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-   -   6.脫脂奶或低脂奶实用于哪些人 (

05-23-2011 11:42 PM

  脱脂奶和低脂奶是原料奶经由脱脂工艺,使奶中脂肪含量降低的奶制品。全脂奶的脂肪含量为3%左右,低脂 奶脂肪含量为0.5%-2%,脱脂奶中脂肪含量低于0.5%。脱脂奶和低脂奶大大降低了脂肪和胆固醇的摄入量。同时又保存了牛奶的 其他营养成分,适合于肥胖人群,以及高血脂、心血管疾病和脂性腹泻患者等请求低脂膳食的人群,也适合于喝奶 较多的人群。
  2002年中国居民营养与健康状况调查成果显示,我国居民标准人日的钙摄人量为389mg,仅为膳食参 考摄人量的一半。为了改善我国居民钙营养状况,倡议每人天天饮奶300g,也可食用其他相称量的奶制品,可 取得约300mg钙,加上其他食物中的钙,基础可能满意人体钙的需要。
  同时奶及奶制品还可以供给蛋白质、其他矿物质和维生素等营养物质,保持机体良好的健康状况。有前提者可 以多饮用些奶或奶制品来保障钙的充分摄入。
  我国居民中乳糖不耐受者比例较高,乳糖不耐受者可首选低乳糖奶及奶制品。如酸奶、奶酪、低 乳糖奶等。
  乳糖不耐受者应防止空腹饮奶。空腹时牛奶在胃肠道通过的时间短,其中的乳糖不能很好被小肠吸收而较快进 人大肠,可加重乳糖不耐受症状C提议不要空腹饮奶,而在正餐饮奶,也可以在餐后1h一2h内饮 奶,23 jordan shoes。其次要合理搭配食物,建议饮奶时留神和固体食物搭配食用。第三要少量屡次饮奶。建议一天饮奶量分2次~3 次饮用。有乳糖不耐受且无饮奶习惯者从少量饮奶(50mI)开端,逐步增加。
  提示:乳糖不耐受是指有些人喝牛奶后呈现腹胀、腹痛、腹泻、排气增多等不适症状,这主要是由于他们消化 道内缺乏乳糖酶,不能将牛奶中的乳糖完全分解被小肠吸收,残留过多的乳糖进入结肠又不能在结肠发酵利用所致 。
  刚挤出来的牛奶未经消毒,含有良多细菌,包括致病菌,所以未经消毒直接饮用是危险的。实在刚挤出来的牛 奶经过消毒或杀菌后根本保留了牛奶的全体营养价值,因此没有必要直接饮用刚挤出来的牛奶。家庭中饮用牛奶最 简略的消毒方法是加热煮沸。
  大豆包括黄豆、黑豆和青豆。大豆制品通常分为非发酵豆制品和发酵豆制品两类:非发酵豆制品有豆浆、豆腐 、豆腐干、腐竹等,发酵豆制品有豆豉、豆辦儿酱、腐乳、臭豆腐、豆汁等。
  大豆含有丰富的优质蛋白、不饱和脂肪酸、钙及B族维生素,是我国居民膳食中优质蛋白质的重要来源。大豆 蛋白质含量约为35%-40%.除蛋氨酸外,其余必需氨基酸的组成和比例与动物蛋白类似,而且富含谷类蛋白缺少的赖氨酸,是与谷类 蛋白质互补的自然幻想食物。大豆中脂肪含量约为15%-20%,其中不饱和脂肪酸占85%,亚油酸高达50%,且消化率高,还含有较多磷脂。大豆中碳水化合物含量 约为25%-30%,有一半是膳食纤维,其中棉籽糖和水苏糖在肠道细菌作用下发酵发生气体,可引起腹胀。大豆含有丰富的 磷、铁、钙,每100g大豆分辨含有磷571mg、铁11mg和钙367mg,显著多于谷类。由于大豆中植 酸含量较高,可能会影响铁和锌等矿物元素的生物应用。大豆中维生素B1、维生素B2和烟酸等B族维生素含量 也比谷类多数倍,并含有一定数量的胡萝卜素和丰富的维生素E。此外,大豆还含有多种有利于健康的成分,如大 豆皂甙、大豆异黄酮、动物固醇、大豆低聚糖等。
  提示:豆制品发酵后蛋白质部分分解,较易消化吸收,某些营养素(如微生物在发酵过程中合成的维生素B2 )含量有所增加。大豆制成豆芽,除含原有的营养成分内,
  2002年中国居民营养与健康状况调查结果显示,我国居民平均每标准人日干豆类摄人量为4.2g,豆制 品摄人量为11.8g,bags gucci,远低于中国居民平衡膳食宝塔的建议摄人量50g。从前20年间,城乡居民干豆类食物摄人量不明显变化。而 豆制品摄人量略有上升。城市和农村摄人量有差距。大豆及其制品营养丰富,且拥有多种健康功能,尤其对老年人 和心血管病患者是一类很好的食物,建议每人每天摄人40g大豆或其制品。以所提供的蛋白质计,40g大豆分 离约相当于200g豆腐、100 g豆腐干、30g腐竹、700g豆腐脑、800g豆浆。
  豆浆中蛋白质含量与牛奶相称,且易于消化吸收,其饱和脂肪酸、碳水化合物含量低于牛奶,也不含胆固醇, 适合于老年人及心血管疾病患者饮用。但豆浆中钙和维生素C含量远低于牛奶,锌、硒、维生素A、维生素B2含 量也比牛奶低,它们在营养上各有特色,二者最好每天都饮用。
  大豆含有一些抗营养因子,如胰蛋白酶抑制因子、脂肪氧化酶和植物红细胞凝集素,handbag prada,喝生豆浆或未煮开的豆浆后数分钟至1小时,可能引起中毒,涌现恶心、呕吐、腹痛、腹胀和腹泻等胃肠症状。 这些抗营养因子都是热不稳定的。通过加热处置即可打消。所以生豆浆必须先用大火煮沸,再改用文火维持5分钟 左右。使这些有害物质被彻底破坏后才干饮用。
