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Old 06-10-2011, 05:39 PM   #1
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Hugh MacLeod
Cartoons drawn about the back of organization cards
Other Valuable Hyperlinks
Commission Hugh.
Buy Hugh’s Art.
About Hugh. Hugh’s Book. Twitter. Facebook. Cartoon Archive.
Hugh’s Artist’s Statement: “Remember Who You Are”

"Hugh's Daily Cartoon" Newsletter. A new cartoon sent out every weekday morning to your inbox [RSS version here.]. A wee chuckle to start your day off right etc.

Oh, cool, glad you saw that — Purple Cow and Ignore Everybody have been tremendously inspiring to me, and it was nice to be able to spread the word about them both, even in just a little way!

Thanks for covering it, Ron… Yep, it was a great afternoon…

Looks good,Windows 7 Home Basic X86 Key, and I now have a better idea of its size. Looking forward to receive mine! (Decided not to give it away as a wedding gift, hah. Evil me.)

July 16, 2009
house again

[Me and Seth signing the silkscreen...]
Got again to West Texas last night after almost a week on the road. A quick visit to Silicon Valley for the Techcrunch Party, then an equally brief visit to New York.
I was about the East Coast mostly to co-sign the Purple Cow print with Seth Godin.
That was a great afternoon, visiting his office in Westchester County. He’s a seriously interesting guy. We talked a lot about all sorts of things…
Other highlights were the #NYCtweetup- about 50 people came. Secondly, I got to meet my editing team at Penguin/Portfolio for the first time. They seem very happy with how the book is doing, so it was all good.
[Update: Galleycat,Win 7, the publishing blog,Window 7 Ultimate, also covered the print signing:]
Hugh MacLeod (right) became Internet-famous by drawing cartoons within the back of enterprise cards and publishing them online at his Gaping Void blog. Along the way, he gained some useful insights into marketing and creativity which he also happily shared with readers; that was enough to attract the attention of the Portfolio imprint at Penguin Group,Windows 7 Ultimate 64, which recently published MacLeod’s first book, Ignore Everybody.
Now, one of MacLeod’s friends (and inspirations) happens to be Seth Godin—if you’ve been reading GalleyCat long enough,Office 2007 Professional Key, you know we’re right there with him on that—and back in April, MacLeod drew a version of the cover to Godin’s Purple Cow (on a much bigger surface than a organization card). “To me the book, as a totem, as an icon, represents a huge shift in thinking that came along,Hydraulic Accumulator.html, almost uninvited, back in the early 2000′s,” MacLeod emailed Godin shortly after. “The drawing represents [to me] my own ability to internalize it.” By the end of the month, he was taking orders for limited-edition prints which he flew into New York City earlier this week to sign alongside Godin. The pre-order price for the prints was $495, but if you want one now, it’ll set you back again $1,100.
[Backstory: About Hugh. Twitter. Newsletter. Book. Interview One. Interview Two. Limited Edition Prints. Private Commissions. Cube Grenades."EVIL PLANS".]

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