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在生活每个人都会碰到很多的问题,根据这个问题你能联想到什么?一个简单的问题也许就能讲出一番人生大 道理呢,不信你看看! ●问题一:如果你家附近有一家餐厅,东西又贵又难吃,桌上还爬着蟑螂,你会因为它很近很方便,就一而再 、再而三地光临吗? 回答:你一定会说,这是什么烂问题,谁那么笨,花钱买罪受? 可同样的情况换个场合,自己或许就做类似的蠢事。 不少男女都曾经抱怨过他们的情人或配偶品性不端,三心二意,不负责任。明知在一起没什么好的结果,怨恨 已经比爱还多,但却“不知道为什么”还是要和他搅和下去,分不了手。说穿了,只是为了不甘,为了习惯,这不 也和光临餐厅一样? --做人,为什么要过于执著?! ●问题二:如果你不小心丢掉100块钱,只知道它好像丢在某个你走过的地方,你会花200块钱的车费去 把那100块找回来吗? 回答:一个超级愚蠢的问题。 可是,相似的事情却在人生中不断发生。做错了一件事,明知自己有问题,却怎么也不肯认错,反而花加倍的 时间来找藉口,让别人对自己的印象大打折扣。被人骂了一句话,却花了无数时间难过,道理相同。为一件事情发 火,不惜损人不利已,不惜血本,不惜时间,只为报复,不也一样无聊? 失去一个人的感情,明知一切已无法挽回,却还是那么伤心,而且一伤心就是好几年,还要借酒浇愁,形销骨 立。其实这样一点用也没有,只是损失更多 --做人,干吗为难自己?! ●问题三:你会因为打开报纸发现每天都有车祸,就不敢出门吗? 回答:这是个什么烂问题?当然不会,那叫因噎废食。 然而,有不少人却曾说:现在的离婚率那么高,让我都不敢谈恋爱了。说得还挺理所当然。也有不少女人看到 有关的诸多报道,就对自己的另一半忧心忡忡,这不也是类似的反应?所谓乐观,就是得相信:虽然道路多艰险, 我还是那个会平安过马路的人,只要我小心一点,不必害怕过马路。 --做人,先要相信自己。 ●问题四:你相信每个人随便都可以成功立业吗? 回答:当然不会相信。 但据观察,有人总是在听完成功人士绞尽脑汁的建议,比如说,多读书,多练习之后,问了另一个问题?那不 是很难? 我们都想在3分钟内学好英文,在5分钟内解决所有难题,难道成功是那么容易的吗?改变当然是难的。成功 只因不怕困难,所以才能出类拔萃。 有一次坐在出租车上,听见司机看到自己前后都是高档车,兀自感叹:“唉,为什么别人那么有钱,我的钱这 么难赚?” 我心血来潮,问他:“你认为世上有什么钱是好赚的?”他答不出来,过了半晌才说:好像都是别人的钱比较 好赚。 其实任何一个成功者都是艰辛取得。我们实在不该抱怨命运。 --做人,依靠自己! ●问题五:你认为完全没有打过篮球的人,可以当很好的篮球教练吗? 回答:当然不可能,外行不可能领导内行,skechers shoes online。 可是,skechers outlet,有许多人,对某个行业完全不了解,只听到那个行业好***,就马上开起业来了。 我看过对穿着没有任何口味、或根本不在乎穿着的人,梦想却是开间服装店;不知道电脑怎么开机的人,却想 在网上聊天,结果道听途说,却不反省自己是否专业能力不足,只抱怨时不我与。 --做人,量力而行。 ●问题六:相似但不相同的问题:你是否认为,篮球教练不上篮球场,闭着眼睛也可以主导一场 完美的胜利? 回答:有病啊,当然是不可能的。 可是却有不少朋友,自己没有时间打理,却拼命投资去开咖啡馆,开餐厅,开自己根本不懂的公司,火烧屁股 一样急着把辛苦积攒的积蓄花掉,去当一个稀里糊涂的投资人。亏的总是比赚的多,却觉得自己是因为运气不好, 而不是想法出了问题。 --做人,记得反省自己。 ●问题七:你宁可永远后悔,也不愿意试一试自己能否转败为胜? 解答:恐怕没有人会说:“对,我就是这样的孬种”吧。 然而,我们却常常在不该打退堂鼓时拼命打退堂鼓,为了恐惧失败而不敢尝试成功。 以关颖珊赢得2000年世界花样滑冰冠军时的精彩表现为例:她一心想赢得第一名,然而在最后一场比赛前 ,skechers women,她的总积分只排名第三位,在最后的自选曲项目上,她选择了突破,而不是少出错。在4分钟的长曲中,结合了 最高难度的三周跳,并且还大胆地连跳了两次。她也可能会败得很难看,但是她毕竟成功了。 她说:“因为我不想等到失败,才后悔自己还有潜力没发挥。” 一个中国伟人曾说;胜利的希望和有利情况的恢复,往往产生于再坚持一下的努力之中。 --做人,何妨放手一搏。 ●问题八:你的时间无限,长生不老,所以最想做的事,应该无限延期? 回答:不,傻瓜才会这样认为,shape up skechers。 然而我们却常说,等我老了,要去环游世界;等我退休,就要去做想做的事情;等孩子长大了, 我就可以…… 我们都以为自己有无限的时间与精力。其实我们可以一步一步实现理想,shape up shoes,不必在等待中徒耗生命。如果现在就能一步一步努力接近,我们就不会活了半生,skechers shoes,却出现自己最不想看到的结局。 --做人,要活在当下。 |
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Metropolis Daily News reporter Zhou Peng Liu Lipeng Photography: A reporter Li Xiang Yesterday morning, the sun shines on Hankou A court alley way. A wheelchair outside the perimeter full of people, everyone talking and laughing, the scene was very warm (Figure). wheelchair is 51-year-old Wang Shuang Choi, 35 years ago in high school when he was injured taking part in collective labor, causing paraplegia. However,ralph lauren uk, dozens of students and the class teacher did not abandon his dismay, in turn take care of him until now ... ... overturned grocery shopping for the disabled students double wealth to the king said, November 19, 1976 was a memorable day for life, because after that day, he never failed to stand up. At that time, West Road, high school or a (5) students in his class, with teachers and classmates, to the East Lake Nursery Chuishi Ban labor. In the morning, students Huangfu Guo riding a tricycle carrying him back to buy food, opera roundabout in Wuchang, a large oncoming truck, Huang Fuguo emergency avoidance, overturned tricycle of Double Choi been left out. He reluctantly stood up, reluctantly returned to the site to rest. next day, he developed a fever, also shouted back pain. Teacher Han Meiying invited local doctors to treat him, but to no avail, we had to put him back to recuperate at home Hankow. Two days later, his condition worsened, lower extremity loss of consciousness, incontinence. To the hospital for a check, only to find that he falls lead to cervical abscess due to nerve compression. Two months later, Tongji Hospital diagnosed him as a paraplegic. good care of the physical and mental injury treatment Han Meiying then 24 years old,polo ralph lauren shirts, see the lively student suddenly unexpected calamity, sadness to tears DC. Wang Shuang wealth as parents, sister, busy, she