  近来,有些科普文章根据国外的动物试验结果或少数人群的调查资料。宣扬喝牛奶会致癌的观点,对我国居民 造成很大的影响。实际上,这种观点缺乏科学根据,也不合乎我国国情。首先,动物实验中的很多条件与人的饮食 方法截然不同。其结论不能直接推演到人的身上。特殊是这个实验将酪蛋白作为实验大鼠独一的蛋白质来源,在人 类日常生涯中简直不存在这样的饮食结构。咱们喝的牛奶90%以上是水,其中蛋白质含量约3%; 1杯-2杯牛奶所含的蛋白质仅为7.5g-15g,只占人体每天蛋白质需要总量的10%-20%。与动物实验中应用100%的酪蛋白完整不同。另外,动物实验是先用黄曲霉毒素引发癌症,再使用大批 酪蛋白促进黄曲霉毒素的致癌作用,并不是酪蛋白直接引发癌症。因此,将此实验论断说成“喝牛奶致癌”是过错 的推断。
  另一方面,国外科学家的试验和调查主要是针对西方国度居民牛奶摄人量过多的问题而设计的,与我国居民饮 食的实际情形有实质的差别。欧美国家牛奶消费量平均超过每人每年300kg,而我国居民只有2 1.7kg,相差15倍之多。
  因此,发达国家膳食指南的目标是减少一些牛奶摄人量。如《2005年美国膳食指南》建议9岁以上儿童及 成人每天食用700mL脱脂或低脂牛奶或者乳制品,比他们目前的平均摄入水平大略降低20%:而我国则必须 鼎力提倡增加奶类的摄人量。2007年的《中国居民膳食指南》把奶类食物推荐量由1997年的100g增加 到当初的300g,比目前的平均摄人量大概增加3倍。即便依照目前推荐的饮奶量也仅仅达到世界的平均水平。 仍低于美国推荐量的一半,所以没有必要担忧牛奶适量对健康的影响。
  营养宣教工作必须根据营养科学的最新研究结果,特别是要联合本国居民膳食营养状况的调查资料,能力达到 领导大众实现平衡膳食合理营养的目的。把少数实验结果不加剖析地进行普遍宣传,以至在社会上引起曲解是一种 不尊敬科学、不负义务的行为,应该摒弃。
  四、 常吃适量的鱼、禽、蛋和瘦肉
  鱼、禽、蛋和瘦肉均属于动物性食物,是人类优质蛋白、脂类、脂溶性维生素、B族维生素和矿物质的良好起 源,是均衡膳食的主要组成局部。动物性食物中蛋白质不仅含量高,而且氨基酸组成更合适人体需要,尤其富含赖 氨酸和蛋氨酸,如与谷类或豆类食物搭配食用,可显明施展蛋白质互补作用:但动物性食物正常都含有一定量的饱 和脂肪和胆固醇.摄人过多可能增长患血汗管病的危险性。
  鱼类脂肪含量一般较低,且含有较多的多不饱和脂肪酸,有些海产鱼类富含二十碳五烯酸(EPA)和二十二 碳六烯酸(DHA),对预防血脂异常和心脑血管病等有一定作用。禽类脂肪含量也较低,且不饱和脂肪酸含量较 高,其脂肪酸组成也优于畜类脂肪。蛋类富含优质蛋白质,各种营养成分比较齐全,是很经济的优质蛋白质来源。 畜肉类一般含脂肪较多,能量高,但瘦肉脂肪含量较低,铁含量高且利用率好。肥肉和荤油为高能量和高脂肪食物 ,摄人过多往往会引起肥胖,并且是某些慢性病的危险因素。应该少吃。
  目前我国部分城市居民食用动物性食物较多,尤其是食人的猪肉过多,应调剂肉食结构,恰当多吃鱼、禽肉, 减少猪肉摄人。相当一部分城市和多数农村居民平均吃动物性食物的量还不够,应适当增加。推荐成人每日摄人量 :鱼虾类50g-1 00g,畜禽肉类50g-75g,蛋类25g-50g。
  鱼类蛋白质含量为15%-22%。平均18%左右。鱼类蛋白质的氨基酸组成一般较为平衡,与人体需要亲近,利用率较高。脂肪含量约为 1%-10%。平均5%左右,不同鱼种含脂肪量有较大差异。鱼类脂肪多由不饱和脂肪酸组成。单不饱和脂肪酸主要是 棕榈油酸和油酸,多不饱和脂肪酸主要由亚油酸、亚麻酸、二十碳五烯酸(EPA)和二十二碳六烯酸(DHA) 组成。碳水化合物的含量较低,约1.5%左右,主要存在形式为糖原。
  鱼肉含有必定数目的维生素A、D、E,维生素B2和烟酸等的含量也较高,而维生素C含量则很低。鱼油和 鱼肝油是维生素A和维生素D的
  除鱼类外,其他水产动物还包括甲壳类和软体动物类,主要有虾、蟹、贻贝、扇贝、牡蛎、章鱼、乌贼等。其 蛋白质含量多数在15%左右,尤以河蟹、对虾、章鱼等较高。脂肪和碳水化合物含量较低。维生素含量与鱼类近 似,有些含有较多的维生素A、烟酸和维生素E。矿物质含量多在1.0%一1.5%,其中钙、钾、钠、铁、锌 、碘、硒、铜等含量丰富。一般每100g的钙含量多在150mg以上,其中河虾高达325mg;微量元素以 硒的含量最为丰富;牡蛎、扇贝中锌含量较高;铁的含量以河蚌和田螺为最高。
  禽类食品指鸡、鸭、鹅等的肌肉及其制品,可加工烹制成各种美味佳肴,是一类食用价值很高的食物。禽肉蛋 白质含量为16%-20%,其中鸡肉和鹌鹑肉的蛋白质含量较高,约达20%;鹅肉约18%,鸭肉相对较低,约16%;心、肝、 肾等内脏器官的蛋白质含量略低于肌肉,在14%-16%。禽类蛋白质的氨基酸组成与鱼类相似,与人体需要接近,利用率较高。禽肉脂肪含量差别较大,火鸡和鹌 鹑的脂肪含量在3%左右,鸡和鸽子在9%-14%之间,鸭和鹅达20%左右,ghd iv purple。不饱和脂肪酸中以单不饱和脂肪酸为主,多不饱和脂肪酸比例较低。胆固醇含量在肝中较高,一般 每1 00g为350mg
  左右,约是肌肉中含量的3倍。禽类可提供多种维生素,重要以维生素A和B族维生素为主.内脏含量比肌肉 中多,肝脏中含量最多。禽类含有多种矿物质,内脏含量广泛高于肌肉。其中铁主要以血红素情势存在,消化吸收 率很高。鸭肝含铁最为丰富,每100g达23mg。
