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05-18-2011 02:12 PM

  题目:《访中央音乐学院赵薇教授:以母亲的身份教孩子 转载(图)》
  地址: p1.html
  赵薇教授 :1944年生,1955年入中央音乐学院少年班学习,dolce & gabbana frames,1966年大学毕业后留校任教小提琴至今。 现任中央音乐学院教授;中国音乐家协会少儿小提琴教育学会副会长、北京少儿小提琴教育学会会长、中国音乐家 协会考级专家委员会委员。曾任中央音乐学院附中副校长、小提琴学科主任,历届全国少儿小提琴比赛评委会副主 任。
  两次应邀赴加拿大音乐桥国际音乐节任小提琴传授、 2004年1月应邀赴加拿大皇家音乐学院任教学;在中国国民大学、北京大学、中央民族大学、北京艺校等院校 任兼职教授;并应邀先后赴台北、台南、香港及大陆十多个城市讲学。
  荣获中央音乐学院建院五十周年出色贡献奖、北京市教书育人优秀教师奖、文化部“区永熙音乐教育奖”、文 化部优秀领导教师奖。赵薇教授在中央音乐学院任教40年来,先后培养出许多音乐人才,其中一些人已成为中外 职业独奏家、演奏家、教授。她培养的学生高翔、程破、卢伟中、顾文沅、赵坤宇、蒋佺、俞晨、胡莘华、李煜、 金艺花、陈曦、袁泉、薛颖、邹柚、王霄、郝荻森、王冠伟等人在国际、国外小
  提琴比赛及国内最高等别的专业竞赛中获名次奖。其中高翔在美国成为职业独奏家,还兼任特拉华大学终言教 授及硕士生导师;赵坤宇任中国国家交响乐团副首席兼独奏家;张艺任中国芭蕾舞团常任指挥;卢伟中任瑞士伯尔 尼交响乐团二提首席;顾文沅任美国尤他州交响乐团二提首席等。
  赵薇教授除专业教学外,还长期热情下一代素质教育。在少儿小提琴教学上著述颇丰,其中《学琴之路—小提 琴综合教程》由中央音乐学院首次印刷于 1980年,由人民音乐出版社出版于***,受到连续欢迎,已重版17次。赵薇教授的校外课余学生获全国性 少儿小提琴比赛仅第一名就有8人次,获北京市少儿小提琴比赛第一名的有数十人次。
  赵薇教授仍是一位小提琴作曲家,coachhandbag,长期致力于小提琴中国作品的推广和创作,有多部作品获奖并广受喜爱。 1998年在中央音乐学院音乐厅由学院主办了赵薇专场作品音乐会,演出实况及教学辅导VCD曲由环球音像出 版社出版。2004年8月由加拿大温哥华中华文明核心主办,温哥华中国总领事馆、中国音协等协办的《当代中 国小提琴作品演奏会》上,赵薇作为被邀的四位作曲家之一,演奏了她的七首作品,受到普遍赞美。
  赵薇的学术著作已出版数十种,很多种一直再版,其中《儿童与小提琴》一书已被台湾世界文物出版社购得版 权,在台湾再版发行。
  主持人:各位网友大家好,欢送光顾搜狐嘉宾聊天室。今天是周末,我们聊一个轻松的话题——小提琴,搜狐 有幸请到了中央音乐学院赵薇教授,欢迎您!
  主持人:赵薇老师从中心音乐学院毕业之后始终留校任教至今,在学校里面教的都是大学生,是什么起因让您 在以后的教育工作中开端从事少儿提琴教育?
  赵薇:首先因为我爱好孩子,孩子是我们的将来。我记得我很小的时候第一次听到钢琴、小提琴的声音冲动得 不得了,那时候家里很穷,我为了偷偷学,就把家里的窗台用纸画了一个钢琴,每天训练,后来教钢琴的老师发明 之后对我妈说,一定要让这个孩子学音乐。我爸爸说,那都是小姐学的东西,不让我学,认为学数理化才是正途。 后来我们国家办了少年班,由国度出钱来培育音乐人才,所以我才有了以后的学习机遇。我长大以后就暗暗起誓一 定要让那些爱好音乐的孩子都有机会学习。
  其次,音乐素养是人整体素养的一局部,作为音乐学院的老师,音乐素养的普及和进步就像我们的左手和右手 哪个也不能旷废。应该说普及音乐教育面向的是更大的群体,这样对于整个下一代的儿童素质提高,对于整个公民 经济的发展所起的作用可能意思更要深远。我从心底里长短常重视这件事情,而且也不是现在才想起来看重。我在 20多年前80年代初,那时候刚改革开放,人民生涯有了提高,那个时候我就开始写音乐方面的教程,就开始器 重对音乐素养的培养。
