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Old 05-10-2011, 08:18 PM   #1
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Default Office Professional 2007 How to move the DHCP data

Quit the DHCP Server service about the server:
Click on
at the command prompt, sort web stop You might obtain a
type exit, and then press Enter.
compression utility using the JetPack DHCP database:

Click ,Office Professional 2007, type cmd, after which click
at the command prompt, kind cd% systemroot% system32 dhcp, after which press Enter.
kind jetpack dhcp.mdb temp.mdb, after which press Enter.
soon after the database is compacted effectively, type exit, after which press Enter.
use the DHCP Export Import utility (Dhcpexim.exe) may be exported DHCP database.
it is possible to through the Windows 2000 Useful resource Kit Supplement 1 to obtain this utility. You possibly can also visit the following Microsoft Web web page to obtain Dhcpexim.exe:

export the database:

Dhcpexim.exe utility installation, after which Commence the Dhcpexim.exe utility.
in the
inside the As an example, type dhcpdatabase.txt.
click on the scope you would like to export, click on the .
disable the DHCP Server support on the server:

click on
in the
if the service is started, click on
Important Note: The database from a server running Windows 2000 successfully moved to a server operating Windows Server 2003 to use Dhcpexim.exe. If only the configuration (not database), make sure you export the configuration in the Windows 2000-based server working with the subsequent command netsh dhcp server export C: dhcp.txt all of them, C: dhcp.txt is your To make use of the export file identify and route.
the DHCP database and configuration from a server running Windows Server 2003 to another computer operating Windows Server 2003 server:

type netsh dhcp server export C: dhcp.txt all, after which press Enter.
to duplicate files towards the new server.
sort netsh dhcp server import C: dhcp.txt all, after which press Enter.
current server-based Windows Server 2003 DHCP Server support is installed:

Click on Control Panel
click on the
inside the
When you have not selected
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