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rmjdw3003 11-08-2011 12:05 AM

2011年10月14日下午5点,山西省临汾市委召开全市处级以上干部大会,传达中共山西省委常委会决议: 纪委书记沈庆华被就地免职。至此,这位网上负面舆论缠身的纪委书记终于尘埃落定。
2011年6月,人民监督网主编、公民记者朱瑞峰接到举报,称山西临汾纪委书记沈庆华上任3年多来拒绝市委 统一安排的公寓,一直住在临汾宾馆总统套房,而其花费都有公款支付。从事调查记者多年的朱瑞峰赶赴临汾进行 调查。
调查结果让见多识广的朱瑞峰感到触目惊心,山西省临汾市纪律检查委员会书记沈庆华,在临汾宾馆“贵宾楼东楼 ”常年包住了总统套房,他任纪委书记三年来,仅入住总统套房一项就消耗民脂民膏400余万元,当地干部群众 敢怒不敢言。
随后,朱瑞峰采写的文章《山西临汾纪委书记沈庆华三年住总统套房耗资400万》在人民监督网发表,文章称2 008年,沈庆华从山西省纪委下派临汾任纪委书记时,径直住进了临汾宾馆贵宾楼东楼的总统套房。而临汾宾馆 价目表上明码标价:总统套房3888元/天。朱瑞峰在临汾宾馆采访中获悉:自临汾市纪委书记沈庆华住进总统套房后,他的专车司机也住进了贵宾楼,临 汾宾馆安排了3名特级厨师为沈庆华书记及随从进行膳食服务。
朱瑞峰在临汾采访期间,看到不断有老板和大小官员出入沈庆华书记的总统套房,这也不禁让他疑惑,沈书记长期 居住宾馆总统套房是为了“办公”还是方便“办私”?
文章发表后,网络媒体铺天盖地转载,但“神通广大”的沈庆华书记经过“公关”,只是被省领导勒令“滚出”宾 馆了事。
“总统套房”事件让沈庆华虚惊一场,连任后,他又得意忘形起来,不仅通过山西省内的媒体吹嘘报道自己的正面 形象,不知怎地,他的“简历”也被挂在了临汾政府网上。
根据我国的干部管理条例,各级领导干部的简历必须进行公示。但沈庆华到临汾担任纪委书记后,他的“简历”一 直非常神秘,在公开的场合包括临汾政府网上根本看不到。
连任后,觉得已经十分“安全”的沈庆华的简历被人挂在了临汾政府网上。简历上赫然显示“沈庆华,男,汉族, 1955年10月生,河北大名人,1969年2月参加工作,1970年10月加入中国GONG产党。”也就 是说,沈庆华“13岁参军,15岁入党”。
于是,朱瑞峰孤身奔赴沈庆华老家河北大名县红庙乡北堤村展开了独立、深刻、深入、细致全面的侦察式、访问式 调查。调查的结果再次印证了群众的举报:沈庆华老家的同学、战友纷纷证实沈庆华已经61岁,早已过了退休年 龄,而其简历被“减小”为只有56岁,公民记者朱瑞峰PK临汾纪委书记沈庆华
朱瑞峰向沈庆华本人核实要求当面采访其年龄问题,被拒绝。于是朱瑞峰根据调查的材料向山西省委实名举报沈庆 华年龄造假,随后,朱瑞峰采写的调查性报道“山西临汾纪委书记涉嫌年龄造假”的文章被广泛传播 。
文章发表后,微博上关于沈庆华年龄的问题舆论沸腾,公民记者朱瑞峰PK临汾纪委书记沈庆华。先是中国著名学者、北京外国语大学博士生导师展江教授发出求证沈庆华真实年龄?随后著名调查记者、中国调 查性报道学术泰斗王克勤发出呼吁“请中纪委调查沈庆华年龄,还我党员干部清白”,网络名人李承鹏、笑蜀、浦 志强、超级低俗屠夫等纷纷摇旗呐喊。
9月底,传统媒体《东方早报》首先介入,记者冯军经采访发表《山西临汾市纪委书记被举报“年龄造假”》,随 后,南方日报、西安晚报、楚天都市报、大河报、江西卫视等纷纷进行报道。新华网、人民网、凤凰网、腾讯、新 浪、搜狐、网易在首页进行转载。
舆论汹涌之下,沈庆华本人一直保持沉默。国庆节期间,朱瑞峰在网上实名公开向山西省委组织部长汤涛举报沈庆 华年龄造假,成为压垮沈庆华的最后一根稻草。

