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\Since the established goals in life after college entrance examination, I have very little free look to the sky, my full time, basically look to the textbooks. Teachers and adults say, and nothing's looking at stars in a daze, must be a loser in life, or is mentally ill. Information on these two days have said, China has 100 million more than the mentally ill, very scary. I do not fail in life, do not mentally ill, I would like college entrance success. but I understand the subject said, \But the judges teachers, please forgive a child I was a student, I want to say the truth, and now the air pollution so severe, even if I have time to look at the sky in a daze, the sky's cloud cover so much, I do not see the stars and moon, I can not see far ahead, ask me how to think? how to generate the ideal? I'm afraid that Grandpa Wen, so you judge a teacher disappointed. remember the history books,belstaff leather, said air pollution is not serious in the past, the sky is very beautiful, we can have a lot of students are ideal. In the corrupt late Qing dynasty, there Kang and Liang's \These campaigns have promoted the ideals of democracy and freedom through which inspired the Chinese nation. But 100 years have passed, then those ideals, and had not realized in China shows that the ideal is a lie. As for the liberation of our students what the ideal, the teacher told us not to learn, so I do not know. I only know that the establishment of new China in 1949, and how students in 59 years, and 69 years, how, and how 79 years, and I do not know all. Heard in today's Golden Age of China, we have good young students do not need. can be considered successful if the entrance most of my life ideals, which do not cheat What would call me looking at the stars, entrance clearance is needed is buried endorsement, this count is down to earth in efforts forward as the ideal? If that college entrance examination clearance is only a goal in life, can not be called ideal of life, what What, I can now set a What? My ideal is to smoothly into college after graduation entered the civil service can be smooth, and my biggest dream was to become civil servants , do not arrange my Qutao manure. For this ideal, I would wholeheartedly to go to school, down to earth of studying, bored daze not to look at the sky. second: First of all, I must thank Guo Jia to give me a chance to write essay exam, I should not live up to expectations called Ministry of Education to write the beginning of a proud, but I can not help that the title self-contradictory - while looking at the stars while the consequences of walking down to earth fall apart just falling into the water. I called the Ministry of Education must believe that objective truth of the proposition, so the same play too much to abandon its initiative to, it points in this analysis. then we first look at looking at the stars - is the only look. Star is up close and objective conditions! First need of the socialist cause of the alcohol test space, and second, you are familiar with the excellent leadership of the spirit to speak, third, we must first of all to thank Guo Jia to his own problems in the emergency before so that the leaders go first opportunity. Of course, among the children, rot II, experimental mice can skip these steps. I do not have other people such as the provision of capital had to look up. subject the other half are down to earth, I do not know if it Tezhi excellent program in the land of socialism, I only know that the first earthquake and doline not too much has been confused in the earth. But we as profound knowledge of the brick Star home is not always predict when an earthquake occurs, it will not always dare to predict when an earthquake. Their education with the authority of the Star-like me, and my normal routines will not be affected. So while I gaze with their hearts while singing the Star-sensitive words I love Beijing continue to meet the down-side of this scientific examination essay. any case I was emotionally stable to make up classes in the so-called non-authorized persons in through it, and now with many down to earth with the motherland, the flowers crowded the examination leading to the majestic sky ladder. Look at those from primitive society to the present through the VIP ticket from Beijing took the walk in front, I am relieved to eat a bowl of beef sounded inside, resorted to the teacher to teach me magic - Sima Qian. Qian, ###### with sister is a life of numerous candidates have been imposed in the composition of the tragic human castration. After each torture he always quoted Confucius called the god of fertility, the god of destruction of Sun Bin, Fang technique to Zuo Qiuming, disaster and other saints of God of Wei Lu is not to compare themselves. As the reference to generation 100, candidates are always bored imposed suddenly cut, resulting in weight as light as a red cat. He bravely abandoned his achievements Star-like history, are willing to squeeze down to earth as a candidate stepping stone ladder, how big atrophy ah! Still reminds me of the students in the street alongside the troops with the most lovely looking at the stars, searching