  主持人:您是怎么培养孩子们学琴?让他们既快乐又可能学到小提琴方面的知识,寓教于乐的妙方能不能先容 一下?
  赵薇:这个是我想了一辈子的事情,很多人都觉得学小提琴太难了,钢琴一弹就有音了,发音和音准没有这么 困难,可是小提琴不一样,音准很难控制,怎么让孩子很兴奋地学习小提琴?我总结了两个方面,一个是训练要迷 信,不能教孩子错的东西再让他回首。再有一个方面,要懂得儿童的心理学。实际上我在这20多年里做了很多试 验,好比小孩拿弓子多灾受,生活里面根本没有这种动作,我就想用什么办法能让孩子把握,于是我就把手的动作 比作一个老鹰,我做了一首儿歌,“老鹰的嘴包下巴,老鹰的眼睛圆又大,两边翅膀翘起来,尾巴点三下”,后来 又改良了,因为小孩光拿弓子的手放松了,但是胳膊还是没放松,还是提着的,后来让他们搁在沙发的靠背上来练 习,也有一首童谣“称一称有多重”,如果很轻的话“哎呀呀,像小虫”,如果很重的话“哎呀呀,像大熊”,让 两个小朋友之间互相当一称,互相纠正体会这个分量。
  后来我又发现了一个学弓器,手指搁在弓的上面有相应的地位,自然公道,一摆就是准确的姿态。三四岁的小 孩一拿一摆就对了,这种东西都是一点一点揣摩出来的。
  我的很多灵感起源于对孙子的教育,我现在有两个小孙子三四岁,我已经开始让他们玩小提琴,有一坚实让我 领会很深,他们俩不爱吃黄瓜。你跟他们说这个有什么养分你要好好吃,基本没用。成果我爱人说,我跟你们玩一 个游戏叫黄瓜蘸酱1、2,没有了。他们觉得是变戏法,把一盘黄瓜全吃光了。我就在想,我们为什么不能把音乐 教育变得很好玩,于是我后在在教学中也用做游戏的方式,小孩拉琴连站都站不住,我就让他们一个一个来,下面 的孩子给改正:脚站稳,稳了吗?大家说稳了。琴加高,高了吗?高了。弓摆正。音找准,准了吗?准了。有点像 吉利三宝的感觉,唱的时候有一个响应,小孩就很愉快了。等他们拉完两遍也就两三分钟,下来能够 玩别的。
  我们要理解幼儿心理学,三四岁的小孩精神高度集中只有五分钟,不可能超过,你必须在五分钟里面把他该注 意的事情都讲完了,过了五分钟立即放松干别的。我就让他们唱、听、观赏,坐在那儿听老师拉得很好听或者唱, 唱是对他主动的音准,让他打拍子把持节奏,这样的话他不会累。他一会拉一会唱,我们还跳舞,还演戏,很多事 情,他们上课的时候团团转。有太多的办法,都讲不完。
  赵薇:小孩不爱拉琴,你没有契合客观实际,客观实际这个孩子在这么大的时候,他的注意力集中就这么点儿 ,他所感兴趣是那样的东西。你没找到,没吸引他,那是当老师的义务,你应该自我检查。我常常觉得小孩对我是 一种挑衅。
  赵薇:一个是对音乐自身他不喜欢,他可能更喜欢舞蹈或者更喜欢下棋,这个没有关联。学习音乐也是开发他 的智力和情商,音乐就是一种载体。我教的小孩里面不不喜欢音乐的,他们来看了一次之后就吵着要上课,跟妈妈 说下礼拜还要去,是他自己吵着要学,不是家长逼着学的。可能有些孩子不喜欢学习,学什么都不感兴致。四岁到 五岁是人生的第一个转折期,这个转折期是从无意注意到有意注意的转化,一开始小孩坐不住,眼睛看外面,你跟 他什么都听不进去。这个就很合乎他的实际情形,他的生理特色。这个东西原来就应该我们去附和他 ,去琢磨他。
  另外还有一个问题,练琴也是一种意志力的练习,也就是一种非智力品德。留神力集中,保持做一件事情,看 待挫折的才能,克服艰苦的信心、勇气和措施,这个相对是我们应该教他的。我的教学法我自己给它起名“快乐教 学法”,快乐的含义不是说放纵他哄着他让他玩,快乐的含意包括声誉感、长进心,通过他的努力得到了胜利以后 那种成绩感。我管这个叫寻宝、探宝、得宝的快活,寻找法宝通过必定的尽力得到了,他那种快乐那种味道特别好 。一个人毕生就是要在这样快乐战胜难题的进程当中成长的。
  我在培养他们快乐时所用的办法,首先是爱音乐,培养他们的兴趣。同时让他有一个好的品格,这个品格最主 要的就是爱心,对人的爱心,对美好的东西、对艺术的爱。我的那些学生互相之间都是好朋友,而且像一个大家庭 一样。我们学校老师很能体会,他们关系特别好,在一起互相辅助,像一个大家庭一样。这是一种双赢的局面,人 和人之间一种很畸形的***关系,这个关系实际上是一种动力,是学习的动力。另外还要培养他们的学习习惯和 学习方法,没有这个他们学不会,当然也不可能取得快乐。我最近出的这本书,今天刚拿到的《小提 琴根本功口 诀60条》,不是纯洁讲应该怎么样,怎么样是对的,重要的怎样才能把它做对,就像医生发现人家有病太容易了 ,但开好药方治好病就没那么轻易,音不准都能看出来,但纠音就很难。我这本书是讲如何做到基本功,贯彻教学 方法,通过学习学到不是学琴本身学会拉琴,更重要的是学到一种学习方法。
