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Old 04-16-2011, 07:23 PM   #1
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Default Windows 7 Serial UNICEF - Publications - Enhanced

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Publications Enhanced Protection for Children Affected by AIDS
Author: UNICEF
Price: US$15.00
No. of pages: 56
Publication date: March 2007
Publisher: UNICEF (with CIDA support, and endorsed by a total of 27 agencies and organizations)
English French
ISBN: 978-92-806-4152-3
Sales no.: E.07.XX.6
Available in the following formats:
[Order a printed copy] This link will take you directly to the United Nations publications website, where you can buy the report. You can also purchase this publication at your bookstore or any online bookseller. Prices are expressed in US dollars unless otherwise specified.

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The Framework for the Protection,Windows 7 Home Premium, Care and Support of Orphans and Vulnerable Children Living in a World with HIV and AIDS. It discusses the protection risks facing children globally, outlining the priority actions needed to reduce their vulnerability. Like The Framework,Windows 7 Serial, the publication has been widely endorsed by international and non-governmental partners. end rss blurb --> This publication serves as a companion paper to The Framework for the Protection,Microsoft Office 2010 Professional Plus, Care and Support of Orphans and Vulnerable Children Living in a World with HIV and AIDS. It discusses the protection issues facing children globally, outlining the priority actions needed to reduce their vulnerability. Like The Framework,Office 2010, the publication has been widely endorsed by international and non-governmental partners. It calls for enhanced social protection, legal protection and justice, and alternative care,Windows 7 Pro, underpinned by efforts to address the silence and stigma that allow discrimination, abuse and exploitation of children to continue.

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