  蛋类包括鸡蛋、鸭蛋、鹅蛋、鹌鹑蛋、鸽蛋及其加工制成的咸蛋、松花蛋等。蛋类的营养素含量不仅丰富,而 且品质也很好,是营养价值很高的食物。
  不同种类的蛋类,其营养成分大抵相同。各种蛋类的蛋白质含量相似,全蛋为12%左右,蛋黄高于蛋清。加 工成咸蛋或松花蛋后,无明显变更。蛋类蛋白质氨基酸组成与人体需要最为靠近,营养价值很高,优于其他动物性 蛋白。鸡蛋中脂肪含量约10%-15%。98%的脂肪存在于蛋黄中。蛋清中含脂肪极少。蛋黄中的脂肪消化吸收率
  高。蛋黄中维生素含量非常丰富,且种类较为齐全,包括所有的B族维生素、维生素A、维生素D、维生素E 、维生素K和微量的维生素C。鸭蛋和鹅蛋的维生素含量总体而言略高于鸡蛋。矿物质主要存在于蛋黄部分,蛋清 部分含量较低。蛋黄中含矿物质为1.0%一1.5%。其中钙、磷、铁、锌、硒等含量丰富。蛋类中碳水化合物 含量较低。蛋黄是磷脂的极好来源,所含卵磷脂具有降低血胆固醇的效果,并能促进脂溶性维生素的吸收。胆固醇 集中在蛋黄,其中鹅蛋黄含量最高,每100g达1696mg,其次是鸭蛋黄,鸡蛋黄每100g也达1510 mg,鹌鹑蛋最低。蛋黄中铁的生物利用率较低,仅为3%左右。
  畜肉类包含猪、牛、羊等的肌肉、内脏及其制品。畜肉的肌色较深.呈暗红色,故有“红肉”之称;而禽肉及 水产动物的肉色较浅,呈白色,故又称“白肉”。畜肉类富含蛋白质、脂类、维生素A、B族维生素及铁、锌等矿 物质。因畜类动物的种类、年纪、肥瘦水平以及部位不同,其营养成分差异很大。畜肉的蛋白质含量 普通为10%-20%,其氨基酸组成与人体须要较濒临,营养价值較高。牛羊肉蛋白质含量个别为
  20%。要高于猪肉(13.2%)。畜肉中猪肉脂肪含量最高,平均为18%,羊肉次之,牛肉最低。但牛 羊肉的脂肪组成以饱和脂肪酸为主,其中主要是棕榈酸和硬脂酸。应注意的是,同样是瘦肉但脂肪含量差别较大, 如牛里脊肉中脂肪含量为0.9%,而猪里脊肉中脂肪可达7.9%。畜类肝脏除富含蛋白质和脂类外,维生素A 、B族维生素含量和铁的含量也很高。每l 00g羊肝和牛肝中维生素A含量可达2万微克以上。畜类内脏都含有较高水平的胆固醇,以脑为最高,每100 g脑中含2400mg以上,其他脏器在300mg左右,是瘦肉的2倍一3倍;畜肉中铁主要以血红素形式存在 ,有较高的生物利用率。
  鱼、禽、蛋、肉是一类营养价值很高的食物,其中每类食物所含的营养成分都有各自的特点,因此需合理挑选 ,充足利用。鱼、禽类即西方国家所称的“白肉”,与畜肉比较,脂肪含量相对较低,不饱和脂肪酸含量较高,特 别是鱼类,含有较多的多不饱和脂肪酸,对预防血脂异常和心脑血管疾病等具有重要作用,因此宜作 为首选食物。
  目前我国居民肉类摄人依然以猪肉为主,平均每日摄人量为50.8g占畜、禽肉总量的64.6%。因为猪 肉的脂肪含量较高,饱和脂肪酸较多,不利于心脑血管病、超重、肥胖等疾病的防备,因而应降低其摄人比例。瘦 肉中脂肪含量绝对较低,因此倡导吃瘦肉。
  蛋类的营养价值较高,蛋黄中维生素跟矿物资含量丰盛,且品种较为齐全,所含卵磷脂存在下降血胆固醇的作 用。但蛋黄中的胆固醇含量较高,不宜过多食用,畸形成人逐日可吃一个(鸡)蛋。动物肝脏中脂溶性维生素、B 族维生素和微量元素含量丰硕,适量食用可改良我国居民维生素A、维生素B2等营养欠佳的状态。 但脑、肾、
  烹调是通过加热和调制,将食物原料制成菜肴的操作过程。蛋类常常采用的烹调方法是煮、炒、蒸等,在加工 过程中营养素损失得未几。但是蛋类不宜适度加热,否则会使蛋白质过火凝固,甚至变硬变韧,影响口感及消化吸 收。鱼类和其他水产动物常采用的烹调方法有煮、蒸、烧、炒、熘等。煮对蛋白质起部分水解作用,对脂肪影响不 大,但会使水溶性维生素和矿物质溶于水中,因此汤汁不宜抛弃。蒸时食物与水接触比煮要少,所以可溶性营养素 的丧失也比较少。烧有红烧、白烧、干烧等之分,对营养素的影响与水煮相似。
  畜、禽肉的烹调方法较多,如炒、烧、爆、炖、蒸、熘、焖、炸、熏、煨等。炒的方法在我国使用最为普遍, 其中滑炒和爆炒在炒前一般要挂糊上浆,对营养素有掩护作用。炖是对某些老、韧、硬的原料用慢火长时间进行加 热。使食物酥烂脱骨、醇
  浓肥香的一种烹调方式。焖也是采取小火长时间加热使原料成熟的办法。在炖和焖的加工进程中,可使蛋白质 稍微变性,纤维软化,胶原蛋白变为可溶性白明胶,使人体更易消化接收,但因为加工过程中加热时光较长,也可 使一些对热不稳固的维生素
  食物在烹调时受到的损失是不可能完全避免的,但如果采用一些保护性办法,则能使菜肴保留更多的营养素。 如用淀粉或鸡蛋上浆挂糊,岂但可使原料中的水分和营养素不致大量溢出,减少损失,而且不会因高温使蛋白质过 度变性、维生素大量分解破坏。又如加醋,有的维生素有耐酸不耐碱的特征,因此在菜肴中放些醋也可起到保护这 些维生素的作用。醋还能使原料中的钙溶出。增加钙的吸收。在食物制造中尽量避免油炸和烟熏。
  饱和脂肪酸是指不含双键的脂肪酸。在食物中,饱和脂肪酸的碳链长度主要为8个-1 8个碳原子,分别为中碳链脂肪酸(8:0和10:0)、月桂酸(12:0)、豆蔻酸(14:0)、棕榈酸( 16:0)和硬脂酸(18:0)。动物性食物所含的脂肪中,饱和脂肪酸占40%-60%,主要为棕榈酸和硬脂酸,它们分别构成饱和脂肪酸的60%和25%左右。