shifts a day care arrangements for his students. Qiusheng students is to double earnings in the neighborhood king, the king's care is also up to double earnings. Every home, first to the king to Qiusheng double the total earnings home to see, and then go home to lay down bags, to come home, feed the delicious side of Double fiscal eat. Wang Shuang financial paralysis, his family sent out from Hangzhou back to a battery tricycle. Every time he would like to go around, Qiusheng took him to the car,ralph lauren shirts, pushed to the Youth Palace, the liberation of parks and other places relax. talking about the good brother, the king can not help but double thumbs Finance: take care of him, even the female students are no exception. Speaking today, that one name from the mouth of Double fiscal Lianzhu out, as if time still remains in the 35 years ago. double Choi said the king, when he was the ideal soldier. Just paralyzed the years, he was lost, once thought of suicide. However, students of care and encouragement, he gradually out of the shadows, re-summon the courage to live. long massage to help his rehabilitation incontinence is the king of the big two-fiscal problems at the beginning, many people can not smell close to him. Qiusheng other students to attend to so many hold him out from under the covers for his scrub. Dozens of students, you come today, tomorrow, I come, the king did not break double the total fiscal house extraordinary. Wang Shuang Finance often constipation, then for him to Qiusheng bought enema, and sometimes even hand to help him pull it. Reminds me of the scene, can not help to Qiusheng frowned: plane into a rolling pin look like, in order to massage his legs and hands, one by one or two hours is often, side by side to him about the class interesting. the persistent efforts of the students of Double Choi had paralyzed hands, and gradually to activity. Now,ralph lauren polo, he can eat with a spoon himself, but also write. student family over the baton 1978 year, equal to the Qiu-sheng and Kuo students to join the army to do so. Wang Shuang Choi heard the news, not only happy for them, but also for their own sorrow. Before leaving, the king of double Qiusheng wealth will take care of responsibility, to his own father and brother. One to the troops, he gave the king a uniform double financial return of Double Choi put it down. He also regularly give the king two-week financial write about military life, to encourage him to adhere to the rehabilitation exercises ... ... 1980 in the winter, to Qiusheng veterans home, the first thing is to go to the king double fiscal house, a to hold him, burst into tears. Double-tsai Wang cried: Since then, Liu has to take care of the king feast double wealth ranks. was introduced in 1989, Henan girl married to Stephen and Wang Shuang Finance. Day, students Guo Ping, to Qiusheng, Gong Jiangang, who drove the van to pick up the bride Xinyang, Henan. 3 years after the birth of the son of the king double Choi. Guo Ping wife became a After the children go to school, letting them go to school, after school, evening brings back. Wang Shuang financial paralysis a few years later, opened a grocery store, purchase something almost lump sum by the students. will not leave him where to go When students are grandparents who had, over the years, as long as meetings, travel, people first thought is that the king double fortune. Because of him, this class is to firmly unite together. every assembly, Han Meiying always contact the task to monitor Zhengpei year. Zhengpei hello, we will double financial house in King collection care arrangements before departure of Double fiscal tasks. a small double financial details were moved to the king: , responsibility and courage to act, so that each student in the class can work together, to enjoy happiness, with bear misfortune. as their class teacher then, I was proud of these lovely students! (Editor: SN005) |
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