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-   -   bathroom spy camera kajoin Motion Detection Power Strip Pinhole Spy Hidden Camera DVR 8GB (

kajoin 08-23-2011 08:59 AM

bathroom spy camera kajoin Motion Detection Power Strip Pinhole Spy Hidden Camera DVR 8GB is a ultra-small digital spy camera that hidden inside a power strip, it looks like an ordinary power strip, but it has a very powerful function, the most interesting thing is that it internally hides a smallest camera DVR , you can use power strip and record everything you need at the same ,so secret that no one know where the camera does not need any external plug-in card, built in memory 8GB itself, can work up to 5-6 hours. there is time date stamp for the record, you can get the most authentic evidence for a variety of illegal behaviour.ideal for CIA agents ,police,detector,and spy agency.


1.Tiny size makes it for a variety of uses.
2.Its great for use as a hidden cam, spy cam , etc.
3.Real time recording in AVI video format
4.Motion Detection recording until memory is full auto off
5.Color video with voice
6.Internal rechargeable battery
7.Internal memory:8GB
8.Playback video on PC
9.Video compression : AVI video format,1280*960 30fps
10.Voice recording: Yes
11.Internal memory: Yes
13.Video file size:5M per min.
14.Recording mode :Motion Detection recording until memory is full auto off
15.Adaptor type: USB adaptor charging cable
16.Battery type : Lithium-ion 1050MA
17.Record time : up to 2h for 1GB
18.Battery use time : about 5-6 hour
19.Weight:450g (we are not responsible if this camera is used for illegal activities,
this is a home security camera and should be treated as such, with responsibility)
Corporate name : kajoin science and technology (Hong Kong) Limited
Company website :
Telephone:86-0755-89328728 86-13265686366

ketty5950 08-23-2011 10:11 AM

燤ay be you
consider such behaviour is crazy: one girl will wear a Herve Leger dresses and
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May be you
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However, you
must acknowledge that many such girls are only wearing one Herve Leger strapless and
appearing in some occasions.
Yes, such kind
of girls is so crazy, in order to show their beauty, they can resist the cold
whether, they put on dress, Herve Leger dress without hesitate. Just for pretty
appearance, prefect figure and the attention from thousands of people. In fact,
this phenomenon in the society is not a surprising anymore!
燱e can often see many famous film stars
wearing a dress, walking on the red carpet, attending an important award party.
At that moment, all the eyes are attracted at the female stars who wear the
most beautiful dress. At that moment all the cameras are focusing on them. At
that moment, they are in the limelight.
Actually, may be
they were felling very, very cold, but for the beauty, for wining attention,
they must looks so happy. The smile appear on there face are not from there
heart. Certainly, most of time they were also helpless, because as a stars,
they have to care there own appearance, they have to ensure their image is very
May be many
stars are hoping to live peaceful life like the most ordinary people. May be
they hate wear the Herve Leger dress many times. But as a star, to some extent
they are the public figure they must may more attention on there imagine. No
matter which place you are ready to go, even you just desire to buy a
toothbrush, or buy some vegetables at food market. Once you out of your home,
you must very careful that may be the paparazzo are hiding in one place which
you can抰 know. Paparazzo are always so boring, they will take the photos of
stars privately. If one day you have a inelegant action, if one day you are not
care your appearance, without make-up, without wearing Herve Leger dress,
without carrying the Hermes bag, without Christain Louboutin, even you just
taking a blanket vegetables walking on the street. In a word, you looked like
an ordinary woman like others. At present, may be you are not know your photos
have took by the paparazzo. May be at the next day, your photos which looks not
beautiful will appear on the newspapers!
In this light,Herve Leger square neck dress black,
stars also have so many troublesome. Most of times, such as walking on the red
carpet and attending an award party, only for the beauty, the flame,Jimmy Choo Pointed Toe Patent Leather Black, the attention
from others of two minutes, even sooner time, the female stars didn抰 wish a
dress, so clod! However, as a stars, they seems haven抰 other best choice.
In addition, the
reason that many stars didn抰 want to wear expensive clothing is they can抰
afford to buy them. May be you considers it is so ridiculous that famous stars
can抰 afford to buy clothing? In fact, whether you believe or not, some stars
has bankrupt just because of buying varies clothes. Stars have to present
different occasions, different activities, different award party, they must
wear the most beautiful clothes which are so expensive.
So much
troublesome which is the reason why they didn抰 like wear dress, Herve Leger
strapless, Herve Leger dress or others. Stars also have upset like us.
Article souce
Article Tags:
Herve Leger Dress, Herve Leger, Leger Dress

08-23-2011 11:33 AM


转载自 校友用户 2010年09月07日 16:07 浏览(loading...) 评论(1) 分类:个人日记


有的父母肤色偏黑,孕妇就可以多吃一些富含维生素C的食物,如番茄、葡萄、柑桔、菜花、冬瓜、洋葱、大蒜、 苹果、刺梨、鲜枣等蔬菜和水果,其中尤以苹果为最佳。
孕妇可以多吃些富含维生素A的食物,如动物肝脏、蛋黄、牛奶、鱼肝油、胡萝卜、苹果、番茄以及绿色蔬菜和干 果等。其中尤以鸡肝含维生素A为最多,胡萝卜还可以促进血色素的增长,从而进步血液的浓度,是我公民间常用 的补血养血佳品。
如果父母头发早白或者略见枯黄、脱落,那么孕妇可多吃些含有维生素B族的食物,如瘦肉、鱼、动物肝脏、牛奶 、面包、豆类、鸡蛋、紫菜、核桃、芝麻、玉米以及绿色蔬菜,这些食物可以使孩子发质得到改善,不仅稠密、漆 黑、而且光泽油亮。
妊妇在怀孕期间多吃些含碘丰盛的食品,如海带等海产品,用以弥补胎儿对碘的须要,增进胎儿甲状腺的合成,有 利于胎儿大脑的良好发育。