  饱和脂肪酸与其他脂肪酸一样,除了构成人体组织外,重要的生理功效是提供能量。膳食饱和脂肪酸摄人量明 显影响血脂水平。有证据表明,血脂水平升高,特别是血清胆固醇水平的升高是动脉粥样硬化的重要因素,而膳食 中饱和脂肪酸则是增加血清胆固醇升高的主要脂肪酸,故世界卫生组织建议膳食中饱和脂肪酸提供的能量应低于膳 食总能量的10%。
  不同类型的饱和脂肪酸对血脂的影响不尽相同:棕榈酸增加血清LDL-胆固醇和总胆固醇水平的作用最为明显,其次为月桂酸和豆蔻酸,目前已将月桂酸、豆蔻酸和棕榈酸三种脂肪酸列 入升高胆固醇水平的名单中。硬脂酸对升高血清胆固醇或LDL一胆固醇的作用不明显,其起因可能与硬脂酸在体 内迅速改变为油酸有关。
  根据2002年中国居民营养与健康状况考察资料显示,目前我国居民均匀每尺度人日动物性食物的摄人量为 132g,其中猪肉50.8g,其他畜肉9.2g,动物内脏4.7g,禽肉13.9g,蛋类23.7g,鱼 类24.8g,虾蟹类4.8g。城市和农村居民动物性食物的摄人量差别较大,城市为182.5g,农村为1 12.5g,相差70g。各类动物性食物摄人城市居民均高于农村,畜、禽肉类的摄人量城市为104.5g, 农村为68.7g;鱼、虾类摄人量城市为44.9g,农村为23.7g;蛋类摄人量城市为33.2g,乡村 为20g。动物性食物摄人的形成,猪肉占38.5%(城市33%,农村42%),其他畜肉占7%(城市8. 5%,农村6%),禽肉占10.5%(城市12.4%,农村9.4%),蛋类占18%(城市18.2%,农 村17.8%),鱼虾类占22.4%(城市24.6%,农村21%)。我国居民各类动物性食物的消费率比拟 ,以猪肉的花费率最高,而后顺次为蛋类、鱼类、禽肉、其他畜肉、动物内脏、虾蟹类。城市居民各类动物性食物 的消费率均高于农村,相差10个百分点左右。
  胆固醇是环戊烷多氢菲的衍生物,它以游离或酯的状态存在于所有动物组织中O人体内的胆固醇主要有两个来 源:一是内源性的,主要是由肝脏利用乙酸及其前体合成,是人体内胆固醇的主要来源;二是外源性的,即机体从 食物中吸收而来。
  胆固醇的生理意思可演绎如下:①参加细胞膜和神经纤维的组成;②内分泌腺合成类固醇激素的原料,如性激 素、肾上腺皮质激素等;③在人体内形成7-脱氢胆固醇,经日光中的紫外线照耀,转变成维生素D3;④造成胆酸盐乳化脂肪,促进脂肪的消化;⑤启动T细 胞天生IL-2;⑥有助于血管壁的修复和坚持完全,若血清胆固醇含量偏低,血管壁会变得懦弱,有可能引起脑出血。另外, 国外的一些研究显示,胆固醇水平过低可能影响人的心理健康,造成性情转变,也可能使产生某些恶性肿瘤的危险 性增加。
  但是过多地摄人胆固醇,可引起血脂程度升高。有研讨表明,膳食胆固醇升高血清胆固醇的作用与饱和脂肪酸 摄人量有亲密关联。雷同量的膳食胆固醇,在饱和脂肪酸摄人量高者比饱和脂肪酸摄人量低者.其升高血清胆固醇 的作用要强。近年研究表明,本身脂肪代谢对血中胆固醇的影响要弘远于膳食中胆固醇摄人的影响。为了避免膳食 胆固醇过多引起的不良影响,建议每日摄人的膳食胆固醇不宜超过300mg。假如是高血脂者,则应严厉限度, 每日摄人量应不超过200mg。
  脂肪是人体能量的重要来源之一,并可提供必须脂肪酸,有利于脂溶性维生素的消化吸收,然而脂肪摄人过多 是引起肥胖、高血脂、动脉粥样硬化等多种慢性疾病的危险因素之一,
  膳食盐的摄人量过高与高血压的患病率密切相干。2002年中国居民营养与健康状况调查结果显示,我国城 乡居民平均每天摄人烹调油42g,已远高于1 997年《中国居民膳食指南》的推举量25g。每天食盐平均摄人量为12g,是世界卫生组织建议值的2.4 倍。同时相关慢性疾病患病率敏捷增加。与1992年比拟,成年人超重回升了39%,肥胖上升了97%,高血 压患病率增加了31%。食用油和食盐摄人过多是我国城乡居民独特存在的营养问题。
  为此,建议我国居民应养成吃油腻少盐膳食的习惯,即膳食不要太油腻,不要太咸,不要摄食过多的动物性食 物和油炸、烟熏、腌制食物。建议每人每天烹调油用量不超过25g或30g;食盐摄人量不超过6g,包括酱油 、酱菜、酱中的食盐量。
  烹调油是提供人们所需脂肪的重要来源,包括植物油和动物油。动物油含脂肪90%左右,还含有胆固醇。植 物油一般含脂肪99%以上。不含胆固醇,且是我国居民维生素E的重要
  来源,dylan george jeans
  脂肪是人体的重要组成成分。一个健康成人体重的14%-19%是脂肪组织,它维护着我们身材的所有脏器,皮下脂肪组织能维持体温恒定。脂类还是构成大脑、神经系统 的主要成分,并和人类的生养能力有重要关系。脂溶性维生素A、D、E、K的吸收利用也离不开脂 肪。
  经烹调油烹制的食物不仅由生变熟,改善口味,还能增进食欲和增添饱腹感。所以,烹调油是日常饮食不可缺 乏的食品之一。
  提醒:必需脂肪酸是指人体不能自身合成,必须由食物供给的脂肪酸,如亚油酸和α-亚麻酸等。机体如果长期缺乏必需脂肪酸,会影响机体免疫力、伤口愈合、视力、脑功能以及心血管 的健康。
