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"Life does strange things to us, lost in our routine we never realize how drastically we change, morphing into a totally new person, sometimes someone so different that we wouldn't even know us if we ever met ourselves like strangers." ONE DAY BY: CYRIL M GUPTA FADE IN: SLOW MOTION: EVERYTHING IS SLIGHTLY OUT OF FOCUS. THE CAMERA IS STARING AT A FUZZY PICTURE OF WHAT IS A LITTLE ############## OUTSIDE A ROW OF FLATS. SUDDENLY ONE OF THE DOOR OPENS AND OUT STEPS RHEA, A SMALL YOUNG THING, PROBABLY JUST STEPPING INTO HER MID TWENTIES. SHE'S CRYING AND WALKING FAST, BREAKING INTO A QUICK IMPROMPTU RUN AFTER EVERY COUPLE STEPS. SHE RAISES HER HAND TO WIPE OFF HER TEARS WITH THE BACK OF HER HAND, AND WE SEE FOR THE FIRST TIME THAT SHE'S HOLDING A GUN IN THAT HAND. SHE PUTS GUN IN THE SMALL BLACK BAG THAT SHE'S CARRYING. FADE OUT FADE IN: THE FOLLOWING LETTERS IN SIMPLE WHITE, PRINTED ON BLACK SCREEN. "Sanity is like sand in my fist. The harder I try to clutch on to it, the faster it slips out. FADE OUT: FADE IN: EXT. SOMEWHERE ON MUMBAI STREETS - EVENING City evening. The street is crowded. People are rushing about without glancing or acknowledging each other. This is Mumbai not New York. One of them is Karan, in his mid 20s. Shoulder length hair flying wildly around him. He's tall, strong and radical. He could be anything from an athlete to an artist. He's walking with fast, bold steps, wearing a steely expression on his face. He could be upset about something. He has a black office bag in his hand. Karan comes to the end of pavement and abruptly halts. He gives his head a little shake as if clearing it. He raises his hand and hails a cab. It passes him. He hurls an expletive. KARAN Son of a Bloody Bitch! The taxi suddenly breaks as if it heard the comment and reverses. It halts when it reaches Karan. Surprised, Karan opens the door and gets in. INT. INside the Taxi - EvENING KARAN Bandra! The Taxi immediately starts moving. Karan is staring out of the Window, unknowingly clenching and un-clenching the hand on his bag in an obvious display of frustration. We see the Taxi Driver's eyes in the rear view mirror, observing Karan. The Taxi takes a turn. The eyes are still observing Karan, they look at the road, and back again. They squint for a moment and the cabman speaks for the first time. CABBIE You failed again today. Didn't you? Karan is jolted out of his thoughts. KARAN Pardon me? Did you say something? CABBIE I said you failed again today. KARAN UH? Kya Matlab.(What do you mean?) Why're you talking in English instead of Hindi? CABBIE You look like the kind who prefers English to Hindi. When did you last write a letter in Hindi, or for that matter read a book? Karan squints and glares at the Cabbie as if trying to decide how to answer that question. KARAN It shouldn't matter to you. You're just my cab driver you know. A shit hole, smart-ass cab driver. The last sentence is said with so much violence and vengeance that it surprises the audience. The cabbie gives a dry chuckle. CABBIE Loosing your temper is the first step to loosing your battles. Fights are won by thinking cool and hitting hard... Like a boxer. Your temper is what makes you falter. Karan slides closer to the driver, trying to get a closer look at him. KARAN (Cynical) What are you? A psychologist turned taxi driver because his practice failed? CABBIE It didn't fail. I gave it up. I used to attach myself too much with my patients' problems. Psychologists with empathy either give up or go crazy. All this while the cabbie has not looked once at Karan, he's busy watching the road. KARAN I guess it makes you unique... Cause you did both. You gave up, and went crazy! (Moves in closer trying to make eye contact) So Mr. Psycho Psychologist... I'll bet you think in your crazy little head that you can read everyone like a book? CABBIE (Chuckles) Sarcasm... You probably believe that you're quick- witted and have a great sense of humor, but it's actually your sense of non-achievement that makes you sarcastic. KARAN (Really angrily) Just shut up and drive you idiot! Or stop and I will get down,Gucci Orologi! The cabbie goes silent. Karan is glaring at the cabbie continuously with an angry expression. The cabbie glances