  假如从小养成天天做好必要事情的毅力,养成遵照时间的习惯和打算性,养成分析问题的思维能力和解决问题 的发明精力,能用同样的时光比别人多做一件事,那么他的聪慧就已被大大激发出来,他的情商、智商处在一个较 高的程度,从小敢于迎着困难战,有战胜困难的方法,以后终生无论从事什么职业都会是胜利者,都能得到成功和 幸福,这一点是比教或学会拉小提琴本身还要重要的事情,也是我写这本书的目的。小提琴只是一种载体,通过这 个载体使得他得到全面的发展,我素来不认为那些只有当提琴家的学生是我的自满。在各行各业做出凸起造诣的孩 子都是我的自豪。
  赵薇:对,我特别崇尚爱因斯坦,我家里挂了我爱人画的爱因斯坦的大油画,那个才是我们要教音乐的真理。 爱因斯坦的小提琴拉得非常好,特别是拉莫扎特的协奏曲,还能独奏。他的一些好的创造创培养来自于音乐的灵感 。
  赵薇:对,我盼望在中国造就千千万万各行各业的爱因斯坦,这个对于我们国家的作用可能更大 。
  主持人:你的教学完整是出于对孩子的未来发展的培养,但是据我所知,还有很多教师教学很功利,只是为了 升学比赛,您怎么对待这种现象?
  赵薇:在改造开放以后,这种景象很广泛,虽然我也是考级专家委员会的委员,也是我一起起草的曲目表。现 在现在音乐教育的发展确实违反我们教琴的初衷,所以现在须要我们一起来努力来扭转这种局势。
  主持人:您在教学当中会教很多孩子,每个孩子的个人素质也会有很大差别,您是怎么对待这些差异的?比方 有些孩子反映很慢,有些孩子生成前提不是很好,您对待他们又分辨吗?
  赵薇:孩子肯定都有差距。碰到素质不适很高的孩子,我就想,如果将来我的孙子比他还差怎么办呢?我能把 他扔了吗?我不能!我一定会更努力的挖掘他的潜质,如果我能够想出办法来把这些孩子教好的话,我我的能力就 大大增加了。这些孩子实在是在考我,给我出考题。我能够把所有有困难的学生都教好的话,我觉得未来我再碰到 什么样的困难我都有办法了,这样才是一个优秀的教师。
  赵薇:这个问题要害在于你的起点,你是为了自己的名气生机孩子获奖,还是单纯为了孩子的发展。我希望我 的学生们有个美好的未来,即便是一个弱智孩子也应该占有一个幸福的人生,如果通过我的教学能把他的潜能最大 程度发挥出来,他不是提琴家,但是可以在社会上成为一个很有用的人,他就拥有了幸福的一生,这就我最大的结 果。我永远不从我的嘴里说出你笨这个字,永远不说。遇到反响慢的孩子,我们心里想我怎么这么笨,我怎么没想 出办法来把他教好。
  任何人都要有自己的孩子,你怎么保障你的孩子就是蠢才呢?我跟年青的助教一起做科研名目时说,你们现在 所做的事情最大的沾恩者就是你儿子。我说跟孩子讲话要蹲下,到达跟孩子平等的高度,跟孩子谈话的时候你的眼 神是什么样的,是否让孩子觉得信赖,感到你对他的激励,这些都要训练。我那些助教异常当真在做,就是由于这 都是为儿子来做筹备的。
  主持人:您是从一个母亲的角度动身去当一个好老师的。在你的眼里没有天才和笨孩子,所有的孩子都是一样 的。
  赵薇:我感到就是这样。不论什么样的孩子,残疾也好,弱智也好,都应当领有幸福的人生。咱们所做的事件 就是把他们的潜能最大水平施展出来,他的幸福就是对我最大的回报,这是第一个层面。第二个层面,我认为所谓 才能高才能低是指在不同的方面,不能说他拉琴比拟慢就说他才干低,这是错误的。我在郑州讲学的时候,礼堂前 面坐的是郑州市的市长,他说他小时候拉琴没拉出来,考上了清华,后来当了郑州市的市长。当时给我一个很大的 触动。所以我对孩子是一种同等的感到,固然他那么小,但是过十多少年,过二十几年他确定是优良的人才,我毫 不能看不起他或者去申斥他。我教了40年,有的学生从小跟我学琴,没上音乐学院,然而很棒。有一个常小萌是 清华的硕士,当初在美国念博士。人的能力是不同方面,对所有孩子都应该充斥信念。
