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Old 09-08-2011, 02:05 AM   #1
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Thumbs up His Masters Voice and Other Famous Dog Paintings

Copyright (c) <a href=""><strong>hermes bags prices</strong></a> 2010 Trey Markel Did you know that the RCA logo was originally a famous painting by Francis Barraud called His Masters Voice. For those of you who’ve lived in a cave for the past half century, it’s a painting of a fox terrier named Nipper sitting in front of an old Gramophone listening to a sound that obviously puzzles him a bit, the voice of his deceased master. The image was so powerful in the early days of the record industry that it was adopted as the logo of the Victor Talking Machine Company, which would later on become RCA Victor in 1909. All records made by the company after that were referred to in the industry as HMV (His Masters Voice) records. Today, RCA is owned by EMI, which is also the parent company of JVC, and the HMV logo is known throughout the world. Its copyright expired in 1989, after several RCA ownership changes, so the famous dog painting of Nipper is now the property of the general public. Its latest appearance in a film was in the 2006 movie Superman Returns, when an HMV radio is shown in the home of the young Clark Kent in the opening scenes. Ironically, the HMV radio was never sold in the United States, so the prop is a dead giveaway that the film wasn’t made in the US. It <a href=""><strong>d & g handbag</strong></a> was in fact filmed in Australia. Dogs Playing Cards If you live in the United States, you have seen and most likely own at least one depiction of the famous Dogs Playing Cards paintings that were painted in the early years of the Twentieth Century. Did you know that there are actually sixteen of these paintings altogether? They were commissioned in 1903 by a company called Brown and Bigelow to be used as advertising for their cigars. The artist, C.M. Coolidge, had no idea that his works would become famous American icons. Though considered relatively cheap home décor today, the original oil paintings are worth quite a bit. On February 15, 2005, the originals of two in the set, A Bold Bluff and Waterloo, were auctioned together for 590,400. Before that time, the most ever paid for a Coolidge was 74,000. google_ad_channel = “7940249670, ” + AB_cat_channel + AB_unit_channel; google_language = “en”; google_ad_region = ‘test’; Trey Markel - About the Author: More information on dog pictures that ABC offers.Tags: American Icons, Australia Dogs, Bold Bluff, C M Coolidge, Clark Kent, Dead Giveaway, Deceased Master, Dogs <a href=""><strong>christian dior purses</strong></a> Playing Cards, Famous Dogs, Fox Terrier, Francis Barraud, Gramophone, His Masters Voice, HMV, Hmv Records, Markel, Original Oil Paintings, Ownership Changes, RCA, Rca Logo, Rca Victor, Superman Returns, Twentieth Century, United States, Victor Talking Machine Company
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