in the rear view mirror now and then to check Karan out. After a minute or so Karan finally relaxes, leans back, rests his head on the edge of the backrest and closes his eyes. The cabbie looks at Karan through the rear view mirror. PAUSE CABBIE You started early. Karan is startled out of his siesta. KARAN What,gucci sac soldes! CABBIE (Said very quickly,gucci sac, as if he's running out of time) You started early in life, had a few initial successes that gave you a real big high. You moved from one level to another quickly. You probably thought you were destined to be great, but now... Karan, who makes physical contact for the first time, tapping him on his shoulder, cuts the cabbie short. KARAN Don't begin again asshole! I told you to put a lid on this! The camera is on a mid shot of the Cabbie's back. Karan is not in the frame. The Cabbie is looking back at Karan through the rear view mirror. CABBIE (Not interrupting his flow) ...but now you are struggling for success, and it's eluding you. Tell me. how long has it been going on? How long have you been failing? One week? One month? Or One Year? Karan's hand glides into the frame. It's holding a pistol. Karan put the pistol against the Cabbie's neck and whispers into his ear. KARAN Have a look at this. The Cabbie turns his neck to look at the pistol slowly, real slowly. Karan moves the pistol alongside his neck. KARAN (CONT'D) (Wry Smile) Until this year I was the national champion in marksmanship. Karan withdraws the gun. The Cabbie laughs the dry laugh of relief. CABBIE Until this year, eh? A failed sportsman? You're a case right out of the book. You never expected that you'd fail, did you? KARAN (Squints) I can shoot a button off your shirt from 20 mtrs. CABBIE And your competition can do it from 21. (Laughs out loud) Pause. KARAN You know something? Pause. KARAN (CONT'D) You shouldn't mess with people. Especially when they're already messed up. Pause. The Cabbie squints, as if he's thinking seriously about what Karan said. CABBIE Hmm... I am sorry. I didn't want to hurt you... I am a psychologist... (Looks for reaction on Karan, Karan locks at him with mock surprise) OK, an ex psychologist, but I can help... And I won't charge, at least not beyond the taxi fare. KARAN It's just a bad patch, not a psychological problem. I will get over it. CABBIE (Laughing So Hard The Taxi Almost Rocks) A bad patch?... A bad patch? You're breaking me up... What did you do? Memorize the book of clich��s? Pausing to draw his breath. CABBIE (CONT'D) That's what they all think kid. But the bad patch never ends. Tell me how many sportsmen have you seen come back from a bad patch and...ouch!... Karan's hand suddenly snakes out and grabs the taxi driver's hair, pulling it back until the taxi driver's head is on the head-rest. KARAN (Speaking in Cold Rage) I know a very good way of shutting up people who won't shut up. CABBIE (Panicked) Hey. Hey! What are you doing kid? Karan lets him go. The cab driver runs his fingers over his head to adjust his hair. CABBIE (CONT'D) Shit Man! If you're in such a foul mood it must be real bad. Karan doesn't answer. Atfer some more moments. CABBIE (CONT'D) I am sorry. KARAN OK. Some more moments pass. We can see the Cabbie grin in the mirror. The he speaks again. CABBIE Are you educated? KARAN (Surprised) Kya? (What?) CABBIE (Giggles) Damn!... Do you have any sort of technical education?... Now that your sportsman's career is finished you'll need a new job... (Laughs) Don't worry... You can always drive a taxi. It's fun and you'll get to meet a lot of new people. Karan - Cold rage. KARAN I know of another good career. CABBIE (Laughing) What? Karan brings back his gun and puts it on the Cabbie's temple. KARAN I'll be a hitman. You get to meet a lot of new people in this profession too... Cabbie freezes for a moment, than smiles broadly, he's sure Karan can't shoot. KARAN (CONT'D) (Clicks his tongue) Unfortunately... You only meet them once. Karan cocks the revolver, and puts his hand on the other side of the driver's temple, pressing his head to the revolver. This is a close shot; we see Karan's revolver, the cabbie's head and Karan's other hand pressing the cabbie's head to the revolver. CABBIE (Still Laughing) Come on man, you don't frighten me... I got