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04-04-2011, 04:17 AM
Chief Warrant Officer
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 398
Isaiah在第二篇中主要指出朱学勤《阳光与闪电》存在抄袭嫌疑。通过将《阳光与闪电》与《姊妹革命 :美国革命与法国革命启示录》比对,Isaiah指出,《阳光与闪电》一文,“抄袭了Dunn的研究成果” , “抄袭了本书译者杨小刚的译文”, “将间接引用伪装成直接引用,并抄袭了杨小刚等人的译文”。
Isaiah指出《道德理想国的覆灭》一书存在抄袭嫌疑,这马上会让人联系到至今依然被热议的“汪晖事 件”,中央电视台甚至在前几日也就此事件作专题节目。而在Isaiah和诸多阅读了Isaiah文章的网友 看来,《道德理想国的覆灭》存在的学术问题和汪晖《反抗绝望》有诸多相似之处,Isaiah本人也承认了这 一点。但 Isaiah在系列文章的最后表示,“我们这一代做学术或思想的人,都是看着汪晖、朱学勤、王铭铭……这种 问题书籍入门的,这不仅是别人的耻辱,也是我们的历史。如果我们今天走得更远了点,那也是在这些问题书籍所 开拓的道路上。我们没有受到更良好的教育,是我们的遗憾,但是如果把这些问题书籍都清除掉,我们恐怕比现在 还差得远。这是事实。”
> 相关阅读:
不愿亮出真实身份的网友 Isaiah是看着汪晖、朱学勤(左)、王铭铭等所著的“问题书籍”入门的,这是一些人无法回避的阅读历史 。
Isaiah:朱学勤和汪晖,二者在一些规范问题上有类似问题,比如长篇大论地引用其他著作,并不完全 隐瞒,但是也不一一仔细注明。又如一些注脚将间接引用写成直接引用等。这样从今天的标准来看就是抄袭,但是 这种标准对当时的人来说并不公平。实际上这二十多年,我们的学术工作很大的力气就是引进西学,主要起个传声 筒的作用。当然确实有完全不学无术,借此浑水摸鱼的,这些要具体分析。我觉得朱学勤应该不属于此列,至少在 当时来说,他是一个真诚的思想者,写了一些言之有物的东西。
Isaiah:我文章的初衷是故意反话正说,不是为了打倒谁,写文章是为了说时代和学术规范的变迁问题 。总的来说,我认为学界的态度应该是同情、理解。对这类事情,如果要批判的话,最好不要针对个人,这是历史 ,也是我们自身的一部分。要完全划清界限是不可能的。 来源:东方早报
然后,Isaiah通过比对和研究继续认为:“从书名到中心思想,从结构到具体内容,从材料到语言,朱 书都大量借鉴,沿袭了Blum的著作。Blum书的基本框架,即是对卢梭‘德性’思想的解析( 第1-6章)以及对其在法国大革命中影响和作用的考察(第8-14章),这两个部分又以卢梭死后,大革命之前其形象和地位的变迁为连接(第7章)。这和朱书的三部分主体 结构恰好相对应:第1-4章讲卢梭思想,第5章过渡,第6-8章讲法国大革命。Blum的书,专门讲德性概念,线索比较明晰,朱书则一会道德理想,一会先验理念,一会 价值理性等纠缠不清。但中心思想都是一致的,即是讨论何以一种崇高的道德观念会演变成恐怖的意识形态的缘故 。其中一些关键的概念,如‘语言转换’等也有相似点。”
早报:你作为一名年轻学者,怎么看汪晖、朱学勤,可能还有其他学者在早期著作中的一些学术规范上的问题 ?
