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In the audio encoder in the audio signal to increase the appropriate delay so that the receiver decoder, the video signal and audio signal simultaneously in the meeting, the participants can make use of whiteboard, writing drawing,Beats By Dre Studio, or writing to express the contents of the phone will written on the slate, converted into electrical signals input to the encoder, after treatment, then transmitted to the other venue and displayed on the monitor. Audio, video and data signals are processed separately from the multiplexing / tap devices these three kinds of signals and signaling and other combinations of ITU-TH. 22 The proposed 64-1920kbit / s digital signal, and then the user / network interface circuit,tods shoes outlet, the signal is further converted into a signal transmission line channel. This will be the venue through image and sound signals from the MCU to switch the channel to another venue if the venue of the conference venue to watch the other, the devices will receive the signal tap, decoder, D / A conversion, etc., to restore the image signal voice signals, data signals. 2. Multi-point control device (MCU) MCU is a meeting of key equipment in the network, usually set in the network nodes (Tandem) Department. It summarizes the signals from the various venue terminal, simultaneous separation of the image,MBTシューズ 販売店, voice, data and signaling, then the venue of the same type of information given away the same processor to complete mixing, processing, switching and other processes, and finally reassembled and sent to The meeting venue. Second, the multipoint network of television systems to be held to form a multipoint communication network. This need to solve four problems, one more MCU and the terminal to form a communication network, which is how to configure the MCU, to form a conference network; second is to convene a meeting of the acceptance process during which a conference venue image and voice, that the meeting how to control the problem; third is how to synchronize clocks across the network; Fourth, how the network management. 1. MCU configuration according to H. 231 protocol, MCU configuration should adopt the star structure, shown in Figure 2. Communications protocols must be consistent with 1TU of a series of agreements. Network of more than one MCU, was assigned the highest control over the MCU as the master MCU, the others are from the main MCU MCU-serving chairman of a port - control terminal, the port is known as President - control port. Connected to the terminal for the master terminal, which is where the President will be the structure of Figure 2 with a star field at one end j MCU configuration where the venue for the other terminal at the venue. 2. Conference Hall Conference Control mode control mode are generally three kinds: the voice control mode, control mode imaging, the President control mode. Was more commonly used for the latter: Chairman of the control mode is the main venue where the President to exercise control over, the President can name a sub-venue to speak. Overflow may apply to the President speak,herve leger toronto, speak only after permission à automatic and manual control mode is divided into two. The automatic control mode is divided into multi-layer protocol (MLP) Chairman of the control and distribution of non-allocation of President control of two multi-layer protocol. However, H. 243 Chairman of limited control and can only be completed by the two main MCU MCU-based