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Old 07-29-2011, 11:26 PM   #1
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ttaking any broad swathe approach to the case, but ratherlooking at individual transactions," said William Devaney oflaw firm Venable LLP favourite blog , a former federal prosecutor who is notinvolved in the case.
The jury is expected to resume deliberations on Thursday.
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Breakingviews column [ID:nN25195113]
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Q+A-The case against Rajaratnam [ID:nN0798137]
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As soon as the panel had returned to the jury room from thecourtroom after listening to the recordings, prosecutor ReedBrodsky questioned the efficiency of the procedure. He said thegovernment's case was being "handcuffed" and asked the judge infuture to play the recordings in the jury room.
Rajaratnam's chief defense lawyer favourite blog , John Dowd, a gruffformer Captain in the U.S. Marine Corps, objected.
"That's the evidence -- what we hear on the tapes -- youcan't bring a witness to the jury room," Dowd said.
U.S. District Judge Richard Holwell said that playing theentire tapes in court prevents "jurors from merely listening toone line. When you play the entire tape, as we're doing, thenthe jurors have the context."
Goel pleaded guilty and testified against Rajaratnam. Themen were accused of conspiring to get advance word on awireless network venture announced in May 2008 betweenClearwire Corp (CLWR.O) and Sprint Nextel Corp (S.N) with aninvestment by Intel. On Monday, when deliberations started favourite blog , thejury requested defense exhibits on Clearwire.
The transaction is the third count in a 14-countindictment, which also includes a charge that Rajaratnam wastipped by Rajat Gupta, a former director of Goldman Sachs GroupInc (GS.N)rounded toe white heels CNQ.TO, Wall Street's most influential bank.
Whether it was sitting on a wooden bench outside the 17thfloor courtroom reading a newspaper or huddled with hislawyers, all Rajaratnam could do was wait for the jury'sdecision. He has remained stoic throughout the long days of thetrial as high-profile Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLPlawyers fought his case.
When witnesses testified favourite blog , the Sri Lankan-born money managerhas sat in the courtroom staring straight ahead or occasionallytaking notes.
Legal experts said the jury has a lot of information todigest and could take a while to return its verdict.
"It wouldn't be unusual that it would take a few more daysor into early next week," said Ken Springer, a former FBI agentwho runs a corporate compliance firm in New York.
Rajaratnam is
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