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Old 08-03-2011, 01:49 AM   #1
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Default Jakob Nielsen on Usability and Web Desi

Permanent Material Alertbox Jakob's column on World wide web usability
Why WSJ Cellular App Will get ** Buyer Critiques (July 5)
A complicated startup display screen that offends present subscribers dooms The Wall Street Journal's iPhone app to lower ratings.
Mini-IA (June 21)
Worldwide Usability (June six)
iPad Usability: Yr One (Could 23)
420 Alertbox columns from 1995 to 2011
Sign up for newsletter by e mail when a new Alertbox is published Studies Agile usability
Application layout showcase: 10 greatest App UIs
Intranet usability
> Intranet design and style annual
> Enterprise 2.0
> Intranet portals
> Layout guidelines for intranets, vols. 1-10
> Intranet IA
> Sector-specific: financial,Tiffany Et Co, government,Tiffany Jewelry, tech
E-mail newsletters
E-commerce and B2B sites
Return on investment for usability (ROI)
Age groups: Children,Tiffany Necklaces,Un-Google Yourself - Wired How-To Wiki, Teens, Students,Tiffany Necklace, Seniors
Donations to non-profits
Corporate sites: company image, PR, IR
Cell sites -->
More reports and usability guidelines Training Video Paper prototyping: how-to video (32 minute DVD) Books Eyetracking Net Usability
Prioritizing Net Usability
Designing Web Usability: The Practice of Simplicity
Full list of books by Jakob Nielsen
Recommended books by other authors Consulting Services Nielsen Norman Group offers usability evaluations, training, user testing, and a conference About Jakob Nielsen Biography and photos
Papers and essays About This Site Why this site has almost no graphics
Copyright and reprint rules News Usability Week 2011 Conference > Toronto: July 11-15
> New York City: August 1-6
> San Francisco: September 25-30
> Austin, TX: October 3-7
> London: November 13-18
Full-day seminars,Tiffany Uk, including
> IA 1 (structure) & IA 2 (navigation)
> Fundamental Guidelines for Internet Usability
> Cell Sites & Touchscreen Apps
> Apps Design 1 (GUI) & Apps Design and style 2 (workflow)
> Net Page Design & Emerging Design Patterns
> Writing for the Internet (2-day seminar)
> The Human Mind: How Your Users Think
> 3-Day Camp: Usability in Practice (San Francisco only) Testing the Limits
The Independent Website redesign: Why do we get so angry when the websites we love update their look?
Ironworks Video report from Usability Week San Francisco (2:34 min. video)
The Guardian The art of slow reading Has endlessly skimming short texts on the internet made us stupider?
The Guardian Jakob Nielsen critiques the iPad's usability failings
Daily Telegraph Apple iPad apps need more consistency, says usability guru (includes 3-minute video where I demo some inconsistencies in iPad apps)
BusinessWeek Hardware Is Meaningless. It's About the Apps (a debate about value in the cellular space — my position is that tight integration between hardware and software is what we need)
WIRED Interface Expert Knocks iPad Apps for Inconsistent Usability
Monocle Lessons learnt from the iPad
BusinessWeek World's 28 most influential design "movers and shakers" (including Jakob Nielsen and Don Norman)
Net@Night Why is Internet style still often bad? (podcast show with Leo Laporte and Amber MacArthur; 66 minutes streaming audio; my segment starts at the 21:40 mark)
TIME Magazine Why We Look at Some World wide web Ads and Not Others
Web Designer Depot Interview with Net Usability Guru,Tiffany Blue, Jakob Nielsen
USA Today Cell internet a throwback to the '90s
BusinessWeek Jakob Nielsen Critiques Twitter
Intranet Journal Social Networking Transforms the Best Intranets
Wall Street Journal The Latest Buzz On... Interface Style
PC Pro Recipe for a billion-dollar website
BBC Net users 'getting more selfish'
Practical Ecommerce Bloglist
The Guardian The web design and style guru that web designers love to hate
Search Engine Land Jakob Nielsen On Search Usability
BusinessWeek Google Is Making You Dumber
BBC Net 2.0 'neglecting good design'
E-consultancy Interview with Jakob Nielsen
CIO 5 Things I've Learned
ZDNet Usability makes business sense
SitePoint Interview with Jakob Nielsen
Wall Street Journal For Web-Design Expert,Tiffany Jewelers, Ease of Use And Clarity Are Essential for Firms
Washington Post If This Column Were a Web Site,Tiffany, This Would Be Its Home Page
The Guardian Two words is a minute description of a human need
USA Today Survey offers a 'sneak peek' into Net surfers' brains
BusinessWeek The Unwieldy World wide web
CNN Tech will cause a real estate crash
WIRED What Websites Do to Turn On Teens
BBC A decade of good website design
Full list of interviews
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