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Old 04-17-2011, 12:12 AM   #1
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Default Windows 7 Activation Automate data collection form

Access 2007 has a nifty feature that allows you to collect data via email. Recently, I got the following question from a user:
Is there any way to automate the creation, sending and receiving of Emails through the Data Collection capability of A07 using VBA?  The wizard is too complex for the users I am working with.
Here is the reply we got from the developer—it isn’t for the faint at heart…
There isn’t a straight-forward way to do this and it isn’t officially supported. It’s possible if you don’t mind a little reverse engineering… The key is that there are two places Data Collection uses to do its work.  One is in a system table inside Access used to store information about the action, and the other is an XML file that Outlook uses when mails are received to identify Data Collection mails and associated databases.
The system table is called MSysDataCollection.  There’s one entry for each data collection action that’s created in the database.  A quick rundown of the fields:
Active – Controls whether the current Data Collection action should be run.
BasedOnType – This marks whether the data collection is based on a query or a table
CreatedDate – When was the data collection action originally started.
ExternalID – A unique GUID to identify the Data Collection action
FormName – Name of the form; appears in the e-mail subject
InfoPathForm – True if we sent out an InfoPath form, false if it was HTML
Mapping – An XML chunk that defines how fields in the table/query map to fields in the form.  Your best bet is to create a few Data Collection actions similar to ones your users might create,Office 2010 Home And Stude/nt Key, and mimic the XML.  Here’s some of the interesting bits <formProperties> stores most of the properties found in the Options dialog of the Data Collection Wizard <tables>, despite the name, only supports one table.  This section stores the database column name to the form field name mapping. <table>’s name attribute should always be “table1”, accessTable is the table name inside Access, and collectionType is either “insert” or “update” <iterate> points to where in the InfoPath/HTML form we’re looking for data (as opposed to formatting, etc.).  This doesn’t change much. There will be one <mapitem> for each column in your form, including hidden fields.  formNode is for the form, and is always “table1fieldX”, tableCell is for the Access table The <recipients> tag stores who we sent the mail to, in case we want to only accept certain people’s responses, or limit how many times,Office Professional 2007, or what rows,microsoft Office 2010 keygen, they can update.
OutlookFolder – This is the Outlook item ID of the Outlook folder replies should be moved to when processed.
SentDate – The last time this data collection item was mailed out (updated through the Resend feature).
The other bit is the XML file for Outlook, and lives in <AppData>\Microsoft\Access.  It’s called AccessDCActionFile.xml.  There’s only one file for a given user on a machine, and each Data Collection action gets added to the same file.  Again, the easiest way to understand the file is to create a few actions and see what we write out, but here’s some highlights:
<outlookFolders> - Stores the Outlook ID for the default Data Collection folders in Outlook.
<mdbMap> - Each data collection action gets one <form> tag under here.
<form> - id is the GUID that matches the External ID in MSysDataCollection, moveToFolder matches OutlookFolder,Office Professional Plus 2007 Key, and FormType is “HTML” or “InfoPath”
<path> - path to the database
<userReply> - This tracks whether the user who sent the Data Collection e-mails has replied to it themselves.
<formProperties> - Pretty much a copy of what’s in the system table’s Mapping section.  By having it here,Windows 7 Activation, we don’t have to grab it from Access every time we need it.
<lastShutdown> - The last time Outlook was shut down.
Lastly, you have to actually generate the HTML or InfoPath form.  We do this by manually building the HTML or XML for the forms.  I’d recommend cracking open some Data Collection forms, looking for the nodes and GUIDs stored in the HTML or XML, and recreating them that way.  I don’t have a more convenient way to do this, and it’s probably the hardest part to get right.
With this info in hand, you can do the follow to create a Data Collection action through automation: Collect whatever information from the user you need (recipients, options, etc.) Add a row to MSysDataCollection Add a <form> entry to AccessDCActionFile.xml Create the HTML/XML mail. Use Outlook’s OM to send the e-mails.
The client version of Outlook does need to run in order to receive and process e-mails, but this will get the data collection action created and running. <div
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Old 04-17-2011, 12:19 AM   #2
Second Lieutenant
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 366
w5zy2nq7fq is on a distinguished road

  1.曾经有人和我说,会爱我爱到天荒地老,――结果在一个雨天,我脚下突然出了一个大溶洞,掉了下去。 也有人和我说,会爱我爱到海枯石烂,――结果在一个伸手不见五指的夜晚,在海滩边上我被一堆风化了的石头拌 倒,住了一个星期医院。还有人和我说,会爱我爱到头发花白,牙齿掉光,――结果第二天我就掉到一个石灰坑, 还磕掉了一个大门牙.