妊娠后三个月是胎儿脑细胞和脂肪细胞增殖的“敏感期”。在这个时代,孕妇必定要留神增添蛋白质、磷脂、和维 生素的摄入,应多吃奶类、蛋类、瘦肉、肝、鱼、豆类和青菜,保障食品的充分供给,酱油利于胎儿 的智力发育。
钙和维生素D的摄入量要充足。孕妇重大缺钙时会影响胎儿的骨骼、牙齿的形成,甚至可能导致胎儿畸形。注意补 充铁等微量元素,应常吃蔬菜、海虾等。
蜂蜜对孕妇来说是一种极好的保健品,孕妇常常食用蜂蜜,不仅可能补充各种养分素,还可以润燥通便,使孕妇心 境舒服,加强机体的消化和接收功能。
还有一些食物是孕妇不合适食用的,好比:生冷硬的食物,如香蕉、石花、木儿等;辛辣类的食物,比方:肉桂、 花椒、丁香、胡椒;影响性功效食物,如菱角、兔肉、蕨菜、大麻仁等。
  3个月内的婴儿并非不需要盐,而是从母乳或牛奶中吸收的盐分足够了。3个月后,跟着生长发育,宝宝肾功 能逐步健全,nike air force 1,盐的需要量逐渐增加了,此时可恰当吃一点点,air force 1
  周岁内宝宝的肠道内畸形菌群尚未完整树立,吃入蜂蜜后易引起沾染,呈现恶心、呕吐、腹泻等症状。宝宝周 岁后,肠道内正常菌群建破,故食蜂蜜不妨。
  3岁以内的幼儿不宜饮茶。茶叶中含有大量鞣酸,会干扰人体对食物中蛋白质、矿物质及钙、锌、铁的吸收, 导致婴幼儿缺少蛋白质和矿物质而影响其正常生长发育。
  茶叶中的咖啡因是一种很强的高兴剂,可能诱发少儿多动症,ナイキ エアフォースワン
  5岁以内是宝宝发育的要害期,补品中含有许多激素或类激素物质,可引起骨骺提前闭合,缩短骨骺生长期, 成果导致孩子个子矮小,长不高;激素会烦扰成长体系,ナイキ エアフォース1,导致性早熟。
  二是腌制品中含有大批的亚硝酸盐,它和黄曲霉素、苯丙芘是世界上公认的三大抵癌物资,研讨材料表明:1 0岁以前开端吃腌制品的孩子,成年后患癌的可能性比个别人高3倍,特殊是咽癌的发病危险性高。

以后用的着 坐月子,女人重生的机遇
坐月子是女人毕生中最好的改善体质机会。如果没有坐好月子,将为当前的身材健康埋下隐患。中国人讲究坐月子 ,千万不要认为那是科学哦,很多讲求都是有情理的。
1.一定要休养一个月或一个半月。产后两周,除了吃饭和上洗手间以外,其余的时光一定要卧床。若常坐或起身 走动,可能引起子宫下垂。
2.筹备两三条宽度约为30---40厘米,长度可绕腹部12圈半的白纱布。产后要紧绑腹带,避免内脏下垂。内脏下垂将导致妇女病,以及小腹 凸起,体形丢脸。绑腹带还可改善产前小腹显明的状态。腹带不能以普通的束裤和束腹带取代。因为它们岂但不后 果,还有副作用。
3.前两周洗澡只能用温酒水擦澡。做法是烧开的水跟米酒各一半,加一点点盐巴,用毛巾浸润,拧干,在身上擦 。第三周起能够淋浴,满月后可泡澡。(顺产者)
8.要有宁静,舒服的环境。阳光太强时要拉上窗帘,维护眼睛。不能吹风,因为产后全身毛孔都张开了 ,エアフォース,吹风易引开端风及关节酸痛等,连扇子也不要摇。
10.不要流泪,否则眼睛将提前老化,可能演化为青光眼或白内障。少看书报和电视,一定要让眼睛充足 休息。
2.产后半个月内严禁喝水、饮料及汤类,牛奶也不可以喝。因为会喝成大水桶,会变胖,未来轻易得风湿病或神 经痛,エアフォース1。可以用烧开的米酒代替水分(买商店里的瓶装米酒)。做法是将数瓶米酒倒入锅内,不加盖,大火煮沸后连续1 5分钟以上。再将煮好的米酒水装入热水瓶备用。
5.半个月内禁吃鱼类和肉类,可以多吃肝脏等。因为疲劳的身体无奈完全吸收鱼、肉的营养,结果过多的养分, 只会加重身体的累赘,发生“虚不受补”的景象。应该到第三周开始吃。

08-23-2011 11:34 AM

,ナイキ エアフォース


598106 2010年12月05日 22:47 浏览(loading...) 评论(1) 分类:个人日记

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