Office 2007 Key blog two-new-blogs-to-watch
Steven Sinofsky, Office Ultimate 2007 Aktivierung Key, Sr VP of Workplace, Microsoft Office 2007 Pro Activation, is blogging more than on TechTalk. Steven has a lot of passion around the college recruiting space so it should be interesting to hear his thoughts on college hiring. (As you know, Office Pro 2007 cl��gen, I'm an industry recruiter so I don't talk a lot about our impact on college campuses.) I know Steven is always up for a good debate - so be sure to leave your comments, Office 2007 Key! Chris Parker, Office Pro 2007 Product Key, a Microsoft Staffing Consultant (aka: Recruiter), just started the Microsoft Information Worker Product Marketing Group blog. We've never had a truly business-aligned recruiter write their own blog (Heather and I both recruit across multiple groups and divisions) so I look forward to seeing how he manages the discussion of broad recruiting topics with specific IW product marketing issues. gretchen