englishg9o |
05-16-2011 03:45 PM |
Office Standard 2010 Product Key Evaluating databa
Every now and then we hear from customers who want some cheat sheet or Excel-based "calculator" to help them decide what technology to base their application on: SQL Server, SharePoint, Access, etc. While in some cases (especially in the extremes) the decision is relatively easy to make, it is very common for the decision to be more complex than what can be obtained from such "calculators." There are many issues to consider: from technical requirements of the application in terms of performance, Office 2007 Professional Product Key, availability, Office Home And Student Key, maintenance, backup, Windows 7 Enterprise Product Key, scalability, security, etc., to important business requirements in terms of agility, time to value, and the changing business needs of the organization. We put together a white paper that provides an overview of a few of these products, including: Access SharePoint SQL Server SQL Azure The paper also discusses some of the requirement areas to consider as part of the decision-making process. The most important take-away of this document may be common sense: in many cases, deciding how to best solve data-centric problems requires careful consideration and participation of technical and business experts who are able to articulate multiple angles of the problem (both business and technical) and are able to make an informed decision that addresses the immediate and future needs of the organization. In other words, Office Standard 2010 Product Key, avoid the temptation to use a cheat sheet, windows 7 product key! Look around at the people in the room: do you have the right people for the scope of the application you are building? Do you need, and if you do, do you have representation from both IT and the business organization? Do you have the right experts on these technologies helping you make a choice? If you don't, what are the implications if you make the wrong choice? Do you understand how the application and business problem will evolve in the future? Those are questions that only you can answer and for which a calculator (or a white paper!) is really not the best approach. We hope that this white paper helps you understand the core strengths and capabilities of these technologies and gives you a starter set of issues to consider in discussing your selection. The good thing is that we got you covered: from Access to SharePoint to SQL Server and SQL Azure, your application will likely benefit from one or more of those products. (Word 2007-2010 .DOCX format) (Word 97-2003 .DOC format) <div