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这是2001年2月19日的美国《体育画报》封面,标题是"篮球场上最伟大的演出",副标题是"萨克拉门托 国王:篮球就该这么打",人物按照顺时针分别是韦伯(持球者)、克里斯蒂、迪瓦茨、贾森.威廉姆斯、斯托贾 科维奇.当时他们的主教练就是现在火箭的阿德尔曼.人们曾经幻想,火箭也能打出6年前国王那种"伟大的演出 ",但现在看起来,好像不是那么回事.
先把上次"黑盒子猜谜"的答案公布一下吧,其实也没什么好公布的,球员大家都认识,标准答案已经有朋友贴出 来了. 教练部分稍有难度,主要就是难在后排左一这位上面了,有朋友说出他的名字了,没错,就是K教练,明年将带着 美国队来北京打奥运会的那位.他1992年被吸收进梦一队,主要负责给球星们讲FIBA与NBA规则的不同 .后排右二是卡莱西莫,当年被斯普瑞维尔锁过脖子,差点咽过气去,面相很凶恶,但其实脾气非常好,本赛季开 始在超音速担任主教练,对新秀杜兰特溺爱有加,纵容他想怎么投就怎么投,不考虑命中率. 说今天的事儿吧,火箭已经4连败了,马上要主场打小牛,即使麦迪复出,也仍然占不到什么便宜.唯一还算有利 的地方是,遇到了小牛的背靠背第二场. 火箭现在是什么样的球队呢?要让我说,至少到现在为止,跟去年没什么不一样.打法仍然巨难看无比,至少是目 前胜率超过50%的球队中打得最难看的,缺了麦迪仍然赢不了球,传说中的跑轰战术和"普林斯顿进攻"仍然不 见踪影. 本来,麦迪伤了,是火箭尝试"普林斯顿进攻"的最好时机.前一个星期,我也说过,姚明打"普林斯顿进攻"没 问题,斯科拉来火箭的目的简直就是为了"普林斯顿进攻",唯一的障碍似乎就是麦迪,他不一定愿意让球离开自 己的手,他总是让姚明出来跟他玩挡拆,这都有悖于"普林斯顿进攻"强调跑动、多传球、拒绝挡拆 的原则. 这下好,麦迪伤了,正好可以不用照顾他的情绪了,正好可以让大家见识一下火箭版的"普林斯顿进攻"了.但不 是那么回事,火箭还是按照上一个赛季麦迪受伤时姚明单打的模式,而且是低版本的. 所以,我现在怀疑,如果火箭根本就不设主教练这个职务,或者换随便哪个人去指挥,球队应该也就是这样了,不 会差到哪里去.过去三个星期,火箭队赢球,靠的是范甘迪那套东西,输球,也是因为范甘迪没能解决的那些东西 . 但不管怎么说,现在看来,过去几个赛季对范甘迪恶语相向的那些人,确实是有些过分了.从这件事情上,我们可 以总结出一个道理,不能因为一个人的面相长得愁眉苦脸,就把所有问题都归咎到他一个人的身上. 我的另一个怀疑是,缺了"普林斯顿进攻体系"鼻祖卡瑞尔老爷子的协助和设计,阿德尔曼是不是可以独立完成" 普林斯顿进攻"的传授和推广工作? 曾经有不掌握"普林斯顿进攻"的美国大学教练把掌握了"普林斯顿进攻"的那些教练称为"普林斯顿进攻黑手党 "."普林斯顿进攻黑手党"非常不愿意把自己的进攻密码透露给外界,这个黑手党的核心不是别人,正是卡瑞尔 .在普林斯顿期间,他从未公开过自己的训练课,ferragamo,经常拒绝与其它学校交换比赛录像,每当有人打电话向他请教"普林斯顿进攻"的问题,他总会支支吾吾地冒出 一些脏字,然后说:"按我的做法去做就行." "普林斯顿进攻"向NBA的传播是由卡瑞尔自己完成的.1996年,应自己的普林斯顿弟子、时任国王总经理 的皮特里的邀请,卡瑞尔来到萨克拉门托担任助理教练,他将自己的五人传球理念带进了崇尚个人至上、单打独斗 和挡拆的NBA.整整一个赛季的时间,他给当时同为助理教练的埃迪.乔丹灌输了"普林斯顿进攻 ".1998-99赛季,埃迪成为国王主教练,球队打起普林斯顿进攻,但由于球员伤病过多,成绩并不好,埃迪也被 解雇. 之后,阿德尔曼来到国王,把普林斯顿进攻推向极致,成为联盟最具观赏性的球队,2003年,球队进入西部决 赛,达到顶峰.而埃迪转投网,2001年换到基德后,埃迪说服主教练斯科特使用改良了的普林斯顿进攻,20 03年,网队进入总决赛. 没有了卡瑞尔,阿德尔曼不会把那些东西忘了吧? |
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Happy and where are you? Drink with me, OK? You to mango to find me. The tannins have some mango Weizui and comfortable bar is her favorite. Hang up the phone went straight to the mango comfortable. She knew that Jiang Junzhe hands of the lightning speed while they do nothing. She went to the tannins have been drunk when she came to see you still giggle your sister finally came. Said before, I do not accompany you this time back to the sisters and some got left with you happy and do not hold back a good wow's about to cry I'm sorry I killed you tannins are Jiang Junzhe afternoon I came back to find him there is no way I'm sorry I'm sorry you hit me. Pick up the hand of said tannins pound his face. Do you have what it silly? Tannins and sisters who I will certainly be assured that a Jiang Junzhe comeback is not it? When I go to school and he told you not to forget to engage the object is not to say drink hey! Denning Naqijiubei knocks comfortable seems to be infected drinking also followed up her drink drinker, but battle-hardened natural tannins than did a few bottles to fall. Qin Yan came in time to see the Luo Shu Chang is a small amount of alcohol in not a few bottles of booze to drunk. The woman next to her is actually very strong statement can take complete account of the Luo Shu Chang drunk leaning on walking by talking about your sister's ass not to drink with me also have to take care of your aging mother with Qin Yan out. Come out when the two women looked at a few small fry so I drove drunk drinking fun of yo this girl is drunk as a way to let my brother Teng Teng. Having said Luo Shu Chang want to open the back to pick up tannins bar. Denning was pushed a somersault to see comfortable being looted, led a moment panic seeing on the small fry will ease a pro. Stop your beast have the ability to punch his aging mother Rolex