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Old 07-28-2011, 07:09 AM   #1
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Default abercrombie france goo mrar efvh

Pulverized coal concentration on the impact of high temperature hot wall experimental study of ignition

Powder, CWS ignition theory and stable combustion of oil-free ignition technology research (Studiesontheignitiontechnologyofpulverizedcoaland coal-waterslurry) [D]. Hangzhou: Zhejiang University (Hangzhou: is iangUniversity), 1994. [5] QIN Yu-kun, LI Zheng, the Sun Rui, etc. (QinYukun, LiZhengqi, SunRui, etca). Air bag powder pulverized coal combustion principle and experimental studies (Studyonexperinaentandtheprincipleofair-surrounding-fuel (ASF) pulverizedcoalcombustion) [J]. China Electrotechnical Society (ProceedingsoftheCSEE), 2000,20 (5) :59-62. [6] Liu Jianzhong, Yao Qiang, CAO Xin-yu, and other iuJianzhong, YaoQiang, CaoXinyu, etat). Controllable shades swirl burner pulverized coal ignition and stable combustion of the simplified model back in the cyclone zone application (StudyontheignitionandstabilityofflameforconU-oliablepulverizedcoalrich/leanswirlburnerandit 'Sapplication) [J]. China Electrotechnical Society (ProceedingsoftheCSEE), 1999,19 (10) :32-36. [7] ZhangD, WallTEAnanalysisoftheignitionofcoaldustclouds [J]. CombustionandFlame ,1993,97:475-480 [8] Hou Dong Qi (HouDongqi, etat). Characteristics of pulverized coal ignition (Expert-mentalresearchonignitionpropertyofpulverizedcoalai r.flow) [J]. Power System Engineering ~ PowerSystemEngineering),franklin marshall pas cher, 1992,8 (4) :43-4 [9] WallTF'eta1. Indicatorsofignitionforcloudsofpulverizedcoal [J]. CombustionandFlame ,1992,72:111-118. [LO] EssonhighRH, et. Ignitionofcoalparticles: Areview [J]. CombustionandFlame, 1989,77. -3-30. [1l] Han Cai-Yuan, Xu thick. Pulverized coal combustion [M]. Beijing: Science and Technology Press, 2001. [L2] FU Wei-sickle, Zhang Enzhong (FuWeibiao, 7hangEnzhong). Heterogeneous coal ignition temperature with coal and determine the general relationship between the indicators (Generalrelationshipbetweencoaltypeandmulti-phaseignitiontemperatureofcoalanditscriterions) [J]. Power Engineering ~ PowerEnginecring). 1993, l3 (3) :34-42. [L3] Xu Jinyuan, Xu pass mode. Combustion [M]. Beijing: Mechanical Industry Press, 1979. [14] FuWeibiao,abercrombie paris, ZhangYanping, HanHongqiao, eta1. Ageneralmodelofpulverizedcoaldevolatilization [J]. FUEL, 1989,birkenstock paris,68 (4) :505-510. Received date; 2002-11-12. Author: ZHOU Jun-hu (1962), male, Professor, engaged in coal combustion, coal desulfurization, denitrification, clean coal burning boiler expert systems research: Shi Wei (1975.),abercrombie france, Male, PhD. Engaged in the oil-free ignition of pulverized coal technology research. (Editor Jiarui Jun)
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