Thread: 心情日志
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Old 08-13-2011, 08:18 AM   #1
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Sean is not only a role in the game Street Fighter, but also a singer in Korea English name.
Street Fighter characters information biography information on South Korean singer, Street Fighter characters weight-70KG Height-170CM birthday -1982.9.29 measurements - Bust 102CM
Waist Hip-75CM-76CM blood type-A blood nationality - Brazil Professional - Ultimate Karate third-generation home - Brazil ordinary family life experiences growing up in Brazil universal youth sports, avid basketball in college. May be due to the grandfather of the Japanese education, pay attention to etiquette side, and there [even if lost would win tomorrow] creed,chi turbo flat iron, never lose a little bit annoying. The General Assembly was in the fighting moved KEN fighting attitude, determined to become his disciples. KEN is the master after this call and began practice. KEN admired as an ideal to imitate the fighting genre, it can be said is that SEAN fighting genre. While the performance of tricks and power less than KEN, but was able to KEN tricks as the prototype, the body naturally utilize to create bouncing original tricks. Hidden can become strong with improved quality. To one day owning original target kill. KEN will be respected as a master, hard day and night practice of SEAN. KEN SEAN able to teach because, as their ability to absorb things very happy. To one day winning goal in the U.S. Championships, and recognition in order to establish let alone KEN fighting genre, looking for more opponents to the practice of the Warrior. Not miss opportunities to be scored in one breath! Because of the disciple is to use a similar KEN tricks,chi pink dazzle hair straightener, but they are lack of stability. Offensive and defensive tactics can rely on a small area, so you can utilize DASH and Tackle tricks like high-powered machine to what extent is the subject of victory. [Their attack as defense] tactics, can master the BLOCKING its winning vary greatly. SEAN will kill for less effective at close range,Chi dazzle flat iron, so use the main battle in the distance. And the DASH is used in conjunction with Sean Tackle. Because it is lower against the attack throwing, so easy to hit, but easy to see through its shortcomings. Rush pin technology Tomado and tail the same, then the risk is too great defense, so use is limited. Kill is the only useful DRAGON SMASH. Although the low-to-air performance, but because of invincible time when defensive tactics are trustworthy. And EX, then also the reliability as high-to-air technology tricks. About SUPER ARTS, because even if the performance of EX kill is not good, it would be easy to use tricks all ages. Use than the Hadou Burst, although the damage low,chi iron, but reserve a few more slots short of its features. Hyper trnado invincible for a long time can be incorporated into the power combos are also high. Then Shoryu Cannon, although the technology is very good as empty, but because almost vertical rise, so difficult to use technology as a counter-attack. The attack is the lack of SEAN SUPER ARTS is the largest power source. Select the hard work to win the Hadou Burst attack, or to bet on a strike on the Hyper trnado, somewhat difficult trade-offs. Korean singer Sean
본명: 노승환 name: Lu Chenghuan 직업: 가수 Occupation: Singer 출생일: 1973 년 10 월 10 일 Birthdate: October 10, 1973 소속: 지누션 멤버 belongs: Jinusean (angered God ) Members 데뷔곡: 가솔린 (이전, 1994 년 '서태지 와 아이들' 2 집부터백댄서로활동) (1997 년) debut song: Gasoline (before 1994, activities) (1997) 신체: 180cm, 70kg body: 180cm, 70kg 별명: 로션 nickname: Lotion (Toner ... ...) 종교: 기독교 Religion: Christian 취미: 운동, 신발 모 우기 Hobbies: sports, collecting shoes 특기: 힙합, 랩 effects: hip-hop,cheap chi straighteners, rap 이상형: 착하고 긴생머리 여자 ideal type: the good woman with long hair 매력 포인트: 칼칼한 목소리 Charm point: Bitterness voice 가족: 아내 탤런트 정혜영, 2006 년 01 월 24 일 득녀 Family: wife: artist Zheng Huiying,CHI Pink Dazzle Flat Iron, January 24, 2006 was female entries Atlas Atlas more extended reading: 1 /
Open Category: Games, characters, singers, South Korea, HIPHOP :
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