Thread: 04 Yoga X
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Old 08-16-2011, 06:10 PM   #1
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Default 04 Yoga X

That sun was surrounded by millions of rings,Cardio Power & Resistance, more spectacular than around any planet. The largest and brightest resolved into myriads more. Even in the natural view, there was bright color here, threads of green and red and violet. Warping of the ring plane laid lakes of shadow between colored hillsides, hillsides a million kilometers across. There were occasional objects -- structures? -- sticking far enough up from the ring plane to cast needle-like shadows out-system. Infrared and proper motion windows showed more conventional features: Beyond the rings lay a massive asteroid belt, and far beyond that a single jovian planet,GHD Radiance Gift Set, its own million-klick ring system a puny afterthought. There were no other planets, either detected or on file. The largest objects in the main ring system were three hundred kilometers across ... but there appeared to be thousands of them. At "Saint Rihndell's" direction they brought the ship down to the ring plane and matched velocities with the local junk. That last was a big impulsive burn: three gees for almost five minutes. "Just like old, old times," Pham Nuwen said. In free fall again, they looked out upon their harbor: Up close it looked like planetary ring systems Ravna had known all her life. There were objects of all sizes down to less than a handspan across, uncounted globs of icy froth -- gently touching,mbt tembea mink men, sticking, separating. The debris hung nearly motionless all about them; this was chaos that had been tamed long ago. In the plane of the rings, they couldn't see more than a few hundred meters. The debris blocked further views. And it wasn't all loose. Greenstalk pointed to a line of white that seemed to curve from infinity, pass close by them, and then retreat forever in the other direction. "Looks like a single structure," she said. Ravna stepped up the magnification. In planetary ring systems, the "frothy snowballs" sometimes accreted into strings thousands of klicks long.... The white thread spread wide beyond the window. The display said it was almost a kilometer across. This arc was definitely not made of snowballs. She could see ship locks and communications nodes. Checking with images from their approach,mbt mary jane shoes, Ravna could see that the whole thing was better than forty million kilometers long. There were a number of breaks scattered along the arc. That figured: the scaled tensile strength of such a structure could be near zero. Depending on local distortions, it would pull apart briefly, then gently come together some time later. The whole affair was vaguely reminiscent of train cars coupling and uncoupling on some old-time Nyjoran railway. Over the next hour, they moved carefully in to dock at the ring arc. The only thing regular about the structure was its linearity. Some of the modules were clearly designed for linking fore and aft. Others were jumbled heaps of oddball equipment meshed in dirty ice. The last few kilometers, they drifted through a forest of ultradrive spines. Two thirds of the berths were occupied. Blueshell opened a window on Saint Rihndell's business specs. "Hmm. Hm. Sir Rihndell seems extraordinarily busy." He angled some fronds back at the ships in the exterior view. Pham: "Maybe he's running a junkyard." Blueshell and Greenstalk went down to the cargo lock to prepare for their first trip ashore. The Skroderiders had been together for two hundred years, and Blueshell came from a star trader tradition before that. Yet the two argued back and forth about the best approach to take with "Saint Rihndell". "Of course,04 Yoga X,复件 (31) air max, Harmonious Repose is typical, dear Blueshell; I would remember the type even if I'd never ridden a Skrode.
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