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-   -   大学生情侣在食堂亲吻被偷拍上网(图) (

bgfdlgk11 04-01-2011 04:47 AM


  几张照片,在网上掀起了轩然大波,三级铁观音。这几天,南京大学的一位学生在学校小百合网站上发布了一组校园情侣在食堂内亲热的照片 。原本他期望曝光这种不文明现象,维护公共道德,可没承想,自己倒成了众矢之的,被网友们一顿猛批。“接个 吻咋啦,也太大惊小怪了!”“偷拍别人的行为也很可耻,这是在侵犯别人的隐私权。”

  本版撰文 快报记者 谢静娴


  照片的背景是学校的食堂,吃饭的学生并不多,看时间应该不是就餐高峰期。一位女生坐在男生腿上,两人相 拥而吻。照片上只能看到女生的背影,两人的脸都没被拍下来。而旁边的阿姨和同学反应平淡,似乎 司空见惯了。

  发照片的是位男生,对这种现象他怎么看都觉得不顺眼,于是就拍了几张发在了小百合网站上。男生说,“感 情是两个人的事情,但我们也要学会尊重他人,特别是跟爱你们的亲人们。如果父母在你们面前激情似火,你们觉 得像话吗?你们还是学生,而这里是食堂。即使谈恋爱也要讲求场合,两个人的事情两个人的空间两个人享受,为 什么非要污了别人的眼睛呢?”而接下来学生们的反应和态度,让这位男生始料不及。帖子很火,一下子就有上百 人浏览,数十人回应,虽然大家对情侣在公共场合亲热并不太认同,但大多发言者仍将矛头指向了偷拍行为。“真 是很无聊,你应该自我反省,偷拍别人的行为本身就很可耻。”还有的网友更是提出,“偷拍别人亲热照,并放到 网上可能是侵权。”“不过,侵不侵权不重要,这种偷拍后还以道义为理由放到网上的心理真是让人 难以理解。”


  花前月下,你侬我侬,这样的情景在大学校园里几乎随处可见。对食堂里亲吻的那对情侣,不少大学生们显得 很宽容。旅游管理专业的吴同学表示,三级铁观音,“不就是在食堂亲吻吗,见得多了,这种现象在情侣之间实在是太平常了,又没有影响到别人,三级铁观音。我看了一下照片,食堂里当时人也不多,还是宽容对待吧。谁没有情不自禁的时候呢?”

  一位文科大三女生说:“大学应该是开放的,恋人之间表达爱意,我觉得无可厚非的。但实际上,很多情侣在 公共场合亲热,却给别的同学带来了困扰。上自习时,很多情侣根本就是心猿意马的,弄得大家十分尴尬。有一次 我去上自习,墙角突然传来嘻嘻哈哈的笑声和打闹声,回头发现是一对情侣在亲热。男生正挠女孩痒痒,女生一会 儿捏男生一下鼻子,一会儿揪下头发。虽然大家都蹬着眼睛盯着这对情侣,但他们好像毫无察觉,更放肆地亲来亲 去。我只好挪地方,但发现几乎很多教室里都有情侣在一起自习。在食堂亲热,本身也是一种不太文明的现象,曝 光也没什么。他们都好意思在公众场合这么做了,难道还怕更多人知道吗?”

  “我们学校的教室黑板上经常写着‘谢绝情侣’之类的话,这种做法不知道妥不妥当,但很多情侣确实会给别 人自习带来干扰。”黄同学告诉记者,情侣亲热可以,但不要妨碍别人。


  很多大学生情侣在公共场合表现出的亲密,就连大学老师也有些哭笑不得。“食堂里吃饭,常常会看到情侣互 相喂饭喂汤,喂来喂去总觉得很别扭”张老师对“喂饭”现象有些无奈。“虽然不是原则上的大事,但的确不应该 出现在大学校园里,起码它有碍观瞻。”

  辅导员李老师则认为,恋爱本是一件美好的事情,其中的一个原因就是它包括许多只有恋人间才能明白、才能 分享的内容。如果把一些应该存在于两人之间的浪漫亲昵展现在公共场合,这美好的感觉就会大打折 扣。

  记者昨天还了解到,南京不少高校的校园行为规范中就对情侣亲密行为有了“限制”。南京工程学院大学生校 园文明行为规范中就提出,“食堂、图书馆等公共场所,三级铁观音,男女不应勾肩搭背、搂抱及其他有碍文明、妨碍他人的行为。”