control over the main MCU MCU connected to the third President of the control is no longer split into the meeting. The use of multi-layer protocol to accomplish in a controlled manner has a strong functions, can be resolved with the main MCU chain with the first three MCU control of their labor agreement in the ITU is studying the use of PC control is achieved, each of the network MCU port on the PC using RS-232 interface to connect PC, connected with the main MCU-based PC. And from the MCU is connected to the PC for the sub-PC: PC control of the main main MCU: sub main PC and PC computer network through a modem form, through which the transmission of control signals to achieve the meeting. Manual control can be achieved three MCU chained chair control, but preferably not more than 1O an online PC. Because of the delay and to consider other factors. 3. If the system clock synchronized multipoint television constitutes a MCU conference as an example. The system clock can be an external reference clock in the MCU multipoint television system clock phase-locked with a 10 to 11 in the stability of the clock on the external parameters, the system clock in all terminal data sent from the MCU code to extract. Multiple MCU-conferencing systems, the main MCU clock is phase locked to the external reference clock. From the MCU can be seen as the main MCU, terminal = 4. Network management in the manual control mode, PC control signal if the use of 64-1920kbit / s transmission channel of the frame structure of the conference control signal Pc as multipoint network system management network, which completes the time, billing, meeting The list of participants,herve leger skirts, diagnostic, maintenance and other management functions. More articles related to topics:

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08-05-2011 08:06 PM

  治疗近视眼是使用准分子激光,它是一种能够精确聚焦和控制的紫外光束,其切削精度非常高,每个光脉冲切 削深度为0.2微米。 能够在人的头发丝上刻出各种花样来。准分子激光又是冷光源,不会产生热量,因而对切削周围组织不会造成损伤 。医生用准分子激光治疗近视眼主要是利用准分子激光能够精确切削组织的特性,用光束重塑角膜曲率达到矫正近 视的目的。
  激光治疗是在电脑控制下进行,医生在治疗前将近视度数输入电脑,由电脑来控制切削的范围和深度,指挥激 光器发出一系列的激光脉冲照射到角膜上,在角膜中心削出一个光滑的平面,每个脉冲切除一薄层中心角膜组织, 多个脉冲照射到角膜组织上以后,使角膜曲率变平,矫正原有屈光误差使光线直接聚焦于视网膜上,视力变得清晰 。
  激光治疗有PRK和LASIK两种方法,PRK是激光角膜表面切削术的简称,是利用准分子激光直接对角 膜中心部分光学区进行切削,这种方法只涉及角膜浅层基质,可矫正100-600度近视,对眼角膜的生物学特性没有明显影响。目前许多国家已经开展了这项手术,共治疗二十万余例,取 得了满意的疗效。
  LASIK是在PRK的基础上发展起来用于治疗近视眼的更先进的屈光角膜手术,名称叫激光原位角膜磨镶 术。其基本操作方法是先在角膜表面切开直径约8.5mm,厚度约160微米的角膜瓣,然后用准分子激光在角 膜瓣下面对角膜中间基质进行切削,之后再将切开的角膜瓣复位。
  LASIK手术比PRK手术具有更多的优越性:1.术后病人无明显疼痛;2.视力恢复快;3.无角膜浑 浊;4.不需长期用眼药;5.保持了角膜前弹力层的完整性;6.术后屈光稳定较快;7.容易进行再次治疗; 8.可矫正从200度至2500度的近视。
  一般来说,激光手术需年龄在18-55周岁,屈光度数稳定2年,矫正视力较好(0.5以上),而且没有其他眼病(圆锥角膜、严重干眼症、睑缘 炎、突眼症、全身免疫性疾病、疤痕体质)。手术前要做系统检查,不锈钢水箱,包括视力、屈光度、角膜厚度、角膜地形图。如果你是戴隐性眼镜则必须停戴隐性眼镜两周才能进 行检查。
  但是不能完全保证你会有完美的视力或不再需要眼镜,根据我们目前最近的统计结果,在1000度以内的近 视94%的病人术后视力可达到0.5以上,86%的病人视力可达到1.0以上。必需说明激光角膜屈光手术视 力恢复是一个渐进的过程,专业生产实验台 通风柜 实验室家具-天津拉贝尔实验室设备试佳,通常需要一个月或更长的时间,才能达到最佳效果。极个别病人可能需要再次手术。
  ========================================== =====
  激光治疗近视要谨慎 哪些人适合?
  前不久,电视台一个女记者去做了一个准分子激光术,朋友聚会时都夸她眼睛变大了,有神了,整个人变漂亮 了。乐得她第二天打电话给所有的“眼镜”朋友:快去做手术,短短几分钟就可以摘掉眼镜,多好啊 !
  随着准分子激光手术的普及,几乎所有近视患者都蠢蠢欲动。元旦春节之际,要求手术者更是挤满了不少医院 眼科的门诊室。但“准分子”到底是怎样的一种手术,不少求诊者本身也感到神秘,我们邀请常年做准分子手术的 上海瑞金医院眼科中心廉井财教授来揭开激光治近视的神秘面纱。
  据廉教授介绍,适合做此种手术的对象,一般必须具备以下几个方面的条件:一是年龄在18~50周岁之间 ;二是近视度数要稳定两年以上;三是无其它严重眼病(如圆锥角膜或角膜炎)及眼科手术史;四是无糖尿病、胶 原性疾病以及疤痕性体质。此外,如果角膜太薄、瞳孔大、度数超高(一般适宜的度数应该是散光在450度以下 ,近视要在1500度以下)、眼底不好,也会影响到手术的效果。
  廉教授还强调,年龄不到18周岁的青少年,眼部发育还未完全,屈光度也不稳定,因此若过早接受手术,术 后视力有可能会后退,影响预期的效果。
  对于近视的人来说,那些据说能让人马上摘掉眼镜的近视手术,总是显得特别具有诱惑力。它们手术方法也不 尽相同,价格也是高低不一,那么,怎么在名目繁多的各种手术中选择适合自己的呢?