surprised the first time round. You're a sportsman,collezione gucci borse, not a killer.. There's no way you can kill me. Bang! We see the Cabbie's head jerk. Capture this moment. FADE OUT TO RED. FADE IN: INT. A MUMBAI APARTMENT - A LITTLE WHILE LATER It's a small apartment, clean but minimally decorated, comfortable but not lavish. It's clear that the owner has yet to make it. We see Rhea again for the first time after the beginning of the movie. At the moment she's bent over Karan, tying on what looks like a bandage to his hand. She has the pistol in one of her hands. RHEA (With a lot of force) How can you be so stupid? What if you had totally blown your hand off? Or what if the bullet went through a major artery? You could have bled to death before you got here. karan (Shouts) Shit! Stop nagging me like a ########ing wife. I have told you a hundred times already I didn't think before I shot him. Rhea moves aside and flops on a sofa in front of Karan and puts the revolver there. Karan checks his bandaged hand. There's a blood soaked handkerchief on the table in front of him. RHEA But placing your head on the other side of his head?... You shouldn't have to think to avoid doing that. Pause. KARAN It seemed perfectly natural at that moment. He was moving his head too much. Pause. kaRAN (CONT'D) Besides... I didn't know the bullet would go right through his skull. Karan laughs a sorry little laugh. KARAN (CONT'D) In a way it vindicates my stand. There was not much in his head. And I think I could see bullshit mixed in his blood. Rhea glares at Karan. rHEA What is this? Hangman's humour? Or Hitman's? Pause. RhEA (CONT'D) Shit Karan! What the hell are you doing? You killed a man, and now you're making jokes about that? Karan glares back, a very upset expression on his face. He's about to say something insulting,vibram five fingers scarpe, but closes his mouth. Pauses. Sighs, and falls back on his seat. kaRAN What do you want me to do then? Karan rises up again and looks at Rhea with intensity. kaRAN (CONT'D) (Frowning) You want me to cry about it all day and all night? Beat. kaRAN (CONT'D) (Rising Voice) You want me to go to the police and tell them I killed a man in an insane fit?. And spend rest of my youth in prison? Beat. karan (CONT'D) It was an accident! I didn't want to shoot him! It was totally involuntary! Believe me Rhea! Pause. Karan (CONT'D) If I don't handle his death right, it will wreck my life. I won't be able to lift a gun again. Pause. Karan (CONT'D) (Forceful voice) I am trying to find ways to get over this! Trying to make it sound less serious than it is,mbt rivenditori, is one of the ways. Rhea shakes her head. RHEA I'll tell you something important Karan... What you're doing right now, is denial. Making fun of this won't help. You're going to be plagued by that Cabbie all your life. Karan glares at her, but before he can say anything the phone rings. He picks it up. karan Hello. Beat. karan (CONT'D) (Turning to Rhea) It's for you. Rhea comes and takes the phone. rhea Hello. Her expression darkens, as if she didn't want to speak to the caller. rhEA (CONT'D) I am fine. How are you?...Yeah...Yeah... I will try to come next week... OK... Hmm... Don't say that please... OK, tell me how's Sunil... I AM NOT TRYING TO CHANGE THE TOPIC!... Something has made Rhea angry... Very, very angry. rhea (CONT'D) Shit! You shouldn't be talking like that!... It doesn't make me a whore just because I am not married to him! Rhea bangs down the phone. Tries to calm down but can't. She clenches her fist, picks up the phone once again and hurls it against the wall with all her might. CRASH! Pause. Rhea takes a deep breath and speaks in a composed voice. rhea (CONT'D) That was my mother. Karan I know. rhea Why'd you do that? Karan I didn't know what she was going to talk about. This does not satisfy Rhea, but she keeps mum. Pause. Rhea is looking agitated as if she's aggressively thinking about something. rhea She was asking me if you'll ever marry me. karan What did you say? rhea You heard me. karan What do you think? rheA I don't know what to think. You tell me. karan I will definitely marry you, but not before I achieve success. rhea Karan! It's almost been two years since you've been telling me this. When will you achieve