  回帖中很大一部分同学都认为,发帖者侵犯了这对情侣肖像权或隐私权。昨天,江苏刘洪律师事务所律师徐宝 书表示,发帖者的行为并没侵犯别人的肖像权,照片上也看不出人物的容貌、表情等特征,而且也并非以盈利为目 的的。另外,这种行为应该也没构成侵犯别人的隐私权。但这种偷拍情侣亲密照片,并在网上传播的行为明显有不 妥之处。



  被网友们“炮轰”后,发帖的男孩还是勇敢地站了出来,“当初发那几张照片,完全没考虑自己行为的性质, 只是出于对那种行为的愤慨,想能引起大家对于公共道德的思考,进而会减少这种不文明行为。本人反思后,发现 自己行为确实有不当之处,诚心对于自己的不当行为做出检讨。但大家似乎除了关注偷拍行为本身的 对错,三级铁观音,并没很关注我提出的道德问题……作为一个大学生,应不应该在公共场合注意点,如果大家都能想到这个层面, 我想无论是否本人被骂,我也觉得值得了。”

m2ag5zut00hh 04-01-2011 04:49 AM

Some unsettled today, made for a stay, the casually through a magazine, read, the movie because the trust and dedication, we all think he's silly. Only silly people would no doubt do not give up without calculation, without doubt calculations do not give up is to not lose the fun of being involved. in fact it is. Can be
fact, I also watched this movie many times, not only is touched by the spirit of Forrest Gump for his seriously on the matter, encouraged by the attitude of the people. The film brought more sunshine, a good mood like the warmth. Because it gives a message of hope, people no doubt believe that
most upright, honest man to treat people the pleasant attitudes are serious, persistent, mostly to the tolerance, understanding-oriented. A trust to others, is to give ourselves a space, warm people, it is also warm themselves; gratitude with an approximate trust others is an encouragement to each other, a gap in the release of their minds. Faced with such a noisy but restless world, a world of goods piled up by the bright lights of the world attractive. People are cautious defense with one layer wrapped. Suspicion, mistrust and endless power, calculating and tired, so there is no pressure on the exchange is happy. Zhuo Cheng those who may not immediately grasp the people's minds, but time goes by, his sincerity will be gradually immersed in people's minds, to win everyone's trust. Is described as
I always think that trusting, mutual trust, nothing wrong with some of the commitment seriously. Because I believe will have a strong heart, because love to pay, before whom a long friendship; for trust, will know each other, will bear the responsibility for each other, will have a happy life; because they trust will be open-minded, not bound no pressure, happy feel it is simple and free from anxiety. Deceived is not terrible, terrible is because they do not trust arising from despair.
Karen. Thalben Masuo En in the cherish the moment,tory burch sale, even meditative, can be happy. And to do this we must open Xinchuang, the key is to trust each other, only it did not trust the utility and it did not alert, calculating and deception, to train and have a deep affection, friendship and love. Have frank heart, there is genuine trust, joy was everywhere.
network has been recognized by the exchange, learn and show their platform, in this platform that we could all have our say, with personal preferences to find their own happiness freely. The Then, one by one friends will revel in this platform into our line of sight, the Internet does not spread like a classic quotes it? And beware of trust between users is also important. Do not trust online and offline, like loneliness is not happy, do not watch out will inevitably deceived and ended up beaten tragic ending.
interaction between people has always been a serious matter, whether it is virtual reality dating online and traditional forms, or needs to have self-responsibility, in the sincere attitude, behavior and moral bottom line for the individual constraints in order to clear, cool , ultra-secular look at this seductive world, to find a sincere and lasting friendship, in order to
Ming Ming individual, how to live in this strange and dangerous to control the world? Life is short, how to expand open space in the limited life of this brilliant? Lonely heart, how to open the heart in a big crowd Midao friends, find friends? In addition inscrutable fate and luck, the most important thing is to rely on their own accomplishments and efforts. Friends will come to you for no reason, and will not be friends with you for no reason buddy. Your friends in good faith, trust is also a source of pleasure to make friends, have a magnanimous and compassionate heart, promise to pay to the emotional heart of the phase, can be life-long enduring friendship, it is an old saying: the heart can not get a hundred people, as one can have a hundred people.
Therefore, the faithful friends to choose, the letter is good to have friends. Have a happy faith first.

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