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Old 08-03-2011, 06:56 AM   #1
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Default tory burch outlet Multi-layer metal substrate refl

Multi-layer metal substrate reflection characteristics of waves in anisotropic media

University College of radio physics doctoral student working mainly in low-latitude ionospheric scintillation and dynamics. WU Zhen-sen (1946 a) Male, Hubei, Xidian University, Professor. Mainly engaged in random media, electromagnetic (light) wave propagation and scattering, laser light scattering characteristics of the target. Zhen Weimin (1963 A), male, Hebei Province, researchers, research interests include radio propagation technology. Of the China Space Society Space Physics Committee,tory burch outlet, China Association GPS (Continued from No. 807) [33 Hahn-hua, Huang Daqing, Dinghe Yan. New lightweight radar absorbing materials applied research and progress [J3. Materials Engineering, 2006,51 (3) :55-58. [4] [s-1 [6] [7] [8] [9] HAEn-hua, HUANGDa-qing, DINGHe-yan. Ap-plicationresearchandprospectsofnewandlightmassrada rabsorbingmaterials [J]. JournalofMaterialsEngineering, 2006,51 (3) :55-58. (InChinese) Wu Mingzhong,tory burch outlet, Zhao sound, Hua-Hui. Uniaxial anisotropic absorbing material reflection of oblique incident wave [J]. Huazhong University of Technology, 1998, 26 (11) :29-31. Xian-Liang Wu. Multi-layer columnar structure of the electromagnetic analysis of anisotropic absorbing materials [J]. Journal of Electronics,abercrombie ireland, 2000,28 (12) ,129-131. WUXianliang. Electromagneticscatteringforcylin-dricalstructureswithanisotropiclayeredabsorbingmat erial [J]. 2000,28 (12) ,129-131. (InChinese) before the main Gong, Guo-Qiang Zhu, Zheng determined, and so on. Anisotropic scattering FDTD analysis [J]. Radio Science, 2002,17 (5) ,455-460. GONGZhu-qian, ZHUGuo-qiang, ZHENGLi-zhi, eta1. TheFDTDmethodtoanalyzeelecttomagneticscat-teringofanisotropicobjects [J]. ChineseJournalofRadioScience, 2002,17 (5) ,455-460. BERREMANDW, Opticsinstratifiedandanisotropicmedia: 4 × 4matrixformulation [J]. J. Opt. Soc. Am, 1972,62 (4) :502-510. W00DB, PENDRYJB. Directedsubwavelengthima-gingusingalayeredmetal-dielectricsystem [J]. Physi-calReviewB ,2006,74:115-116. HA () Jiaming, YUANYu,p90x workout schedule, RANLixin, eta1. Manipu-latingelectromagneticwavepolarizationyanisotropicm etamaterials [J] _PhysicalReviewLetters, 2007,99 (6): 063908. Zhao (1981), male, Shanghai, 2002, graduated from Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology electromagnetic field and microwave technology professionals, university lecturers now works for the Navy. Left Yu (1985), female, Jiangsu, Nanjing University, now the radio physics graduate. Feng Yijun (1964 A), male, Nanjing, Nanjing University of Electronic Science and Engineering professor, doctoral tutor. In recent years, presided over and completed more than 10 national research projects in more than 80 academic papers published at home and abroad. Research interests include: artificial electromagnetic materials and applications, electromagnetic scattering, inhomogeneous medium field and wave, microwave devices and antenna technology. Q-___
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