在网络舆论不断对临汾纪委书记沈庆华进行质疑的时候,山西新闻网总编辑胡凯民在其中扮演了戏剧 性的角色。
就在朱瑞峰第一篇质疑沈庆华长期住总统套房的文章发出不久,作为沈庆华“专用五毛”的胡凯民跳出,亲自撰写 歌德颂绩文章《平阳传恩威,剑胆亦琴心》,吹捧沈庆华在临汾的“恩威”。
但正是这篇吹捧沈庆华的文章暴露了沈庆华年龄的“秘密”,胡凯民文章称沈庆华“16岁”参军,但其后临汾政 府网公布沈庆华简历,明确其“13岁”参军。
此文被揭露后,胡凯民仍不甘心,又在《山西日报》炮制了一篇《一位国家干部的敬老样本》,不顾舆论沸腾,继 续为沈庆华歌功颂德,人民监督网遭封杀启动互联网运动战,在新闻界成为笑谈。
国庆节期间,胡凯民指使山西新闻网集中报道沈庆华“看望慰问老革命和军烈属”,同时,组织“五毛”、“网络 评论员”在网上对朱瑞峰进行人身攻击。
但正是这些吹捧沈庆华和攻击朱瑞峰的文章,让中共山西省委十分被动。因为胡凯民的文章极大干扰了山西省委对 沈庆华的调查处理进程。
沈庆华被免职后,新闻界进行了反思,多位新闻传播学者认为,在媒体进行调查性报道的同时,个别媒体从业者对 腐败分子阿谀奉承、涂脂抹粉,极大败坏了新闻界的整体形象。

3p3y5g7c6e 11-08-2011 02:12 AM

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152400 2008年07月31日10:48 Reading (loading. ..) Comments ( 0 ) Category : Personal Diary

GG: You Hao
MM: You howl , where are you casualties ?
GG: I'm bastard in the Internet, you?
MM: I also bastard in
GG: Where are you
MM: I am a ghost Asians
GG: Oh, I'm a cave man
MM: You seem like men and women ?
GG: I certainly difficult birth , you must be the body of the donkey
MM: Yes ah
GG: You mold and mildew ?
MM: Also , okay , people say I'm a Meinv , you bad not bad ?
GG: also good, a lot of people say I'm a Cuige
MM: Oh dear, we more than pity , OK?
GG: good duck, chicken lean your number? I do not know when the next chat with Persimmon the
MM: we do not use lean chicken, lean chicken chat and more expensive, to use your balls (qq)
GG: You're so cute, I want to fry You
MM: Take your time , ah, although separated far away, there are chicken eggs will

gy3gt1sh0og 11-08-2011 08:22 AM

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Reprinted from 149686423 at 9:46 on January 27, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (2) Category: Personal Diary
real hypnotic art! First turn off the music player get the angle, and then click the log player, now on your hypnotic journey now!
can really see your past lives do not believe you follow the music into your past life together! After

If you see your past life and see Replies tell me!

examples of real hypnosis!

hypnosis on a total of three past lives,

Liao Yuepeng last night listening to the hypnosis MP3. . . When the depth of hypnosis in tears. . .

hypnosis is hypnosis feel
for the first time two weeks ago in the cafe, last night after the hypnosis twice, twice, the second relatively complete, but I do not believe the results of hypnosis, because I was is a deep hypnotic state, the results came out almost crying out for the third time so hypnotic, but the results and the second much the same!
feel the spirit of the hypnotic process down very tired, but after the boot to restore some energy. overall feeling of hypnosis is magic, and introduced the hypnotic
Peng Liao read is factual. and then contact people and things to dream about an unknown scene, to a place in the distant future and the dream will suddenly feel exactly the same! Some say it is time for the cycle and cross, the above experience and proven more than one person! perhaps people are really aware of the potential future it

hypnosis hypnosis can
characters in dialogue scenes, I did not start a dialogue But in the end, and two people inside: high spirits (and the prophets as characters)
incident figures, there was a brief dialogue is very clear!

the first scene the first time in Internet cafes, the effect is not very good, only halfway through, but the first three hypnosis is entirely consistent picture,
I stand high, here is the European buildings, the era of the ancient Roman Empire, and may be Egyptian Pharaoh times,
then stood next to me was a white woman, are back, waist, with white ribbons, the hair is coming back, like waterfalls,
skin is very white. now only that the first the depth of the second relatively complete hypnosis, my main appearance: wearing white armor, holding a knight sword, cloak hanging body,
standard Roman knight, that my past life is a knight (more interesting the sword will change sometimes, and sometimes becomes a sword, sometimes with members of similar fencing sword) to compare the image is my image is the continent where the human King Knight shape, much like
The second scenario

I took an army, the army as a whole is black, looks and equipment not see red in front of me with the sword, a step toward the palace (palace of the way between China, between the Royal Palace and the Roman palaces round), in the doors of the house rushed to the duration of this process on a long ladder, about 2 minutes!
ladder rails are white, the top carved with patterns, designs.

then I opened the door, more spacious inside, with pillars supporting the palace, about five or so,timberland kids, the house in the middle of the shape of a football conference table,
the northwest corner of the palace there is a door (and later in This important event occurred in the door), the south side of the table, the second position near the left side sat a man,
this person a second time and the second hypnosis in the left arm on the table, did not see his way from start to finish, I guess was a general or captain of the guard, but feel he is very mysterious, and then I sat next to him, sat for about a minute,

important scenes

There is an important screen in time to take place, in front of me is coming out of a picture,timberland boots sale, I rode bicycles, the car behind carrying a woman, white woman is the eldest daughter started,
sitting in the back of motorcycles, I feel to her mental state is not very good, bike is riding in a bank, from east to west traffic!