  赵薇:一定鼓励,一定要绝不吝惜鼓励学生。我小时候个子比较小,手也比较小,当年我们院长不晓得在什么 场所讲了一句话,说我是个好孩子。这句话几乎对我这一辈子的鼓励。当时我就想,条件再差再怎么样我一定要努 力做最优秀的学生,我认为鼓励是特别重要的。
  这些年的教学对我的思维是一个振荡,千万看不起每个学生,没准儿他们将来会成为音乐家。我像一个矿工跟 学生一起挖,我也不知道里面有什么,兴许挖出来不是金子,但是别没信心,别不挖,从我的经验来看,所有挖到 最后的都比我设想得要好,而且真是没有让我扫兴过。
  主持人:您的学生应该有许多人在海内外获奖,学音乐上台上演应该具备很好的心理素质,这种心理素质要怎 么培养?
  赵薇:首先是他的为人,应该作个仁慈的人,有爱心的人,学习音乐的目标是为了把他所酷爱的音乐转达到听 众的耳朵里面,而不是为了自己的名或者利。我不喜欢把跟对手当做学习能源,我不同意这样。音乐不是竞技体育 ,要超过多少多少秒才叫做成功,可以感动听的心坎才是好的音乐。心态一定要放平,要不然干吗学音乐。我不喜 欢那种相互嫉妒,巴不得你的手断了,还有人把对手的弦剪断,那样的人提琴拉得再棒有什么用,你的音乐传达给 人的不是美妙的东西。
  还有让他们摆正心态的一个办法就是让他们多上台锤炼,gucci mens。在初学的时候要用集体课的情势,每堂课就是一次民众表演,就会有让人发生很大的上进心和成就感。拉好了以 后大家给他鼓掌,我划定了鼓掌必须要手心对手心鼓三秒钟,要看着那个表演者。表演的学生一定要给大家敬礼而 且要说谢谢。我教的专业学生,每个月举行一次音乐沙龙,也是同样的情理。
  赵薇:2004年中央音乐学院给了我一个科研义务,少年小提琴教学班是这个任务的科研园地,通过这个来 研究课题。
  主持人:您后来又办了一个赵薇小提琴少儿教育法师资培训班,主要是想把您的经验传递给一些年轻教师吧, 你自己有什么播种?
  赵薇:最大的收成就是结识了很多的朋友,大家一起来探讨研究音乐教学。我的整个研究都是在中央音乐学院 院领导的支撑下来做的,我们学院不光是培养高精尖音乐人才,对于大众的音乐素养培养也是很重视。我的科研项 目进行中期汇报,院引导觉得非常好,很肯定,就由院里面支配在我们学院的继承教育学院里面开办了第一期的师 资培训班。
  第一期是去年8月创办的,一些气味相投的友人从全国各地来,东到台湾,西到新疆,北到黑龙江。南到海南 岛。70名老师,年纪最大的有70多,年事最小的才18岁,学历高的有研讨生、硕士生,学历低的也有真正的 火车司机,涵盖的面十分广。大家在学习班里面畅所欲言,上课一起学习,下了课当前回去聊天探讨排练。每个人 都写论文,论文使我特殊激动,他们把本人有良多很好的教训奉献出来,通过这个不光学到教琴方面的常识,同时 对整个人生也有一个很主要的启示。
  一个是对小提琴教学技巧层面基础功的研究,就60条。我编出口诀,就是愿望上群体课不说空话,那么多孩 子,必需要用最简略最正确的语言教会他们,那就要有口诀。我本来不喜欢假造口诀,我觉得这种东西穿凿附会, 但是如果想做到大面积普及,让小提琴教学走出象牙塔的话,就必需要找到学生好学老师好教的方式。这样即能适 应课堂节奏,同时也让老师们掌好教学之舵。
  第二个,教学理念。教学理念包含对古今中外不同教学理念的对比、剖析跟我们自己要提出自己的一套,我总 结成为自己的教育理念。我写过《魅力先生的自我塑造36条》,归纳成无比详细的货色,老师是模范,只有想塑 造好自己,才能去塑造别人。
  第三个,教养的教法、教案、教具,详细怎么上课。我用的是《学琴之路》,这个教材大家都在用,怎么应用 每一课,怎么部署游戏,怎么支配演剧、跳舞,monster beats solo headphones,或者用一些什么样的教具我再里面都讲得很明白,使我多年的总结。
  主持人:谢谢赵老师。感激赵老师百忙之中抽出时间做访谈,信任这次访谈肯定对音乐教育从业者有所启发。 祝大家周末高兴。
  标题:《访中央音乐学院赵薇教授:以母亲的身份教孩子 转载(图)》
  地址: p1.html

