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Old 04-06-2011, 11:33 AM   #1
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Default moncler jacket on sale 2013

Reverse Phone Lookup Helps to Safely Enter Sweepstakes
Just because there are all sorts of scammers out there trying to take ourmoney under false pretenses, doesn't mean we can't still enter and participatein all kinds of online contests and sweepstakes and even occasionally win. Thekey is to be smart and do it safely. There are countless Web sites that offer all kinds of fun drawings and giveaway real prizes. Based on your hobbies and interests, search creatively, usingsuch keyword phrases as 'online sweepstakes', 'winning prizes', 'win cars', 'win DVDs', 'win movie tickets', 'win trips',moncler, etc. Once you are on the site, pay attention to certain telltale signs offraudulent contests. NEVER - EVER - send money, and immediately disengage ifsomeone on the other end tells you that to claim your prize you must pay first. DO NOT provide personal information other than name, address and phone number. Know that legitimate sweepstakes will not ask for your social security number,moncler jackets for sale, unless you win a major prize. What usually happens is you get a phone call followed by paperwork in themail that must be notarized. If a caller announces that you've won, ask lots ofquestions. A bona fide sweepstakes rep will tell you which sweepstakes it is; if not, ask. That's the reason you should maintain detailed records of every contestyou enter, so you can make sure you actually participated in the one they name. Keep track of when you entered, when the sweepstakes ends, and the types ofprizes you may win. Always listen to your intuition; if you feel the caller is asking strangepersonal questions, hang up and run a reversephone lookup on the number that shows up on your caller ID. A valid sourcewill not mask the number they're calling from or tell you to make your decisionon the spot. It will allow you to get off the phone,moncler jacket on sale, research the companythrough a reverse phone lookup, and call them back. Remember to keep as many other people informed as possible, should youdetermine that someone is trying to defraud you. Start a blog if you can, posting detailed information on every ######## sweepstakes contact you receive. Tell others what to look out for and how to use a reversephone lookup to check for fraud. Give back a little. And good luck; may youwin lots of prizes. Reverse Phone Directory.Topics related articles:

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