  2.比如上周,我终于鼓起勇气向经济学院的罗菲表白。罗菲是我们深大经济学院的系花,身材火爆,她那深 深的乳沟,被称为“马里亚那海沟”。据说还有黑洞之称,任何光线一旦落到她胸前,都将无法逃逸。夕阳西下, 我和罗菲站在文山湖边上。罗菲问我究竟有多爱她。我努力吞咽口水,然后深情地说:乳沟有多深,我爱你就有多 深,北京团购网。很明显,她是被我大胆而朴实的表白深深地感动了。她脸泛桃花,落霞映在她的脸上,真是不可方物。我心中不 禁泛起无尽的怜爱,准备上前拥抱她,就在这时,她飞起一脚,貌似就是失传已久的“佛山无影脚”,正中我小腹 。然后,她很深情地和我说:思想有多远,你就给我滚多远…
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  5.我就曾经有过几次不堪的经历。第一次约会时,那女网友自称月容花貌,相见时发现她脸上如月球一样布 满了凹凸不平的坑,容色如凋敝的牛屎花一样;第二次约会时,网友自称风姿绰约,相见时发现这原来是个力量型 的女孩子,走起路来虎虎生风;第三次约会时,网友自称纯情如水,幸亏途中经过一条工业废水渠时我终于潘然大 悟,捡回了一条性命。
  6.感觉到有人在向她走来,那位女子抬起了头,站了起来。只见她:熊背虎腰,五官排了个北 斗七星阵,长沙团购网,头发眉毛立了个破剑式,两手摆了个螳螂拳,不平衡的双脚还踩了个迷踪步。然后,她向我们微微一笑。在她微 笑的那刻,时间停滞了…牛顿定律,达尔文进化论,歌德巴赫猜想等全失去了意义…分明的看到,她的头上,竟然 徐徐升起了蘑菇云…
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  9.我选了一个叫“纯洁女孩”的MM,和她聊了起来。白衣吹水:你真的很纯洁吗?纯洁女孩:哥哥,怎么 拉?白衣吹水:知道武藤兰不?纯洁女孩:…我…我不认识!白衣吹水:知道朝河兰不。纯洁女孩:…我…我不认 识!白衣吹水:知道饭合鸟受不?纯洁女孩:明明是饭岛爱,上海团购网,三个字你错了两个,多出来的一个还是通假字!你太过分了!白衣吹水:…
  10.还有个叫“小河弯月”的MM在线。这好象是师院的一位小师妹。白衣吹水:你好,请问你是师院的吗 ?小河弯月:恩。白衣吹水:听说你是位美女,还是单身的美女。小河弯月:恩。白衣吹水:有空的话,咱们明天 出去一起玩吧。小河弯月:恩。白衣吹水:你可以做我的女朋友吗?小河弯月:恩。白衣吹水:你反应很灵敏的说 …小河弯月:恩。白衣吹水:莫非…传说中的…自动回复?小河弯月:恩。…
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  12.深大其实是一个很牛X的学校。在我入学的第一天,我就被深深地震惊了。在宿舍楼下,我看到两位师 兄面红耳赤,嘴里说的全是“0”和“1”,有人告诉我,他们在用机器语言吵架。在我去领课本的时候,排我前 面也有两个男生,窃窃私语,嘴里说的也全是“0”和“1”。我一脸佩服地和旁边的人说,深大的同学真是牛X ,刚刚入学就已经能熟练掌握机器语言来交流了。但是,旁边的那个人告诉我,那两个人是同性恋。 …
  13.有一次,狗子的身体不舒服,所以狗子破例让老温自己写,随便帮他多交一份。第二天,他怒气冲冲地 冲回宿舍,对老温怒吼:作业要求写一篇对论语的感想,800字以上,字数远远不够要求也就算了,怎么你也手 写一份吧,你还用打印的;用打印的也就算了,怎么也应该自己写的吧,你还在网上抄来的;在网上抄来的也就算 了,怎么也要有自己写的一部分吧,你竟然还全抄了;全抄了也就算了,怎么也抄个现代的吧,你竟然抄的是李白 的静夜思;抄的是李白的静夜思也就算了,怎么也得写上我的名字吧,你竟然写的作者是杜甫;写的作者是杜甫也 就算了,怎么也应该交给老师吧,你竟然交给一个学生;交给学生也就算了,怎么也要交给我们学校的学生吧,你 还交给电大过来玩的学生…
  14.蒋不三出了道题目让我们做,这道题目很简单,我们很快就做出来了。可大跌眼镜的是他给出的答案竟 然完全不一样。我们不服气,于是和他争辩起来。蒋不三誓死捍卫他的答案,于是发挥诸葛亮当年的风采,口沫横 飞,最后终于把各种不同意见都压制下去了。他得意地环视一周,轻咳一声,低下头准备继续讲课。然后他慢慢地 抬起头:“I’m sorry,我看错答案了。答案应该是你们做的那样。”
  15.我说:“狗子,你也谈下你的感情经历吧。”狗子推辞不过,终于说了起来:“我幼儿园的时候,和一 个邻居是青梅竹马;小学的时候,我暗恋着我的同桌,但是一直没敢和她说;中学的时候,我喜欢上了我的班长, 我感觉她应该也是喜欢我的;高中的时候,我爱上了我们班的一个女同学,我给她写过一封信,qq团购。但是被拒绝了。大学的时候,我和一个女同乡经常联系,但可惜她有男朋友了,团购网站大全。”宿舍人民震惊了。中国人民震惊了,世界人民震惊了。没想到看上去如此闷骚的狗子,感情竟然是如此的多姿 多彩…狗子又羞赧地低下了头,说:她们都是同一个人。
  16.我说:“老温,再问你一个问题,上海团购。你第一次坚持了多久。”老温回过头来,说:“5分种。”我说:“据说一般人第一次都是一触即溃,你真厉害 …”老温又慢慢地说:“但是我脱裤子就用了5分5秒…”夕阳西下。余光从林荫间透下,将老温的落寞的身影拉 得老长老长。
  17.当然,我的出现,给深大带来了一种积极学习的气氛,这是出乎意料的――每当接到我的表白,不管对 方的学习有多糟糕,她都会告诉我,在大学要好好学习,不想谈恋爱。
  18.狗子努力支撑着身体,说:“我朋友说,我需要去割个双眼皮,这样会比较好看些。”我看着狗子脑袋 上的小眼睛,就像馒头上的两颗芝麻。我说:“你需要的不是割双眼皮,是割眼皮。”
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