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Old 04-23-2011, 04:44 PM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 1,492
haxhklm2x8 is on a distinguished road
Default 患肾病妻子甘为爱人冒险生子(图)—公安监听器

  2009年10月,经武汉同济医院确诊,沈秋波已由肾病转为尿毒症。程金涛后悔万分,不断责骂自已。而 沈秋波则不停地安慰他,称只要能为他留下一个爱情结晶就一切都值了。
  然而,病魔突降这个幸福家庭。2006年2月初,沈秋波突然感到头昏头痛、浑身水肿,手机窃听器嘉鑫好用,吃不下、睡不好觉。经医生检查,发现其肾小球硬化。沈秋波拿到医院诊断书后,没有告诉程金涛,以为只是小 病,吃点药就会没事。她每次给程金涛发短信都称自己“很好。”

  随着妻子病情的加重,儿子的嗷嗷待哺,程金涛更加忙碌了。他白天到工地打工挣钱,中途赶回家侍候病人, 给孩子换尿布、喂牛奶。谁也没想到,渐渐地,他粗壮的手竟然学会给妻子打针,给妻子灌肠,其熟练程度甚至不 亚于一名医护人员,不过,个中的甘苦只有他自己最清楚。


  见女方家长如此反对婚事,程家父母也逼着儿子与女友分手。不料程金涛坚称,除了沈秋波,他宁可独身。最 后,面对孩子们的如此“执迷不悟”,双方家长只好让步。


  十月怀子的沈秋波经历了一场非人磨难,她全身肿得像一个发酵的馒头,走一步喘三口,吃什么 吐什么。

  2005年11月11日,程金涛、沈秋波经历重重磨难,终于携手走进婚姻殿堂。新婚当晚,他们悄悄给未 来的孩子取好了名字――程曦或程希。

  面对今后的路,程金涛不愿谈得太多,他知道要想治好妻子的病,最好的办法是换肾。他目前只想多干一点活 ,多攒一点钱,只有这样,妻子的病和孩子的生活才有希望。

  半个月后,程金涛从沈秋波的好友胡仕华处获悉,妻子患上了肾病,已卧床半个月了。程金涛遂辞退工作,连 夜买票往家里赶。当他看到妻子面浮目肿时,当即心疼得直掉泪,随后,他带着妻子踏上了四处求医 的艰辛之路。


  谁知2007年底,沈秋波偷偷停服避孕药,瞒着程金涛怀了孕。3个月后,当程金涛发现了妻子怀孕的秘密 后,手机窃听软件,他痛发了一顿“脾气”。看到丈夫如此生气的样子,沈秋波却感觉自已“没有做错”,一种幸福,一种满足感流 遍全身。因为她甘为爱人冒险生子。

  几年下来,程金涛花光了积蓄,债台高筑。由于家里穷,每次只要是病情稍好一点,沈秋波就吵着回家,其病 情一直没能得到根治。
  由于是患病产妇,当地医院都不敢为沈秋波接生,夫妻俩只好到省城生产。2008年农历腊月十八,程金涛 带着妻子赶到省人民医院,公安监听器。次日,沈秋波便顺利地剖腹产下一男婴,取名程曦。
  从2006年3月起,程金涛不记得多少次带着妻子去武汉、黄石等地求医。只要是听说哪里有名医可以治妻 子的病,他都会一一记录下来,从不放过一丁点希望。家里一大摞车船票见证了这对患难夫妻的求医 之路。
  与心上人结为夫妻是程金涛、沈秋波人生最大的满足,尽管这份爱一路艰辛,但总算是苦尽甘来 。

  婚后,程金涛远赴新疆打工,沈秋波在家守候,安徽窃听器怎么使用,夫妻俩几乎每天要发十几条短信,手机成了他们夫妻间互诉相思之情的重要工具。甚至二人如厕时也都把手机拿 在手上,生怕对方有短信来。

  据程金涛介绍,6年前,31岁的他认识了比自己小5岁的沈秋波,两人一见钟情、山盟海誓,一个是非他不 嫁,窃听器货到付款,一个是非她不娶。然而,这桩婚事却遭到了双方家长的反对。沈秋波的父母认为,女儿是医院护士,有稳定收入 ,而程金涛是一个地地道道的农村小伙子,沈家父母于是逼着女儿嫁给当地一名教师,可沈秋波宁死 不从,手机监听定位卡

  因不愿离开沈秋波半步,这些年,程金涛就在附近做建筑工、搬运工,贩运农副产品,还替人守过工地。只要 有活干就行。“干活――攒钱――求医”,程金涛按照这个模式不断给自已加油。而他的工作主餐是开水、馒头, 身上穿的衣服都是6年前买的。“不能要孩子。”医生多次这样告诉患病的沈秋波,程金涛也多次表示,为了妻子 健康,他宁可放弃要孩子的计划。




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Old 04-23-2011, 04:56 PM   #2
General of the Army
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Ue1eg3drc5bh is on a distinguished road

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329156 2008 年 07 月 07 日 07:40 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Funny
1, landlord: I just took a little bit of that money could not understand, and then have to buy a high consumption of things, such as high-end cosmetics, such as high-end bags and so on, terrible vanity it! !
personally believe it is within their means as well!
so much, cat friends, you buy the most expensive luxury that?

Reply 1: Chicken, 320

back 2: the most expensive luxury is wife. Is a bottomless pit.

2, landlord: Comedy highlights of their father and mother's name is genius ah! A man named Qin Shousheng do not know how to think her parents are

reply 1: I'm a man called Yin Jing female colleagues I have been to me is absolutely true man unit! ! Later, I heard renamed

Reply 2: A high school teacher told Zhu Hui Philippines ..........