  人们日常食用的烹调油包括植物油和动物性脂肪,由于二者脂肪酸的种类不同.对健康的影响也不同。总体上 动物脂肪中饱和脂肪酸和胆固醇含量高应少吃。
  在脂肪酸构造中,有一个不饱和键的称作单不饱和脂肪酸,有两个以上不饱和键的称作多不饱和脂肪酸。依据 不饱和化学键的地位不同,又能够分成n-9、n-6和n-3系脂肪酸。
  n-9系脂肪酸以油酸为代表,有降低血胆固醇、甘油三酯和低密度脂蛋白(坏胆固醇LDL),升高高密度脂蛋白( 好胆固醇HDI.)的作用。N-6系列脂肪酸以亚油酸为代表,n-3系列脂肪酸以亚麻酸为代表,属于必须从食物中提供的必需脂肪酸。亚麻酸在体内可以衍生出二十碳五烯酸(E PA)和二十二碳六烯酸(DHA),这两种脂肪酸是婴儿视力和大脑发育不可缺少的,长期缺乏对调节注意力和 认知才能有不良影响。同时,这两种脂肪酸在体内具备降血脂、改善血液轮回、克制血小板凝聚、阻抑动脉粥样硬 化斑块和血栓构成的作用,对心血管疾病有良好的防治后果。
  大豆油、花生油、菜籽油、玉米油、芝麻油、棉籽油、橄榄油等,由于脂肪酸构成的不同,又各具营养特点。 橄榄油、油茶籽油的单不饱和脂肪酸含量较高。菜籽油中含有较多可能对健康不利的芥酸。玉米油、葵花子油则富 含亚油酸。大豆油则富含两种必需脂肪酸一亚油酸和α-亚麻酸。这两种必需脂肪酸具有降低血脂、胆固醇及促进孕期胎儿大脑的生长发育的作用。此外,菜籽油,尤其是 低芥酸菜籽油也富含单不饱和脂肪酸及亚油酸,还含有一定量的α-亚麻酸。由此看来,单一油种的脂肪酸构成不同,营养特点也不同,因此应时常调换烹调油的种类,食用多种植物 油。
  高脂肪、高胆固醇膳食(包括摄人过多的烹调油和动物脂肪)是高脂血症的危险因素。长期血脂异样可引起脂 肪肝、动脉粥样硬化、冠心病、脑卒中、肾动脉硬化、肾性高血压、胰腺炎、胆囊炎等疾病。高脂肪膳食也是发生 肥胖的主要原因,而肥胖是糖尿病、高血压、血脂异常、动脉粥样硬化和冠心病的独破危险因素。因此,脂肪摄人 过多的危害为人们普遍认识。世界卫生组织推荐合理膳食模式脂肪的供能比为20%-30%,不宜超过30%。根据我国居民能量实际摄人盘算,一般成年人每日能量摄人量为7535kJ-10884kJ(1 800keal-2600keal),按提供能量不超
  过30%的上限计,是60g-85g脂肪。食物中脂肪的绝大部分来源于动物性食物、豆类、坚果和烹调油,目前我国城乡居民从动物性食物和 豆类食品中摄人的脂肪已接近40g,以平衡膳食宝塔中7535kJ一10884kJ(1800 keal-2600keal)能量水平各组中合理的动物性食物与豆类食品摄人量来计算,其脂肪摄人量为30g-50g,只有通过烹调油摄人量的脂肪不超过25g或30g,才能吻合膳食中脂肪提供能量为25%-30%的这个合理膳食的基本要求。如果食物中动物性脂肪的摄人量较低,可适当增加烹调油的摄人量。
  【提示】协调油又称调合油,它是根据使用需要,一般是将两种或两种以上成品植物油调配制成契合人体使用 需要的油脂。一般选用精炼花生油、大豆油、菜籽油等为主要原料,还可配有精炼过的玉米胚油、小麦胚油、米糠 油、油茶籽油等特种油。从营养学角度看,折衷油应根占有利于人体健康的准则。通过选择不同种类植物油,合理 配比脂肪酸种类和含量。
  逐渐富饶起来的我国居民,仿佛已经习惯于无控制地用烹调油烹制食物,我国居民平均每标准人日烹调油消费 量为41.6g,其中植物油32.9g,动物油8.7g。农村和城市总消费量相差不大,农村居民动物油消费 量高于城市。大城市居民烹调油高于平均量。城市和农村植物油20年间消费量增加了20g以上。
  每天25g或30g烹调油使习惯于大量用油的人顾此失彼,建议用以下方法可用有限的烹调油烹制出厚味佳 肴:
  (1)合理取舍有利于健康的烹调方法,是减少烹调油的首选方法。烹调食物时尽可能不必烹调油或用很少量 烹调油的方法,如蒸、煮、炖、焖、水滑熘、拌、急火快炒等。用煎的方法代替炸也可减少烹调油的 摄人。
  (2)保持家庭定量用油,把持总量。可将全家每天应当食用的烹调油倒人一量具内,炒菜用油均从该量具内 取用。逐渐养成习惯,久之,培育成自发的行动,对防治慢性疾病大有利益。
  在油脂的化学结构中,脂肪酸的氢原子散布在不饱和键的同侧。称作顺式脂肪酸;反之,氢原子在不饱和键的 两侧,称作反式脂肪酸。常用植物油的脂肪酸均属于顺式脂肪酸。植物油部门氢化产生反式脂肪酸。如氢化油脂、 人造黄油、起酥油等。为了避免动物脂肪对健康的不利,在欧美曾风行人造黄油取代天然黄油,膳食中反式脂肪酸 摄人量增加。有研究表明,反式脂肪酸摄人量多时可升高下密度脂蛋白,降低高密度脂蛋白,增加患动脉粥样硬化 和冠心病的危险性。还有研究表明,反式脂肪酸可烦扰必需脂肪酸代谢,可能影响儿童的成长发育及神经体系健康 。跟着对反式脂肪酸迫害的意识,欧美等国家对反式脂肪酸加以制约,划定膳食中反式脂肪酸提供能量的比例不超 过总能量的2%。如妇女将反式脂肪酸摄人量降至占总能量的2%,可使冠心病的危险性降落53%。由于膳食模 式不同,我国居民膳食中反式脂肪酸目前摄人量远低于欧美等国家,膳食中反式脂肪酸提供能量的比例未超过总能 量2%的水平,尚不足以到达对机体产生伤害的程度。但是也应尽可能少吃富含氢化油脂的食物。

