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Old 05-16-2011, 12:39 AM   #1
Posts: n/a
Default Best Happy Hour- (129)

my guests split a tuna sammich jimmy choo sale, and it didn't look like enough food for 2 normal people to eat.
heres something that pissed me off. when we were ordering we asked for sweet potato fries because you can ad them for 1 dollar to a sammich - good deal right? - well it would have been except for the fact that the waiter assumed we wanted a 5 dollar side order newport cigarettes, not the ad on. he didn't even ask what we were thinking - that's shiesty. he ########in works there - he knows to ask. but didn't. so ######## him and the half of the menu that wasn't available. also TR Jeans, the food took about 30 mins to prepare. which during a 1 hour lunch break ########ing pisses me the ######## off. ########!
having went through this though - i think i will give them another chance. only because i bet the things i wanted to eat here are good. but im gonna tell em to speed it up and i'm gonna make sure they know i want the 1 dollar fries, not the 5 dolla fries. biatch
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