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【消息】穆里尼奥成心损坏草皮 皇马为赢球不要脸
新浪体育讯 “穆里尼奥故意弄坏草坪以阻拦巴萨!”巴萨1比1在客场与皇马战平,未能连续对皇马连胜的势头,《每日体育 报》赛后第一时间爆料,称穆里尼奥成心让伯纳乌草坪上的草疯长,另外赛前还下令,不准给草坪喷水,他的目标 就是要禁止巴萨在球场上踢出流畅的配合。不过这家加泰媒体表示:“穆里尼奥的龌龊手段并未见效,皇马还是没 有踢出好成果,他们也离别了联赛冠军。”
博扬、马斯切拉诺和阿比达尔这多少位无奈上场的球员,也随队出征了,cheap polo shirts,比赛开端之前,博扬就表示,须要给伯纳乌球场的草坪加点水,很显然,巴萨高低对穆里尼奥采用什么样的手段 来拦阻巴萨的施展是一清二楚的,long sleeve polo shirts。穆里尼奥晓得本人的球队比足球比不过巴萨,因而,他会不择手腕防止让0比5输给巴萨的悲剧重演。这一次, 他给俱乐部工作职员下令,别把伯纳乌筹备得合适巴萨球员发挥。 《每日体育报》表示,在穆里尼奥的手段发挥下,全世界的球迷都看到,伯纳乌球场的草坪就像是一块欠缺治 理的公园绿地,而不是赫赫有名的球场该有的草坪。但这正是穆里尼奥想要的,而穆里尼奥所说的,在皇马就是诏 书。这不是穆里尼奥第一次用这种手段来试图压抑巴萨。事实上,早在切尔西时期,他就曾把斯坦福桥变成“斯坦 福海滩”,以到达阻拦巴萨球员进行持续传球的目的。不过穆里尼奥的策略并不是总能奏效,因为在斯坦福桥的土 豆地上,巴萨曾以2比1克服对手。 这次在伯纳乌球场,巴萨也遭受了很大的艰苦,巴萨球员很难进入竞赛,传球失误显明要比平时 多,coach handbags,传球速度也上不去,这很畸形,因为无所不能的穆里尼奥赛前下令,别给伯纳乌球场喷哪怕一滴的水。球场很干 ,草坪上的草很长,草坪变成了皇马的盟友,变成了巴萨流利足球跟美丽足球的敌人。不外巴萨在久经战阵的哈维 的率领下,跟着时光的进行,也逐步适应了这所有。在还不进行到半场的时候,巴萨的控球率一度高达80%,皮 球不论是挪动得快仍是慢,都是属于巴萨的。穆里尼奥的策略对此也无能为力。 据《每日体育报》流露,air jordan shoes 2011,穆里尼奥的手段并不仅是弄坏草坪这么简略,在比赛中,他还不断给场边的球童下令。球童们拼命奔驰捡球,并 以最快捷度将皮球交到两队球员手上,穆里尼奥想用这种方式让巴萨失去沉寂,让巴萨的进攻变得匆促。在梅西主 罚点球时,看台上有人用绿色激光对准了梅西的眼睛,但阿根廷人不受烦扰,依然将球罚入。在比分落伍之后,穆 里尼奥对球童的请求变得更严,球童们捡球的速度也变得更快。对巴萨来说,在草坪不佳的情形下疾速进攻并非好 事。 《逐日体育报》表现,用这样的伎俩凑合巴萨,皇马不像是百年豪门球队,而是显得小家子气的不要脸球队, 就像是一家小俱乐部,而且,皇马球员同样也由于草坪不佳而受苦。该报表示,穆里尼奥在皇马的所作所为并不是 什么新颖事,他让草坪变得又长又干,他一直埋怨裁判等等,大家都司空见惯,但他也将皇马俱乐部变成了一个器 量很小的俱乐部。在两队球员都去洗澡的时候,水龙头才有水,这是很可悲的事件。 (伊万) ================================================ =================================== 球迷激光笔照你眼妨害你罚点球 教练损坏草皮让你传不动球 佩佩踹脚踝不得牌让你无奈 马赛洛跳水骗点球+用手打排球 禁区内后卫手球破坏+拉人阻止你射门 黄马为了赢球不择手段,反恰是在伯纳乌,裁判是给过11个点球的亲爹, 你奈我何? |
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Reprinted from alumni of the user at 01:23 on June 28, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: she always that slight Shuapi Qi,今日开庭, a long time, he was tired, and not as she let her cajole, and he can not stand her temper. This is the silent war, the two people just sat quietly. Later he could not bear to see her sad, coax her. But she still would not step backward. The first time he ignored her, turned to leave. She wanted to keep him, how can that sentence would not come. Just let him leave. Princess could not help but be proud of no longer tears, she cried, unable to cry inside, she did not think the boy would leave her,A Forever Friend 永远的朋友 , she did not think this boy is really gone. Boys go these days, girls have been thinking, he is not really do this ... ... Although I was afraid of him to leave his, but the princess refused to be proud of deterioration, and my heart as before in the other boys back to find her. All have a week,思念, the boy has not contact her. She found she really can not do without him, the girl sitting on the floor alone with his memories of the day, bit by bit memories of the TV drama of the past ~ her helpless , she cried. When brushing your teeth, no one is ready for his toothbrush toothpaste, a mirror which is now alone, without a man. Miss him. The boy back to his home, his smoking, heart aching, fighting back so you do not go to her, still worried about her, not knowing she can take care of themselves. She wanted him to go back to his good side, cajole her, accompanied her. Two people looking at photos, grew more and more painful, grew more and more alone. But that is how all the phone call does not go out, how are unable to pronounce the edited text to go. To rely on alcohol to numb themselves, that was drunk all right. But drunk more like her. Both hope to see him (her) eye. Want to look for him in the street (her) presence, but always left to the right can go. A month later, he too loved her, not knowing she had no gas consumption. Come back to buy her flowers, the family no one. So he came back at the door waiting for her, thinking she was a mischievous look, could not help but laugh. Do not know how long, etc., And she came back. Boy thought, since then stubbornly persists. Never be sad when she left her out. But the girl said Just rub out a smile, a long time before saying a word Then the final breakup in the end who is to blame? Although the girl has a new boyfriend, but her heart was his love Perhaps only time can heal the wounds of two people inside. Do not say who paid more than anyone else, love has always been unequal, there is no more with less of the points, only love and not love. Right or wrong, are not important ... ... I said: missed the time to recover it back.. A good grasp of time. Do not let yourself regret |
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