Ue9eg9lrc1bh 05-24-2011 12:17 AM

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skating rink, is sixteen years of Soviet warm favorite entertainment. H crowd trouble, wanton screaming, the free skating. The main reason is that when he took his taxi, she knew doomed. -

Screen that meets A Midsummer Night Hsu, Su-breaking warm years that the family had just come out, a man crouched in the corner shivering. Xu screen and a group of teenagers dressed punks just out of Internet cafes, after the Soviet Union around the warm years, a man cried: How in the street crying, could there have been refused the right! Remarks that the people roared with laughter, warm in the Soviet Union raised his head,ugg ムートンブーツ, his eyes red, like a rabbit, and recognized the school feared that a group of gangs, open your mouth only said one word -

Prior to this, Xu screen from time to time to see her, see her holding the job from his classroom after this, the eye does not oblique stare, side faces quiet. This look at her eyes red from crying, to hold fast to their position full preparedness. Xu screen back around Oh brother, pulled the Soviet Union in the cold hands warm to go ice skating rink. In a little warm at first shocked the Soviet Union, desperately struggling but stubborn refused to call for sound. Xu curtain back, said: Soft voice, smiling clean, warm temperatures came the palm side, the Soviet Union warm years like: Think this will quiet down and let him pull himself to run. -

To the skating rink, loud music, Guihouguijiao the crowd, so when a good student of the Soviet Union ten years, warm up in fear, there can not help to shrink the shrink Xu screen. Xu screen aware of her transactions, comfort her, said: Su warm years have looked at this bully dressed very handsome boy, perhaps, a lot of things and not the surface is so unified it, such as sadness, he said the tone of these words, at least not look like that he does not care. -