在Isaiah系列文章中,第四篇和完结篇通过比对美国学者Carol Blum的著作《卢梭与德性共和国》,指出朱学勤的博士论文《道德理想国的覆灭》存在抄袭嫌疑。“通过对朱 学勤先生赖以成名的博士论文《道德理想国的覆灭》与美国学者Carol Blum的著作《卢梭与德性共和国》部分内容的对勘,(指出)其在未经注明的情况下,大量或明或暗,或隐或 显地抄袭、盗用后者的事实。”Isaiah在文章中说。仅比对《道德理想国的覆灭》一书几十页,Isaia h就指出十多处《道德理想国的覆灭》与《卢梭与德性共和国》相似的地方。Isaiah首先认为,“朱学勤先 生在博士论文中对卢梭等人的原著缺乏第一手的熟悉,绝大多数标明法语原著,引文可能都并非出于原著,而大量 利用了Blum等西方学者的研究和引用,却并未加以注明。”此外,Isaiah举出多个例子证 明, kl探访青岛艾滋病群体服务组织:保密工作严格传世私服,《道德理想国的覆灭》一书直接使用了《卢梭与德性共和国》的内容,但未详细标明是引用还是自己的成果。“ 朱书172-182页,基本是拷贝Blum书135-142页。朱书 298-301页,基本是缩写Blum书260-277页。”
Isaiah:写这篇文章就是因为“汪晖事件”引起的。我和朋友也经常对当时的学风、学术规范等论题做 了比较激烈的讨论,然后我就想找几本其他的著作来比较一下。朱学勤的书, pl北京向低保家庭赠送1万只节能灯传奇世界私服DD,我以前大致看过,内容相对熟悉,当然找来看看比较方便。
Isaiah:大概断断续续从周三晚上写到周五早上,满打满算也就是一天。我写好一部分就立刻贴出,绝 没有什么事先策划之类说法。所以你看,我写的第一篇其实是有问题的,因为那个时候我还没有找到《姊妹革命》 一书,误以为有问题的译文都是朱学勤自己翻译的,实际上后来发现都是出自该译著。如果我有深思熟虑,这部分 肯定会删掉或者改写。但是后来发现,朱学勤的问题确实比我想的要严重一些。
“朱学勤:学术界的又一个 ‘汪晖’?”这是网友Isaiah在网上发表的系列长文题目,在6篇文章里,Isaiah通过比对指出,上 海大学教授、知名学者朱学勤早年的博士论文《道德理想国的覆灭》存在抄袭嫌疑。仅仅几日,该文已经被各大学 术网站迅速转载。而朱学勤昨天表示,在恰当的时候会作正式详细回应,特别是希望Isaiah能亮出真实身份 。早报记者 石剑峰
朱学勤昨天在电话中向早报记者表示,《阳光与闪电》原先是《姊妹革命》一书的序言,后来为了保证该书出 版,序言从书稿中撤了下来,后单独收入在《道德理想国的覆灭》一书中。朱学勤认为,《阳光与闪电》一文本来 就是序言,是顺着该书内容写的,当然要大量引用书中的译文和内容。而Isaiah也提到,他也知道该文原为 《姊妹革命》序言,但他同时认为朱学勤除了在文章开头部分提到了《姊妹革命》一书,“再无提过该书或该作者 ,没有任何地方坦承这是Dunn的观点,也从来没有在脚注中引用过。因此,读者有充分理由认为,朱学勤可能 只是从该书中受到启发,而文中的资料和观点都是朱本人的。” Isaiah同时认为,《姊妹革命》出版于2003年2月,而 “朱学勤的后记是在2003年7月写的,有充分的时间看到出版了的该书”,也就是说在该文出版前完全可以根 据已经出版了的书籍信息进行引用来源的注明。
论文反抄袭系统风靡高校 论文检测市场正在形成
早报:在你看来,朱学勤在《道德理想国的覆灭》中的许多问题是否与汪晖在《告别绝望》中的问题有相似之 处?
