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High and 1 tall 3 chemical equation summariz
High and 1 high three chemical equation summarizes ,Diesel Slim Jeans
2jhnm sfcdscf009-07-21 12:28 h 1. Carbon and oxygen (fewer than) the reaction 2C + O2 ==== 2CO carbon and oxygen (sufficient) reaction C + O2 ==== CO2 2. carbon monoxide and oxygen in the reaction 2CO + O2 ==== 2CO2 3. the reaction with carbon dioxide CO2 + C ==== 2CO 4. sodium bicarbonate and hydrochloric acid reaction NaHCO3 + HCl ==== NaCl + H2O + CO2 ↑ 5. sodium carbonate and hydrochloric acid reaction Na2CO3 + 2HCl ==== 2NaCl + H2O + CO2 ↑ 6. calcium carbonate and hydrochloric acid reaction CaCO3 +2 HCl ==== CaCl2 + H2O + CO2 ↑ 7. bicarbonate and sodium hydroxide reaction NaHCO3 + NaOH == == Na2CO3 + H2O 8. sodium carbonate and calcium hydroxide reaction Na2CO3 + Ca (OH) 2 ==== CaCO3 ↓ + 2NaOH 9. bicarbonate (small) and the reaction of calcium hydroxide NaHCO3 + Ca (OH) 2 ==== CaCO3 ↓ + NaOH + H2O sodium bicarbonate (excess) and the reaction of calcium hydroxide 2NaHCO3 + Ca (OH) 2 ==== CaCO3 ↓ + Na2CO3 +2 H2O 10 . bicarbonate heated reaction 2NaHCO3 ==== Na2CO3 + H2O + CO2 ↑ 11. heated reaction of calcium bicarbonate Ca (HCO3) 2 ==== CaCO3 ↓ + H2O + CO2 ↑ 12. carbonate calcium heated reaction CaCO3 ==== CaO + CO2 ↑ 13. carbon dioxide (excess) which leads to calcium hydroxide solution in the reaction Ca (OH) 2 +2 CO2 ==== Ca (HCO3) 2 carbon dioxide (small) leads to calcium hydroxide solution in the reaction Ca (OH) 2 + CO2 ==== CaCO3 ↓ + H2O 14. Nitrogen and oxygen in the reaction N2 + O2 ==== 2NO 15 . nitric oxide and oxygen in the reaction 2NO + O2 ==== 2NO2 16. nitrogen dioxide and water reaction 3NO2 + H2O ==== 2HNO3 + NO 17. nitrogen and hydrogen in the reaction N2 +3 H2 = ======== 2NH3 18. ammonia and water reaction NH3 + H2O ==== NH3? H2O 19. ammonia and hydrochloric acid reaction NH3 + HCl ==== NH4Cl 20. ammonia and sulfuric acid reaction 2NH3 + H2SO4 ==== (NH4) 2SO4 21. ammonia and acid ion reaction NH3 + H +==== NH4 + 22. Ammonia in catalytic oxidation reaction 4NH3 +5 O2 ====== 4NO +6 H2O 23. bicarbonate heated reaction NH4HCO3 ==== NH3 ↑ + CO2 ↑ + H2O 24. NH4Cl ammonium chloride heated response ==== NH3 ↑ + HCl ↑ 25. ammonium carbonate heat of reaction (NH4) 2CO3 ==== 2NH3 ↑ + CO2 ↑ + H2O 26. ammonium chloride and calcium hydroxide reaction 2NH4Cl + Ca (OH) 2 ==== CaCl2 +2 NH3 ↑ +2 H2O 27. ammonium chloride and sodium hydroxide reaction NH4Cl + NaOH ==== NaCl + NH3 ↑ + H2O 28. bicarbonate and hydrogen reaction of sodium oxide NH4HCO3 +2 NaOH ==== Na2CO3 + NH3 ↑ +2 H2O 29. bicarbonate and calcium hydroxide reaction NH4HCO3 + Ca (OH) 2 ==== CaCO3 ↓ + NH3 ↑ +2 H2O 30. nitric acid decomposition reaction 4HNO3 ========= 4NO2 ↑ + O2 ↑ +2 H2O 31. copper with condensed nitric acid reaction Cu +4 HNO3 (concentrated )==== Cu (NO3 ) 2 +2 NO2 ↑ +2 H2O 32. copper and dilute nitric acid reaction 3Cu +8 HNO3 (thin )==== 3Cu (NO3) 2 +2 NO ↑ +4 H2O 33. iron and concentrated nitric acid the reaction Fe +6 HNO3 (concentrated )==== Fe (NO3) 3 +3 NO2 ↑ +3 H2O 34. iron and dilute nitric acid the reaction Fe +4 HNO3 (skinny )==== Fe (NO3) 3 + NO ↑ +2 H2O 35. carbon with concentrated nitric acid reaction C +4 HNO3 (concentrated )==== CO2 ↑ +4 NO2 ↑ +2 H2O 36. Nitric oxide and carbon monoxide reaction 2NO +2 CO ====== N2 +2 CO2 37. Nitric oxide reaction with oxygen and water 4NO +3 O2 +2 H2O ==== 4HNO3 38. nitrogen dioxide react with oxygen and water 4NO2 + O2 +2 H2O ==== 4HNO3 39. sodium hydroxide to sponge nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide in response 2NaOH + NO2 + NO ==== 2NaNO2 + H2O 40. ammonia (excess) and the chlorine reaction 8NH3 +3 Cl2 ==== 6NH4Cl + N2 ammonia (small) and the chlorine reaction 2NH3 +3 Cl2 ==== 6HCl + N2 41. nitrogen dioxide generated nitrogen tetroxide reaction 2NO2 ==== N2O4 42 Sulfur and copper reaction S +2 Cu ==== Cu2S 43. sulfur and iron response S + Fe ==== FeS 44. sulfur and sodium reaction S +2 Na ==== Na2S 45. sulfur and aluminum react 3S +2 Al ==== Al2S3 46. sulfur and mercury reaction S + Hg ==== HgS 47. sulfur and oxygen in the reaction S + O2 = === SO2 48. sulfur and hydrogen in the reaction S + H2 ==== H2S 49. sulfur and sodium hydroxide reaction 3S +6 NaOH ==== 2Na2S + Na2SO3 +3 H2O 50 Sulfur and sulfuric acid reaction S +2 H2SO4 (concentrated )==== 3SO2 +2 H2O 51. dark abrasive kindled S +2 KNO3 +3 C ==== K2S +3 CO2 ↑ + N2 ↑ 52. sulfur dioxide (small) and sodium hydroxide reaction SO2 +2 NaOH ==== Na2SO3 + H2O sulfur dioxide (excess) and sodium hydroxide reaction SO2 + NaOH ==== NaHSO3 53. dioxide and calcium hydroxide reaction SO2 + Ca (OH) 2 ==== CaSO3 ↓ + H2O 54. dioxide and calcium sulfite solution,Diesel Loose Jeans, the reaction SO2 + CaSO3 + H2O ==== Ca (HSO3) 2 55. sulfur dioxide the reaction with water SO2 + H2O ==== H2SO3 56. dioxide and hydrogen sulfide reaction SO2 +2 H2S ==== 3S ↓ +2 H2O 57. dioxide and oxygen in the reaction 2SO2 + O2 === === 2SO3 58. dioxide and sodium peroxide reaction SO2 + Na2O2 ==== Na2SO4 59. sulfur dioxide and chlorine reaction SO2 + Cl2 +2 H2O ==== H2SO4 +2 HCl 60 . trioxide and water reaction SO3 + H2O ==== H2SO4 61. sulfite reaction with oxygen 2H2SO3 + O2 ==== 2H2SO4 62. sulfite reaction with oxygen 2Na2SO3 + O2 == == 2Na2SO4 63. sulfuric acid and copper reaction 2H2SO4 (concentration) + Cu ==== CuSO4 + SO2 ↑ +2 H2O 64. sulfuric acid reaction with carbon 2H2SO4 (concentration) + C === = CO2 ↑ +2 SO2 ↑ +2 H2O Life 65. industrial preparation of sulfuric acid (preliminary) 4FeS2 +11 O2 ==== 8SO2 +2 Fe2O3 66. Laboratory Preparation of sulfuric acid (prefatory) Na2SO3 + H2SO4 (concentrated) == == Na2SO4 + SO2 ↑ + H2O 67. sulfide (small) and sodium hydroxide reaction H2S +2 NaOH ==== Na2S +2 H2O hydrogen sulfide (excess) and sodium hydroxide the reaction H2S + NaOH ==== NaHS + H2O 68. sulfide (small) and ammonia reaction H2S +2 NH3 ==== (NH4) 2S hydrogen sulfide (excess) and the reaction H2S + NH3 ammonia ==== NH4HS 69. hydrogen sulfide and oxygen (lack of) response 2H2S + O2 ==== 2S ↓ +2 H2O 2H2S + O2 ==== 2S +2 H2O hydrogen sulfide and oxygen (sufficient) response 2H2S +3 O2 ==== 2SO2 +2 H2O 70. hydrogen sulfide and chlorine reaction H2S + Cl2 ==== 2HCl + S ↓ 71. sulfide and concentrated sulfuric acid reaction H2S + H2SO4 ( concentrated )==== S ↓ + SO2 ↑ +2 H2O 72. Preparation of hydrogen sulfide FeS + H2SO4 ==== FeSO4 + H2S ↑ 73. electrolysis of brine (chlor-alkali industry) 2NaCl +2 H2O ==== 2NaOH + H2 ↑ + Cl2 ↑ 74. electrolysis of molten sodium chloride (control elemental sodium) 2NaCl ==== 2Na + Cl2 ↑ 75. seawater magnesium (1) CaCO3 == == CaO + CO2 (2) CaO + H2O ==== Ca (OH) 2 (3) Mg2 + +2 OH2-==== Mg (OH) 2 ↓ (4) Mg (OH) 2 +2 HCl ==== MgCl2 +2 H2O (5) MgCl2 ==== Mg + Cl2 ↑ 76. magnesium burns in air (with oxygen) 2Mg + O2 == == 2MgO (the reaction with nitrogen) 3Mg + N2 ==== Mg3N2 (reaction with carbon dioxide) 2Mg + CO2 ==== 2MgO + C 77. magnesium and chlorine reaction Mg + Cl2 ==== MgCl2 78. magnesium and water respond Mg +2 H2O ==== Mg (OH) 2 + H2 ↑ 79. magnesium and hydrochloric acid reaction Mg +2 HCl ==== MgCl2 + H2 ↑ 80. the reaction of magnesium and hydrogen ions Mg +2 H +==== Mg2 + + H2 ↑ 81. 2 nitrogen three magnesium and water react Mg3N2 +6 H2O ==== 3Mg (OH ) 2 ↓ +2 NH3 ↑ 82. magnesium and bromine in the reaction (color receded) Mg + Br2 ==== MgBr2 (bubbles) Mg +2 HBr ==== MgBr2 + H2 ↑ 83. Bromine water reaction Br2 + H2O ==== HBr + HBrO 84. bromine and sodium hydroxide reaction Br2 +2 NaOH ==== NaBr + NaBrO + H2O 85. bromine and hydrogen reaction Br2 + H2 ==== 2HBr 86. bromine and iron response 3Br2 +2 Fe ==== 2FeBr3 87. iodine and iron response I2 + Fe ==== FeI2 88. bromide and potassium iodide reaction Br2 +2 KI ==== 2KBr + I2 89. chlorine and potassium bromide reaction 2KBr + Cl2 ==== 2KCl + Br2 Chapter 90. silicon and oxygen in the reaction Si + O2 ==== SiO2 91. silicon and chlorine reaction Si +2 Cl2 ==== SiCl4 92. silicon and hydrogen in the reaction Si +2 H2 ===== SiH4 93 silica and fluoride reaction Si +2 F2 ==== SiF4 94. silicon and carbon reaction Si + C ==== SiC 95. silicon and sodium hydroxide solution reaction Si +2 NaOH + H2O ==== Na2SiO3 +2 H2 ↑ 96. silicon and hydrofluoric acid reaction Si +4 HF ==== SiF4 +2 H2 ↑ 97. Preparation of elemental silicon (1 preparation) SiO2 +2 C ==== Si +2 CO (2. purification) Si +2 Cl2 ==== SiCl4 (3. purification) SiCl4 +2 H2 ==== Si +4 HCl 98. dioxide silicon and sodium hydroxide reaction SiO2 +2 NaOH ==== Na2SiO3 + H2O 99. dioxide and sodium oxide reaction SiO2 + Na2O ==== Na2SiO3 100. dioxide and sodium carbonate reaction SiO2 + Na2CO3 ==== Na2SiO3 + CO2 ↑ 101. dioxide and calcium oxide reaction SiO2 + CaO ==== CaSiO3 102. dioxide and calcium carbonate reaction SiO2 + CaCO3 == == CaSiO3 + CO2 ↑ 103. dioxide and hydrofluoric acid reaction of SiO2 +4 HF ==== SiF4 +2 H2O 104. silicic acid arrangement Na2SiO3 + CO2 + H2O ==== H2SiO3 ↓ + Na2CO3 105. silicic acid thermal decomposition H2SiO3 ==== SiO2 + H2O 106. aluminum and oxygen in the reaction 4Al +3 O2 ==== 2Al2O3 107. aluminum and chlorine reaction 2Al +3 Cl2 = === 2AlCl3 108. aluminum and hydrochloric acid reaction 2Al +6 HCl ==== 2AlCl3 +3 H2 ↑ 109. aluminum and sodium hydroxide reaction 2Al +2 NaOH +6 H2O ==== 2Na [Al ( OH) 4] +3 H2 ↑ 110. the reaction of aluminum with water 2Al +6 H2O ==== 2Al (OH) 3 +3 H2 ↑ 111. aluminum and iron oxide reaction (thermite reaction) 2Al + Fe2O3 ==== 2Fe + Al2O3 112. the reaction of aluminum and manganese dioxide (thermite reaction) 4Al +3 MnO2 ==== 3Mn +2 AlO3 113. alumina and hydrochloric acid reaction of Al2O3 + 6HCl ==== 2AlCl3 +3 H2O 114. alumina and sodium hydroxide reaction Al2O3 +2 NaOH +3 H2O ==== 2Na [Al (OH) 4] 115. electrolysis of alumina 2Al2O3 === = 4Al +3 O2 ↑ 116. sulfuric acid and ammonia with a hydration reaction of Al2 (SO4) 3 +6 NH3? H2O ==== 2Al (OH) 3 ↓ +3 (NH4) 2SO4 117. chloride aluminum reaction of ammonia with a hydrated AlCl3 +3 NH3? H2O ==== Al (OH) 3 ↓ +3 NH4Cl 118. aluminum chloride and sodium hydroxide (small) response to AlCl3 +3 NaOH ==== Al ( OH) 3 ↓ +3 NaCl 119. the reaction of aluminum hydroxide and sodium hydroxide Al (OH) 3 + NaOH ==== Na [Al (OH) 4] 120. hydroxide and aluminum chloride sodium (excess) in response to AlCl3 +4 NaOH ==== Na [Al (OH) 4] +3 NaCl 121. tetrahydroxy co-sodium chlorate and hydrochloric acid (small measure) of the response Na [Al (OH) 4] + HCl ==== Al (OH) 3 ↓ + NaCl + H2O 122. aluminum hydroxide and hydrochloric acid reaction of Al (OH) 3 +3 HCl ==== AlCl3 +3 H2O 123. tetrahydroxy chloral sodium and hydrochloric acid (excess) of the reaction Na [Al (OH) 4] +4 HCl ==== AlCl3 + NaCl +4 H2O 124. tetrahydroxy co-reaction of sodium chlorate and aluminum chloride 3Na [Al (OH ) 4] + AlCl3 ==== 4Al (OH) 3 ↓ +3 NaCl 125. tetrahydroxy together to pass into excess of sodium chlorate in the carbon dioxide Na [Al (OH) 4] + CO2 ==== Al ( OH) 3 ↓ + NaHCO3 126. copper corrosion in humid wind 2Cu + O2 + H2O + CO2 ==== Cu2 (OH) 2CO3 127. copper and oxygen in the reaction 2Cu + O2 === = 2CuO 128. bronze and chlorine reaction Cu + Cl2 ==== CuCl2 129. copper oxidation at high temperatures into 4CuO ==== 2Cu2O + O2 ↑ 130. copper sulfate and water reaction CuSO4 +5 H2O ==== CuSO4? 5H2O |
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