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Old 09-17-2011, 12:23 PM   #1
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Default mont blanc kugelschreiber Only for Money

[ All this is another view of things that might have happen with the cast of DarkMask. The setting is before Dagger and Lily ever met, before Dagger even met Drake his panther. But all is going to go differently then from the story of Darkmask. So I hope this will not be very confusing. ]
Part 1: Prologue - The Bounty
The stench of fresh blood clouded the night air. Nothing stirred, not a move was made. All noise in the forest clearing and around it ceased. Thick droplets of blood streamed down from the shinning blade of a katana, moonlight reflecting off from above. Other swords of three dead men graced the ground, cracked, useless but clean of any sign of the attacker's life force. The men were headless, severed at the neck, a clean swipe at each one, but also they had deep gashes over their chests and gullets, deep enough for the insides to spill out.
Another man saw it all, he was with those three men, only for that night of travel. He didn't even know them but now they were dead. This guy came out of no where and chopped them up! He'd fallen over at the sight from the first of spilt blood, his stomach could not handle it. He'd covered his ears from the sickening sound of skin sliced open and gurgled screams from his travel buddies. What was bothering him more was he wasn't hurt at all. His stomach was twisting from the smell and sight but that was all. Green eyes were wide as he was insight of this killer. The man's back was to him,gucci sac, standing tall over one body, a mass of ebon hair glisten from the moon's soft kiss. He could easily be mixed into the shadows,Gucci Embrayages, wearing that black long coat which flowed down about his boots in a liquid dance from the chilled breeze that swept the place. Frighten, watching as the blade turned in a sharp angle, splashing the remaining blood that clung to it, across the bloody grass. He flinched when that sword moved again,mont blanc kugelschreiber, slowly and fluidly. A gulp caught in his throat. The stranger took out a white cloth, sliding it over his sword, cleaning off the rest.
The man scrambled to his feet when the killer turned to his direction. "Stay away from me!" Voice horse, tinged in fear, teeth chattering. He couldn't see the other's eyes from the thick ebon bangs that hung low over his face. He wasn't smirking at the frighten man's fear or smiling in a evil gleam of a maniac, only frowning. Was he disappointed? He made no advance to him, made a move to put away his sword, instead, that was hidden beneathe the blackness of his coat. For a man who slaughtered three man in a carnage, he didn't have a stain or lash of blood anywhere on his clothes of pale face. Was the man playing with him? He didn't want to find out, backing away, keeping his vision on him, to turn his back would be a mistake. His attempt to escaped failed, the back of his legs found an end from a dead body, his balance turned and his body collapse to settle him on the ground once more. A clear voice rang in from the sound of his fumbling. "You're pathetic...I'm not going to kill you." At his words the man paused, his young heart speeding up in doubt. Reverting his eyes to the taller one before him, feeling a cold glare upon him from those shadowed depths. In all his fear his own voice climbed from the ache in his throat. "Wh-why did you kill them-m?"
Was that a shrug? That man's movements of small gestures could not be told from the way he was in this darkness. That voice from frowning lips came forth again, it a chill, more cold then the air around him, giving gooseflesh to crawl over his skin. "I was paid to do this. An old man paid me to cast revenage on these three for the injustice they done on his grandaughter. I was to do their death in a way I please,Gucci sac à poignée supérieure, but to prove what I've done is to bring back their heads." A large bag was raised into the other's veiw, a large dark stain was forming at the bottom, blood seeping in from the three heads that were in it. Fumble lips formed words as his gaze was still on that bag. "Mercy-" The bounty hunter's clipped tone cut the rest of his sentence off with his own. "No mercy comes to when being paid to kill. You're free to go now, you were not involved in what they done so you are not to be punished." Was this man a bounty hunter or a giver of justice? Only a man to do as he was paid to do, and for good amount of money, that was his job.
With that the free man got back to his feet, retching his eyes off the sight of the body he tripped over. Feeling the stickiness of blood against his clothes, he could puke. He couldn't when in joy he wasn't going to be killed by this fearsome man. One that would haunt his dreams for sure. When he reached the line of trees, he dared to glance back. To his amazment,oakley sunglasses store, that stranger was gone,MBT Chapa Herr, only the three scattered bodys remain. Animals would feast on them once the smell reaches far enough. Shivers raked his spine at how a man could disappear as if out of thin air. He would think twice before doing any injustice right over another...To have a man like him out for his head...It would be the death of him from fear.
To Be
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