在昨天简短的电话中,朱学勤表示,他在《道德理想国的覆灭》一书里已经说明,Blum书是其参考文献, 而且在书中也给出了比较详细的注释。不过朱学勤同时表示,他会在适当的时候作出正式的回应,特别是Isai ah能表明真实身份之后,会和他做学术上的探讨。
学者朱学勤称新历史教科书进步 人吃人史观扭曲
福建南平市委书记论文涉嫌抄袭 相似度近九成
Isaiah是某大学在读博士,暂时还不愿公开自己的真实身份,在接受早报记者专访时,Isaiah透 露,自己指出朱学勤涉嫌抄袭的系列文章是从本周三陆续开始写的,一开始并没有完整的计划。其中,比较有说服 力的部分是第二篇、第四篇和完结篇,第四篇和完结篇主要针对朱学勤当年的博士论文《道德理想国 的覆灭》。
04-04-2011, 04:19 AM
Lieutenant Colonel
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 744
What exactly is alopecia areata?
Alopecia areata is a hair-loss condition which in turn affects your scalp. It will, however, sometimes have an effect on other areas of the body. Hair loss often times rather rapid and they sometimes involves a particular side for the head well over the other sorts of.
alopecia areata affects both men and women. This type of hair loss is unique than male-pattern hair loss, an learned condition.
What causes alopecia areata?
Current evidence suggests that
alopecia areata is caused by an abnormality inside the immune technique. This specified abnormality ends up in autoimmunity. Because of that, the immune system attacks special tissues from the body. Inside alopecia areata, for the purpose of unknown purposes, the body is own immune mechanism attacks the hair roots and disturbs normal curly hair formation. Biopsies with affected complexion show immune system cells inside of the hair follicles where these are not usually present. Acid reflux disorder this is without a doubt unknown. Alopecia areata is sometimes associated having other autoimmune conditions for example allergic diseases, thyroid ailment, vitiligo, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis symptoms symptoms, and ulcerative colitis. In some cases, alopecia areata occurs within loved ones, suggesting a role of genes and genetics.
What could be the different behaviour of alopecia areata?
Reasons for pattern is a number spots of serious hair loss on typically the scalp. Gleam form with more generalized thinning of hair labelled as diffuse alopecia areata over the scalp. Once in a while, all within the scalp your hair is sacrificed, a condition often called alopecia totalis. Less frequently, the loss of all of the hairs to the entire figure, called alopecia universalis, arises. Sometimes the thinning hair can require the masculine beard, an issue known simply because
alopecia areata barbe.
[url=http://bhringraj.net/alopecia-areata]alopecia areata[/url]
04-04-2011, 04:22 AM
Lieutenant Colonel
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 744
Alopecia Areata
What’s alopecia areata?
Alopecia areata can be described as hair-loss condition which often affects that scalp. It may well, however, sometimes impact other areas of the body. Hair loss is often rather rapid and sometimes involves just one side of your head above the several other.
alopecia areata affects both men and women. This types of hair loss is different than male-pattern a receding hair line, an grew up honing condition.
Acid reflux disorder alopecia areata?
Current evidence shows that
alopecia areata is a result of an abnormality inside immune strategy. This special abnormality will cause autoimmunity. Consequently, the body's defense mechanisms attacks distinct tissues belonging to the body. During alopecia areata, for unknown factors, the system's own defense system attacks the the hair follicles and interrupts normal head of hair formation. Biopsies associated with affected face show protected cells within the hair follicles where there're not generally present. What's causing this is actually unknown. Alopecia areata might be associated along with other autoimmune conditions that include allergic diseases, thyroid disorder, vitiligo, lupus, arthritis rheumatoid, and ulcerative colitis. From time to time, alopecia areata develops within friends and family, suggesting a task of body's genes and heredity.
What will be the different designs of alopecia areata?
The easiest pattern is one of these spots of loss of hair on any scalp. Ladies form of more generalized thinning of hair sometimes referred to as diffuse alopecia areata during the entire scalp. Occasionally, all of this scalp wild hair is displaced, a condition termed as alopecia totalis. A lot less frequently, the loss from all of the hairs around the entire physique, called alopecia universalis, comes about. Sometimes the hair loss can consist of the a mans beard, an ailment known since
alopecia areata barbe.