footmarks than Ping Yi should just have a glorious sun. Although the glasses break anymore, only after seeing a bunch of mosaics, but they firmly believe that great banner of socialism of the atrophy, it had no horse heart, brain supplement that is open-minded. After today's convenience only - can be employed, can be detained diploma, but also when to be alma mater in the well-known contact. Then they are looking at the stars down to earth without effort, then there would be no dream today? Atrophy with big dreams of socialism, 2012 without any scientific basis, how could a small block the advance of socialism unparalleled! Thanks again for the end of Guo Jia to give me a chance. I have to side against the earth cried out: \Posts: day, my neck twisted. Others are generally twist the left or the right twist, I twist the more noble, twisted up, so I can maintain a posture of the nose upward and working life, I had not thought to be looking at the stars, but such is life, you Vietnam does not want it more fort to you! Therefore, it has been the innocent Star innocent I look forward to. Look painful! When your head and eyes only up to form the faces of beautiful women shape ** and the figure was doomed to become memory, Star Lane may occasionally be able to see 12 aircraft flew over, but you still can not see flight attendants, because too far because there is no transparent plane, leaving you uncomfortable with the flight attendants who do not even know there was far below the bare head tilted poor, beautiful things can not be if more people see is a regrettable It is my regret is also a flight attendant regret. long time looking up the neck waves of numb, and looking at the stars hung like SB, involuntary mind wanted to get angry, you Hell shining every day, so do not just want to show their you can change your point, whatever the outcome of new tricks Well, dance or collision point out a little spark of new creation of new meaning is `Well, can you see you always feel a pair of old stone look, you think you are civil ah ! ? The face of my anger, which the stars are like a master of a thick black school, they always put on a dead pig is not afraid to open Shuitang the way,belstaff jacket, still self-shining, shooting star across the occasional 12, But only a moment lost in this immense constellation, the unwilling to bank a little bit of spark, or a silence left behind! You can only sigh, the Star this body of water,belstaff coat, really deep TM. If the neck is twisted backward Wangxing Kong helpless suffering, then, while looking up while walking down to earth is the kind of real pain, I can not see eye than the foot of the land,belstaff online, I can only rely on feeling ago OK, this way, even the normal ups and downs a lot, because every step I have to go real, can not escape those who as usual ups and downs and frustrations that I can see. I hung back in the head only to see those very high high-rise buildings, only to see the distant mountains and fuzzy fuzzy future, every step I felt more disturbed more difficult! Suddenly, I kick Ta Kong, and body side of the heart, a Ji Ling, sat down on a piece of a real earth, I do not feel pain, because the feeling of another place of pain and surprise, high twist the law by twisting his neck was well! re-examined about this piece at the foot of the earth, their feet Stomp, it's to foot raw so. Fill the gap walked around to see those are convex posture, sudden suddenly understood why so many people willing to stay in this land, even wrestling black and blue ruin, even if Chores also serve the people willingly, and the temptation to give this piece of land is really really really stimulating. From looking at the stars to down- like to see from watching Little Dragon Girl ***, no matter how vivid descriptions depicting the kind of beautiful but always real gentle touch, but it came off a really, to the kind! It seems clear, beautiful and pious Star do not know how many murders heated blood and how much better ideal to whom his home whom are depressed and finally, it all look up to the body condenses into a sculpture, and slowly grow old, slowly fade away . foot piece of land belongs to all the people who live in it, so please do not weave a beautiful fairy tale stars come and go distracting me, making me look forward to its gaze, let me stop the next step, so I can proudly! I can not take the pragmatic way I want to go! So it is not a last resort, not the neck, then twisted the Do not Look to the Stars! Part IV: no educated person, one look at the title, can not but be surprised: in looking at the stars at the same time, how could down to earth? I was very young, listening to a legend: One day in ancient China the evening, the famous astronomer Emperor observation days as they walked along, not aware at the foot of a Yin Jinggai been stolen, I fall into the sewer, long time before the firefighters up again. the legend of the lessons that this story is: when you looking at the stars, be sure to down-Cai Xing. but people who have received modern education, will not agree with this view. Because of modern technology, while looking at the stars and the side of the feet on the ground has become a