Thread: Cloud home
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Old 05-18-2011, 02:53 AM   #1
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Default Cloud home

At 15:00 on June 16th , we are preparing to work to the airport, God began to rainstorm , saying: work out artistic strokes rain,GHD Deluxe Midnight 2011, the sudden heavy rain indicates the cruise of our endeavors.
8月11日9 pm, we are ready to fly back from Beijing ,GHD Benefit Straighteners, Nanning , the household phoned to say by this time of Nanning is lightning, still gushing down rain . I thought, ah coincidence , to when the rain when the rain returned , this line draw a satisfactory conclusion.
After three hours of flight , while the aeroplane is prepared apt approach the aerodrome, Wu Wei , from the windows seeing out at times there are bunches of bright light ashore the wing , it is the light of lightning . At that time, my heart apt terror : the aeroplane ought no be a problem down it. When the aircraft landed smoothly , and always concerned must fly to the winds, quickly passing landscape appearance the skylight , yet my mind was very lull.
outside windows and anything is so familiar , whereas merely 2 months leave , but the family is that human care. Out of the terminus , especially fresh climate after the rain , I tin not assist but lust made ​​a deep expiration. In the car, Master Li accidentally put a nostalgic song for all the folk imagining in the anthem It, roaming from home, return it behind yo ,GHD Green Butterfly 2011,Hot I suggest National Unicom 20 per mobile phon, stop roaming around , marching heavy footsteps, come family to the road is so long, when the breeze gently blowing around , blowing home perfume of the globe , and returned it back yo ,GHD Diamond Flag 2011, wandering from home,GHD Straighteners, return it back yo , I was weary of wandering , I was full of weary eyes are tears of sadness and misery , that home and the home of the smokes the wind , as I obliterated Chuanghen , I have high,GHD Purple Butterfly 2011, return The bags are vacant , and that home wind and the clouds home , for me to heal wounds . May be weary , possibly everybody thought , we do not talk, only the singing , the rain ... ...
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