[url=http://bhringraj.net/alopecia-areata]alopecia areata[/url]
04-04-2011, 04:24 AM
Lieutenant Colonel
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 744
That which is alopecia areata?
Alopecia areata is often a hair-loss condition which always affects that scalp. It might, however, sometimes impinge on other parts of the body. Hair loss often times rather rapid and the most useful involves a side of the head beyond the other sorts of.
alopecia areata affects both males and females. This form of hair loss is special than male-pattern thinning hair, an learned condition.
What is causing alopecia areata?
Current evidence shows that
alopecia areata is resulting from an abnormality inside immune process. This certain abnormality triggers autoimmunity. Due to this fact, the immune system attacks individual tissues for the body. With alopecia areata, meant for unknown motives, the body's own defense mechanisms attacks the follicles of hair and spoils normal frizzy hair formation. Biopsies involving affected skin show immune cells throughout the hair hair follicles where they're just not normally present. The things that this can be unknown. Alopecia areata might be associated utilizing other autoimmune conditions which include allergic ailments, thyroid condition, vitiligo, lupus, rheumatism, and ulcerative colitis. Usually, alopecia areata happens within close family, suggesting a role of gene history and heredity.
What would be the different habits of alopecia areata?
The easiest pattern is one or more spots of hair thinning on the actual scalp. Gleam form from more generalized hair loss of hair categorised as diffuse alopecia areata throughout the scalp. Occasionally, all for the scalp hair is shed, a condition known as alopecia totalis. Reduced frequently, the loss of all hairs within the entire figure, called alopecia universalis, occurs. Sometimes the hair thinning can focus on the male beard, a painful condition known when
alopecia areata barbe.
[url=http://bhringraj.net/alopecia-areata]alopecia areata[/url]
04-04-2011, 04:38 AM
Lieutenant Colonel
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 744
Hair Loss
What exactly alopecia areata?
Alopecia areata is actually a hair-loss condition which unfortunately affects your scalp. It could, however, sometimes have an impact other areas of the body. Hair loss happens to be rather rapid and quite often involves 1 side from the head much more than the various.
alopecia areata affects both males and females. This version of hair loss is special than male-pattern hairloss, an grew up honing condition.
What is causing alopecia areata?
Current evidence suggests that
alopecia areata is a result of an abnormality within the immune procedure. This selected abnormality contributes to autoimmunity. Therefore, the disease fighting capability attacks specific tissues of your body. Through alopecia areata, regarding unknown benefits, the body is own disease fighting capability attacks the follicles of hair and interferes with normal tresses formation. Biopsies of affected skin tone show immune : cells within the hair follicles where they may be not commonly present. The things that this is normally unknown. Alopecia areata is oftentimes associated having other autoimmune conditions along the lines of allergic problems, thyroid problem, vitiligo, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and ulcerative colitis. Usually, alopecia areata appears within friends and family, suggesting a job of gene history and heredity.
What would be the different behaviours of alopecia areata?
Many of the pattern is one or more spots of balding on the scalp. Additionally there is a form involving more generalized getting thinner of hair often called diffuse alopecia areata through the scalp. At times, all with the scalp tresses is dropped, a condition called alopecia totalis. Significantly less frequently, the loss of all hairs about the entire overall body, called alopecia universalis, arises. Sometimes the serious hair loss can focus on the male beard, a disorder known as
alopecia areata barbe.
[url=http://bhringraj.net/alopecia-areata]alopecia areata[/url]
04-04-2011, 04:26 AM
Lieutenant Colonel
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 744
Cure for alopecia
That which is alopecia areata?
Alopecia areata is really a hair-loss condition which often affects any scalp. It may well, however, sometimes have an impact other parts of the body. Hair loss is commonly rather rapid and the most useful involves a side from the head greater than the additional.
alopecia areata affects both males and females. This variety of hair loss varies than male-pattern hair thinning, an handed down condition.
What may cause alopecia areata?
