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Old 06-15-2011, 06:17 PM   #1
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Default Globalization alternatively not

A ghost, the ghost of globalization, wandering around the world. Built ashore the foundation of moral and utopian illusion bankruptcy has been built above altitude of money and interest rose above the horizon of utopia. In this
assets around the world attach fast, because they share mutual interests - asset. Driven by big profits and they depend on each other around the expansion, the capital of the The proletarians of all nationalities to a large extent, still is insulated from each other, split or even hostile state. Poverty so that they insulated. Interests of proletarians out of the question, but no But they share a prevalent wastage and catastrophe. Although the explosion around the world are often different forms of anti-globalization campaign, but these are but more ingredients such as Lourdes (machine breaker),GHD Red Straighteners, can only be a spontaneous, sporadic and devastating resistance.
connect the process of globalization or not - has become a nation of life and necrosis determinations. The difficulty is that globalization or anti-globalization, as many reasons. In fact, for a small and feeble countries have no choice. To accept that globalization means a long period of cultural and economic disadvantage, to become the martyr of mighty interests of the spoils; means that their own cultural traditions and value systems breakdown inevitable fate; the opposed, it means culturally, politically, a long period of isolation and economic status and closed state, were allied international community relinquished. It seems that globalization is a die end, anti-globalization is also a die end. Faced with this embarrassment, more people psychology is: is dead anyhow, as it a attempt. Decision-making bodies in most countries is not thought the answer whether to accept globalization, but the response to globalization strategy. In other words, it has been built as a fact of globalization to accept it.
there are always some self-righteous people consider that third world countries like the long drought of seedlings desire for drink coming of globalization in general looking ahead. During the colonial era, these people live in the same logic found in Africa, the Americas, However, The end result is: With pistols and the Gospels, Today, the road guiding to globalization,GHD MK4 Kiss Straighteners, though not so sanguinary, but will inevitably must double those of small predatory. The people of an authoritarian state but also by the double crush and plunder. National characteristics of suppression and Problematic that their small country virtually in a
Although the history of mankind (whether East alternatively West) has always been a It originated in the Rationalism of the industrial old of the overall notion and evolution of normal science apt enhance a Hegel - Marx's view of history, that namely the product of this fancy. The information age was the comprehension of this fancy, catered adequate matter conditions. Today, the ideal of globalization, pedaled at chief, is ironic in variant way in the implementation.
Chinese intellectuals in modern periods laborious to accept this current Closed out as presently as feasible, and backward,GHD Rare Straighteners, adding To borrow a Abandoned by the worldwide community anxiety, in the 1980s the The so-called At this point, intellectuals, most opportunities for cooperation with the Government. Intellectuals often have confrontations and conflicts with the government, but in the
desire to elicit colonization of cultural imitation
methodology, the national culture is equal, and equal world community of nations. But the fact is the Chinese folk not plan to have with the integration of dark Africa or the Arabsalabo world. However, economic globalization Shangqie tin tolerate, and it brings cultural consequences extra dire. Culture secret back the mask of money, voicelessly prowled into and through the power of money changes everything.
few days ago, a friend told me that his childhood imagine is to eat the biggest piece of bread and butter, he saw this book the name of the food, put it to dream the savor of the top under the sun.
he called Economic globalization, people accessible encounter this appetite. This is why we can enjoy the benefits of globalization, it makes our life seem more convenient and exuberant. It surely has the right to enjoy this life.
But why should eat every daytime, Development of economic globalization, can we dine food to aliens; but if development is to dine alien food, then it would be trifles. My friend was just a child's desire for fantasy is an illusion, and the desire of today's babies are presumable to be met among a short duration of time. Commercial and cultural propaganda is to make you deem you need to eat other people's food every day, then every day to buy. Or stimulate your new desires.
cultural globalization is the biggest lie of the agree of cultural identity. View of globalization, there is a for alter national, global cultural pattern, this model is nice, in line with human ideals. The old, wrong culture should be changed or canceled. This Can find the most current statement of cultural Induced by material desires, the capitalists can acquire greater profits, beyond and activate a greater desire to distend always. State intellectuals to use their privilege of lecture, constantly looking for the theoretical basis for this lies. Enshrined in the value of economic globalization, a single rule - economic interests, but also inevitably change the culture, values ​​and patterns, and cultural uniformity tend to be difficult to shirk.
fact, Westernization, or localized, it immediately appears no longer an publish. The world has to a large extent, Westernized. Economic, cultural, citizen political system has been Westernized. Localization limited to the premise in the West, how to reserve that national identity just about only. The so-called citizen symbol is like a membrane bread Biaohua above, in mandate to nail the varieties of cake, the interior may be the same. Economic globalization and cultural convergence will exacerbate this proclivity.
characteristic look, and cultural assembly prototype for more from the Western, primarily American renowned culture. In the 1980s, countries in economic commutes with the Western world often, but in the culture is still biased in like of resistance and confrontation. By the 1990s, in appending to still fight on the appearance of the political, cultural, too began to coincide with it. For instance, with the official colors of the domestic trait membrane A adviser has said frankly: the technical, financial and other objective conditions, we are from Hollywood films and a decisive distance. This manner that if the technical, monetary and additional aspects of the conditions are ripe, they can do accurate the same with Hollywood, has it?
view of this, where the regional cultural workmen in the universal pattern of cultural entities to do, yet that Rely on a massive number of ######## imitations of Western mores to aid regional cultural mart.
business culture is the first to be colonized culture,GHD Purple Butterfly 2011, from the trade names, advertisement advertising, the product manner neatness, always with a lusty culture of Western colonist. The following example may better illustrate the problem: I've got a small pillow, trademarks, written in either languages, English is the Wendy's, the Chinese called The two names do not have anyone averaging, no material from which language side, are a heap of waste symbols. Write on Wendy's,GHD Blue Straighteners, is to make foreigners to buy it? Clearly not. The pillow is only the Chinese people themselves to buy. So why jot English? Here, it is many more than a question of advertisement and text. This very The contractor of this character deception, is the default of the people's cultural psychology, both on the a sign of cultural quality of products). It even has some symbolic: one pildefect in ... the pillow fraught with lies, doing the cultural emptiness of the strange dream twice. A meaningless, empty symbols, become a cultural imagination of the attachments,GHD IV Salon Straighteners, not only lost their own language, another culture is an vacant symbol - this is a ######## age the inevitable result of colonist culture, but also cultural decline start.
It is hoped that economic globalization, meantime retaining their own cultural specifics of every nation, but this is naught but wishful fantasy. Speed ​​up the process of globalization is in truth the process of cultural colonization. From this, the third world intellectuals and cultural concerns justified. However, this group of intellectuals caught in anxiety fracture gap in modern culture, they constantly merely briefly in the polarization of globalization and nationalism, sway, slide from an extreme to another extreme. Development of person civilization today, has been shoved into a edge. Mankind has no alternative.
the specter of globalization of capital everywhere, like a sorcerer as dominated civilization. The malign spirits, seems to have convert the world's only salvation. We can not stop it. But do not know if it has the sorcery that can be elevated heaved to make our world more possibilities. Possibility is hope.
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