c8xlkf2hb 05-18-2011 02:34 PM

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Reprinted from 710934190 at 01:06 on July 7, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: University

1, I know who I am heart sick that I do not know who I am, that I want anything else. (Book of Songs from the King of wind millet)

2, people without instruments, what immortality. (Book of the wind relative to mouse)

3, the speaker of innocence, their fates warning. (Big Book of Order)

4, stone hills, can learn. (Book Xiaoya Heming)

5, vote for me to peach, quoted by Li. (Book Daya suppression)

6, days of sin, still be illegal, human actions, not live. (Book)

7, full of hurts, modesty. (Book of Yu-mo)

8, such as from a good board, such as the collapse from the evil. (Mandarin)

9, is unjust is doomed to destruction. (Tso)

10, prepared and thought is well prepared, prepared. (Tso)

11, were non-err is human too? Never too late to mend. (Tso)

12, Appreciating a wise, knowing those out. (I)

13, the letter made not beautiful, kind words do not believe. (I)

14, the Forest of Misfortune Fu, Fu Xi misfortune underlies. (I)

15, encircle the wood, was born in Haomo; nine of the units, from the tired soil; a thousand miles begins with one step. (I)

16, sensitive and eager to learn, help in the field. (The Analects of Confucius Gongye Chang)

17, had behaved, do not impose on others. (Analects, XII)

18, we must first of its profits. (Analects Duke Ling of Wei)

