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Old 06-09-2011, 07:13 AM   #1
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Default Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2007 DNARelease

Finnzymes' DNARelease™ Additive is designed for agarose gel electrophoresis of PCR products amplified directly from tissue without DNA purification. Cell debris present in these PCR products can cause DNA fragments to get trapped in the agarose gel wells. DNARelease Additive eliminates this problem when included in the gel loading buffer.
Material provided:
3 x 100 ul DNARelease Additive
3 x 1 ml Gel loading dye
(The gel loading dye contains: 50 % glycerol,MicrosoftOffice Message Re [RE [MicrosoftOffice] Outlook Exchange 2000 Calendar settings],Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2007, 50 mM EDTA and 0.052 % bromophenol blue)
Applications:Direct PCR from mouse tissue without DNA purification (See: Direct PCR protocol for mouse tissue using Phire Hot Start DNA Polymerase)Sample preparation for dilution PCR
Reaction & Storage Conditions
Storage Temperature:
Usage notes:Mix 100 μl of DNARelease Additive with 1 ml of Gel loading dye. The dilution is stable for 2 weeks at +4°C. For long term use, store the dilution at -20°C.
For use, add 15 μl of the pre-mixed gel loading dye to a 50 μl PCR reaction or 5 μl to a 20 μl PCR reaction before agarose gel electrophoresis.
DNARelease Additive can also be used with any other agarose gel loading buffer. Simply add DNARelease to the loading buffer (approximately 1:10 to 5x loading buffer or 1:5 to 10x loading buffer).
When do I need to use DNARelease™ Additive?
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