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Old 03-20-2011, 09:20 AM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2011
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ComeGetSome is on a distinguished road
Default Your Own Pervert At The Comus Inn For Your Wedding!

If you are already most certainly checking into enjoying your wedding reception take place in Maryland and more uniquely, at Sugarloaf Mountain -- I highly recommend you be absolutely certain to find out this entire contribution concerning The Comus Inn Perverts. Dr. R. Christopher Goodwin, a qualified professional in following through on due diligence either failed to implement due diligence back in 2005 or merely chose not to because of the WINDFALL of WINE which must have been about to fall at his feet.

I urge you as a former bride-to-be myself, to accomplish your own personal due diligence IMMEDIATELY just before you make a commitment to organizing your impending wedding take place at The Comus Inn doing business in Dickerson, Maryland USA. Your wedding day is naturally much too meaningful to have your wedding experiences tainted because you made up your mind on the unsuitable spot to have your wedding. There are countless tremendous locations in Maryland that have in point of fact implemented their own due diligence the moment it came to picking men and women to do the job for them and as a result, they have never recruited a pedophile to do business with the general public.

As a newlywed bride and groom, don't you want the nicest wedding memories you can actually have?

If you decide to enjoy your wedding at The Comus Inn in Maryland, just how do you know your great friends and your family will even arrive? Many numerous natives have in actual fact discontinued visiting The Comus Inn as a result of Dr. R. Christopher Goodwin decided to hire David Myer Dantzic II even when he had previous convictions of offering booze to underage people. Is this really the kind of Manager you want your restaurant's customers to be forced to trust? And it is certainly true that this happened back in 2005 but in fact, it is only NOW that questions are being asked of The Comus Inn Sociopath and if you do end up taking a look at their website, you will see that Dr. R. Christopher Goodwin has begun to lay down his fertilizer of denial when it comes to hiring David Myer Dantzic II who has now changed his name to David Robert Bradbury.

And while I hate to spread gossip, it's been relayed to us by more than one INSIDER that the reason Dr. R. Christopher Goodwin of R. Christopher Goodwin & Associates, Inc. hired David Myer Dantzic II is because he contributed some very exquisite wine to his position. We even have to WONDER if Dr. R. Christopher Goodwin hung on to all that wine after Mr. Dantzic (now David Robert Bradbury) was nailed for soliciting dirty-minded behavior from a 14 year old female who in fact was a investigator in southeastern Florida.

Additionally, it's been handed off by these insiders that Dr. R. Christopher Goodwin is trying to pawn off the rest of this wine at the lowest price he can to all his customers which just might explain why The Comus Inn keeps advertising special sales on wine and wine for half price.

We even understand that he gives away this wine as gifts so make absolutely sure you perform your own due diligence before accepting any wine as a gift from The Comus Inn.

But let's get back to WHY I am warning you about The Comus Inn... This is YOUR WEDDING. YOUR WEDDING DAY. You want it to be flawless, don't you? You surely do not want it wrecked because the only thing your friends and family will remember about it is the Comus Inn Due Diligence.

The Comus Inn has not attained the right to hold your most important day -- YOUR WEDDING DAY -- at their restaurant. Not once have they accepted any responsibility for having employed Mr. Dantzic. Not once have they apologized in private or public to the hundreds -- perhaps thousands -- of customers who who brought their children along with them only to have been ogled and fantacized by Mr. Dantzic while he was in fact the Manager of The Comus Inn.

Please do not make the blunder of giving The Comus Inn your hard earned income. Stand up for yourself today! A stand against Sociopaths who live and operate in pure denial of both their responsibilities and actions and service the public only to take their dollars and flush them out the door.

If you want to know more about this travesty, by all means check out the following website: Comus Inn Sociopath

In the meantime... Don't take the chance of absolutely destroying your wedding day.
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