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Old 04-07-2011, 11:46 AM   #1
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Default Japanese earthquake area causes seismic sea wag

Japanese coastal waters produced maniacal temblor ashore March 11, capital Tokyo shake feels intense. Immediately of Japanese climate office issued warning of seismic sea wave, mention the earthquake will reason about 6 meters of Gao Haixiao. The plot namely establishing of brim of berth of metropolis of Japanese pot stone to be pounded by seismic sea wave. Beijing of China News Service ashore March 11 report (correspondent Ruan Yulin) when national ocean forecasts Wang Peitao of adept of group of Taiwan Strait howl 11 days to undergo reporter of China News Service late to interview used, say, the strength of seismic sea wave that this Japanese strong shock causes in converge space, was final year double of Chile seismic sea wave, but intensity not as nice as the Indonesian seismic sea wave 2004. The achieve namely predicts this seismic sea wave is coastal to China will arrive 12 days continuously in the a.m.. On December 26, 2004 morn, marine space of island of Indonesian and upper Sumatra produces 9 level earthquake, occasion intense seismic sea wave. Wang Peitao says, liken with the photograph of Indonesian sea roar December 2004,air jordan dress shoes, this Japanese seismic sea wave has perceptible feud above importance. The seismic sea wave that shake of this tomorrow this locality causes is 8.9 level, the magnitude of Indonesian at that period seismic sea wave is controlled in 9 level. The period of coastal to China to this Japan seismic sea wave influence and influence limits, wang Peitao says, this the influence with coastal to China seismic sea wave will arrive 12 days continuously in the morning. 12 days of before dawn at 2 o'clock, wave of seismic sea wave arrives by Jiangsu, Shanghai coastal, predicting wave elevation values to 30 centimeters alternatively so, forecast chart class along to citizen ocean, yet level of early-warning of short of seismic sea wave, won't reason misfortune ###### to affect to afore-mentioned areas. The basis is monitored, wave of seismic sea wave was controlled 11 days 17:41 late arrive at Taiwan coastal, but even now the instrument data that monitor shows, wave height is in 12 centimeters, predict the greatest wave height won't exceed 0.5 meters. National ocean forecasts a stage to prophesy, wave of this seismic sea wave will at 11 days 21 when nigh arrives at Zhejiang, Fujian coastal, wave height is 30 control to 50 centimeters; Predict 11 nightfall 22 when the left and right sides, will reach Guangdong the eastpart part coastal, predicting wave height is in 0.4 meters the following, reach level of fear of seismic sea wave. Wang Peitao says, this Japan seismic sea wave affects more amazing district littoral to chinese mainland is Fujian, Zhejiang coastal. It is good that national ocean forecasts a stage to caution coastal administration and relevant partition to be done along to responsibility defence of mishap of seismic sea wave intends the go, inspect a case to halt play of maritime production action, fitting arranges maritime training to workers stays back alternatively retreat to disembark, halt outside collective play, hack off coastal sinkage to involve the hazardous power supply outdoor, personnel ought be in no way beach and coastal and low-lying place. Wang Peitao says, this seismic sea wave is very big to Japanese coastal influence, monitor according to place show, the wave height of seismic sea wave that seismic seismic sea wave causes littoral in Japan values to 4 meters alternatively so,air jordan dress shoes, achieve of ###### of packet area mishap is solemn. Wave height of seismic sea wave measures to 2 meters, had achieved seismic sea wave level of an class agitate. Current, the influence of wave of seismic sea wave to Japan gradually damply. Beijing time on Feburary 27, 2010 14:34, chile produces principally big earthquake of 8.8 on the Richter scale, spark massive seismic sea wave. Expert of this seismic sea wave expresses, this Japan seismic sea wave, stamina is bigger than the Chile seismic sea wave last annual double. Passing buoy observation even now the transmission case of this seismic sea wave, wave of reconnaissance seismic sea wave distributings to the transmission of beach of Pacific Ocean southeast distance, if be more foreign seismic sea wave in mandate to decide this seismic sea wave. (Be over)
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