Night, even if the screen took her promise, the Soviet Union fell warm years, or has been, she is intentional. Fell last hold their piercing cry, she said with a bitter chamber: live in pain, either deliberately her cry. -

Night, the Soviet Union began to let myself warm years, she divorced her parents who do not like a person moving to live in a small rented. Xu screen at her supple cropped hair, dyed bright red. Looking at her paintings heavy makeup, playing sixteen pierced ears. Looked at her truancy, fighting, foul language songjang. She shook her head teachers are all silent, the students were her arm's length. Everyone loved her from a beautiful girl into a bad girl that everyone hated. -

Former Soviet Union on how clean and warm, long hair, beautiful smile, performance stuff, as she looks like that is cursed of God's favor. She would declare in a guy is blushing with her soft-spoken and said -

Xu screen watched her change, he discouraged too, can be fierce, stubborn warm on how to change the Soviet Union, her ferocious, said: . Xu screen sigh, silly girl, you are warm like the jade woman, so why torture yourself. Xu screen know that this girl looks fierce rebellion, in fact, than anyone else kind. Stray cats on the street will see a wonderful reflection of his own small house, named for the small warm. She said: -

Su warm years but ignored the fact that she and her friends can only promise the word screen representative. Xu screen does not speak like her, the Soviet Union is proud of warm years, girls can not be reserved for her mouth to say they like him, and she is convinced that acts like her promise. -

Or he would not fight, she and others, rushed down the block that hit off the bench. -

Or he would not sleep in her middle of the night,UGG ブーツ 格安, just a phone call she would drive sleep, chat with her one night. -

Or he will not see on the streets when, and full of other families and when he gets out her hand to stop her heart hurt to see this picture. He knows her, knows her duplicity, to understand his duplicity. Crazy drunk with them, along with publicity youth. -

Warm, but the Soviet Union until the third year from high school last semester, until the late summer there is. When the end of the summer to find her, still a bad girl to dress warm in the Soviet Union, is a shop in a street shop for the day after tomorrow birthday gift selection screen promise. Passed a clothing store, the Soviet Union was a warm chest printed with a little left of the white shirt attracts fox, the little fox quietly squatting, eyes infinitely sad, she suddenly remembered the junior high school to see that the little prince The book, which made her sad for the dog days of such love that only a small fox, and much like the present. In the Soviet Union out of warm clothing,UGG オーストラリア, carrying pieces of TV drama with black bags filled with clothes. See the block in front of their own that wear white dress, tall stature, rouge is not applied but stunning beauty of the girls. Inexplicable exclusion of the heart up, she narrowed his eyes and asked: -

Sunny May weather, warm years but feel like the Soviet Union fell into through the ice as cold. She screamed: Shook his head in front of girls, a look of sympathy, saying: Su warm years you call it, listen to other people that you promised screen all day turn around, very shameless ah. Zhefan vicious words, but it is out in late summer with a smile. -

Su warm years is not good in this class, see the end of the summer askew Moreover, the winner of the face, a slap in the face slap in the late summer white face, mouth also swore: Who did you do ah the birds. Do not see across the street that ran from Hsu screen, so the smiling face in late summer, warm in the Soviet Union a loud slap, and her sentence who did you a bird I do ah, all fall into the promised curtain eyes, the ears hear. -

Su warm the heart but in words that girlfriend bleeding thorn, turned around, saw the promise screen cold face. All of a sudden warming of the Soviet Union was kept open mouth mouth but was just about to explain the screen at once promised to the ground, hands the bag was thrown aside, the Soviet Union watched him warm in the summer of tension in his arms to ask: . -

Against the wall crying pale pear late summer rain shook his head to Fusu warm years, the hand is severely pinch to her waist down, the Soviet Union, ah warm sound of pain quickly open the end of the summer, but do not own homeopathic against the wall in late summer. Su warm years at the time in a rage, break scolded: Xu screen before your eyes are angry face: Why do you beat her? She ah! Back end of the summer, his face still pale terrible, but face with a laugh. Su warm years have to admire her amazing acting, can suddenly become sick looking white. Su warm years slowly stood up, picked up the clothes murmured: -

On the study, the phone shook the Soviet Union is a warm note of the little prince looked at the phone number is the message: In the Soviet Union did not wait until the school warm, she thought maybe their own promise to apologize to the screen is, so the number of teacher checked the front foot left, she rushed out of classrooms on the back foot. Do not want to be transferred to the same end of the summer school stopped, the Soviet Union in oblique gaze warm her: Summer anger against laugh: -

Severely Su warm years, said: You wicked woman! Summer princess laughed: Full of warm years the momentum of the Soviet Union: -

To the skating rink, is boiling the human voice, and Sue came to the warm west of skilled corner Sure enough sitting there see Hsu screen head down, fingers tucked smoke issue stars, red, colorful light from his yellow hair had highlights, and exceptionally good-looking. She cried softly: Xu screen crashed looks up and warm in the Soviet Union. Sipping thin lips, not words, Su Xu screen slide around on warm, Xu won the hands of the smoke screen, forced into the lungs, long promised screen gently spit in the face. Xu diffuse curtain of smoke obscured the face, but the Soviet Union, or to capture the warm years flash of his eyes could not bear. -

Warm Xu said curtain back on it I'll teach you, no other answer to the Soviet Union pulled up in her warm hand slid into a skating rink. Xu screen is always warm hand, so warm in the Soviet Union was very reassuring. Warm in the former Soviet Union, Xu screen in the post. Round and round, then warm in the Soviet Union wanted to, so if we can ever hold this hand, this is her most beautiful world of myth. But the promise has long been used to hold the hand of screen a gentle beautiful late summer, late summer such as the confiscation of her two years of higher status Xu screen. -