Current evidence shows that
alopecia areata is caused by an abnormality in the immune technique. This particular abnormality will cause autoimmunity. Because of that, the body's defense mechanisms attacks distinct tissues in the body. Throughout alopecia areata, meant for unknown purposes, the body own body's defense mechanisms attacks the strands of and upsets normal tresses formation. Biopsies about affected face show invulnerable cells interior of your hair hair follicles where they are really not generally present. What's causing this is without a doubt unknown. Alopecia areata is oftentimes associated by using other autoimmune conditions such as allergic concerns, thyroid illness, vitiligo, lupus, rheumatism, and ulcerative colitis. At times, alopecia areata arises within relatives, suggesting a job of passed dow genes and inheritance.
What might possibly be the different designs of alopecia areata?
The easiest pattern is one of these spots of the loss of hair on that scalp. Ladies form regarding more generalized thinning of hair sometimes referred to as diffuse alopecia areata within the scalp. Now and again, all on the scalp hair is displaced, a condition termed as alopecia totalis. Fewer frequently, the loss of all of the hairs in the entire physical structure, called alopecia universalis, transpires. Sometimes the hair loss can include the males beard, a medical condition known simply because alopecia areata barbe.
[url=http://bhringraj.net/alopecia-areata]alopecia areata[/url]
04-04-2011, 04:42 AM
Lieutenant Colonel
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 744
Alopecia Cure
What exactly is alopecia areata?
Alopecia areata can be a hair-loss condition which can affects the actual scalp. It could possibly, however, sometimes influence other parts of the body. Hair loss is frequently rather rapid and infrequently involves a side of this head beyond the other.
alopecia areata affects both men and women. This types of hair loss is different than male-pattern hair thinning, an inherited condition.
What can cause alopecia areata?
Current evidence shows that
alopecia areata is resulting from an abnormality on the immune system. This precise abnormality will cause autoimmunity. Hence, the disease fighting capability attacks unique tissues within the body. On alopecia areata, regarding unknown reasons, the body's own immune mechanism attacks the strands of hair and disturbs normal curly hair formation. Biopsies from affected skin show untouchable cells interior of your hair follicles where these are not generally present. What can cause this will be unknown. Alopecia areata may also be associated together with other autoimmune conditions including allergic diseases, thyroid disease, vitiligo, lupus, rheumatism, and ulcerative colitis. Usually, alopecia areata comes about within relatives, suggesting a task of body's genes and inheritance.
What are the different shapes of alopecia areata?
Many of the pattern is one or more spots of serious hair loss on the actual scalp. Ladies form involving more generalized thinning of hair called diffuse alopecia areata all over the scalp. At times, all within the scalp scalp is damaged or lost, a condition labelled as alopecia totalis. Fewer frequently, the loss out of all the hairs to the entire figure, called alopecia universalis, happens. Sometimes the baldness can contain the a mans beard, a problem known for the reason that alopecia areata barbe.
[url=http://bhringraj.net/alopecia-areata]alopecia areata[/url]
04-04-2011, 04:28 AM
Lieutenant Colonel
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 744
Cure for alopecia
Exactly what is alopecia areata?
Alopecia areata can be described as hair-loss condition which in turn affects this scalp. It could, however, sometimes influence other areas of the body. Hair loss often times rather rapid and frequently involves just one side with the head above the various.
alopecia areata affects both males and females. This types of hair loss is dissimilar than male-pattern hair loss, an passed down condition.
The things that alopecia areata?
Current evidence shows that
alopecia areata is the result of an abnormality in the immune model. This particular abnormality brings about autoimmunity. Hence, the immune system attacks certain tissues belonging to the body. In alopecia areata, for the purpose of unknown reasons, the body is own immune system attacks the associated with hair and spoils normal scalp formation. Biopsies about affected dermis show invulnerable cells interior of your hair hair follicles where they are really not usually present. The things that this can be unknown. Alopecia areata might be associated utilizing other autoimmune conditions such as allergic situations, thyroid disease, vitiligo, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, and ulcerative colitis. At times, alopecia areata develops within relatives, suggesting a role of gene history and heredity.