reality. So how can these two seemingly contradictory acts together? example, we can invent a radar and computer operations with the machinery, it can automatically drive, and avoid all the obstacles and dangers. As long as we are a little bit of money, they can sit on top of this machine, safely looking at the stars. looking at the stars is an elegant act. By looking at the stars, we are not only able to identify constellations, and can see the trend of the future. Pointed out that the famous Three Kingdoms, Zhuge Liang as well versed in astronomy, I often find the enemy from the sky plot, so always invincible, and finally unified China, Emperor of the three countries do, we learn from. , of course, the Star has also been widely loved the common people. example, my father liked Wangxing Kong. He was demobilized soldiers, took part in the Vietnam War. He often talk about foxholes outside Wangxing Kong in the day. But then Wang Xingkong very careful attention to distant hills on foot, and each point movement. Otherwise, it may set foot on one's own landmines, or by enemy sniper's bullet came through shooting stars make a positive forward, the bullets and mines are \ time experience, so he especially treasures Star era of peace. No wonder, his favorite song is called \He often heard the song on your computer by a female singer singing the song. Lyrics in the first sentence is: Silkworm, Wangxing Kong, I was looking for the star ... ... Every time I hear this, he always ask me: you know she is looking for the star What star? I knew the answer, always impatient replied: Haha, is Lai ah. yes ah, everyone has their own stars, everyone has their own field. Reform and opening up so that everyone has the right looking at the stars and have the security of the Millennium Come and take concrete steps to looking at the stars in the field. So, dear friends, let us cherish Wangxing Kong the opportunity to do both feet on the ground, then looking at the stars. Fifth Article: in this beautiful morning, I wash my finished riding that bike hanging from the wind pull the license of the game 8888 fuel bikes. full flavor of the Yangtze River road reform. fresh wind still blowing in my chest full of chest hair ######y I recall last year. last year's college entrance examination, I wrote an article about the corner 70 yards of the composition. The results were classified by 0 points. I did not go mad. because I really beside the point the. After a year of experience. I come to school everyday is the rest of reflection. to know that a lot of beautiful women in Hefei. particular Moon Avenue of black silk. so I do not mind to learn. But When the dead of night, I will be looking forward to my dreams. I will go to canteen She bottles of beer. a bag of peanuts. in the endless sky, think of daily life dark. heavy textbooks. the old man and my family cold eyes. beauties of this repetition of my students dismissed. my eyes moist. slowly slowly I saw his BMW car on the left is sitting in our class school beauty, and a look at me flattering laugh. me slapped in the past, she immediately quiet. holding my arm not dare to speak the the right is the school beauty school next door to brother, looked at me and fans of our schools, school beauty. She could not help but tense. I was thrown a hand in the past. they usually are with the chin to see me, every day with the rich guy to play outside. Now it's different. I through their own efforts, admitted to the university. done manager. opened the company. plenty of money. fan them, they would laugh their performance I greatly satisfied. also known as the driver to go to Ruijing. let them pick point clothes. wear too shabby,belstaff sale, my face also bought clothes after embarrassing to drive to victory in the road element of a Hilton. I had told Secretary of the set of the Presidential Suite. Haohao De tonight decided to communicate with them under the feelings. my first bath, their eyes closed in bed and then slowly I felt his face drop. Grandpa's. Presidential Suite is also leaking. I opened my eyes but see themselves sitting on the bench plot. played under the sky rain. I picked up the remaining two beer bottles to cell canteen also bottle. passing through a room orange hair salon. which is a dress style with a taste of beauty. their faith, their devotion. They dedicated as long as you give money, whether you are ugly is beauty, how old, the same equal treatment when they go out in the myriad of twinkling lights, but also tirelessly serving the people my eyes and moist, and how lovely ah. I checked his pockets and found only one coin was. or I want to take care of how their business is unable to ah ah , powerlessness hit in the middle of the night, I told myself must study hard and make a success test, after making money, just like these girls, like a hair salon, serving the people and now I can do is pragmatic written this essay, a good test of this language hope of correcting the teacher can understand what I Fengyun innocence of a child. if you're a good man, then almost did not write the words, and not a waste of national resources was. last wish grading teacher and happiness! |
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