success? Karan shrugs. rhea (CONT'D) Why can't you marry me and then achieve success? karan It doesn't work that way. rhea Why not? karan If I marry you, my commitment will waiver. I will be divided into two worlds! My intensity will die! rhea Is this a ########ing joke? Beat. rhea (CONT'D) It's been two years since I've been living with you. Two years since you've been screwing me, and your intensity is still alive!... And you think it will die if you'll marry me and give me an honorable life? rhea (CONT'D) My mother asked how much longer did I want to live like a whore? Karan does not respond. rhea (CONT'D) (Yelling) A whore! You hear me? Rhea starts to sob. rhea (CONT'D) My own mother... karan (Sharp tone) Control yourself Rhea! Don't behave like some weak willed.. Woman! (Last word is almost spit out.) Rhea stops sobbing and wipes her tears. rhea (Surprised) Weak willed Woman? Beat. Rhea gets really angry. She's actually stark mad right now. rhea (CONT'D) (Shouts) I left my family for you! And you're calling me a weak willed woman? rhEA (CONT'D) (Shouts) Shit! It's me who's been supporting you all this while with my job, while you went out and tried to achieve those... dreams of yours... and you're calling me a weak willed woman? rhea (CONT'D) You know something Karan? Jabs a finger at him. Rhea (CONT'D) (Tight Voice) YOU are a selfish ########ing asshole... I am sorry I ever loved you. Grabs him by the shoulder. rhea (CONT'D) (Shouts) And I want you out of my apartment right now! Tries to make him stand by shaking him by his collar. rhea (CONT'D) Right now! You hear me? Karan suddenly lashes out with his wounded hand and catches Rhea on the chin. She falls back on the Sofa. karan Don't do this... Ever... Again. Karan is holding his hand in agony. Rhea is still lying in a heap on the sofa. Slowly she turns around. She's bleeding from the nose. rhea (In a bewildered tone) You hit me! Rhea touches her nose with her fingers and sees the blood on them. rhea (CONT'D) (Now more of a statement than anything else.) You hit me. Rhea's hand closes on the revolver lying on the sofa. With a jerk she draws her hand and points the gun at Karan. rhea (CONT'D) How dare you hit me? karan I don't believe it! karan (CONT'D) (Angry) You! Are pointing a gun at me? Rhea How dare you hit me Karan? KARAN How dare I hit You? I will show you how dare?... Karan lashes out again and slaps her hard again. Rhea falls back on the sofa. karan (CONT'D) I will hit you as many times as I want if you continue acting like a bitch. Rhea slowly turns her head back to Karan. Cold rage. rhea (Choked voice) You shouldn't have done that Karan. karan Shit! I will do it as many times as I want. Karan acts as if he's going to slap her again... Rhea shies away from him in defense. Karan mocks fun at her. Karan (CONT'D) There... Got lots of guts have you... Pointing a gun at me...Come on... Shoot me. Karan turn around and heads to the refrigerator to get himself a drink of water. Rhea is still pointing a gun at him. karan (CONT'D) I told you I'd marry you, but you didn't believe me. Now I am telling you... I won't marry you! Do you believe me? Hunh? Do you? Karan turns back to put the bottle back in the fridge. CU of Rhea's face. She winces as she fires. Karan slumps down to the ground. Rhea covers her face with her hands, we hear her choked sobs. When she takes them away we can see the tears in her eyes. She gets up, grabs her purse and heads for the door. From then on it's the repeat of the first scene. However this time we follow Rhea thru cuts as she moves around town. We see shots of her walking, in train... in a taxi. The montage progresses from day to night. Finally. It's a bridge. Rhea is standing alone, facing the water. We see her hand move and then hear a splash a little while later. She's thrown the pistol into the murky depths. The camera fades out to black very slowly. The blackness of the scene dissolves into the blackness of the screen. When the scene has completely faded out, we hear another splash. This time, a bigger one. THE ENDBy:toryburchbootssale.com Relevant information: louis vuitton speedy 30 On the Eve of War oakley sunglasses store On the Seas mbt scarpe rivenditori On the Seas |
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