At the same time, I hopped conference table. carrying the sword, pointing it at the northwest gate and What people quarrel,timberland boots! then in the northwest corner of the door of the palace there was 6 people in two rows, pressing a woman there, a woman half his arm,timberland boots uk, white clothes, but the above is bloodstained cuffs are torn, and the woman two Article according to people on both sides of the arm was kneeling at the door, long hair loose, the head down.

at this time cycling and I do not know the woman who the palace and did not know I jumped on the table doing, I was feeling strange all this comparison, the feeling of the soul is a loss!
then a voice asked, what are you doing, there were familiar with what, is who! are you doing?

Then the moment everything is very clear: the woman behind the bike and was pressing the white woman is the same person, she is my (Knight) of the wife. I am very clear her name shouted out, bloodied woman is from hell That person is hell messenger 6, she suffered the torment in hell, the spirit is ancestral curse. my previous life was a knight, with the army to the palace to rescue his woman, jumped onto the table, and hell is the messenger of negotiations, at the country with his allegiance to the enemy, the screen is the cycling life happened, that is, carrying her to the life I want to forward.
and arguments. At the same time I'm lying in bed at the height of the hypnotic state has been . have not feel the presence of the body, but used it all up together, there have been two drops of tears streaming down his eyes down. to tighten the body three times, that is, the feeling from the chicken skin.

Finally, white women to be messengers of hell back to hell, at that moment, a woman shouted to the sentence: arm!

results, and finally jump to the scene of a tomb, accurate to say that the cemetery was excavated in modern, Knight is to put things buried in a coffin side, the tomb is
square, there is a ladder, placed in the tomb by the north is both a kitchen, there is a class life of porcelain utensils, knight lying there, do not see facial expressions, the outcome of Cleveland did not save the woman
there, but I guess is the knight to kill a messenger, he rescued the woman, but his wife rescued knight, killed himself! !

The location of the cemetery is: Shaanxi Province, Baoji City,cheap timberland boots! - - # Which is now the location of Cleveland buried, is in the mountains, there is a picture where the Great Wall, in the top of a hill full of trees, knights buried the top position as the tourism building! ring, surrounded by layers of my past life

simple description is: Knight with the army to rescue the ancestral curse in hell was the beloved wife, and national enemies! with Past a sci-fi color!

life is really hypnotic screen

feel like a movie! life screen in a park bench with a backrest, the bench Knight's life sitting in his wife, wearing a white hat, hat with a flower in the left, wearing a white translucent Sha Yi, initially I was standing behind her, see her silhouette, from the back forward to see that kind of profile, and then I sat down beside her.
- - # With her pregnancy, but also the way two or three months. I sat quietly for a stay by her side, her state is the reincarnation of past lives to the life, the spirit of the curse has been eliminated.
or is that Knights of the state of her rescue from the cursed out!

this time I still feel some real thinking,timberland uk, been thinking about this is why,

then I have something to dialogue with her, forget one or two sentences, first speak to her:

her: Thank you for saving me! I did not speak

Then she touched the stomach: I gave birth to a son for you!
I :........
me: all this is true?
She: Yes!
me: Why is there all this? past lives really so? I do not believe
her: all destined for!!
She said the last sentence is sure! then I asked a high-Ling (the Prophet) the same problem, and the high spirit of the answer is: everything is destined!

the whole process is so hypnotic. I described people and things inside there are very real. still have some offshoot screen does not write!

then I do not believe them and a second hypnosis, similar results for the first time, but the difference is in the Knight's wife inside the palace, the second hypnosis is wearing a team of ten
word chest frame, holding the six monks carried the Bible appeared in the doorway, a woman tied to a cross!

A few days ago I also had the future of hypnosis, but hypnosis is not complete, there is a male and female characters. holding a baby! conducted a total of four hypnosis on emotional, all the things and people

actually is fully consistent and coherent! and this couple is the knight and his wife's life

hypnosis back to reality after the end of the time, had a feeling of time travel! ~ Peng Liao access to energy recovery prompt, physical and mental status gradually returned to normal wear and tear from the high!
the feeling of hypnosis is hypnosis relatively large energy loss in the body, but the whole process down and is very comfortable!

Although there has been no Past and Present too believe such a thing, but from the experience of the dream to foretell the future (this is 100% present) case, which had to believe in something!

welcome all friends to my space! Thanks for supporting such a small board like you owe Hikaru reproduced!

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