹啊。”

  结束采访时,记者遇到陈银海夫妇的几位邻居,邻居陈女士动情地说:“一定要好好表扬一下陈工(大家都这 么叫陈银海),俺附近的人都知道他的事迹,这老头儿太细心了,对她媳妇儿真好。要不是陈工,他媳妇儿肯定不 会有今天。虽然他们家遭遇了这场不幸,但是看人家患难夫妻那份真情,真让人羡慕啊!”


  整个采访过程没有我们想象中的那种忧郁和悲伤,反而让我们看到了一个乐观睿智的老人和一个幸福美满而又 坚强的家庭。

  说到丈夫陈银海,陈瑞莲脸上总是浮现一种满足而又幸福的笑容。“以前他在家啥都不会干,自从我出事之后 ,他主动让我指挥他教他做饭,蒸馒头,炒菜,包饺子,刚开始做得不好,慢慢儿地就对我的胃口了,现在我想吃 啥他就给我做啥,这对于原来啥都不会的他来说太难了。”我能感觉到她心里的那种幸福和满足。

  整个采访过程顺利自然,没有矫揉造作,没有哗众取宠,有的是朴实的感情和乐观的心态。说到妻子遇难这件 事,陈银海说:“我觉得这是生活给我们出了一道考试题,是一次对你意志和素质的考评,好好做这道题了,你的 生活就得‘优秀’,否则成绩就是‘不及格’。”
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Old 05-08-2011, 08:49 PM   #3
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