  针对不同度数选择不同手术方法来治疗,可以达到最佳治疗效果。在选择手术治疗之前,要对所选择的手术有 所了解,特别是手术的适应征、方法和并发症等要问清楚。万一碰到有的医生一味夸大疗效,而不提手术后有可能 产生的问题,最好要小心。手术时,也最好能选择大医院有经验的医生,减少手术风险,提高疗效。
  可选择的屈光不正手术方法目前有三种:准分子激光屈光矫正手术(PRK)、激光原位角膜磨镶术(LAS IK)、有晶体眼人工晶体植入术(PhakicIOL)等。准分子激光屈光矫正手术(PRK)可治疗300 度以内的近视眼或远视眼,2011-7-30,手术时要刮除角膜上皮再照射激光,手术后角膜上皮会自己长好。
  在PRK基础上发展起来的激光原位角膜磨镶术(LASIK)的适应范围是近视200-1200度,远视100-600度。其过程是先用角膜板层刀在角膜浅表做一个带蒂的角膜瓣,其厚度约130微米,掀开瓣之后直接在角 膜基质层照射激光,然后将角膜瓣复位,角膜上皮细胞保存完好。
  人工晶体植入术(PhakicIOL)是目前最先进的近视治疗手术,洗眼器招标,可对600-2500度的高度近视进行矫正。手术时先在角膜缘做一小切口,然后将人工晶体植入眼睛内,最后缝合切口 。
  手术前检查:术前检查包括电脑验光、测眼压、角膜地形图、散瞳检影、查眼底、眼前段检查、角膜测厚等等 。有眼部炎症的或其它疾病的,或者眼底有出血的,眼角膜厚度达不到要求的,还有糖尿病或甲亢等疾病患者不能 做手术。近视还没有稳定的人也不能做手术。经常戴隐形眼镜的人应该在停戴2周后进行检查和手术,并且在这段 时间里不戴隐形眼镜。
  术前准备:术前滴抗菌素眼药水3天,手术当日不能化妆,不能喷香水,这样便于手术。术前30分钟医生会 用消毒水为你洗眼,之后滴表麻眼药水2次,然后准备手术。
  手术中:人平躺在手术床上,眼睛看激光内的注视灯,医生会用开眼器为你撑住眼睑,用工具将睫毛贴至眼外 ,用角膜板层刀在角膜浅表做一个带蒂的角膜瓣,然后进行对光聚焦。整个手术时间在20秒左右。
  准分子激光治疗屈光不正手术后角膜组织修复有一个过程,在这个阶段,要注意饮食营养,避免吃辛辣刺激食 物,忌烟酒。手术日当晚,不要随意摘下透明眼罩,以免受外力影响而造成角膜瓣移位,现代设计表现技法,也不要触摸眼睛,防止眼部感染。术后数小时内有些人会有眼部怕光、流泪及异物感,以后会逐渐减弱消失。术 后第二天必须到医院复查,检查视力、屈光度、角膜的恢复情况,并点药。一般情况下,术后两周左右,近距离工 作如写字、看书时,眼睛会感到模糊,这是正常现象。术后一个月内外出最好戴墨镜,以减少紫外线及风沙对眼睛 的刺激。术后一年内均需定期去医院复查。激光治疗后的修复过程是角膜新形态的形成过程,根据患者屈光度不同 、年龄不同等情况,一般在3—12月趋于稳定,治疗效果将长期保持。
  很多人担心做了手术之后,过几年眼睛还会近视的。对此,专家指出,手术做好了就是做好了,一般都不会反 弹的。设备使用的是紫外激光,故对周边组织无热损伤,接受激光的基质层无再生能力,也不会反弹、复发。也许 会有人出现这样的问题,那是因为其本来眼睛近视还处于发展的状况,眼睛近视还未稳定,这样做手术的效果并不 好。所以在手术前自己一定要先搞清楚自己的眼睛近视是否已经稳定。
  LASIK:1.术后病人无明显疼痛。2.视力恢复快。3.无角膜上皮下浑浊。4.不需长期用激素眼药 。5.保存了角膜前弹力层完整性。6.术后屈光度稳定较快。
  PhakicIOL:1.手术操作简单。2.视力恢复快,不破坏正常角膜结构,术后屈光稳 定快。
  ●缺点PRK:1.术后病人有明显疼痛。2.视力恢复较慢。3.可能会有角膜上皮下浑浊。4.需长期使 用激素眼药。5.破坏角膜前弹力层完整性。6.术后屈光度稳定较慢。7.只能矫正中、低度近视 。

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