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Old 03-14-2011, 07:57 AM   #1
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God Yearns for Man to be His Foreever and be Free From the Clutches of Evil .the Call of Man to be in God's Kingdom and Look for Deception of Life
Heaven and hell is as real as the life of humans on the face of this earth . you
may veto it ignore it but God has kept a day of judgement for all humans either for peace or for suffering , eternal . This is baffling because how would God allow something he created for eternal suffering . you can know this on the fact that we were created in place of worshiping angels who denied God as the foreman and where darted out from heaven .This fallen angels were not put to necrosis but expelled and they are governing the world through the human minds . The intellectual mind should therefore detach the working of God’s spirit or of the working of these fallen angels through human minds.
You may say that god is fleeing the world but the fact is God runs and governs those life who seeks him and other lives are governed by these fallen angels , that’s the reason there are many signs and prodigies in the face of the earth which always is not from God . God had created this fallen angels , they were not some ordinary beings but beings bestowed with prettiness, worshipping qualities and you can assume the extent of qualities if God woud have created them for his worship . They would have been the best in their job but they fell from heaven for of denieying God the due worship.
Now these fallen seraphim are ruling the world as you can watch the root of evil in the society, murder , rape , religious animosity , detest , envy etc .Even a fool can say who rules when such evil are predominantly universal in the society and let us refer to them as evil spirits . These evil spirits are real crafty , they try to rule the center and minds of people and they provide magnificent powers on them that seek these wicked spirits . Thus you can penetrate lot of miracles happen without God’s intervention . Now people who operate with the evil spirits or under spiritual influence do not know they are working with evil spirits as these spirits obviously donot not reveal themselves to their reciepient , and therefore every miracle may not be signatured by God but it is otherwise and your mastermind mind has to differentiate it .
The wicked spirits have one intention to deviate man’s mind to any worship additional than God’s worship and this he ambition do by anchor or crook . Wicked spirits make themselves freely obtainable to man either by seeking them any way other than what God has prescribed or from a guru to his shish . Actually , he is interested in the havoc of man as he is doomed for hell . Man is precious and the evil spirits would want for man the hereafter he is preordained for , hell .That which is ugly , unholy , unrighteous you can ascertain at all areas and there these evil spirits dwell i.e usually base .
The inverse of the malign spirits is the divine spirits , these go because the enlargement of God’s realm on the face of globe and manipulate among the framework of God’s rules. These divine spirits aid & strenghten those who seek God and attempt apt govern lives which surrender to these holy spirits . With so much evil in the face of the globe a assistant has to be there to stand for man to establish and alleviate him i.e what the holy morale does . He is quite gentle and does not compel himself on anybody humans . Holy spirit help man to come nearer to Lord and wade a life that is in agreement with God . His presence make us complete in God and reveals more approximately God . Holy spirit is the pathway to paradise , we cannot know God without his spirit . so, without Holy spirit we cannot have salvation and we cannot have the correct detection of God.
Holy spirit is the key to what god wants us to be , he is a human who reqests your approval to tamper in your life in however circumstances you are in .He will make us faultless vessel’s of God , correcting us , directing us , muttering in our ears , strenghthening us and being the best friend one wants him to be . No friend is truer than holy spirit in the face of the earth and take my word for it when god provides a friend he would be the best.
As i said man is a spirit and accordingly a spirit can impinge on man’s spirit and can influence his life tremendously . If God had created a spirit for man’s well being ,arcteryx uk, how immense a good - Holyspirit can do , you can imaginealso how much abuse one evil spirit can do if he is bent on destroying the man kind , his replica . Holy spirit the power of god in the face of the earth has many to do with moulding lives and transfering them into god’s variety of containers . evil spirits are irregular and perform on entire human without Man’s hope , at governing their idea , body and spirit – idea, stimulate it to muse and do erroneous – body, give deaseas and afflict – spirit , take it anyhow far away from god and making the spirit as evil spirits doomed for hell . Holy spirit can correct always the wrong done at evils . He always directs the mind to do agreeable and what is pleasant to god , he can heal any deaseas known to man even aids and he is the key to heaven .
God has created the heaven and the earth , sea , mountains , beasts , factories , humans etc and all was planned and with a intention . Nothing you see on the face of this earth is for just like that , all was devised by the specialist designer , God . He has set rules for all the asset he has made espescially for humans being his precious beings . How to worship him and amuse him as he has choosen us for his worship . He has given rules to man in this purposeful world for achieving salvation and coming nearer to him , the creater . One cannot overlook these rules to achieve salvation . Man can make means and methods and try to approach god through religion but really religion has created so vast a diffrences surrounded men that nothing can smash the ugly religious barrier .
God did not create any religion , infact man has created religion to reach God . Any effort made by man to reach God would be a failure because God is not reachable unless man is free from sin . when God wants man to worship him he would want a holy man and that rule can only be catered by God . How to keep your holiness intact always and reach God ? These is where intellectual mind comes to play to find out that way catered by God for mankind . If God wanted man to worship him and reach out for him than he decides rule and methods for it and no man can snatch from God his priority .
Man created religion and it seems for whether man has shredded from God his right to judge for man his course of worship . Lastly God has built man to live in consensus and in adore merely we kas long asin the history of mankind, religion is the 1 chief ingredient that has aroused such hatreds , envy and warfare that nought else tin come nearer to it.
God has created this earth , its his business , his cake and butter , as economic is the main interest of any business , so man is God’s main interest . The competitors of God’s business are the evil spirits , the fallen angels , snatching man from God to hell , as evil spirits are doomed for hell . The intellectual man should distinguish the right from wrong and decide what is of God and what is of evil , God shows from time to time his power in the face of the earth . God has great problem solving capablities and he can heal any deseas by the power of his holy spririt and one object more of God is his uniformity . God would not obvious himself in one way in Australia and in distinct way in Uganda . God reveals himself to mankind in numerous fashions quest for it , look for God’s presence . You may believe something for life about God but think of its crediblity and its universal approval . God is not a God of a marathon or of any particular sect he responds to all who calls along to his rules and will . Any rule that is only true to your sect , religion or group and is not universally adopted is a farce . You may beverage something analytic it to be holy but if it is poison it would certainly slay you . Search on tv , internet , periodical and any other media , God obviously uses these to reveal himself .

Time is running out ,abercrombie fith store,5 fingered shoes Dependable Ait-3 Worm Tape By Sony_11181, God’s day is not very far , it is too approximate than anybody can imagine , prefer your fate either heaven , everlasting peace or hell , perpetual damnation where the evil spirits are yet destined for . Only you can alteration your fate search and choose God’s way of life then you will be saved . Life on heaven and hell exists ,mens goldwin jackets Discount Gucci Bags, Authenti, it is very real as the life on the face of this earth ,vibram kso, the only difference is the body , but the mentality and the spirit remains the same . With so much stockpiles of nuclear and other wmd weapons , which can destroy the world number of periods over , this reality makes the delluge more real . Wars , earthquakes , hurricanes etc are God’s way to show mankind that life will not work on for ever and ever , shape your future before god call’s it a day .

God loves mankind more than anything in this face of the earth so he wants all men to come under his umbrella of protection . God’s day will come like a thief , heavens will disappear with a howl and factors will be destroyed by fire , earth and anything in it will be laid bare , this is God’s word and it will not pass away without being fulfilled . This extract is written from Bible’s point of view . So , if you liked this article suggest your friends to peruse this and do answer to me at
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