What include the different patterns of alopecia areata?
The most common pattern is one or two spots of thinning hair on a scalp. There's also a form regarding more generalized thinning of hair sometimes referred to as diffuse alopecia areata through the entire scalp. In some cases, all belonging to the scalp mane is forfeited, a condition labelled as alopecia totalis. A smaller amount frequently, the loss of all of the hairs about the entire human body, called alopecia universalis, comes about. Sometimes the serious hair loss can demand the male beard, an issue known simply because
alopecia areata barbe.
[url=http://bhringraj.net/alopecia-areata]alopecia areata[/url]
04-04-2011, 04:29 AM
Lieutenant Colonel
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 744
Alopecia Hair Loss
Precisely what is alopecia areata?
Alopecia areata can be a hair-loss condition which usually affects any scalp. It will, however, sometimes threaten other parts of the body. Hair loss typically rather rapid and infrequently involves a person side for the head above the many other.
alopecia areata affects both men and women. This sort of hair loss is dissimilar than male-pattern a receding hair line, an grew up honing condition.
The cause of alopecia areata?
Current evidence suggests that
alopecia areata is caused by an abnormality in the immune product. This specified abnormality brings about autoimmunity. As a result, the body's defense mechanisms attacks unique tissues on the body. Within alopecia areata, with regard to unknown explanations, the anatomy's own disease fighting capability attacks the the hair follicles and interferes with normal hair formation. Biopsies about affected pores and skin show immune system cells inside the hair follicles where there're not normally present. What can cause this is usually unknown. Alopecia areata is occasionally associated by using other autoimmune conditions that include allergic disorders, thyroid problems, vitiligo, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, and ulcerative colitis. Sometimes, alopecia areata occurs within family members, suggesting a job of body's genes and heredity.
What include the different designs of alopecia areata?
Factors behind pattern is more than one spots of baldness on the actual scalp. Additionally there is a form from more generalized loss of hair categorised as diffuse alopecia areata over the scalp. Now and again, all of the scalp locks is lost, a condition referred to as alopecia totalis. Less frequently, the loss of all hairs for the entire body system, called alopecia universalis, crops up. Sometimes the loss of hair can call for the males beard, an issue known mainly because
alopecia areata barbe.
[url=http://bhringraj.net/alopecia-areata]alopecia areata[/url]
04-04-2011, 04:23 AM
Lieutenant Colonel
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 744
Cure for alopecia
That which is alopecia areata?
Alopecia areata is mostly a hair-loss condition of which affects the particular scalp. It may well, however, sometimes have an effect on other body parts. Hair loss is commonly rather rapid and they sometimes involves a side on the head above the alternative.
alopecia areata affects both males and females. This kind of hair loss is dissimilar than male-pattern a receding hair line, an passed down condition.
What causes alopecia areata?
Current evidence suggests that
alopecia areata is caused by an abnormality within the immune product. This specific abnormality brings about autoimmunity. Thus, the body attacks special tissues in the body. Throughout alopecia areata, to get unknown arguments, the human body's own body's defense mechanisms attacks the follicles of hair and interrupts normal frizzy hair formation. Biopsies in affected complexion show invulnerable cells within the hair hair follicles where there're not in general present. What's causing this might be unknown. Alopecia areata may be associated together with other autoimmune conditions like allergic disorders, thyroid condition, vitiligo, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and ulcerative colitis. At times, alopecia areata happens within relatives, suggesting a role of passed dow genes and inheritance.
What could be the different behaviour of alopecia areata?
The most frequent pattern is one spots of balding on a scalp. May form of more generalized getting thinner of hair labelled as diffuse alopecia areata within the scalp. Sometimes, all with the scalp curly hair is wasted, a condition often called alopecia totalis. Much less frequently, the loss of all of the hairs within the entire entire body, called alopecia universalis, appears. Sometimes the hairloss can call for the masculine beard, a common condition known as
alopecia areata barbe.
[url=http://bhringraj.net/alopecia-areata]alopecia areata[/url]
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