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Old 04-01-2011, 12:01 PM   #1
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Default tory Game Emotional Design (8) NPC interesting tec

The idea of ​​establishing the role of diamond seems to be simple. However, the preparation of interesting characters diamond is not easy. You should look at several criteria: It should be noted that these criteria only for the main NPC.
(1) Do not let the NPC ambiguous . must let the players know that a person is relative features. such as the lovely and wicked, good and evil,ed hardy discount clothes, etc..
pairs mostly NPC have to give a profound impact, the so-called , at least three characteristics to form a color combination.
(4) If the main NPC three or more design characteristics, but a long time to see the NPC dialogue or action to reflect the use of this trait, then These characteristics equivalent to non-existent. the main NPC If you do not often use at least three characteristics, you will feel no fun.
(5) If there are too many of the characteristics of the primary NPC, NPC speech and action, but does not meet the these qualities,外公教1岁半女婴水中自救引发争议(组图), then the NPC becomes unreasonable. but this rule has two exceptions: First, even if the NPC is a cool character, but when the anger or to anger; second NPC emotional growth or change, making it one and a few a character changed.
role orientation selection
Perhaps you will say: Why not list all the characteristics of Romania, and then use the gun to randomly selected tender?? to vote in the role that several characteristics of the diamond used in Which character.
but this role is not necessarily established a reasonable and logical role.
select features is an art, many factors need to be considered, but ultimately it is difficult to establish the role of the people choice.
------- I think: need a lot of observation, with a keen eye for human nature is not easy to capture that aspect of life to refine. I think Lu Xun must be very good at this . The other is the need for other games to analyze the character of NPC.
quirks and characteristics
often fell in the NPC, is a trait not often fell. However, this is a strange line (quirk). strange line does not necessarily mean that the behavior is extreme or eccentric, but less important for that individual only. If the NPC like to dance, even a strange line.
------- I still can not distinguish, strange Where is the difference between the line and character children??? not understand???
minor NPC NPC
secondary qualities do not need much, but the need to br> For example: a depression, but depressed the soldiers a lot of fun. (indeed there are such people, like adults, love to tease the children crying. the good).
others a hobby, but very emotional and sarcastic pilot . (looks like these two characters really always together. unkind people might easily excited).
to note several issues:
(1) to determine whether the NPC should have in common. this??? not understand ???.
(2) sometimes false. a NPC, a character (arrogance) is another trait (eg, anxiety) cover up, we call this illusion for the mask.
---- Kazakhstan Haha, people do not often use arrogance to hide their anxiety; used to brag, exaggerate the limelight to hide their self-esteem up??? won my heart ah.
(3) NPC will be another fight between the characteristics. For example timid,shop asics, but the effort.
---- Well, understanding, and perhaps can be equal to the brave efforts of timid +. the so-called victory over himself is the case. work is a way of overcoming their own.
(4) the role of diamond a combination of several interesting characteristics, can generate an interesting villain. but apart from the role of diamond other than the method can also be made more three-dimensional villain and realism, thus increasing the emotional involvement. can show their fear or emotional injury to humanity. You can add some villain action outside the details of life. can reveal their motivation, though it looks hateful, but the villain is reasonable. But do not put too much human villain, or the player to execute him when there will be feelings of guilt, could not do it,tory burch reva sand, usually is not appropriate. However, if the villain at some point repented, you should begin to give him more human, so that Vanguard will not kill him,womens rolex watches price 英国男子鼾声达108分贝堪, would like to see The repented.
------ read this section, but also learned a lot. in front of the animation character design read the book when it comes to bad guys have bad not so complete, that all the bad guys at the time should be bad because the bad guys are usually more extreme ideological person. said here,asics for women, I thought of a few days before the He is not a see a little bit of offense to others who violate will be killed, he has the process of rehabilitation, I think the writers let him repented, and escape legal sanction, and I feel very disgusted, as it were, after all, Too many bad things. but writers let him die, and let him die a number of very good people do not care damn mm provoked him, to kill those who are good in his time, he was killed. The good in him to be damned, but that a great hh.
(5) characteristics and quirks, may complement each other, may conflict with each other. If the conflict too much, it will lead role is not clear. For example: a character like organized ( trait), but always do a mess of his car (odd lines), the two to collide with each other, and this conflict too far, resulting in people already do not know in the end is clean,lebron air max vii 商贩将活鱼密封入袋制成挂件被指, or the opposite. If the role like clean, but often put things in the wrong place, which can accept, but still people think the role is not clear. Typically, the strange role of the line is used to add detail, so as not to affect his character.
end of the NPC interesting technology.
If you do not want to invite nerds to parties, then they should not be a tedious task into the game. If you want the player immersed in the emotion of the game,cheap louis vuitton leather shoes, do not let the players off boring NPC.
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