I had to do a
Microsoft Office 2010 Product Keycomplete restore on my computer, and I am/would like to re-install my Offic Professional plus 2010, but I lost the activation key.I call microsoft tech support and they could not find any record of my product registration on file.They told me that they could not do anything
Office 2010 Code to help because they had no record of my product I have the disk but again lost the activation key.Is there any way I can find it or get a new one.You can if you have the license to go with
Microsoft Office 2010 Generator it. Some product keys are only one
Office Pro Plus 2010 Keygenlicense, some are more. The person who has the product key that you're trying to use should know if it's good for one license or more.I bought my laptop with windows office installed on it already. Problem is when i wanna use a program, like word, it asks me for a product activation key (25 character). What can i do about this, where can i
Microsoft Office Standard find the activation key if i dont have any microsoft office "cd's"