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Old 06-11-2011, 02:45 PM   #1
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Default dc shoes hats Exercise Into Old Age_3453

If your muscles, tendons and ligaments are weak, they can't do what they are intended to do -- protect your joints. Make sure your exercises include sets to strengthen your abdominal and back muscles. Strong abs and back muscles help improve your balance which contributes to joint health. Good posture also protects your hip joints and back muscles. It's also important when lifting or carrying something. If you use a backpack, be sure to put it over both shoulders instead of slinging it over one. Being lopsided puts more stress on your joints.
It's only natural to want more of something that makes us feel good. Just be careful that you don't do too much when first starting out. In the exhilaration of a new activity, it's easy to overdue your workouts and put too much stress and strain on your weaker muscles and joints. Always listen to your body and understand your range of motion. Never push past pain. Any soreness that last longer than two days means you've overdone it.
Eat Right
Make sure that you have the right kind of footwear for your activity. There are big differences in the way various sports shoes support your feet. Running shoes aren't designed for the sideway movement of tennis, water moccasins for kayaking won't support your feet during long walks. The wrong kind of sports shoe can result in back, knee and hip injury. It's a good idea to get your sports shoes properly fitted to suit your foot type. Try to find a specialist who will assess your foot and find the right shoe for your foot and activity. Comfort should be your number one priority and it's important to replace your sports shoes frequently.
Keep It Fluid
Don't underestimate the importance of eating right. A healthy, balanced diet helps strengthen bones. Make sure you get plenty of calcium everyday by drinking milk and eating foods such as yogurt, broccoli, kale and figs. Vitamin D is important for good bone and joint health. Salmon is great for your joints because it's a good source of calcium and it also contains omega-3 fatty acids that promote healthy joints and reduce joint pain and swelling from arthritis.
Chill Out
Easy Does It
Going to the beach? Then you need to pack some sun block! Add some aloe vera gel for soothing sunned and sanded skin, dark glasses and a hat 10 Deep Hats Christmas Gifts 2010 for Kids - Liste! Of course you'll need a couple of swimsuits, sarongs work well on the beach and are so light and easy to pack. Take several in exotic prints and they can double as party time dresses too dc shoes hats! will show you just how versatile sarongs really are, and what's more, they leave plenty of room in your case to bring home lots of lovely bargains!What clothes to take, think about it, will you be going to glitzy nightclubs and restaurants or relaxed beach bars and discos? Pack as lightly as you can, take wash and wear items so you don't have to carry lots of dirty clothes home with you. Sarongs make a good choice for women as they come in a multitude of colours and patterns, are light and easy to pack and so versatile that with only a couple you could go from beach to restaurant effortlessly.
Ice is a natural pain reliever. It helps relieve muscle stain, swelling and joint pain. If you have a painful joint or sore muscle, wrap some ice cubes in a thin towel or apply a cold pack to the area for up to 20 minutes. A bag of frozen peas or other vegetables wrapped in a cloth will also do the trick, too. Just make sure you don't apply ice or a cold pack directly on your skin.
Variety Is Good
Turn Back The Clock
The benefits of exercise are well-documented, especially for those in their sixties, seventies and even eighties. Physical activities like swimming, biking, hiking, tennis, golf, kayaking, tai chi or just taking a quiet walk on the beach can lead to better health and an increased sense of well-being. Here are some tips to help you maintain a healthy and invigorating exercise regimen:
As we age, we lose strength, balance, flexibility and endurance. Regular outdoor physical activity helps maintain or even restore these critical areas. Exercise helps you feel stronger, happier and less fatigued. You'll feel better and enjoy life more.
Don't focus on only one exercise or sporting activity. Develop a cross-training program to avoid the repetitive motion of one sporting activity that can cause joint problems over time. If you're a swimmer, try to do some biking as well. If you're into walking, rowing can help develop your upper body. By participating in a variety of physical activities, you avoid unnecessary strain on one part of your body while developing other parts of your body to help stabilize and protect your joints.
Be Centered
Gear Up
With those restrictions in mind, if you're staying in a hotel or self catering accommodation, check to see if they provide hair dryers etc, if they do, it's one less thing you have to carry.If you need glasses, take a spare pair, you just never know what can happen and you don't want to be stranded half blind now do you?If you're going to a hot country take two pairs of sunglasses (in case of breakages) plus a hat to keep the sun off your head, it's surprising how many people, especially those with fair hair get sunburned heads!If you want/need to take a towel, take a micro fiber one, they weigh a lot less and dry much more quickly too.Don't take your best jewelry unless you're staying in a hotel where you have access to a safe and even then think twice because nothing can spoil a holiday quicker than losing a favored piece of expensive jewelry especially if it has emotional significance.Beach Trip
Your joints have lubricating fluids, called synovial fluids, that help you move them without stress and friction. To get these juices flowing, always warm-up before starting your exercise activities. Five minutes of slower walking, cycling, rowing, swimming or stretching should do it. Then, gradually increase your effort.
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