learning7966 |
03-27-2011 07:28 PM |
Windows 7 Pro Keygen Configuring Server 2008 for R
Allow these role services in the course of set up:Network Policy ServerRouting & Remote Access Services Remote Access Service Routing I like connecting to my network using my pfSense firewall's built-in VPN server. Following these steps, Windows 7 Pro Keygen, I can configure Windows Server 2008 to provide the authentication credentials for pfSense via RADIUS. I figured this out using this great guide that I referenced for Windows Server 2003...Allow "reversible password encryption" for your domain users.Globally:Per User:*Restart the domain controller after these Group Policy changes.Permit Windows Server 2008 Network Policy Server (NPS)Verify the RADIUS Port NumbersAdd a new RADIUS ClientAdd a new Network PolicyGranting or Denying Access to UsersConfigure your RADIUS ClientHappy VPN'ing, Office 2010 Home And Business X86!