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Old 08-21-2011, 09:05 PM   #1
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Thumbs up Much Better. « Poofergirl's Perspective

You might rememberÂ*that I did aÂ*little crafting a few weeks back … with my beloved spray paint.Â* If I were a cool blogger I would link it somewhere here for you but really … it’s a pain with dial-up so you will have to either remember, look back, or forget the whole thing.Â* In a nutshell, I made a little ugly ditty into something much more presentable.Â* In the process I also painted my fun chickens.Â* They went from colored to plain white.Â* You may recall that I liked them but didn’t love them.Â* See, <a href=""><strong>the best limited edition nike shoes</strong></a> secretlyÂ*I wanted to get red spray paint for both projects.Â* Red seemed a bit bold.Â*Â*SoÂ*I chickenedÂ*out on painting the chickens red.Â* Pun intended … since I am rarely punny.Â* But today … today I went bold. I needed some spray paint <a href=""><strong>Best nike shoes for store</strong></a> for another little project which I will share later … when it’s done.Â* Just ignore them in the photo.Â*Â* I wanted red for them and sorta figured those chickens could be painted again. As soon as the lunch dishes were done and kids in bed for napsÂ*the chickens were quickly whiskedÂ*outside to endure yet another drenching.Â* Did I say the kids were napping?Â* Well, correction … one was napping.Â*Â*She was “almost” ready for naps but wasn’t quite in her <a href=""><strong>nike shoes sale</strong></a> crib and well,Â*she was cute and not crabby which made it ok in my world that she was up and able to be my helper.Â*She was excited to find a ball in the flower pot.Â* You just never know what you may find in a flower pot around here.Â* Anyway, back to the chickens.Â* The process was quick which is why I love spray paint and boy oh boy do those chickens look better.Â* Much better.Â* Now maybe I should wash that window.Â* Oh, maybe later … after I am done admiring my red chickens.Â* Bold is good.Â* Bold is really good.
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