19, gentleman is open and pessimistic. (VII,)

20, of Winter, and then after a withered pine is also known. (Analects Zi Han)

21, Learning without thought is labor lost, thought without learning is perilous. (Analects)

22, were perplexed to know, the virtuous from anxiety, fear the brave. (Analects Zi Han)

23, one who has not been? Never too late to mend. (The Analects of Confucius)

24, know know it, I do not know as I do not know, that is knowledge. (Analects)

25, and those who know better than the good, good of the person not the music. (The Analects of Confucius Yong)

26, the body is not made of; its body is not correct, although that is not from. (Analects, XIII)

27, three rows, must be my teacher: choosing the good from it, instead of their bad. (VII,)

28, road trip, Things for the People. (Book of Rites)

29, forewarned is forearmed, without prejudging the waste. (Book of Doctrine of the Mean)

30, learn and then know enough to teach and know the difficulties. (Book of Rites Record of Learning)

31, Jade is not cut, not a device; people do not learn, do not know. (Book of Rites Record of Learning)

32, road is long Come, happiness of the search up and down. (Qu Yuan's Li Sao)

33, has a short foot, inch a director. (Chu Buju)

34, do believe the book is better than no book. (Mencius under)

35, was born of hardship for the worst. (Mencius, under)

36, moral support from many, scant support. (Mencius Gongsun Chou)

37, people are expensive, boat followed,mulberry handbag, the king of light. (Mencius, Vila)

38, the poor are spared to reach and the world economy. (Mencius, Vila)

39, days as location, location not as good as people. (Mencius Gongsun Chou)

40, can not be obscene wealth, and rank can not be moved, incorruptible. (Mencius, Teng Wengong)

41, persistence wears away the stone. (Zi Quan Xue)

42, My life is limited, while knowledge is infinite. (Zhuangzi Ch.)

43, civil use, the villain is as sweet as sweet wine. (Zhuangzi)

44, learned of, interrogation of, the deliberative, discernment, Atsuyuki it. (Mean)

45, Pro Yuan Xian fish, as retreat webs. (Huainanzi said Lin training)

46, winds blow Xi Yi Shuihan, a warrior to Come Nevermore. (Warring Emperor and the Assassin)

47, peaches and plums without saying, has taught. (Records of the Historian General Li Chuan)

48, sparrow know that the swan zai. (Historical Records Chenshe family)

49, devised strategies, winning thousands of miles away. (Records of emperor of the century)

50, lost than won easily, good medicine tastes bitter. (Historical Records Liuhou family)

51, were inherent in a death, or weightier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather. (Historical Records reported Ren Shaoqing book)

52, wise man, there must be a loss; fool thousands into account, there must be counsel. (Records of the Historian Huaiyin Hou Biography)

53, wire sawing off, dropping water. (Han Mei Cheng Chuan)

54, to people I do not know, is done by night. (Han Mei Sheng petition remonstrance king)

55, young idler, an old beggar. (Han Dynasty Long Song)

56, of the wind Supergrass, cold of winter, see below withered. (Later Han hegemony Chuan)

57, Losing Gains. (Later Han Feng Yi Chuan)

58, Faith will move mountains. (Later Han Guang Ling Wang Jing Chuan thinking)

59, know not forget the poor and lowly, no less than Zaokangzhiqi Church. (Spreading the Later Han Song)

60, the Patriots do not drink the water thief, who is not inexpensive handout. (Later Han)

61, Laojifuli high aspirations; martyrs old age, Zhuangxinbuyi. (Three Cao Cao, although turtle life)

62, tire of the high mountains, deep sea tire; Duke spit-feeding, the world's hearts. (Three Cao Cao Duan Gexing)

63, did not learn without the broad, non-chi no to school. (Three sub-Liang Commandment book)

64, no non-indifferent to intelligent, quiet and not to non-Zhi Yuan. (Three sub-Liang Commandment book)

65, small and whom not to be evil, do good deeds, but not as small. (Three Liu Bei)

66, the country serving the people is business. (Western Jin Chenshou of the Three Kingdoms)

67, the prime of life is not heavy, the day can no longer morning. (Jin Tao Miscellaneous Poems)