Skating rink when fewer people come the same time, the Soviet Union could warm himself in too slowly retreated, during which she did not fall once. -

Xu screen beside a sudden smile, sad eyes, is endless, he said: : -

Blue flash, the Soviet Union to force yourself to laugh and warm years replied he shouted: Stubborn girl looked up and said: Tomorrow night I am -

Su warm look of pain on look at the front of the boy, tough asked: a child, the responsibility for the things you've done. Late summer is a good girl, she does not do you what. Su forced back tears warm years, said: You go! -

Soviet Union continued to warm back on a person, the speed has increased several times. Finally, turn his back severely fell to the floor, she slowly got up and shrink into a corner, with two thin arms to hold fast to their own, the tears, drop by drop fell on the ground. Xu screen, I still can not wait until your sentence, can get into your heart, sixteen that summer you hold my hand, I thought it was toward the happiness of heaven, no one thought was awful hell fall . -

Xu screen in late summer birthday at the bye, the Soviet Union across a group of people in warm light of her smile. Xu screen for everyone to have fun pouring, and the atmosphere lively. I do not know who told a cry to sing Su warm years, the Soviet Union refuse, but only warm years on stage, accompanied by sounds, the crowd is still loud, but when the Soviet Union with a pure clean, warm sound of singing met Stefanie, everyone mutual quiet. -

Su warm look of pleasure in looking at Hsu screen, singing singing voice cried out, and found you really are my most beautiful accident. In wiping away his tears turned to the Soviet Union and did not see the warm, dense retinal tears Xu screen. Applause, Su Xu warm curtain of a smile came around, took out a box packed with clothes on screen Xu said: Xu took her into his arms gently screen, attracted around screaming, then release the Soviet people around the warm state of play on the phone. -

Su looked sitting next to the warm late summer in the black with a face,ugg, pick up the table in front of a glass of red wine come late summer, late summer that she wanted to respect their own wine, but also reach out did not hit the glass, the Soviet Union poured the wine to warm in their body, in late summer screamed in fear, we are shocked, stunned watching this short hair cut with messy red, silver earrings gleaming white girls. She said: -


Front screen is a sad face and promised bloodshot eyes, turned around and gently warm years the Soviet Union, said: Do you want me responsible, I paid. Similarly, you hit me for this woman a slap, I would stubbornly keep in mind. Finished, decisively away, did not look back, because she was afraid the tears will flow in the face of the little remaining dignity she lost. -

That night, warm in the Soviet Union first met as sixteen year-old Xu screen as piercing cry. That slap break her heart, but not to destroy her thoughts on the promise screen. That she loves the boy more than two full years for a truly wicked woman gave her a slap in the face, and said how she is so evil, this is how sad thing. -

Next morning, take the earliest years of the Soviet Union and other warm next plane left Guangzhou. Aircraft take to the skies break through the gas field, the Soviet Union under the warm look that is familiar in the city, tears streaming down sunglasses in slow motion. Xu screen, I think I still did not mature enough to forgive you for hitting me a slap in late summer, so now I leave, you give me a bitter happiness! -

The plane, waiting for a long time to see the father, the Soviet Union suddenly let go of the warm years, he really can not go it decadent. Although my parents divorced, and yet to love themselves, but he was too headstrong. Since then,UGG AUSTRALLIA, Su warm tall in the southern city of a thousand miles across the ancient Beijing, remove the earrings, has played a long hair and return to the previous good shape. Quiet class, college entrance, college. Perhaps love is like the young flowers just opening up, can not withstand a flood of wind and rain. -

Just did not expect the Soviet Union but also warm in case of late summer in Beijing, April 18, 2010. Because the foot falls a full medicine was admitted to the hospital, a door to see the end of the summer wearing ill come sleep in her clothes next to the bed, looking muscular yellow, no trace of life. Clean end of the summer to see the long hair girl, tears to flow down, and she repeatedly said: Su watched and wept in the warm late summer, the heart has not a trace of resentment. She shook her head and said: Who would have thought the end of summer more loudly cried, she tore a sound dumb: -

Days of the Soviet Union was suddenly in the warm dark, ears, only the phrase, Xu screen died. She smiled and said: This joke is not funny it! However, generally filled with tears like a spring, late summer over there and cried: to your downstairs shouting your name, and he said you one day you will be him. But you made no appearance a week ago, he did not know anybody actually seen you in Qinghai you to immediately catch the train to Qinghai, but that occurred four days before the earthquake, he was a Yushu temple temple was found, who was also wearing a birthday, you send the white shirt. Do you know why he would choose not to shield me? Because I am ill, no cure of leukemia. My back is because of this disease, I was already There is no love, is Xu screen for me too, let me boil down a little bit. But I know he likes you, very, very much. But you know what? I grew up with him, on his total as much as you like, I'm afraid he'll break up with me, so you drive away, it hurt him! -

Warm in the Soviet Union did not think that he has misunderstood the truth is so hurt. -

Discharge in late summer to warmer years, Hsu Su-screen blog address. She said that my days are numbered, soon be able to accompany Xu screen, but you must be a good warm years, this is a promise of hope curtain soul in heaven. Su warm gently hugged in the love with a boy with his girl broke down in tears. -

Su warm years at home, turn on the computer screen into Xu's blog home page to see their own small holding warm the lonely looking sky profile, underneath the words: Fox, take me back when you love? Warm years, where are you? Warm years, I love you. -

Warm years of suffering and the Soviet Union could not breathe normally. Dear Little Prince, how can I tell you, in fact, never hated you warm. But we always can not be together. -

Dear, If I had died break your hand, strangers to each other nice. So, you will not find my way onto the piece of their lives! -

- Non-original Qinglei QQ: 1360936063

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