3 replies : used to have a student surnamed Xia Xia Jian ~ M is called!

Reply 4: I am a customer, Mingjiao Fan sword!

Reply 5: I have to say the last time I really saw it ~ business card, is a labor contractor, and is Liu silver water. . .

3, landlord: little brother I used to use a stool pit all the time, now moved into new homes, pit suddenly I wonder a little brother into the toilet: I do not know on the inside of the small-JJ or outside? On the inside edge of the small JJ run into the toilet, I feel disgusting. On the outside, when one will do a urine everywhere, how do ah? ? ? What you up to, what a good solution yet? Bow to it!

Reply 1: squatting toilet is king ~

Reply 2: The correct usage is so drop : Put your penis on the edge of the toilet, and then press down hard to the toilet lid.

Reply 3: This is the original painting your toilet ah. . . Every time the hotel before I thought it was automatic flush washbasin. No wonder every time washing face felt strange taste

Reply 4: Whoever hath outside, two hundred forty-six inside, hung up

Reply 5: I really miss time in the college into a few good brothers squatting with smoking a cigarette, with the stool!
how comfortable stool can race to see who killed more than flies and listen to the loudest fart who is the key to the PP will not splash water on their own little JJ to how to how rejection rejection!
now to work, work,UGG オーストラリア, toilet, and piles it! Damn the toilet!

4,ugg ブーツ, landlord: We discuss the Liangshan heroes how much physical desire to solve the problem?

Reply 1: too much ###### suppressed. So are bloodthirsty

Reply 2: Song Jiang Why is everyone like him? Did not understand? Look at his sissy like to know how to solve Liangshan heroes are the physiological needs.

Reply 3: Other bad that Wu left to kick the bad habits than to cut, which I admire

5, landlord: Why eunuch in the movie martial arts so high? !

Reply 1: There is no egg egg will not hurt

Reply 2: We used the effort because it was such as: Peach stealing monkeys, ah, makes all things easy, ah, ah, and so the legs Yin Liao them invalid, but the eunuchs who can be used in general, so that high-point on the martial arts myself!

Reply 3: Fool! No hanging, light as like Yan. Good martial arts course. Flip!

6, landlord: goose bumps out of the TV lines one place. . . . Strong storms
1 Qiong Yao's,ugg, something like God ... ...
3. , and you lie to me

Re: Swallow: Samuel, originally we were very good thing, are you Mom forced to
Samuel: B,
Swallow your mother: your mother's
Samuel B: B, your mother ...

7, landlord: A few days ago I installed a new machine, CPV is cool Rui two dual-core CPV, Need for Speed installed a machine to test the performance, playing with the results surprised, too fast, and before I use the old machines is up to 300 KM / h, for a new machine, actually stepped on the gas to accelerate to more than 500 KM / h, no time to hit the wall on the reaction, intel how you do that? to this immature get the market up to sell products, not Kengren it? If we all installed this cpu, it is also how to play Need for Speed ah. ask about master, how can the Swiss CPV cool off a dual-core? If only one of the words should be back to normal now

Reply 1: you doing pretty well, if my home computer to play Need for Speed, will produce the clock back

Reply 2: knock, and half let you JJ, not only meet your requirements and can accelerate the speed of your ML

Reply 3: I also encountered the same problems, and later with the mother to the temple to seek the Tao symbol, that says

8, landlord: to work one day, from late did not have breakfast, my mom just bought yesterday, the corn will gut to me. Is about 10 centimeters in length, 3 cm in diameter that. I readily surmise that before his trouser pockets to hurry off. And daily, or as a head headlong into the surging crowd, pushed to the subway. I'm back in front of a special Alice MM, just back at me. En er. . Thoughts swirling in my mind, I turn a bit timely direction,ugg ムートンブーツ, with the side of the body to meet her squeeze it, to avoid exaggerated biological response. Suddenly, a violent twist of the MM, hurled the ferocious eyes staring at me. . . . Me. . . How I had to? ? ? I suddenly reflected on it! Must be it, Flanagan nasty intestinal corn! I looked down about that part, did a great bar sideways, it is compelling. I told her, smiled, shook his finger and held it, indicating this is actually a corn sausage, not the other KB's stuff. But I found her even more angry face it,UGG ブーツ 格安!
. . . . .

Reply 1: I once read an article cucumber guess the bus ride!! results get off!! cucumber to the front of the MM Niede smashes ~ ~ ~

Reply 2: I'm a car, it was also harassment mm, mm on top of me with her ass, hot, ha ha, now think about is not front pockets baked sweet potatoes lay ah?

9, landlord: today and a buddy in the dorm,UGG AUSTRALLIA, he took a match to burn a small alcohol stove for instant noodles
just me passing by, careless
by a fart, actually my fart to the point, the fire has been burning ah whistling more than 20 minutes, scared me

Reply 1: I remember the rear end after tying the root ham, so any time there Sausage eating

Reply 2: Human life is like in the shit, sometimes you have very hard to come out just a fart.

Reply 3: P This is what some people control?

Reply 4: gas prices continue, the landlord gave us a great new energy.

10, landlord: Why do people litter crazy car, immediately Street riding is not a more handsome?

Reply 1: Cattle are better, there is milk to drink

reply 2: to ride the cat okay also can touch MIMI

back 3: to ride a chicken, pull a dog. Eating dog feces, dog feces eating chicken, eating eggs, economical and environmentally friendly.
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