68, is not empty sack can not stand upright. (Jin Tao Drifting)

69, the spring and your day is the morning. (Southern Xiao Duo)

70, better to die than a whole tile. (An Jing Chuan Qi Shu-yuan)

71, father, like son. (New Tang Yuan Chong Chuan line)

72, of the wind Supergrass, board finishes know Cheng Chen. (Xiao Yu Emperor gifts)

73, bosom friend, everyone your neighbor. (Tang and Wang Bo to send any of the House of Du Shu Chuan)

74, want to become integrated. (Tang Wang Zhihuan Deng Guanquelou)

75, sand battle-wear shining armor, not the end of Loulan not yet broken. (Wang Changling Joining the Army)

76, Natural beauty carving. (Li Bai of Tang poetry)

77, Dapeng with the wind, moved nine miles. (On Li Bai Li Yong Tang)

78, Yi Xing Zhuang think all pregnant fly, want to embrace the moon on the sky. (Tang Li Baixuan state school books farewell thank Uncle cloud)

79, his back to go out laughing, my generation of people How can it be basil. (Tang Li Bai Nanling other children into Beijing)

80, I'm Born with, daughter cleared up again. (Tang Li Bai cursive)

81, winds and waves there, Ji Yun-Fan economic sea. (Tang Li Bai difficulties in traveling)

82,paul smith bags, Wu Yue Hing intoxicated put pen to paper roll, and poetry into a windy sea Ling. (Tang Yin Li Baijiang on)

83, elite security Nengcui eyebrows bow down things that I not happy Yan. (Tang Yin Tian Mu Bai sleepwalking do to stay)

84,handbags uk, school break rolls, getting a god. (Tandoori Fu Feng Yun presented Wei Zuo Cheng twenty-two)

85, would be extremely Ling, list of small hills. (Tandoori Fu Wang Yue)

86, pen off the wind and rain scared, and poetry into ZZZZZZZZZ. (Tandoori just send the second white twenty)

87, the new song Henbu thousand feet high, and the evil should be cut million bamboo pole. (Tandoori Fu)

88, Ercao body and were all destroyed, do not waste eternal flow of rivers. (Tandoori just play Quatrain)

89, hope to do tonight Ming month, I do not know which family feeling of anxiety. (Tang Wang fifth night of full moon)

90, who is the inch of grass, reported in the apartments. (Tangmeng Country Song of a Wanderer)

91, Generally, no matter their level is Ming. (Tang and Han Yu Meng Higashino send sequence)

92, 蚍蜉撼大树 ridiculously overrate their own strength. (Adjusted Zhang Ji Han Yu Tang)

93, founded on diligence and neglected in play, with the line into YU Si and destroyed. (Tang and Han Yu Jin School Solutions)

94, clear sky Yihe row of the cloud, they lead to the Bi Xiao poetry. (Tang Liu Yuxi Qiu words)

95, thousands of junks sunk boat sails into the trees ahead of million trees in spring. (Tang and Liu Yuxi paid early every Lotte Yangzhou)

96, although thousands of Amoy million Luk hard Chuijin Until this beginning to the gold. (Tang Liu Yuxi Langtaosha)

97, Hill is not high, but the immortal name; water is not deep, Zeling. (Lou Shi Ming Tang Liu Yuxi)

98, talk and laugh with ru, demand no Ding Bai. (Lou Shi Ming Tang Liu Yuxi)

99, the same world people meet, why have known each other. (Tang Bai Pipa)

100, would like to make pair of lovebirds in the day, in the way trees with branches. (Tang Bai Everlasting Regret)

101, forever and sometimes do, sorrow was everlasting period. (Tang Bai Everlasting Regret)

102, try to burn the 3rd full jade, wood is subject to the seven-identified. (Tang Bai boasted)

103, sailed the seven seas make life difficult for the water Gorges cloud. (Tang Yuan Zhen from thinking)

104, One year spent similar, are different from year to year. (Tang Liu Xi Yi)

105, Jun Mo battle Zuiwo laugh a few people since ancient times fought back! (Tang Wanghan Liangzhou words)

106,burberry handbags, black hair and do not know Diligence early, the first white square regret later reading. (Tang Yen Chen-ching)