sale! Having said Denning climbs up toward the small fry did not expect to have rushed to empty. Small fry annoyance to let the rest tied tannin. Turned and looked at the ease himself into the unconscious: arguably one of the men to see you will burn us. Having said on the necessary pro-comfortable. Let her go! Blind man's face and voice of the terrible cold. Small fry a bit scared but their teeth with your head garlic jimmy shoo on sale, which I dare to stick your nose tube has not finished in the small fry are Chuaidao big mouth to her heart panting. The ease of a drunk man took the other people see the potential release of the tannins are not so good. Cold will be two stuffed his car into the Fujia comfortable. Do not take her after this place! Tannins just like men do not see the command. Who are you? Jiang Junzhe will not you? How distressed? Ease had a little wine will not drink because you are leaving because you know how she come from? I said Jiang Junzhe how could you do so wicked? Failure not related to you let me be Do not you know the sad truth Shamao her desperate have no time to feed you regret how you do not speak? Some more light tannins dark she could not see a man's face Abercrombie outlet, but who want to control Luo Shu Chang Jiang Junzhe except that it exists? Qin Yan Jiang Junzhe you I'm not home? Qin Yan look back at the muttering of the tannins found she fell asleep really unfortunate desperation to drive back to the Qin Courtyard housekeeper to help him out of the tannins help up. And he went ahead to hold Luo Shu Chang Qin upstairs may be frustrating to open the door for a comfortable serious spit spit on his body are. Qin Yan Luo Shu Chang amused every time he seems to meet very bad luck for the End of dirty clothes went unconscious in her room. Sleeping like a baby her sweet, warm, pure tannin Jiang Junzhe beg you let me ask you punch a nightmare if you whisper in general. Qin Yan frowned Jincu hand soothes her forehead like her and they seem to like the answer himself: how he was willing to hurt you! Open your eyes to look at this comfortable room, opened the huge quilt to see their clothes off was not called up Andy Van Dam is downstairs dining almost no tannin and Qin Yan emitted by the mouth of the rice with the stairs see the Luo Shu is still over his ears and barking very smooth silent. Comfortable while eating laughing after listening to the complaints of Qin Yan turned out to be more amused himself unable to remember spewed Qin Yan was: Luo Shu Chang Zhi Changzi you really are! Madden is more tannins Qin Yan's girlfriend is actually his mouth open and she can not forget Qin Yan been stuffed bread still in shock the next Cheap Abercrombie! How do you never told me you have a boyfriend you had any brains also find a murderer tannins really comfortable sitting in the back could not grumbling tannins. Who is the murderer do you say? Are you so treat the savior of it? I do not hit your head you can easy to use? Qin Yan said he is comfortable to hear when the wait for killer strangled her. I tell you look at the tannins finally find a boyfriend, but I put up good care of tannins to strangle me and pointing Qin Yan. Tannic but laugh without a word. Qin Yan will be sent home in the comfortable and tannins without leave to drive to the Chiang Kai-shek. Qin two you say? Qin Yan Jiang Junzhe looked incredible. Tannins that I do not know the Luo Shu Chang object you do not know. We really are destined your girlfriend ex-girlfriend and I are good friends now. Yesterday, I actually do not know funny? |
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