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Old 04-20-2011, 08:08 AM   #1
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Default Microsoft Office 2007 Pro Plus Microsoft now wants

Microsoft has decided it desires its Shared Supply license to get the official “open source” label,Windows 7 Ultimate Key, after all.Microsoft officials said at the O;Reilly Open Source Conference (OSCON) conference this week that they are going to seek Open Source Initiative (OSI) approval, but have not provided a specific timetable as to when the company will do so.Last year,Office Pro, a programmer submitted the Microsoft Community License, one of its Shared Source licenses, to the OSI, but did so without Microsoft;s blessing. Microsoft officials said at that time they were not ready or willing to seek the OSI;s blessing.Microsoft has three different Shared Supply licenses: The Microsoft Permissive License (Ms-PL) Microsoft Community License (Ms-CL) and the Microsoft Reference License (Ms-RL). It;s not clear whether Microsoft will seek OSI approval for one or all of these licenses.Microsoft already has released a few of its products under OSI-backed open-source licenses. Why is Microsoft interested in going even broader and getting the official OSI OK to call anything licensed under Shared Source as “open source”?The closest thing I could find to an answer to that question cam from Microsoft Port 25 blogger Jon Rosenberg:“IT professionals told us they wanted both platform choices and platform interoperability. Developers told us that they wanted more open collaboration and that the language of that collaboration is code. In response,Office Professional Plus 2010, Microsoft has reached interoperability agreements with several key vendors of open supply software, CodePlex is now supporting 2,000 collaborative development projects, and the features of CodePlex itself are largely driven by the votes of the community.“Today, we reached another milestone with the determination to submit our open licenses to the OSI approval process,Microsoft Office 2007 Pro Plus, which, if the licenses are approved, should give the community additional confidence that the code we’re sharing is truly Open Supply. I believe that the same voices that have been calling for Microsoft products to better interoperate with open source products would voice their approval should the Open Source Initiative itself open up to more of the IT industry.”What;s your theory? Why do you think Microsoft is interested now in getting OSI approval for its Shared Supply licenses? If you are a Microsoft customer,Windows 7 Home Basic, do you care whether or not Microsoft software is covered by an OSI-approved license?
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