107, picked flowers into honey, the sweet for whom for whom hard work. (Tangluo hidden bee)

108, ten years of sword, frost edge did not try. (Tanggu Island swordsman)

109, who knows the chopping block 粒粒皆辛苦. (Benjamin Tang Li Shen Agriculture)

110, why not with a man named Wu hook, receive Guanshan fifty states. (Tang Li Henan States)

111, silkworms to make silk square die, wax dry before the torch ashes tears. (Tang Poems without title)

112, the body no phoenix Flying wing minds think alike. (Tang Poems without title)

113, is difficult when you meet Bie Yinan, Dongfeng flowers residual weakness. (Tang Poems without title)

114, Zhuang Shengxiao fans dream of butterflies, Emperor Wang heart care cuckoo in spring. (Tang yin Zither)

115, Li Kam former country and family, as the thrift failure by the extravagance. (Tang yin)

116, Blossom Hill Road, Dan Miles, young and old Fung Fung Ching in sound. (Tang yin)

117, wide sea diving, the days of the birds to fly. (Monk cloud sheet)

118, cut, and chaotic, is sadness, do not be a different feeling in their hearts. (Five Li Yu Wu Yeti)

119, withered Bishu west last night,mulberry handbags, the tower alone, overlooked the endless distance. (Five Yan Dielianhua)

120, the first and worry about the world, after the world to enjoy. (Song Fan Zhongyan Yueyang Tower)

121, worse than orange snow sticks pressure, cold shock Shoot For budding mine. (A Song Yuan Zhen Xiu play)

122, worries workers can rejuvenate, Yi Yu to death itself. (Ouyang Xiu Song biography of the actors sequence)

123, often the scourge of the neglected micro-plot, and Zhi-Yong and more trapped in the female. (Ouyang Xiu Song biography of the actors sequence)

124, the first month on the Liu Shao, Renyuehuanghun later. (Song Shuzhen Health check sub)

125, belt she does not regret becoming wide-end, to eliminate the Iraqi people were emaciated. (Songliu Yong Feng Xiwu)

126, and is a wise letter of the dark side. (Song Sima Guang Mirror)

127, by the extravagance and easy, from extravagance to economy. (Song Kang said Sima Guang Jian Xun)

128, Kam past lives of the rise and fall, consider the pros and cons of today. (Song Sima Guang Mirror)

129, sequential and progressive, familiar with the fine thinking. (Song book of Zhu Xi to)

130, asked him what so clear, as there is water flowing. (View the book Song Xi felt)

131, fear clouds block our sight, just because at the highest level. (Song Wangan Dan Dengfei to peak)

132, seems unusual is the most strange, as hard as it is easy. (Song Wang)

133, rain cover charge engine is no longer possible, even worse Aoshuang Chi Ju residues. (Su Song Frost)

134, do not know the truth, just because in this mountain. Song of Sushi West Wall)

135, hundred back tire of reading books, knowing children familiar with food for thought. (Sung Su Shi)

136, Bo Concept, and about to take, thick and thin of plot. (Sung Su Shi)

137, Nung, Trinidad new moon. (Sung Su Thinking of You)

138, people have sorrow and joy, month also wanes. (Sung Su Thinking of You)

139, Health as a greater odds, death is also a ghost hero. (Summer Song Qingzhao quatrains)

140, have changed everything off, the first tears flow like language. (Song Qingzhao Wuling Spring)

141, Murdoch is not ecstasy, curtain westerly, thinner than yellow. (Song Qingzhao Zuihua Yin)

142,tory burch handbags, Huazipiaoling artesian water, an Acacia, Xianchou. (Like a Dream Song Qingzhao)

143, a long long time if the two conditions, a blessing in the day and night. (Song Guan Magpie Fairies)

144, Mountain darkly, vista. (Song Lu Yu Shanxi Village)

145, lying on Gucun not from sorrow, still thinking Shu round table for the country. (Song Lu November 4 big wind and rain)

146, dared the country, things still need to be given whole family coffin. (Song Lu pregnant patients from the book)

147, paper come Zhongjue, knowledge from this practice is essential. (Song Lu Yu-winter study shows children)

148, ancient knowledge exhaustive force, beginning as young and old kung fu. (Song Lu)

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