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Old 06-21-2011, 12:23 AM   #1
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Default Boost Win7 and Vista boot times - Windows tips 'n'

For all those of us utilizing Dual or Quad core CPU's there exists a neat small way to improve start-up time. By default,Office 2007 Key Sale, Windows will only use a single processor to load-up Windows... nevertheless it doesn't should be that way.

Hit Winkey+R and kind in msconfig (and of course hit "enter"

Go to the Boot tab,windows 7 Starter key, and select your OS. Go to the Advanced Options button and click on it (yes I know I'm dummying this down,Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Key,Acoustic Long Island.html, but saves silly questions later).

Check the Number of Processors option,Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Key, and use the drop-down box to select all available processors (in my case a measly 2,Microsoft Office Standard 2007 Key!!).

Boot times should now be much quicker.

NB: You can also use msconfig to trim down the start-up app (who really need Acrobat and QuickTime to be running the second you load up Windows??). You'll naturally find this ability on the startup tab.

Happy hunting
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